564 research outputs found

    Organized wiring systems

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    The topics are presented in viewgraph form and include the following: wiring systems, quality control, qualification and standardization, and maintenance costs

    Hacia un sistema de información geográfica integrado para las costas y los mares de Europa

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    La Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA), en colaboración con la Comisión Europea y los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea se encuentra involucrada en un ambicioso proceso de integración de las diferentes bases de datos e información ambienta, con el fin de crear una herramienta capaz de gestionar la puesta en marcha y la aplicación de las diferentes políticas europeas que afectan a los medios costero y marino en Europa. El desarrollo de todas aquellas políticas que afectan a este ámbito, entre otras la Directiva INSPIRE, la implantación de SEIS y las Recomendaciones para la Gestión Integrada de las Zonas Costeras (GIZC), requieren un mayor conocimiento y seguimiento de la información ambiental y de aspectos socio-económicos para la creación de análisis integrados que aporten respuestas integradas y sostenibles a las necesidades que se planteen. El seguimiento de la información ambiental precisa dotarse de desarrollos tecnológicos y sistemas de información eficaces, algunos buenos ejemplos ya están en funcionamiento a nivel europeo, como la Red Europea de Datos de Observación Marina en Europa (EMODNET) o el Sistema de Información de las Aguas Europeas (WISE).The European Environment Agency (EEA) in collaboration with the European Commission and the Member States of the European Union is involved in an ambitious process of integrating the existing databases on environmental information, in order to create a tool capable to manage the different European policies implementation and application affecting the coastal and marine environment in Europe. The policy development affecting this environmental context, amongst other initiatives the Directive INSPIRE, the implementation of SEIS and the Recommendations on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), require a higher knowledge and monitoring initiatives for the environmental information, as well as the socio-economic aspects which support the integrated analysis for integrated and sustainable responses to concrete needs. The environmental information monitoring requires efficient technological solutions and information systems, some of them are already operative at European level, such as the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET) and the Water Information System for Europe (WISE)

    Further Evidence on Using a Deadline to Stimulate Responses to a Mail Survey; Readership and Coverage of Science and Technology in Newspapers; The Uses and Gratifications Approach to Mass Communications Research

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    Reviews of Further Evidence on Using a Deadline to Stimulate Responses to a Mail Survey by Robert Roberts, Owen McCrory and Ronald Forthofer; Readership and Coverage of Science and Technology in Newspapers, by Clyde Z. Nunn; The Uses and Gratifications Approach to Mass Communications research, edited by David L. Swanson

    Effects of light on laying hens activity and carbon dioxide emissions in an experimental building

