94 research outputs found

    Síndrome de la Mortalidad Temprana (EMS/AHPNS) en camarones cultivados: Una revisión

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    Se presenta una revisión sobre los hechos más importantes relacionados a la nueva patología que afecta a los camaronesde cultivo a nivel mundial, conocido como Síndrome de Mortalidad Temprana (EMS). Se expone su origen, áreasafectadas, síntomas, etiología y medidas preventivas tomadas por los países en riesgo. Se describe además el efectocitopático sobre los tejidos infectados en cada una de sus fases de desarrollo por medio de la exposición de casosobtenidos de camarones sintomáticos. De igual manera se toman en consideración aspectos relevantes para su controly las medidas de seguridad que se están tomando en los países donde actualmente no se ha presentado ningúncaso positivo

    Transfronterización de enfermedades infecciosas en la camaronicultura.

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    El cultivo de camarones marinos se ha visto afectado por gran cantidad de agentes infecciosos; los cuales se han propagadoentre regiones, países e incluso continentes. Dando lugar a un fenómeno llamado transfronterización, el cual ha sido acelerado por las actividades humanas propias del comercio y la globalización. La disponibilidad local de larvas o reproductores de camarones en algunas países, es insuficiente e incluso inexistente, provocando el movimiento de especímenes entre países, y como consecuencia de ello, varias enfermedades han sido introducidas, entre ellas el Virus del síndrome de las manchas blancas, el Virus del síndrome de Taura, el Virus de la Mionecrosis infecciosa, el Parvovirus hepatopancreático, el Virus de la cabeza amarilla y recientemente la Necrosis aguda del hepatopáncreas. La falta de control efectivo de los movimientos de organismos acuáticos entre países, ha facilitado la proliferación de brotes de enfermedades que una vez introducido el patógeno y establecido en el ambiente natural y de cultivo, su erradicación es casi imposible

    Hepatopancreatitis Necrotizante asociada al Fenómeno del Niño, en cultivos de camarones del Golfo de Nicoya

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    Se presenta a continuación la descripción de un brote de Hepatopancreatitis Necrotizante en camarones Litopenaeus vannamei cultivados en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica, exacerbado por las condiciones climáticas típicas del fenómeno del Niño caracterizado por las altas temperaturas y salinidades durante el 2014, se presentan además los diferentes tipos de análisis realizados para su seguimiento y conservación, sus resultados y la descripción de las principales lesiones observadas por esta enfermedad

    Competitive requirement in football and reduced games

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    El objetivo de este artículo fue revisar una serie de características para la realización de Juegos Reducidos (JR) con el fin de mejorar la resistencia en el fútbol, a partir de las evidencias encontradas en la literatura científica, consultando diferentes bases de datos como Pro Quest, Science Direct, Scopus, Sport Discus, Pub Med basando el motor de búsqueda con las palabras clave Fútbol, Juego Reducido, Exigencia competitiva en fútbol, Demanda fisiológica en el fútbol; de esta forma, y a partir de los resultados encontrados se sugiere que para la mejora de la resistencia en el fútbol se utilicen JR en formato 3 vs 3 en donde el objetivo del juego sea la posesión de balón, limitando el número de toques con el balón a uno o máximo dos con tareas defensivas como la marca al hombre o la doble marca, debido a que estas características arrojaron los resultados más alto y próximos a los requerimientos del fútbol en competencia (>180 ppm; 84% FCmáx).The aim of this article was to review a number of features for conducting Games Confined (JR) in order to improve endurance in football, from the evidence found in the scientific literature, consulting various databases such as Pro Quest , Science Direct, Scopus, Sport Discus, Pub Med basing the search engine with the keywords Football, Small Sided Games, Competitive requirement in football, Physiological demand in football; in this way, and from the results found it is suggested that for the improvement of the resistance in soccer SSG be used in format 3vs3 where the goal of the game is the possession of the ball, limiting the number of touches with the ball to One or two more with defensive tasks like the mark to the man or the double mark since these characteristics yielded the results higher and next to the requirements of the soccer in competition (> 180 bpm, 84% HRmax).Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    Sobre la presencia de Triguera osbeckii (L.) Willk. (Solanaceae) en Carmona (comarca de Los Alcores, Sevilla, Andalucía).

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    About Triguera osbeckii (L.) Willk. (Solanaceae) in Carmona (Alcores region, Seville, Andalusia)Palabras clave. Arcillas, endemismo ibero-magrebí, flora amenazada.Key words. Clay, Ibero-North African endemic, endangered flora

    Evaluación in vitro de extractos de Eucalyptus citriodora Hook y Eucalyptus saligna Sm. como posibles antisépticos mamarios

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    In vitro antibacterial coverage of bark stains from Eucalyptus citriodora Hoock and Eucalyptus saligna Sm on two Staphylococcus aureus strains (a reference strain and a wild one) was assessed as background for obtaining mammary antiseptics out of plants. The native strain was resistant to penicillin,/gentamycin, and an intermediate to streptomycin. Eucalyptus citriodora extracts (20 % and 83 % alcohol) were more efficient than E. saligna ones. Both plant extracts proved their efficiency compared to penicillin and gentamycin antibiotics. No significant differences concerning both strains response to the assessed extracts was found. Manufacturing and application of these extracts are economical.Con el objetivo de obtener antisépticos mamarios a partir de plantas se evaluó la actividad antibacteriana in vitro de tinturas de cortezas de Eucalyptus citriodora Hook y Eucalyptus saligna Sm. sobre 2 cepas de Staphylococcus aureus (referente y salvaje). La cepa autóctona era resistente a penicilina, gentamicina e intermedia a estreptomicina. Los extractos de Eucalyptus citriodora Hook (20 y 83% de alcohol) resultaron más eficaces que sus similares de E. saligna Sm. y ambos superiores a los antibióticos penicilina y gentamicina. No hubo diferencia significativa en la sensibilidad de ambas cepas hacia los extractos evaluados. La obtención y aplicación de dichos extractos resulta económica

