242 research outputs found

    Investigation of yields, yields component and lint quality traits inheritence in some cotton breeds (Gossypium hirsutum L.x Gossypium barbadense L.)

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    Bu çalışma 2011-2012 yıllarında Nazilli Pamuk Araştırma İstasyonu Müdürlüğü tarlalarında ana ebeveyn olarak seçilen Gossypium hirsutum L. türüne ait Claudia, Candia, Şahin 2000, BA 308, Naz 07 ve Fantom genotipleri ile baba ebeveyn olarak seçilen Gossypium barbadense L. türüne ait Giza 45 ve Avesto çeşitleri kullanılarak line x tester yöntemine uygun olarak oluşturulan popülasyonda, lif teknolojik özellikleri, verim ve verim komponentlerine ilişkin kalıtım ve heterotik etkiler incelenmiştir. Çırçır randımanı ve bitki boyu özellikleri yönünden eklemeli gen etkisi; tek bitki verimi, koza sayısı, meyve dalı sayısı, lif mukavemeti, lif inceliği, kısa lif oranı, odun dalı sayısı, yüz tohum ağırlığı, tek koza kütlü pamuk ağırlığı, lif uzunluğu ve uniformite özellikleri yönünden ise eklemeli olmayan gen etkileri daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Lif uzunluğu ve lif kopma dayanıklılığı için tüm kombinasyonlarda, lif inceliği için sekiz kombinasyonda olumlu heterosis yüzdesi elde edilirken lif uzunluğu, lif inceliği ve lif kopma dayanıklılığı bakımından tüm kombinasyonlarda olumlu ve önemli kontrol çeşide üstünlük yüzdeleri elde edilmiştir. Melez popülasyonların bitki kütlü verimi ve lif kalite özellikleri birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, Claudia x Giza 45, Candia x Giza 45, Şahin 2000 x Giza 45, BA 308 x Avesto, Naz 07 x Giza 45 ve Fantom x Avesto melezlerinde uygulanacak kısmi bulk yöntemi ile kabul edilebilir verim potansiyeli ve iyileştirilmiş lif uzunluğuna sahip pamuk hatlarının geliştirilebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.The study was carried out on the Nazilli Cotton Research Station fields during 2011 and 2012 cotton growing seasons. Claudia, Candia, Şahin 2000, BA 308, Naz 07 and Fantom (Gossypium hirsutum L.) were used as a female parents and Giza 45 and Avesto (Gossypium barbadense L.) used as a male parents. The selected cotton genotypes were crossed by line tester method in 2011. Hybrid combinations were compared in terms of yield, yield components and fiber quality parameters at F1 generations. In combination, fiber quality properties, yield and hereditary and heterotic effects on yield components were examined. Additive gene effects were highly significant for ginning out turn and plant height. Non-additive gene effects were highly significant for yields, number of bolls, sympodia per plant, fiber strenght, micronaire, short fiber index, monopodia per plant, 100 seed weight, single boll weight, fiber lenght and fiber uniformity index. Positif heterosis percentage was obtained in all hybrids for fiber lenght and fiber strenght and in eight hybrids for micronaire. Standart heterosis values was positif and significant for fiber lenght, fiber strenght and micronaire. The performance of all combinations for yield and fiber quality traits at F1 generations showed that Claudia x Giza 45, Candia x Giza 45, Şahin 2000 x Giza 45, BA 308 x Avesto, Naz 07 x Giza 45 and Fantom x Avesto hybrid populations would be used for partial bulk selection in order to improve cotton lines having enhanced for fiber length with acceptable yield potentials

    Tunus’taki Fransız Sömürgeci Yönetimin Karşılaştığı Zorluklar: Akdeniz’deki Reelpolitik

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    This research posits the dynamics behind impediments over the French colonial rule over Tunisia in the context of International Relations discipline. In doing so, anarchy notion will be beneficial for explaining the dynamics in the area; main assumptions of this research regard actors that pursues their self-interests in order to maintain their security, and gain power under the anarchic structure. This structure “acts as a constraining and disposing force” in the relations among states. On the other hand, under these circumstances, competition or rivalry among states is inevitable. The process of the collapsing Pax Ottomana replaced hierarchy with anarchy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in the course of time, which resulted in the arising “Eastern Question” and power competition among European powers in the area. Under French rule, the Tunisian case constituted power rivalry between France, Italy, and British Empire. While their main interests differed in the area, those interests also were conflicting in the time-space bound. The French Empire sought to establish Francophone Empire in Maghreb; on the other hand, Britain’s core interests originated from maintaining the strategic holds and preserving her global status via Mediterranean access. For Italy, which had already prominent settler colonies in Tunisia, it was essential to participate in the colonial race. Indeed, policies in Tunisia were geographically enabling to increase power roles in the Mediterranean, where Britain and especially Italy prevented France from gaining dominant power in the area by benefiting from their subjects there. Especially prominent existence of the Italian settlers and acknowledgment of their national identity by France in 1896 brought forth more challenges to French rule in which was soon troubled by Tunisian nationalism as well

