173 research outputs found

    The effect of Islamic ideological dialogue on the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

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    The essence of the  present study is the notion of Islamic ideological dialogue that in otherwords is the impact of Islamic ideological dialogue on the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic regime from 1979 until 2011. In this context,  there are three main indices of Islamic ideological dialogue which have been recognized  from the researcher point of view in terms of concepts, community activism (community-oriented perspective) , sacred activism(sacred –oriented perspective) and radical otherness  creation. The impact of each issue on the legality or legitimacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be explored both in the medium and longterm so the purpose of Islamic ideological dialogue is the dominant dialogue which has been dominant after 1979  revolution in Iran and  has been formulated and applied by political system. First, Islamic ideology with an exclusive emphasison the Islamic culture in a form of community activism and lack of continuous process of nation building will lead a society to identity crisis in the medium term and in the long term will lead the government to a crisis of legitimacy. Second ,as the Islamic ideology is preserving guardianship of Islamic jurists from criticism in a different areas particularly in development with divinizing government and at its top giving the sanctity to their clerical status, In themedium term will lead  society to the crisis of rationality and  in the longterm will lead it to crisis of legitimacy. Finally, specific works of radical otherness creation in Islamic ideology resulted in dividing society into insiders and outsiders and with deepening these ideological gaps within ethnic groups and different social classes will lead society to crisis of integration and unity and crisis of legitimacy in long term

    The effect of Islamic ideological dialogue on the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

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    The essence of the  present study is the notion of Islamic ideological dialogue that in otherwords is the impact of Islamic ideological dialogue on the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic regime from 1979 until 2011. In this context,  there are three main indices of Islamic ideological dialogue which have been recognized  from the researcher point of view in terms of concepts, community activism (community-oriented perspective) , sacred activism(sacred –oriented perspective) and radical otherness  creation. The impact of each issue on the legality or legitimacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be explored both in the medium and longterm so the purpose of Islamic ideological dialogue is the dominant dialogue which has been dominant after 1979  revolution in Iran and  has been formulated and applied by political system. First, Islamic ideology with an exclusive emphasison the Islamic culture in a form of community activism and lack of continuous process of nation building will lead a society to identity crisis in the medium term and in the long term will lead the government to a crisis of legitimacy. Second ,as the Islamic ideology is preserving guardianship of Islamic jurists from criticism in a different areas particularly in development with divinizing government and at its top giving the sanctity to their clerical status, In themedium term will lead  society to the crisis of rationality and  in the longterm will lead it to crisis of legitimacy. Finally, specific works of radical otherness creation in Islamic ideology resulted in dividing society into insiders and outsiders and with deepening these ideological gaps within ethnic groups and different social classes will lead society to crisis of integration and unity and crisis of legitimacy in long term

    Educational intervention in fostering L2 learner autonomy

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    There is not enough conceptual work done on autonomy relating it to other individual difference variables. Some researchers have investigated the characteristics of L2 English learners in terms of motivation and learning strategy constructs, but they did not include variables associated with learners' perceived L2 learning competence/anxiety. Some other researchers investigated the characteristics of L2 English learners in terms of strategy use and confidence constructs, but did not include motivational constructs. Motivational, affective, and strategy use have been hypothesized to be important in fostering L2 learner autonomy (Benson, 2011), but conceptual work linking these constructs to L2 learner autonomy is needed. The present study aims to identify the links among L2 learner motivation, confidence/anxiety, and strategy use with L2 English learners with varying degrees of L2 learner autonomy, measured with the Self-Determination Theory-based motivational continuum. The results will help to illuminate how autonomy is related to other variables and thereby provide a clearer understanding of L2 English learner autonomy. The second purpose is to investigate which of the above-mentioned constructs can be changed through a specific educational intervention. This is important given that positive changes in such variables are hypothesized to result in more positive educational outcomes. The study also aims to investigate how the participants perceive a set of learner autonomy fostering activities that aims at transferring learning responsibility from teacher to learner

    Identifying Incentives of Male Employees in the National Iranian Drilling Company for Taking Part in Sport Activities: A Case Study in Ahvaz, Iran

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    The aim of this study was to consider motivations and driving factors of male clerks in the National Iranian Drilling Company in terms of sport participation. The study type was descriptive survey, which was done via field method. Statistical population of the current study consisted of all male clerks of the National Iranian Drilling Company in Ahvaz, who were 500 according to a census. Statistical sample was determined to embrace 217 people according to the Morgan table. To determine incentives of employees for sport participation in this study, a realized questionnaire of 22 items was used. To determine validity of this questionnaire, construct validity was used, and to determine construct validity, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used. Test coefficient of KMO=0.84 showed fitness of questionnaire data. Using methods of descriptive statistics and average inferential statistics, standard deviation, one sample t test, Freedman and regression tests, and using statistical software SPSS 16 and AMOS 18, data analysis was done. Results showed that motivating factors affect sport participation of male employees in the National Iranian Drilling Company. Respectively, the factor of health, recreational factors, factor of social balance and organizational factor are effective in creating motivation in male employees of the National Iranian Drilling Company for taking part in sport activities

    Identifying Incentives of Male Employees in the National Iranian Drilling Company for Taking Part in Sport Activities: A Case Study in Ahvaz, Iran

