1,426 research outputs found

    Inter-Rater Reliability of Statistics Based on Reconstructed Individual Patient Data from Published Kaplan-Meier Curves

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    Introduction: Time-to-event outcomes include two elements: an indicator variable for whether the event has taken place, and the length of time from some origin point to the occurrence of the event of interest. Due to the complexity of these data, secondary analysis methods, such as indirect comparisons and meta-analysis, are easier to perform when individual-level patient data (IPD) is available. Objectives: In 2021, an R package IPDfromKM was published, which contains an algorithm for reconstructing IPD from a Kaplan-Meier graph. The current research aimed to investigate the reproducibility of the IPDfromKM algorithm. Methods: Three statisticians (MS, LS, CW) from the University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Biostatistics independently generated reconstructed IPD for a sample of published Kaplan-Meier curves from peer-reviewed research journals. A sample of survival metrics were collected from the reconstructed IPD datasets using the IPDfromKM package, and then compared for inter-rater reliability with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: Eleven Kaplan-Meier curves from five recently published journal articles were selected. The absolute agreement for survival time estimates was calculated to have an ICC of 0.967 (95% CI, 0.946, 0.981), demonstrating an excellent level of agreement. Agreement for survival probability estimates was also excellent, with an ICC of 0.983 (95% CI, 0.973, 0.99). Conclusions: The high level of inter-rater reliability of the reconstructed IPD datasets showed that the IPDfromKM algorithm provides a reproducible reconstruction of the actual survival dat

    UK diplomacy at the UN after Brexit: challenges and opportunities

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    The outcome of the UK’s EU referendum will have far-reaching implications for its foreign policy and diplomacy and raises fundamental questions of how ‘Brexit’ will impact its relationships with Europe and the world. This is even more pertinent when looked at from the perspective of the UN where the UK has benefited considerably from its membership of the EU. This article presents the challenges and opportunities of Brexit for the UK’s diplomacy, and influence, at the UN. First, we illustrate the importance of political and regional groups within the UN. Second, we analyse how the UK has worked within such groups, and above all the EU, in two cases: human rights and nuclear weapons issues. Finally, we reflect upon how Brexit is expected to impact UK diplomacy in a UN dominated by group politics, arguing that any rewiring of UK diplomatic channels must continue to account for EU positions

    Post-Brexit diplomacy: Can the UK hope to exert leverage at the UN without recourse to the EU?

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    When it comes to international diplomacy, the UK has benefited considerably from being part of the EU. But can it maintain its influence at the UN without an EU membership? Megan Dee and Karen E. Smith outline the challenges and opportunities in this area after Brexit

    ...and a box : Working with Unstructured Comment Data

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    Old Dominion University Libraries recently conducted the LibQUAL+ survey, and received over 300 comments from respondents. This comment data presented a challenge for the volunteer group of librarians and staff tasked with designing, administering, and analyzing the survey. However, the richness and value that qualitative data adds to quantitative measures cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, qualitative data needs to be treated with the same rigor as quantitative data. So, how did we take seemingly disparate comments and use them to add depth and meaning to quantitative data? This poster depicts how the ODU Libraries answered that question. It highlights the methods used to work with that unstructured data, from initial, exploratory filtering and sorting to the ultimate creation of a codebook. The focus of the poster is on the process of creating a codebook for analysis of LibQUAL+ comments, and viewers can expect to leave with ideas to create a similar tool at their own institutions

    Long-term Tennis Participation and Health Outcomes: An Investigation of “Lifetime” Activities

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(7): 1251-1261, 2020. Lifetime sports, such as tennis, provide opportunities for participation throughout the lifespan and has been linked with lower risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. The objective of this study was to consider the influence of chronic tennis participation on various parameters of health. Members of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) completed a survey consisting of questions from International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Satisfaction With Life Survey (SWLS), and specific tennis participation questions. Descriptive characteristics were calculated for all variables and a chi-squared analysis was used to compare prevalence of health variables of this sample and recent BRFSS data. Compared to the BRFSS greater proportion of study participants 45yrs and older frequently reported being in good or better health (χ2=7.946, p = 0.005); lower obesity rates (χ2=19.92, p = 0.0001); and a lower prevalence of heart disease than those of similar age who completed BRFSS (χ2= 8.759, p = 0.003). This study highlights the importance of activities that continue throughout the lifespan such as tennis

