86 research outputs found

    Influence of probe pressure on diffuse reflectance spectra of human skin measured in vivo

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    Mechanical pressure superficially applied on the human skin surface by a fiber-optic probe influences the spatial distribution of blood within the cutaneous tissues. Upon gradual load of weight on the probe, a stepwise increase in the skin reflectance spectra is observed. The decrease in the load follows the similar inverse staircase-like tendency. The observed stepwise reflectance spectra changes are due to, respectively, sequential extrusion of blood from the topical cutaneous vascular beds and their filling afterward. The obtained results are confirmed by Monte Carlo modeling. This implies that pressure-induced influence during the human skin diffuse reflectance spectra measurements in vivo should be taken into consideration, in particular, in the rapidly developing area of wearable gadgets for real-time monitoring of various human body parameters

    Monitoring of interaction of low-frequency electric field with biological tissues upon optical clearing with optical coherence tomography

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    The influence of a low-frequency electric field applied to soft biological tissues ex vivo at normal conditions and upon the topical application of optical clearing agents has been studied by optical coherence tomography (OCT). The electro-kinetic response of tissues has been observed and quantitatively evaluated by the double correlation OCT approach, utilizing consistent application of an adaptive Wiener filtering and Fourier domain correlation algorithm. The results show that fluctuations, induced by the electric field within the biological tissues are exponentially increased in time. We demonstrate that in comparison to impedance measurements and the mapping of the temperature profile at the surface of the tissue samples, the double correlation OCT approach is much more sensitive to the changes associated with the tissues' electro-kinetic response. We also found that topical application of the optical clearing agent reduces the tissues' electro-kinetic response and is cooling the tissue, thus reducing the temperature induced by the electric current by a few degrees. We anticipate that dcOCT approach can find a new application in bioelectrical impedance analysis and monitoring of the electric properties of biological tissues, including the resistivity of high water content tissues and its variations

    Photoacoustic imaging in biomedicine and life sciences

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    Photo-acoustic imaging, also known as opto-acoustic imaging, has become a widely popular modality for biomedical applications. This hybrid technique possesses the advantages of high optical contrast and high ultrasonic resolution. Due to the distinct optical absorption properties of tissue compartments and main chromophores, photo-acoustics is able to non-invasively observe structural and functional variations within biological tissues including oxygenation and deoxygenation, blood vessels and spatial melanin distribution. The detection of acoustic waves produced by a pulsed laser source yields a high scaling range, from organ level photo-acoustic tomography to sub-cellular or even molecular imaging. This review discusses significant novel technical solutions utilising photo-acoustics and their applications in the fields of biomedicine and life sciences

    3D Mueller Matrix Reconstruction of the Optical Anisotropy Parameters of Myocardial Histopathology Tissue Samples

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    Diseases affecting myocardial tissues are currently a leading cause of death in developed nations. Fast and reliable techniques for analysing and understanding how tissues are affected by disease and respond to treatment are fundamental to combating the effects of heart disease. A 3D Mueller matrix method that reconstructs the linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameters has been developed to image the biological structures in myocardial tissues. The required optical data is gathered using a Stokes polarimeter and then processed mathematically to recover the individual optical anisotropy parameters, expanding on existing 2D Mueller matrix implementations by combining with a digital holography approach. Changes in the different optical anisotropy parameters are rationalised with reference to the general tissue structure, such that the structures can be identified from the anisotropy distributions. The first to fourth order statistical moments characterising the distribution of the parameters of the optical anisotropy of the polycrystalline structure of the partially depolarising layer of tissues in different phase sections of their volumes are investigated and analysed. The third and fourth order statistical moments are found to be the most sensitive to changes in the phase and amplitude anisotropy. The possibility of forensic medical differentiation of death in cases of acute coronary insufficiency (ACI) and coronary heart disease (CHD) is considered as a diagnostic application. The optimal phase plane ( θ ∗ = 0.7 r a d ) has been found, in which excellent differentiation accuracy is achieved ACI and CHD - A c ( Δ Z 4 ( θ ∗ , Φ L , Δ L ) ) = 93.05 % ÷ 95.8 % . A comparative analysis of the accuracy of the Mueller-matrix reconstruction of the parameters of the optical anisotropy of the myocardium in different phase planes ( θ = 0.9 r a d and θ = 1.2 r a d ), as well as the 2D Mueller-matrix reconstruction method was carried out. This work demonstrates that a 3D Mueller matrix method can be used to effectively analyse the optical anisotropy parameters of myocardial tissues with potential for definitive diagnostics in forensic medicine

