68 research outputs found

    Профессиональная направленность при обучении английскому языку студентов неязыковых специальностей

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    Предметом статьи является эффективность использования новой технологии при обучении и изучении английского языка с профессиональной направленностью.Предметом статті є ефективність використання нової технології під час навчання та вивчення англійської мови з професійною направленістю.Subject of the article is the effectiveness of using the new technology when teaching and studying English language for specific purposes

    Интеллигенция как субъект и объект манипуляции

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    Humans are exposed to distinct structural classes of insecticides with different neurotoxic modes of action. Because calcium homeostasis is essential for proper neuronal function and development, we investigated the effects of insecticides from different classes (pyrethroid: (α-)cypermethrin; organophosphate: chlorpyrifos; organochlorine: endosulfan; neonicotinoid: imidacloprid) and mixtures thereof on the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)]i). Effects of acute (20 min) exposure to (mixtures of) insecticides on basal and depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)]i were studied in vitro with Fura-2-loaded PC12 cells and high resolution single-cell fluorescence microscopy. The data demonstrate that cypermethrin, α-cypermethrin, endosulfan, and chlorpyrifos concentration-dependently decreased depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)]i, with 50% (IC50) at 78nM, 239nM, 250nM, and 899nM, respectively. Additionally, acute exposure to chlorpyrifos or endosulfan (10μM) induced a modest increase in basal [Ca(2+)]i, amounting to 68 ± 8nM and 53 ± 8nM, respectively. Imidacloprid did not disturb basal or depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)]i at 10μM. Following exposure to binary mixtures, effects on depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)]i were within the expected effect additivity range, whereas the effect of the tertiary mixture was less than this expected additivity effect range. These results demonstrate that different types of insecticides inhibit depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)]i in PC12 cells by inhibiting voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in vitro at concentrations comparable with human occupational exposure levels. Moreover, the effective concentrations in this study are below those for earlier described modes of action. Because inhibition of VGCCs appears to be a common and potentially additive mode of action of several classes of insecticides, this target should be considered in neurotoxicity risk assessment studies

    “Національна меншина”: підходи до визначення

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    Основна мета статті полягає в роз’ясненні поняття національної меншини як суспільного явища. Здійснюється аналіз категорій ”національна меншина”, ”національна група”, ”етнічна меншина”. Автор зауважує, що у вітчизняній і світовій політичній літературі не існує універсальної, сталої концепції національних меншин.The main goal of article is to explain national minority phenomenon with a help of etnopolitological conception. National minority, nation, ethnic, ethnic group and ethnic minority conceptions analyze. The author of article says that «Domestic and world political literature don’t have universal concept»

    Excellent results with the cemented Lubinus SP II 130-mm femoral stem at 10 years of follow-up

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    Background and purpose - The Lubinus SP II stem is well documented in both orthopedic registries and clinical studies. Worldwide, the most commonly used stem lengths are 150 mm and 170 mm. In 1995, the 130-mm stem was introduced, but no outcome data have been published. We assessed the long-term survival of the Lubinus SP II 130-mm stem in primary total hip arthroplasty.Patients and methods - In a retrospective cohort study, we evaluated 829 patients with a Lubinus SP II primary total hip arthroplasty (932 hips). The hips were implanted between 1996 and 2001. The primary endpoint was revision for any reason. The mean follow-up period was 10 (5-15) years.Results - Survival analysis showed an all-cause 10-year survival rate of the stem of 98.7% (95% CI: 99.7-97.7), and all-cause 10-year survival of the total hip arthroplasty was 98.3% (95% CI: 99.3-97.3).Interpretation - Excellent long-term results can be achieved with the cemented Lubinus SP II with the relatively short 130-mm stem. This stem has potential advantages over its 150-mm and 170-mm siblings such as bone preservation distal to the stem, better proximal filling around the prosthesis, and easier removal.</p

    Обработка оптических измерений траектории летательных объектов

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    Рассмотрены методы уравнивания угловых измерений по способу наименьших квадратов: метод уравнивания измерений отдельно в каждом временном сечении, предполагающий нулевое математическое ожидание случайных ошибок измерений, и метод уравнивания избыточных оптических измерений с подавлением их постоянных систематических ошибок в предположении засоренности измерений как случайными, так и неизвестными по величине и знаку систематическими погрешностями.Розглянуто методи зрівнювання кутових вимірювань за способом найменших квадратів: метод зрівнювання вимірювань окремо в кожному часовому розрізі, що передбачає нульове математичне очікування випадкових похибок вимірювань, і метод зрівнювання надлишкових оптичних вимірювань із заглушенням їх постійних систематичних похибок у припущенні засміченості вимірювань як випадковими, так і невідомими за величиною та знаком систематичними похибками.The methods of equalizing angular measurements according to the method of least squares are examined: the method of equalizing measurements separately in each temporary section, that assumes the zero mathematical expectation of the random errors of measurements, and the method of equalizing excessive optical measurements with suppression of their constant systematic errors under the assumption of the obstruction of measurements by systematic errors both random and unknowns by value and sign

    Engineering long-range order in supramolecular assemblies on surfaces : the paramount role of internal double bonds in discrete long-chain naphthalenediimides

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    Achieving long-range order with surface-supported supramolecular assemblies is one of the pressing challenges in the prospering field of non-covalent surface functionalization. Having access to defect-free on-surface molecular assemblies will pave the way for various nanotechnology applications. Here we report the synthesis of two libraries of naphthalenediimides (NDIs) symmetrically functionalized with long aliphatic chains (C28 and C33) and their self-assembly at the 1-phenyloctane/highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (1-PO/HOPG) interface. The two NDI libraries differ by the presence/absence of an internal double bond in each aliphatic chain (unsaturated and saturated compounds, respectively). All molecules assemble into lamellar arrangements, with the NDI cores lying flat and forming 1D rows on the surface, while the carbon chains separate the 1D rows from each other. Importantly, the presence of the unsaturation plays a dominant role in the arrangement of the aliphatic chains, as it exclusively favors interdigitation. The fully saturated tails, instead, self-assemble into a combination of either interdigitated or non-interdigitated diagonal arrangements. This difference in packing is spectacularly amplified at the whole surface level and results in almost defect-free self-assembled monolayers for the unsaturated compounds. In contrast, the monolayers of the saturated counterparts are globally disordered, even though they locally preserve the lamellar arrangements. The experimental observations are supported by computational studies and are rationalized in terms of stronger van der Waals interactions in the case of the unsaturated compounds. Our investigation reveals the paramount role played by internal double bonds on the self-assembly of discrete large molecules at the liquid/solid interface

    A novel consortium of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Streptococcus thermophilus for increased access to functional fermented foods

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    Background: The lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is the most studied probiotic bacterium with proven health benefits upon oral intake, including the alleviation of diarrhea. The mission of the Yoba for Life foundation is to provide impoverished communities in Africa increased access to Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG under the name Lactobacillus rhamnosus yoba 2012, world's first generic probiotic strain. We have been able to overcome the strain's limitations to grow in food matrices like milk, by formulating a dried starter consortium with Streptococcus thermophilus that enables the propagation of both strains in milk and other food matrices. The affordable seed culture is used by people in resource-poor communities. Results: We used S. thermophilus C106 as an adjuvant culture for the propagation of L. rhamnosus yoba 2012 in a variety of fermented foods up to concentrations, because of its endogenous proteolytic activity, ability to degrade lactose and other synergistic effects. Subsequently, L. rhamnosus could reach final titers of 1E+09 CFU ml(-1), which is sufficient to comply with the recommended daily dose for probiotics. The specific metabolic interactions between the two strains were derived from the full genome sequences of L. rhamnosus GG and S. thermophilus C106. The piliation of the L. rhamnosus yoba 2012, required for epithelial adhesion and inflammatory signaling in the human host, was stable during growth in milk for two rounds of fermentation. Sachets prepared with the two strains, yoba 2012 and C106, retained viability for at least 2 years. Conclusions: A stable dried seed culture has been developed which facilitates local and low-cost production of a wide range of fermented foods that subsequently act as delivery vehicles for beneficial bacteria to communities in east Africa.Peer reviewe

    Near real-time CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes from CarbonTracker Europe for high resolution atmospheric modeling

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    We present the CarbonTracker Europe High-Resolution system that estimates carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange over Europe at high-resolution (0.1 x 0.2°) and in near real-time (about 2 months latency). It includes a dynamic fossil fuel emission model, which uses easily available statistics on economic activity, energy-use, and weather to generate fossil fuel emissions with dynamic time profiles at high spatial and temporal resolution (0.1 x 0.2°, hourly). Hourly net biosphere exchange (NEE) calculated by the Simple Biosphere model Version 4 (SiB4) is driven by meteorology from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis 5th Generation (ERA5) dataset. This NEE is downscaled to 0.1 x 0.2° using the high-resolution Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) land-cover map, and combined with the Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) fire emissions to create terrestrial carbon fluxes. An ocean flux extrapolation and downscaling based on wind speed and temperature for Jena CarboScope ocean CO2 fluxes is included in our product. Jointly, these flux estimates enable modeling of atmospheric CO2 mole fractions over Europe. We assess the ability of the CTE-HR CO2 fluxes (a) to reproduce observed anomalies in biospheric fluxes and atmospheric CO2 mole fractions during the 2018 drought, (b) to capture the reduction of fossil fuel emissions due to COVID-19 lockdowns, (c) to match mole fraction observations at Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) sites across Europe after atmospheric transport with the Transport Model, version 5 (TM5) and the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport (STILT), driven by ERA5, and (d) to capture the magnitude and variability of measured CO2 fluxes in the city centre of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). We show that CTE-HR fluxes reproduce large-scale flux anomalies reported in previous studies for both biospheric fluxes (drought of 2018) and fossil fuel emissions (COVID-19 pandemic in 2020). After transport with TM5, the CTE-HR fluxes have lower root mean square errors (RMSEs) relative to mole fraction observations than fluxes from a non-informed flux estimate, in which biosphere fluxes are scaled to match the global growth rate of CO2 (poor-person inversion). RSMEs are close to those of the reanalysis with the data assimilation system CarbonTracker Europe (CTE). This is encouraging given that CTE-HR fluxes did not profit from the weekly assimilation of CO2 observations as in CTE. We furthermore compare CO2 observations at the Dutch Lutjewad coastal tower with high-resolution STILT transport to show that the high-resolution fluxes manifest variability due to different sectors in summer and winter. Interestingly, in periods where synoptic scale transport variability dominates CO2 variations, the CTE-HR fluxes perform similar to low-resolution fluxes (5–10x coarsened). The remaining 10 % of simulated CO2 mole fraction differ by > 2ppm between the low-resolution and high-resolution flux representation, and are clearly associated with coherent structures ("plumes") originating from emission hotspots, such as power plants. We therefore note that the added resolution of our product will matter most for very specific locations and times when used for atmospheric CO2 modeling. Finally, in a densely-populated region like the Amsterdam city centre, our fluxes underestimate the magnitude of measured eddy-covariance fluxes, but capture their substantial diurnal variations in summer- and wintertime well. We conclude that our product is a promising tool to model the European carbon budget at a high-resolution in near real-time. The fluxes are freely available from the ICOS Carbon Portal (CC-BY-4.0) to be used for near real-time monitoring and modeling, for example as a-priori flux product in a CO2 data-assimilation system. The data is available at https://doi.org/10.18160/20Z1-AYJ2