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    Få faktorer, förutom fodret, påverkar hönsen så mycket som ljus. För djurens välmående och produktion och för lantbrukarens totalekonomi spelar valet av både ljuskälla och intensitet stor roll. Eftersom lagstiftarna vill få in dagsljus i allt större utsträckning till fjäderfä är det lämpligt att studera hur bra höns trivs i ljus som påminner om dagsljuset och om detta ljus har negativa effekter. Studien gjordes med tre olika ljuskällor och med olika ljusintensitet. De olika ljuskällorna var glödljus (GL), lysrör med varmvitt sken (VV) och lysrör med dagsljusspektra (DL). Avsikten var att se hur mycket djurens aktivitet ökade med ökad ljusintensitet och om det var skillnader mellan de undersökta ljuskällorna. Detta gjordes genom att mäta djurens aktivitet och de parametrar som påverkas av ökad aktivitet. I en andra del av försöket undersöktes djurens preferens mellan olika ljusintensiteter genom att undersöka vistelseplats och värpplats. Studierna utfördes i klimatstallet vid SLUs försöksgård Alnarps Södergård. De ca 400 värphönsen som sattes dit i oktober var 16 veckor gamla vita LSL-hybrider (Lohmann Selected Leghorn). Den totala arean i klimatkammaren inklusive gångar var 87 m2 och djuren hade tillgång till 39,5 m2. Utrymmet bestod av en ströbädd med sand och dränerande plastspalt där vattennipplar, automatiska foderkedjor och sittpinnar var placerade. Gödselbanden kördes en gång dagligen. Värpredena var placerade vid den norra väggen. Under försöken delades djurutrymmet i två lika stora delar, benämnda Väst och Öst, av ett ljustätt fibervävsdraperi som monterades mitt i stallet från norrväggen till söderväggen. Draperiet satt fast längst upp vid taket och slutade ca 20 cm ovanför golvytan. Öppningen gjorde att djuren kunde förflytta sig mellan de olika delarna. Under båda delarna av studien undersöktes djurens aktivitet, koldioxidproduktion, dammproduktion, fuktproduktion, värmeavgivning samt äggproduktion. Aktiviteten var lägst vid GL vid låg och hög ljusintensitet (0,28-0,32) jämfört med VV (0,3-0,65) och DL (0,73-0,79). Den var något högre för GL och VV då ljuset var av medelintensitet (17-25 lx). Koldioxidproduktionen var högst för hög intensitet (39-91 lx) av GL (4,54 g/höna) och lägst vid medelhög ljusintensitet (3,66/höna) av samma ljuskälla. Andelen lagda ägg var högst där det var mörkast för både VV och DL medan det var fler lagda ägg i den ljusaste avdelningen vid GL. Mängden gödsel var som störst där det var ljusast för samtliga ljusregimer. Pearsons regressionsanalys visade på en signifikant positiv relation mellan ljusintensitet och aktivitet (p<0,01) och också mellan antal dagar efter start av försöket och aktiviteten (p<0,001). Ett högre R2-värde (79,9 %) noterades vid en regression mellan både ljusintensitet och dagar efter start av försöket och aktivitet. Denna koppling mellan ökning av aktivitet med ökad ålder (eller säsong) var oväntad då djuren inte hade några dagljusinsläpp.Very few factors, except feed, have such a big impact on egg laying hens as illumination does. For the animal welfare and production and for the farmer’s total economy the choice of both illumination source and intensity have a great impact. As the legislators want to let the daylight in into the barns to poultry it is useful to study how well hens thrive in light that is similar to daylight and if this kind of illumination have any negative side effects. The experiment was conducted with three different illumination sources and with different light intensities. The examined sources were conventional light bulbs (GL), common strip lights (VV) and daylight strip lights (DL). The intention was to determine how much the animal activity increased with elevated intensity and if there were any differences between the examined light sources. This was conducted by measurements of the animal activity and the parameters affected by increased activity. In the second part of the study, the preferences between different light intensity, was studied by determining where the animal stayed and laid eggs. The experiment was conducted in a small poultry house (climate chamber) at the SLU research station Alnarps Södergård. About 400 laying hen, 16 weeks of age of the hybrid LSL (Lohmann Selected Leghorn) were placed in the chamber in October. The total area of the chamber including walking alleys was 87 m2 and the laying hens were kept on a 39.5 m2 large area. The housing system included a bedding area with sand and a manure bin area with a drained floor above where drinking nipples, automatic feed conveyors, and perches were placed. The manure belts below the drained floor were running once every day. Laying nests were placed close to one of the walls, the north wall. During part two of the study the animal area was divided into two equally sized areas, called Öst and Väst, by a light opaque fibre woven curtain from north to south. The curtain was attached to the ceiling and had an opening in the bottom edge about 20 cm above the manure bin. The opening allowed the hens to move freely between the areas. Under both parts of the study measurements on the animals were made on animal activity, production of CO2, dust, moist, heat and egg production. The activity was lowest with GL at low-high light intensity (0.28-0.32) compared to VV (0.3-0.65) and DL (0.73-0.79). It was a little higher for GL and VV when intensity was medium (17-25 lx). The CO2 emissions were highest at high light intensity (39-91 lx) from GL (4.54 g/hen) and lowest at me-dium intensity (3.66 g/hen) for the same light source. The amount of laid eggs was highest at the dark-est area for both VV and DL, while there were more eggs in the brightest area for GL. The amount of manure was highest in the brightest area for all three light regimes. Pearson correlations showed a significant positive relationship between illuminance and activity (p<0.01), and also between day after start of the experiments and activity (p<0.001). The increased activity by age (or season) was unex-pected since the hens had no light from outside

    Udfordringer og perspektiver for dansk vejtransportforskning

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    Indlægget vil se på udfordringer og perspektiver for vejtransportforskningen i Danmark, på baggrund af det stigende behov for effektivt at kunne tilvejebringe og implementere ny viden om såvel planlægning, anlæg og drift af veje. Indlægget præsenterer de nuværende forskningsbehov på vejområdet Vejtransportforskningen Danmar