    Monitoring of temperature-mediated phase transitions of adipose tissue by combined optical coherence tomography and Abbe refractometry

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    Observation of temperature-mediated phase transitions between lipid components of the adipose tissues has been performed by combined use of the Abbe refractometry and optical coherence tomography. The phase transitions of the lipid components were clearly observed in the range of temperatures from 24°C to 60°C, and assessed by quantitatively monitoring the changes of the refractive index of 1-to 2-mm-thick porcine fat tissue slices. The developed approach has a great potential as an alternative method for obtaining accurate information on the processes occurring during thermal lipolysis

    Imitation of optical coherence tomography images by wave Monte Carlo-based approach implemented with the Leontovich–Fock equation

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    We present a computational modeling approach for imitation of the time-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of biotissues. The developed modeling technique is based on the implementation of the Leontovich–Fock equation into the wave Monte Carlo (MC) method. We discuss the benefits of the developed computational model in comparison to the conventional MC method based on the modeling of OCT images of a nevus. The developed model takes into account diffraction on bulk-absorbing microstructures and allows consideration of the influence of the amplitude–phase profile of the wave beam on the quality of the OCT images. The selection of optical parameters of modeling medium, used for simulation of optical radiation propagation in biotissues, is based on the results obtained experimentally by OCT. The developed computational model can be used for imitation of the light waves propagation both in time-domain and spectral-domain OCT approaches

    The impact of optical radiation of femtosecond duration on human glial cells

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    The paper presents the results of the studies of influence of optical radiation with wavelengths of 520 and 780 nm on human glial cells (U251) at the range of exposure times ∼ 1-15 min. It was found that after the first minute of irradiation at the wavelength of 780 nm, the relative number of apoptotic cells significantly increased. The result corroborates the concept of biological hazard of optical radiation for tumor cells, and suggests that the approach has a great potential in clinical application for the treatment of human glioma

    Luminescent upconversion nanoparticles evaluating temperature-induced stress experienced by aquatic organisms due to environmental variations

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    Growing anthropogenic activities are significantly influencing the environment and especially aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, there is an increasing demand to develop techniques for monitoring and assessing freshwater habitats changes so that interventions can prevent irrevocable damage. We explore an approach for screening the temperature-induced stress experienced by aquatic organisms due to environmental variations. Luminescent spectra of upconversion [Y2O3: Yb, Er] particles embedded within Caridina multidentata shrimps are measured, while ambient temperature gradient is inducing stress conditions. The inverse linear dependence of logarithmic ratio of the luminescence intensity provides an effective means for temperature evaluation inside aquatic species in vivo. The measured luminescence shows high photostability on the background of complete absence of biotissues autofluorescence, as well as no obscuration of the luminescence signal from upconversion particles. Current approach of hybrid sensing has a great potential for monitoring of variations in aquatic ecosystems driven by climate changes and pollution

    Advances in Dynamic Light Scattering Imaging of Blood Flow

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    Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is a well known experimental approach uniquely suited for the characterization of small particles undergoing Brownian motion in randomly inhomogeneous turbid scattering medium, including water suspension, polymers in solutions, cells cultures, and so on. DLS is based on the illuminating of turbid medium with a coherent laser light and further analyzes the intensity fluctuations caused by the motion of the scattering particles. The DLS-based spin-off derivative techniques, such laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS), laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI), and Doppler optical coherence tomography (DOCT), are exploited widely for non-invasive imaging of blood flow in brain, skin, muscles, and other biological tissues. The recent advancements in the DLS-based imaging technologies in frame of their application for brain blood flow monitoring, skin perfusion measurements, and non-invasive blood micro-circulation characterization are overviewed. The fundamentals, breakthrough potential, and practical findings revealed by DLS-based blood flow imaging studies, including the limitations and challenges of the approach such as movement artifacts, non-ergodicity, and overcoming high scattering properties of studied medium, are also discussed. It is concluded that continued research and further technological advancements in DLS-based imaging will pave the way for new exciting developments and insights into blood flow diagnostic imaging