305 research outputs found

    Qualitative and quantitative distribution of planktonic cephalopods in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the west coast of India

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    The cephalopod larvae and juveniles in plankton samples collected during the first 10 cruises of FORV Sagar Sampada off the west coast of India from February to December, 1985 have been studied for their qualitative and quantitative distribution. The samples were obtained in Bongo net operations carried out in an extensive area covering Lat. 4° to 23° N and Long. 65° to 77° E. Out of the total 258 stations sampled, cephalopods were obtained in 110 stations in varying numbers. The estimated number of cephalopods per haul ranged between 1 and 112. Of the total number of hauls in which cephalopods obtained, 51% occurred in night hauls and the rest in day hauls

    Growth and mortality of the Indian squid (Loligo duvauceli) off Cochin, India

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    The squid (Loligo duvauceli) is caught as by-catch in the shallow water shrimp fishery along the coast of Kerala (India). It accounts for the entire squid landings in the area. Length-frequency data, collected by sexes during 1981- 84 were used in the studie

    Preliminary studies on the cephalopods collected from the Deep Scattering Layers of the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone and adjacent seas

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    Results of the preliminary studies on the cephalopods collected from the operation of Isaacs - Kidd Mid water Trawl net in the Deep Scattering Layers of the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone and adjacent seas during the cruises 1-15 of FORV Sagar Sampada are presented in this paper. Spatial, monthly and seasonal distributions of cephalopod biomass and its abundance in the DSL have been discussed. Differences in the biomass during day and night periods are also given


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    Copilot Security: A User Study

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    Code generation tools driven by artificial intelligence have recently become more popular due to advancements in deep learning and natural language processing that have increased their capabilities. The proliferation of these tools may be a double-edged sword because while they can increase developer productivity by making it easier to write code, research has shown that they can also generate insecure code. In this paper, we perform a user-centered evaluation GitHub's Copilot to better understand its strengths and weaknesses with respect to code security. We conduct a user study where participants solve programming problems, which have potentially vulnerable solutions, with and without Copilot assistance. The main goal of the user study is to determine how the use of Copilot affects participants' security performance. In our set of participants (n=25), we find that access to Copilot accompanies a more secure solution when tackling harder problems. For the easier problem, we observe no effect of Copilot access on the security of solutions. We also observe no disproportionate impact of Copilot use on particular kinds of vulnerabilities

    Guest Editorial: Special issue on software engineering for mobile applications

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    Examining User-Developer Feedback Loops in the iOS App Store

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    Application Stores, such as the iTunes App Store, give developers access to their users’ complaints and requests in the form of app reviews. However, little is known about how developers are responding to app reviews. Without such knowledge developers, users, App Stores, and researchers could build upon wrong foundations. To address this knowledge gap, in this study we focus on feedback loops, which occur when developers address a user concern. To conduct this study we use both supervised and unsupervised methods to automatically analyze a corpus of 1752 different apps from the iTunes App Store consisting of 30,875 release notes and 806,209 app reviews. We found that 18.7% of the apps in our corpus contain instances of feedback loops. In these feedback loops we observed interesting behaviors. For example, (i) feedback loops with feature requests and login issues were twice as likely as general bugs to be fixed by developers, (ii) users who reviewed with an even tone were most likely to have their concerns addressed, and (iii) the star rating of the app reviews did not influence the developers likelihood of completing a feedback loop