    Access to antiepileptic drug therapy in children in Camagüey Province, Cuba

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    Objective: To describe access to antiepileptic drug therapy and estimate the prevalence of epilepsy in children in Camagüey Province, Cuba. Methods: All the community pharmacies in the province were visited and information collected about the number of children receiving antiepileptic drugs in 2009. Availability and cost of each antiepileptic drug were determined. The prevalence of epilepsy was estimated by determining the number of children receiving antiepileptic drugs. Results: There were 923 children who received a total of 977 antiepileptic drugs in Camagüey Province. The estimated prevalence of epilepsy was 5.18 per thousand children which is lower than previously reported rates in other low and lowermiddle income countries. Most of the children (871, 94%) received a single antiepileptic drug. Carbamazepine and valproate were the two most frequently prescribed antiepileptic drugs. Antiepileptic drugs were available from the local pharmacy on 76% of occasions. If the antiepileptic drug was not available from the local pharmacy, the parent had to travel to another pharmacy to obtain the medicine. Conclusions: The estimated prevalence of epilepsy in children in Cuba is lower than that estimated in other lower-middle income countries. Access to drug therapy in children with epilepsy can be achieved in lower-middle income countries

    Access to antiepileptic drug therapy in children in Camagüey Province, Cuba

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    Objective: To describe access to antiepileptic drug therapy and estimate the prevalence of epilepsy in children in Camagüey Province, Cuba. Methods: All the community pharmacies in the province were visited and information collected about the number of children receiving antiepileptic drugs in 2009. Availability and cost of each antiepileptic drug were determined. The prevalence of epilepsy was estimated by determining the number of children receiving antiepileptic drugs. Results: There were 923 children who received a total of 977 antiepileptic drugs in Camagüey Province. The estimated prevalence of epilepsy was 5.18 per thousand children which is lower than previously reported rates in other low and lowermiddle income countries. Most of the children (871, 94%) received a single antiepileptic drug. Carbamazepine and valproate were the two most frequently prescribed antiepileptic drugs. Antiepileptic drugs were available from the local pharmacy on 76% of occasions. If the antiepileptic drug was not available from the local pharmacy, the parent had to travel to another pharmacy to obtain the medicine. Conclusions: The estimated prevalence of epilepsy in children in Cuba is lower than that estimated in other lower-middle income countries. Access to drug therapy in children with epilepsy can be achieved in lower-middle income countries

    Impact of resistance training on the autophagy-inflammation-apoptosis crosstalk in elderly subjects

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    [EN]Aging is associated with a decline in autophagy and a state of low-grade inflammation which further affects apoptosis and autophagy. Importantly, these alterations could reverse with regular physical activity. This study assessed the effects of a resistance exercise training program on autophagy, NLRP3 inflammasome, and apoptosis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from old subjects. Twenty-six healthy women and men (age, 69.6±1.5 yr) were randomized to a training (TG) or a control (CG) group. TG performed an 8-week resistance training program, while CG followed their daily routines. Protein expression of beclin-1, Atg12, Atg16 and LAMP-2 increased following the training program, while expression of p62/SQSTM1 and phosphorylation of ULK-1 at Ser757 were significantly lower. Resistance exercise also induced a decrease in NLRP3 expression and in the caspase-1/procaspase-1 ratio. Expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, as well as the Bad/BcL-2 ratio were reduced, and there was a significant decrease in the protein content of caspase-3. The results obtained seem to indicate that 8-week resistance training stimulates autophagy, prevents NLRP3 inflammasome activation, and reduces apoptosis in PBMCs from elderly subjects. These data could have a significant impact in prevention and rehabilitation programs currently employed in elderly population.S

    Endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response, aging and exercise: an update

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    9 p.The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a dynamic and multifunctional organelle responsible for protein biosynthesis, folding, assembly and modifications. Loss of protein folding regulation, which leads to unfolded or misfolded proteins accumulation inside the ER lumen, drives ER stress (ERS) and unfolded protein response (UPR) activation. During aging, there is a decline in the ability of the cell to handle protein folding, accumulation and aggregation, and the function of UPR is compromised. There is a progressive failure of the chaperoning systems and a decline in many of its components, so that the UPR activation cannot rescue the ERS. Physical activity has been proposed as a powerful tool against aged-related diseases, which are linked to ERS. Interventional studies have demonstrated that regular exercise is able to decrease oxidative stress and inflammation and reverse mitochondrial and ER dysfunctions. Exercise-induced metabolic stress could activate the UPR since muscle contraction is directly involved in its activation, mediating exercise-induced adaptation responses. In fact, regular moderate-intensity exercise-induced ERS acts as a protective mechanism against current and future stressors. However, biological responses vary according to exercise intensity and therefore induce different degrees of ERS and UPR activation. This article reviews the effects of aging and exercise on ERS and UPR, also analyzing possible changes induced by different types of exercise in elderly subjects.S