    The Comparison of High School Students’ Level of Aggression Based on Demographic Features

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    This study aims to determine high school students’ level of aggression and compare their level of aggression based on some demographic features. The population of the study comprises of high school students attending public and private schools in Yozgat province of Turkey during 2017-2018 school year. The sample of the study comprises of 300 students selected using random sampling method in public and private schools in Yozgat province of Turkey during 2017-2018 school year. The study benefits from survey as a method. Students’ demographic features were obtained using “personal information form”. “Buss Perry Aggresion Scale” was used to measure students’ level of aggression. The obtained data were processed using SPSS 18 software program. Finally, frequency analysis, percentage analysis, arithmetic means, t test, ANOVA and post-hoc tests were used for data analysis. The findings of the study indicated statistically significant differences were found among students’ level of aggression in terms of different variables such as their gender, age, school type, mother’s employment status, mother’s education level, monthly expenses and number of siblings (p<0.05)

    Daire Eksenli Çubukların Dinamik Analizi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2008Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2008Bu çalışmada, Gâteaux türevi kullanılarak daire eksenli çubukların düzlem dışı serbest titreşimleri için fonksiyonel elde edilmiştir. Dinamik analizde problem, standart özdeğer problemine indirgenerek sıkıştırılmış kütle matrisi formülasyonunu esas alan karışık sonlu eleman yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. İki noda sahip dairesel çubuk eleman kullanılmıştır. Dairesel çubukta her eleman, bir eğilme ve bir burulma momenti, bir kesme kuvveti, iki dönme ve bir yerdeğiştirme olmak üzere (2×6) serbest derecesine sahiptir.In this study, using Gâteaux differantial a functional is obtained for out-of-plane free vibrations of beam elements with rectangular cross sections. In dynamic analysis, the problem reduces to the solution of a standart eigenvalue problem and the mixed finite element is based upon a consistent mass matrix formulation. The circular beam element which have two nodes have been used. For circular beam, the element have one bending and one twisting moments, one shear force, two rotations and one displacement (2×6 DOF)

    The relationship between energy consumption in the transportation sector, economic growth, and environmental quality

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    Ülkeler ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınma hedefleri doğrultusunda ekonominin yapı taşı olan tüketimi karşılayabilmek için yoğun sanayi ve üretim tesisleri kurmuşlardır. Üretim ile tüketim arasındaki en önemli bağlantı ulaştırma sektörü olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Ulaştırma sektöründeki enerji tüketimi dünya üzerinde yer alan fosil yakıtların %50 sini, toplam enerji kaynaklarının ise üçte birini kullanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 1990-2018 yılları arasında 28’i OECD ülkesi olmak üzere toplam 36 ülkedeki ekonomik büyüme, ulaştırma sektöründeki enerji tüketimi, karbondioksit salınımı ve petrol fiyatlarından oluşan değişkenler analiz edilmiştir. OECD üyesi 28 ülke ile bu ülkelerle ticari ilişkileri yoğun olan ve ulaştırma enerjisi tüketimi bu 28 ülke arasında en az olan Lüksemburg’un enerji tüketiminin üzerinde ve ulaştırma enerjisi tüketimi en fazla olan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin altında olan 8 ülke ile ülke gurubu oluşturulmuş ve veri seti Sistem-GMM yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, literatüre destek veren bir şekilde ulaştırma sektöründe kullanılan enerji tüketiminin ve ekonomik büyümenin çevresel kaliteyi bozduğu yani karbondioksit salınımını artırdığı, petrol fiyatlarında meydana gelen artışın ise karbondioksit salınımını azalttığı sonucuna varılmıştır.Countries have established intensive industrial and production facilities to meet the consumption, which is the building block of the economy, in line with their economic growth and development goals. The most important link between production and consumption is the transportation sector. The energy consumption in the transportation sector uses 50% of the fossil fuels and one-third of the total energy resources in the world. In this study, between 1990 and 2018, variables consisting of economic growth, energy consumption in the transportation sector, carbon dioxide emissions and oil prices in a total of 36 countries, 28 of which are OECD countries, were analysed. A country group was formed with 28 OECD member countries and 8 countries, which have intense commercial relations with these countries and whose transportation energy consumption is above the energy consumption of Luxembourg, which is the least among these 28 countries, and below the United States, which has the highest transportation energy consumption and the data set was analysed by the System-GMM method. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that in a way that supports the literature, the energy consumption and economic growth used in the transportation sector deteriorates the environmental quality, that is, increases the carbon dioxide emissions, and the increase in oil prices reduces the carbon dioxide emission