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    The aim of this study was to consider motivations and driving factors of male clerks in the National Iranian Drilling Company in terms of sport participation. The study type was descriptive survey, which was done via field method. Statistical population of the current study consisted of all male clerks of the National Iranian Drilling Company in Ahvaz, who were 500 according to a census. Statistical sample was determined to embrace 217 people according to the Morgan table. To determine incentives of employees for sport participation in this study, a realized questionnaire of 22 items was used. To determine validity of this questionnaire, construct validity was used, and to determine construct validity, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used. Test coefficient of KMO=0.84 showed fitness of questionnaire data. Using methods of descriptive statistics and average inferential statistics, standard deviation, one sample t test, Freedman and regression tests, and using statistical software SPSS 16 and AMOS 18, data analysis was done. Results showed that motivating factors affect sport participation of male employees in the National Iranian Drilling Company. Respectively, the factor of health, recreational factors, factor of social balance and organizational factor are effective in creating motivation in male employees of the National Iranian Drilling Company for taking part in sport activities


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    The neighborhood is the main base of urban body and the future of social life balance in the cities has much dependence to keep the unit of the neighborhood. It is the neighborhoods that make pleasant living in the large cities. During 20th century using the idea of residential neighborhood has been based for so many modern urban development theories and this idea has been welcomed to deal with various urban problems such as management issues, social and human relationships, health and welfare problems and also semantic and identity dimensions. Sardasht city is facing with various dilemmas regarding optimal management of spatial organization of the city. And the present approach in its major and centralized management has not led to sustainable urban development due to the lack relying on local building, public participation, and sustainable systems of local ecologic and thus meets the real needs of residents. Therefore, development of urban neighborhoods has known as the pilot point of developing sustainable management of the city. This study is focusing on this goal and testing the modern approach of sustainable neighborhood-oriented in the system of modern urban management in the Shabake 2 district. The method of the research is applied-development and the survey method is a way to doing it .statistical population of this research consists of all residents of Shabake 2 district of Sardasht which among them 320 persons selected as random sampling for statistical sample. The data has analyzed by SPSS software. Results indicate that the value of sustainability of the neighborhood in terms of residents is in the moderate level. Also, findings of research indicate that there is difference among various places of this neighborhood in terms of sustainability. According to findings of research seems that the most important implementation strategy for sustainability is applying coordinated organizing strategies and empowering the neighborhood at the national-regional and local level.  Article visualizations

    Bank duties in lieu of account owner and cheque owner and its sanctions

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    Bank duties in lieu of the cheque issuer are:  non-payment of fund of the cheque in the written order of account owner, sending the second copy of the certificate of non-payment to the latest address of the account owner available at bank. Duties that a bank has in lieu of the cheque owner are : issuing non-payment certificate of cheque fund, non-payment of fund in the case of presenting  written order of cheque owner, payment of fund of the in the case of requesting by the cheque owner, (if the bank balance is less than the fund on the cheque). These duties include disciplinary civil and penal guarantee, bank employee may excess the legal limitations in doing his law duties and commit actions that are known as crime in Islamic penal code, checking the crimes in public courts and it is done on the basis of criminal procedure, in the case that bank employee pay the cheque amount without corresponding the signature of the cheque issuer to the existing sample signature in bank or without noticing the order of  non-payment ., it has civil responsibility, and the damage must be compensated . Bank employees are responsible to regard the bank inner regulations in addition to regarding the common laws of the country and breaking these regulations creates disciplinary responsibility for them

    Respiratory effects of exposure to flour dust: A case study among workers of flour production factories in Arak

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          Flour dust has been introduced as one of the effective factors in the prevalence of respiratory disorders among the workers of the flour production factories. The purpose of the present study is to examine the effects of this pollutant on the pulmonary functions and survey the prevalence of respiratory symptoms among workers of flour production factories in Arak, Iran.  Exposure to flour dust is used to classify subjects into exposed (38 male workers of production plant) or unexposed groups (37 male employee from administrative section). Exposure level to flour dust, the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function in two group were studied using air sampling (based on method NIOSH 0600), a researcher made questionnaire on respiratory symptoms and Spirometer, respectively. The results indicated that workers of the production plant are exposed to high concentration of flour, which causes a decrease in the ratio of FEV1 / FVC compared to the unexposed ones. Among study respiratory symptoms, subjects had reported significantly more sputum secretion than that in control group. Furthermore intervening parameters, including age, work experience, body mass index and smoking didn’t show a significant effect on the pulmonary function of the individuals. Exposure to flour dust concentration with higher than threshold level values causes a decrease in workers respiratory capacity. Therefore, it is recommended that the reduction of both exposure risk and the 8-hour time-weighted average concentration of flour dust should be considered.

    Botanical criteria of Baharkish Rangeland in Quchan, Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran

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    Rangelands are natural ecosystems containing a range of resources of genetic diversity and numerous plant species and its evaluation has always been essential. However, biodiversity is one of the most important components of habitat assessment and the identification and introduction of the flora of an area is one of the significant operations that can be used in order to optimize the utilization of the available natural resources. Baharkish rangeland is located at a distance of about 60 km south of the city of Quchan. The rangeland’s average elevation is about 2069 m above sea level, with its lowest at 1740 m and highest at 2440 m. Baharkish rangland in over a ten year period had the average annual rainfall of 337 mm and 998.2 mm evaporation as well as average annual temperature of 9.4°C, respectivelly. The results of the research conducted in the spring of 2014, showed that the total study area includes 77 species from 22 families with Poaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae, Apiaceae and Brassicaceae being the dominant families with 18%, 13%, 12%, 9%, 8% and 6% respectively. Classification of life form according to Raunkiaer method showed the dominance of the hemicryptophytes with the greatest abundance 41%, followed by Chamaephytes, Therophytes, Geophytes, Phanerophytes and Cryptophyte with 25%, 23%, 4%, 4% and 3% of species were the dominant life forms of the area. In terms of geographical distribution, the Irano-Turanian plant species with 64% obtained the maximum value.Keywords: Flora, Geographical distribution, Life form, Raunkiae