    Große Abweichungen von verallgemeinerten Jackson Netzwerken

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    In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir die lokalen großen Abweichungen von verallgemeinerten Jackson Netzwerken. Im Unterschied zum Jackson Netzwerk sind Zwischenankunfts- und Servicezeiten allgemeinen Verteilungen unterworfen und nicht auf Exponentialverteilungen beschränkt. Die daraus resultierenden stochastischen Prozesse sind nicht Markovsch, was eine Herausforderung an die zur Verfügung stehende mathematische Technik bedeutet. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit untersuchen wir, inwieweit und mit welchen Mitteln die verlorene Markoveigenschaft aufgewogen werden kann. Die verallgemeinerten Prozesse, die wir betrachten, sind Erneuerungsprozesse. Es gelingt uns, die Prozesse, mit denen wir das generalisierte Jackson Netzwerk beschreiben werden, so abzuändern, dass sie unabhängige stationäre Inkremente haben und im Sinne der großen Abweichungen nicht von den ursprünglichen Prozessen zu unterscheiden sind. Weiter entwickeln wir einen exponentiellen Maßwechsel für die Erneuerungsprozesse, so dass die Erneuerungseigenschaft erhalten bleibt. Der resultierende Maßwechsel für den Netzwerkprozess verändert nur die Raten des Netzwerkes, nicht aber seine grundlegenden Eigenschaften. Im Ergebnis erhalten wir ein lokales Prinzip großer Abweichungen mit einer Ratenfunktion, die fast die Fenchel Legendre Transformierte der logarithmischen Momenterzeugendenfunktion Ψ \Psi des freien Prozesses ist, der dem generalisierten Jackson Netzwerk zugeordnet ist: L(x,v) = \sup_{\alpha \in \mathcal{B}_{K(x,v)}} \langle \alpha , v \rangle - \Psi(\alpha) (1) Die lokale Ratenfunktion L(,) L(\cdot,\cdot) unterscheidet sich von einer Fenchel Legendre Transformierten durch die Einschränkung auf Elemente aus BK(x,v) \mathcal{B}_{K(x,v)} . Diese Menge beschreibt die unterschiedlichen Verhaltensweisen des Netz\-werkprozesses in Abhängigkeit vom derzeitigen Zustand des Netzwerkes - repräsentiert durch x - und dem zukünftigen Verlauf - repräsentiert durch v. Ist eine zukünftige Entwicklung des Netzwerkes in Richtung v ein seltenes Ereignis und \alpha der Optimierer in (1), so ändert sich die Situation unter dem Maßwechsel mit Parameter \alpha dahingehend, dass die Entwicklung in Richtung v zum erwarteten Verhalten des Netzwerkes wird.In this thesis we develop local large deviations for the generalised Jackson network. We work with a continuous time model and with light tail distributions for inter arrival and service times. Using classical large deviation theory of logarithmic moment generating functions and exponential changes of measure we get a local rate function that is almost a Fenchel Legendre transform of the free process' logarithmic moment generating function Ψ \Psi . L(x,v) = \sup_{\alpha \in \mathcal{B}_{K(x,v)}} \langle \alpha , v \rangle - \Psi(\alpha) (1) What keeps the local rate function from being a full Fenchel Legendre transform is the restrictions BK(x,v)\mathcal{B}_{K(x,v)} reflecting nodes not-empty when the state of the network is x and nodes filling up when the network evolves in direction v. The way we develop the local large deviation will allow to get a weak and full large deviation principle for the generalised Jackson network quite easily. We also give a representation of the almost Fenchel Legendre transform as a Fenchel Legendre transform in lower dimension. The approach to apply classical large deviation theory to stochastic networks is inspired by Large Deviations of Jackson Networks'' of Irina Ignatiouk-Robert, published in 2000 in the Annals of Applied Probability

    Den fremtidige organisering af vejsektoren

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    De relativt store ændringer i vejsektorens organisering der kommer med kommunalreformen i 2007, vil indebære en ny fordeling af vejsektoropgaverne som betyder en bevægelse mod såvel færre og større administrative enheder som opgaver der går fra det amtslige niveau til det (ny og større) kommunale niveau.. Dette vil få betydning for varetagelsen af vej- og trafikopgaverne i de nye vejbestyrelser. Med udgangspunkt i de strukturelle ændringer der vil følge af kommunalreformen, vil indlægget give et bud på, hvorledes en fremtidig organisering af vejsektoren kunne fremstå, herunder i hvilket omfang de nuværende samarbejdsfora i vejsektoren ændrer fokus og karakter, når amterne som faglig og finansiel bidragsyder falder væ

    Romanhistorie og topik: Kvinde-vogn-mand

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    History of the novel and topica: Woman-carriage-manThe aim of the article is to analyse the function of the carriage in the European novel in the 17th and 18th centuries. The article is divided into three parts: the first one describes the historical, material, juridical and sociological conditions determining the carriage in the 17th century as a bourgeois object. The second part analyses the specific literary function of the carriage. Whereas »normal« carriages have the function of transferring people between two geographically fixed points, the function of the literary carriage is that of making this very transfer break down accidentally. In a very homogenous way passages from Furetière, Marivaux, Defoe, Diderot and Goethe all demonstrate the functioning of such a chance principle. As these passages also have the conventional function of bringing a couple together in the carriage, a new idea of love as a fundamentally contingent category is in fact the cultural offspring of these chance encounters in carriages

    Mirror Lake Monitoring: Water Level Observations and Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions

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    Groundwater-surface water interactions have great importance for clean and sustainable water use. To understand these interactions in an artificially constructed lake on the campus of Ohio State University, water level observations were made in Mirror Lake and ten piezometers surrounding the lake every month for a year. Measurements show that the lake recharges the surrounding aquifer throughout the year. The annual draining of the lake during the Ohio State-Michigan game leads to a lowering of water levels in surrounding piezometers. An area of low groundwater head also persists throughout the year between Mirror Lake and Neil Avenue that may indicate groundwater discharge to a storm drain that runs under Neil Avenue. Continued long-term measurements will be useful for understanding lake and groundwater budgets and can help support decisions about lake management, landscape design, and water use on campus.NSF Award EAR 1752995The Ohio State UniversityNo embargoAcademic Major: Earth Science

    NAVAIR aircraft wiring standardization and qualification program

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    The topics are presented in viewgraph form and include the following: wiring responsibilities; purpose of the program; measurement of program effectiveness; results; and summary