    The Analysis of Students’ Special Curiosity in Sports Based on Some Demographic Variables

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    The present study aims to determine special curiosity in sports among students who study at different university departments. The population of the study consists of students studying at different departments at Yozgat Bozok University during 2018-2019 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 397 students who study at different departments at Yozgat Bozok University during 2018-2019 academic year and voluntarily participated in the online survey sent them by e-mail. Survey was used as a data collection method in the study. Students’ demographic features were obtained using a “personal information form”. In order to identify students’ specific curiosity in sports, “Sport Fan Specific Curiosity Scale” adapted to Turkish context and tested for reliability and validity by Korur and Dever (2018) was used. The obtained data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 18 software program. Frequency analysis, percentage analysis, arithmetic means, t test and ANOVA were used for data analysis. The findings of the analysis demonstrate that statistically significant differences were found among students’ levels of specific curiosity in sports in terms of their gender, department, family participation in sports and monthly expenses (p0.05)


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    Ormancılık çalışmalarında arazinin topoğrafik özelliklerinin bilinmesi oldukça önemlidir. Coğrafi bilgi sistemi ve uzaktan algılama teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, topoğrafik verilerin elde edilmesini kolaylaştırmıştır. Bu çalışmada, bir uzay mekiğinden yapılan radar algılama sonucunda üretilen ve kısaca SRTM olarak adlandırılan sayısal yükseklik verileri kullanılarak Isparta Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü görev alanındaki idari ünitelerin eğim, bakı ve yükseklik sınıfları gibi topoğrafik analizleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, işletme şeflikleri bazında ortalama eğimin %12 ile %40 arasında değiştiği saptanmıştır. SRTM ve 1/25000 ölçekli sayısal yükseklik pafta verileri, ortalama en yüksek eğime sahip Kuzukulağı Şefliği için karşılaştırılmıştır. Buna göre arazi eğiminde toplamda %7, bakıda %2 ve yükseklikte %3 farklılık bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, SRTM verileri kullanılarak arazinin topoğrafik analizlerinin yapılabildiği ve bu verilerin çok yüksek duyarlılık istenen çalışmalar dışında ormancılık uygulamalarında kolaylıkla kullanılabileceği ortaya konulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: SRTM, Coğrafi bilgi sistemi, Topoğrafik analiz, Isparta Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü

    A Guess-and-Determine Attack on Reduced-Round Khudra and Weak Keys of Full Cipher

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    Khudra is a lightweight block cipher designed for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based platforms. The cipher has an 18-round generalized type-2 Feistel structure with 64-bit block size. The key schedule takes 80-bit master key and produces 32-bit round keys performing very simple operations. In this work, we analyze the security of Khudra. We first show that the effective round key length is 16-bit. By the help of this observation, we improve the 14-round MITM attack proposed by Youssef et al. by reducing the memory complexity from 264.82^{64.8} to 232.82^{32.8}. Also, we propose a new guess-and-determine type attack on 14 rounds where only 2 known plaintext-ciphertext pairs are required to mount the attack in a time complexity of 2642^{64} encryption operations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the best attack in the single key model in terms of time, memory and data complexities where the data complexity is equal to the minimum theoretical data requirement. Moreover, we present two observations on differential probabilities of the round function and the symmetric structure of the cipher. We introduce 2402^{40} weak keys for the full cipher by exploiting the symmetric structure of the cipher

    Feistel Like Construction of Involutory Binary Matrices With High Branch Number

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    In this paper, we propose a generic method to construct involutory binary matrices from a three round Feistel scheme with a linear round function. We prove bounds on the maximum achievable branch number (BN) and the number of fixed points of our construction. We also define two families of efficiently implementable round functions to be used in our method. The usage of these families in the proposed method produces matrices achieving the proven bounds on branch numbers and fixed points. Moreover, we show that BN of the transpose matrix is the same with the original matrix for the function families we defined. Some of the generated matrices are \emph{Maximum Distance Binary Linear} (MDBL), i.e. matrices with the highest achievable BN. The number of fixed points of the generated matrices are close to the expected value for a random involution. Generated matrices are especially suitable for utilising in bitslice block ciphers and hash functions. They can be implemented efficiently in many platforms, from low cost CPUs to dedicated hardware