7 research outputs found

    The many-body physics of some quasi-one-dimensional magnetic systems

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX83506 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    The sensitivity of a coupled climate model to its ocean component

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    The control climates of two coupled climate models are intercompared. The first is the third climate configuration of the Met Office Unified Model (HadCM3), while the second, the Coupled Hadley–Isopycnic Model Experiment (CHIME), is identical to the first except for the replacement of its ocean component by the Hybrid-Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Both models possess realistic and similar ocean heat transports and overturning circulation. However, substantial differences in the vertical structure of the two ocean components are observed, some of which are directly attributed to their different vertical coordinate systems. In particular, the sea surface temperature (SST) in CHIME is biased warm almost everywhere, particularly in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre, in contrast to HadCM3, which is biased cold except in the Southern Ocean. Whereas the HadCM3 ocean warms from just below the surface down to 1000-m depth, a similar warming in CHIME is more pronounced but shallower and confined to the upper 400 m, with cooling below this. This is particularly apparent in the subtropical thermoclines, which become more diffuse in HadCM3, but sharper in CHIME. This is interpreted as resulting from a more rigorously controlled diapycnal mixing in the interior isopycnic ocean in CHIME. Lower interior mixing is also apparent in the better representation and maintenance of key water masses in CHIME, such as Subantarctic Mode Water, Antarctic Intermediate Water, and North Atlantic Deep Water. Finally, the North Pacific SST cold error in HadCM3 is absent in CHIME, and may be related to a difference in the separation position of the Kuroshio. Disadvantages of CHIME include a nonconservation of heat equivalent to 0.5 W m?2 globally, and a warming and salinification of the northwestern Atlantic

    Formation of an Azores Current due to Mediterranean overflow in a modeling study of the North Atlantic

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    A mechanism for the formation of the Azores Current is proposed. On the basis of observations and model results, it is argued that the primary cause of the Azores Current is the water mass transformation associated with the Mediterranean overflow in the Gulf of Cadiz. Observations show that the transport of the Mediterranean outflow water through the Strait of Gibraltar increases significantly as it descends the continental slope by entraining the overlying North Atlantic Central Water. This entrainment process introduces a sink at the eastern boundary to the ocean upper layer in addition to the inflow into the Mediterranean. Such a sink is capable of inducing strong zonal flows such as the Azores Current. This mechanism is confirmed by numerical experiments with and without the representation of the Mediterranean overflow process. The numerical model is based on the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model. The model does not include the Mediterranean overflow explicitly, but restores the model density fields in the Gulf of Cadiz toward the observations. This restoring condition produces a reasonable representation of the water mass transformation deduced from observations. The formation of the Azores Current in response to the water mass transformation in the Gulf of Cadiz suggests that the Mediterranean overflow is not only a source of warm and saline water at depth, but also has a strong dynamic impact on the ocean upper layer. This study emphasizes the need to improve the representation of the Mediterranean overflow process in general circulation models in order to capture the correct characteristics of the flow fields and water masses in the subtropical eastern North Atlantic

    GO 5.0: The joint NERC-Met Office NEMO global ocean model for use in coupled and forced applications

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    We describe a new Global Ocean standard configuration (GO5.0) at eddy-permitting resolution, developed jointly between the National Oceanography Centre and the Met Office as part of the Joint Ocean Modelling Programme (JOMP). This programme is a working group of the UK's National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF) and part of the Joint Weather and Climate Research Programme (JWCRP). The configuration has been developed with the seamless approach to modelling in mind for ocean modelling across timescales and for a range of applications, from short-range ocean forecasting through seasonal forecasting to climate predictions as well as research use. The GO5.0 configuration has been coupled with sea-ice (GSI5.0), atmosphere (GA5.0) and land-surface (GL5.0) configurations to form a standard coupled global model (GC1). The GO5.0 model will become the basis for the ocean model component of the Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model, which provides forced short-range forecasting services. The global coupled model (GC1) or future releases of it will be used in coupled short-range ocean forecasting, seasonal forecasting, decadal prediction and for climate prediction as part of the UK Earth System Model

    An NMR study of the freezing of emulsion-containing drops

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    A wide range of statistical tools is used to investigate the decadal variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and associated key variables in a climate model (CHIME, Coupled Hadley-Isopycnic Model Experiment), which features a novel ocean component. CHIME is as similar as possible to the 3rd Hadley Centre Coupled Model (HadCM3) with the important exception that its ocean component is based on a hybrid vertical coordinate. Power spectral analysis reveals enhanced AMOC variability for periods in the range 15–30 years. Strong AMOC conditions are associated with: (1) a Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomaly pattern reminiscent of the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) response, but associated with variations in a northern tropical-subtropical gradient; (2) a Surface Air Temperature anomaly pattern closely linked to SST; (3) a positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)-like pattern; (4) a northward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The primary mode of AMOC variability is associated with decadal changes in the Labrador Sea and the Greenland Iceland Norwegian (GIN) Seas, in both cases linked to the tropical activity about 15 years earlier. These decadal changes are controlled by the low-frequency NAO that may be associated with a rapid atmospheric teleconnection from the tropics to the extratropics. Poleward advection of salinity anomalies in the mixed layer also leads to AMOC changes that are linked to processes in the Labrador Sea. A secondary mode of AMOC variability is associated with interannual changes in the Labrador and GIN Seas, through the impact of the NAO on local surface density

    Theory of the spin dynamics of modulated magnets

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    Paper at 5. Int. Conf. on Progress in Many-body Theories Oulu (FI) Aug 1987SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:8053.4153(RAL--87-066) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo