134 research outputs found

    On the effects of viscosity on the stability of a trailing-line vortex

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    The linear stability of the Batchelor (1964) vortex is investigated. Particular emphasis is placed on modes found recently in a numerical study by Khorrami (1991). These modes have a number of features very distinct from those found previously for this vortex, including exhibiting small growth rates at large Reynolds numbers and susceptibility to destabilization by viscosity. These modes are described using asymptotic techniques, producing results which compare favorably with fully numerical results at large Reynolds numbers

    Toward Establishing a Realistic Benchmark for Airframe Noise Research: Issues and Challenges

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    The availability of realistic benchmark configurations is essential to enable the validation of current Computational Aeroacoustic (CAA) methodologies and to further the development of new ideas and concepts that will foster the technologies of the next generation of CAA tools. The selection of a real-world configuration, the subsequent design and fabrication of an appropriate model for testing, and the acquisition of the necessarily comprehensive aeroacoustic data base are critical steps that demand great care and attention. In this paper, a brief account of the nose landing-gear configuration, being proposed jointly by NASA and the Gulfstream Aerospace Company as an airframe noise benchmark, is provided. The underlying thought processes and the resulting building block steps that were taken during the development of this benchmark case are given. Resolution of critical, yet conflicting issues is discussed the desire to maintain geometric fidelity versus model modifications required to accommodate instrumentation; balancing model scale size versus Reynolds number effects; and time, cost, and facility availability versus important parameters like surface finish and installation effects. The decisions taken during the experimental phase of a study can significantly affect the ability of a CAA calculation to reproduce the prevalent flow conditions and associated measurements. For the nose landing gear, the most critical of such issues are highlighted and the compromises made to resolve them are discussed. The results of these compromises will be summarized by examining the positive attributes and shortcomings of this particular benchmark case

    Reactive Orthotropic Lattice Diffuser for Noise Reduction

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    An orthotropic lattice structure interconnects porous surfaces of the flap with internal lattice-structured perforations to equalize the steady pressure field on the flap surfaces adjacent to the end and to reduce the amplitude of the fluctuations in the flow field near the flap end. The global communication that exists within all of the perforations provides the mechanism to lessen the pressure gradients experienced by the end portion of the flap. In addition to having diffusive effects (diffusing the incoming flow), the three-dimensional orthogonal lattice structure is also reactive (acoustic wave phase distortion) due to the interconnection of the perforations

    Method for Cavity Noise Reduction

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    A stretchable mesh material extends across the opening of a cavity of the landing gear of an aircraft when the landing gear is in the deployed position. The mesh material alters the flow of air across the opening of the landing gear cavity and significantly reduces the amount of noise produced by the wheel well at low-to-mid frequencies

    Simulation-Based Assessment of a Full-Scale Installed Quiet Landing Gear

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    Full-scale simulations of a Gulfstream G-III aircraft, performed in support of the NASA Acoustic Research Measurements flights, are presented to complement results discussed in earlier studies. The flow solver employed in those studies, Dassault Systmes lattice Boltzmann PowerFLOW, was also used during this investigation to conduct time-dependent simulations of the entire aircraft in landing configuration with a fully dressed landing gear. The high-fidelity simulations, performed at a Mach number of 0.23 and a Reynolds number of 10.5 106 based on mean aerodynamic chord, captured all relevant airframe noise sources. The computations were used to assess the aeroacoustic performance of the main landing gear, with and without noise reduction fairings installed, of a G-III aircraft equipped with Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge technology and conventional Fowler flaps. To facilitate comparison of predicted noise signatures with effective perceived noise levels obtained from flight test measurements, the as-flown nose landing gear geometry, missing in our earlier studies, was added to the simulated G-III aircraft configurations. The high fidelity, synthetic data were post-processed using a Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings integral approach to estimate farfield acoustic behavior, with pressures on the model solid surface or pressure and velocity components on a permeable surface enveloping the acoustic near field used as input

    Airframe Noise Simulations of a Full-Scale Aircraft

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    Computational results for a full-scale simulation of a Gulfstream G-III aircraft are presented. In support of a NASA airframe noise flight test campaign, Exa Corporations lattice Boltzmann PowerFLOW solver was used to perform time-accurate simulations of the flow around a highly detailed, full-scale aircraft model. Free-air boundary conditions were used at a Mach number of 0.23 and a Reynolds number of 10.5 10(exp 6) based on mean aerodynamic chord. This paper documents the simulation campaign for the baseline aircraft configuration at several flight conditions, including multiple flap deflections and main landing gear deployed or retracted. The high-fidelity, synthetic data were post-processed using a Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings integral approach to estimate farfield acoustic behavior, with pressures on the model solid surface or a permeable surface enveloping the acoustic near field used as input. The numerical approach, simulation attributes, and the effects of grid resolution, gear deployment, and multiple flap deflections, are discussed as well

    Analysis of Simulated and Experimental Noise Sources of Boeing 777 Main Gear Model via CLEAN in 3D

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    Previously obtained experimental and simulated phased microphone array data for the NASA 26%-scale model of a six-wheel main landing gear, with and without a toboggan-shaped noise reduction fairing, were analyzed using the CLEAN technique in three dimensions. The model is a high-fidelity representation of the Boeing 777-200 aircraft main landing gear. The reprocessing of the acoustic data was undertaken to address the deficiencies encountered in the source localization (beamform) maps and the integrated farfield spectra at mid to high frequencies in our previous study, where conventional array processing techniques were applied to the same data sets. Application of the CLEAN approach resulted in higher quality beamform maps with many of the previously observed side lobes either eliminated or suppressed significantly. As a result, integration of the experimentally and computationally based maps showed substantial improvement in the quality of the high-frequency spectral content relative to the corresponding spectra generated via conventional array processing, thus extending the good agreement achieved between the measured and predicted farfield spectra from 8 kHz to 14 kHz in model-scale frequencies. In addition, an examination of the simulated surface pressure fluctuations, off-surface flow field, and three-dimensionally constructed noise sources was conducted to determine the cause of the subtle discrepancies between measured and predicted sound pressure levels that occur in the 1,800 Hz to 4,000 Hz model-scale frequency range

    Simulation-Based Airframe Noise Prediction of a Full-Scale, Full Aircraft

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    A previously validated computational approach applied to an 18%-scale, semi-span Gulfstream aircraft model was extended to the full-scale, full-span aircraft in the present investigation. The full-scale flap and main landing gear geometries used in the simulations are nearly identical to those flown on the actual aircraft. The lattice Boltzmann solver PowerFLOW was used to perform time-accurate predictions of the flow field associated with this aircraft. The simulations were performed at a Mach number of 0.2 with the flap deflected 39 deg. and main landing gear deployed (landing configuration). Special attention was paid to the accurate prediction of major sources of flap tip and main landing gear noise. Computed farfield noise spectra for three selected baseline configurations (flap deflected 39 deg. with and without main gear extended, and flap deflected 0 deg. with gear deployed) are presented. The flap brackets are shown to be important contributors to the farfield noise spectra in the mid- to high-frequency range. Simulated farfield noise spectra for the baseline configurations, obtained using a Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings acoustic analogy approach, were found to be in close agreement with acoustic measurements acquired during the 2006 NASA-Gulfstream joint flight test of the same aircraft

    Chaotic behavior in Casimir oscillators: A case study for phase change materials

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    Casimir forces between material surfaces at close proximity of less than 200 nm can lead to increased chaotic behavior of actuating devices depending on the strength of the Casimir interaction. We investigate these phenomena for phase change materials in torsional oscillators, where the amorphous to crystalline phase transitions lead to transitions between high and low Casimir force and torque states respectively, without material compositions. For a conservative system bifurcation curve and Poincare maps analysis show the absence of chaotic behavior but with the crystalline phase (high force/torque state) favoring more unstable behavior and stiction. However, for a non-conservative system chaotic behavior can occur introducing significant risk for stiction, which is again more pronounced for the crystalline phase. The latter illustrates the more general scenario that stronger Casimir forces and torques increase the possibility for chaotic behavior. The latter is making impossible to predict whether stiction or stable actuation will occur on a long term basis, and it is setting limitations in the design of micro/nano devices operating at short range nanoscale separations.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figure

    Effects of Geometric Details on Slat Noise Generation and Propagation

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    The relevance of geometric details to the generation and propagation of noise from leading-edge slats is considered. Typically, such details are omitted in computational simulations and model-scale experiments thereby creating ambiguities in comparisons with acoustic results from flight tests. The current study uses two-dimensional, computational simulations in conjunction with a Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FW-H) solver to investigate the effects of previously neglected slat "bulb" and "blade" seals on the local flow field and the associated acoustic radiation. The computations clearly show that the presence of the "blade" seal at the cusp significantly changes the slat cove flow dynamics, reduces the amplitudes of the radiated sound, and to a lesser extent, alters the directivity beneath the airfoil. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that a modest extension of the baseline "blade" seal further enhances the suppression of slat noise. As a side issue, the utility and equivalence of FW-H methodology for calculating far-field noise as opposed to a more direct approach is examined and demonstrated
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