    Proximity Effects and Nonequilibrium Superconductivity in Transition-Edge Sensors

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    We have recently shown that normal-metal/superconductor (N/S) bilayer TESs (superconducting Transition-Edge Sensors) exhibit weak-link behavior.1 Here we extend our understanding to include TESs with added noise-mitigating normal-metal structures (N structures). We find TESs with added Au structures also exhibit weak-link behavior as evidenced by exponential temperature dependence of the critical current and Josephson-like oscillations of the critical current with applied magnetic field. We explain our results in terms of an effect converse to the longitudinal proximity effect (LoPE)1, the lateral inverse proximity effect (LaiPE), for which the order parameter in the N/S bilayer is reduced due to the neighboring N structures. Resistance and critical current measurements are presented as a function of temperature and magnetic field taken on square Mo/Au bilayer TESs with lengths ranging from 8 to 130 {\mu}m with and without added N structures. We observe the inverse proximity effect on the bilayer over in-plane distances many tens of microns and find the transition shifts to lower temperatures scale approximately as the inverse square of the in- plane N-structure separation distance, without appreciable broadening of the transition width. We also present evidence for nonequilbrium superconductivity and estimate a quasiparticle lifetime of 1.8 \times 10-10 s for the bilayer. The LoPE model is also used to explain the increased conductivity at temperatures above the bilayer's steep resistive transition.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Cell non-autonomous regulation of hepatic IGF-1 and neonatal growth by Kinase Suppressor of Ras 2 (KSR2)

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    Individuals with poor postnatal growth are at risk for cardiovascular and metabolic problems as adults. Here we show that disruption of the molecular scaffold Kinase Suppressor of Ras 2 (KSR2) causes selective inhibition of hepatic GH signaling in neonatal mice with impaired expression of IGF-1 and IGFBP3. ksr2−/− mice are normal size at birth but show a marked increase in FGF21 accompanied by reduced body mass, shortened body length, and reduced bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) first evident during postnatal development. However, disrupting FGF21 in ksr2−/− mice does not normalize mass, length, or bone density and content in fgf21−/−ksr2−/− mice. Body length, BMC and BMD, but not body mass, are rescued by infection of two-day-old ksr2−/− mice with a recombinant adenovirus encoding human IGF-1. Relative to wild-type mice, GH injections reveal a significant reduction in JAK2 and STAT5 phosphorylation in liver, but not in skeletal muscle, of ksr2−/− mice. However, primary hepatocytes isolated from ksr2−/− mice show no reduction in GH-stimulated STAT5 phosphorylation. These data indicate that KSR2 functions in a cell non-autonomous fashion to regulate GH-stimulated IGF-1 expression in the liver of neonatal mice, which plays a key role in the development of body length

    Playing to Live: Outcome Evaluation of a Community-Based Psychosocial Expressive Arts Program for Children During the Liberian Ebola Epidemic

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    Background. This paper reviews the efficacy of a community psychosocial arts program focused on building mental health capacity within post-Ebola Liberia. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the outcome effects of two groups using pre- and post-treatment data. We hypothesized that there would be a difference in symptoms pre- and post-treatment, and the longer program would yield more significant results. Methods. There was a total of 870 child participants. Of 40 sites, 24 were selected for a 5-month treatment (TG1) while the remaining 16 sites received 3 months of treatment (TG2). Paired t tests and a mixed-model analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyse pre- and post-psychological stress symptoms (PSS) for samples from both groups. Results. Separately, treatment group 1 (TG1) and treatment group 2\u27s (TG2) paired t test yielded significant results (p \u3c 0.001) for the decrease of PSS. The mixed-model ANOVA found that there were significant differences in total pre- and post-test PSS and a significant difference in PSS means over time. Conclusions. Results indicated that there was a statistically significant decrease in reported symptoms in both treatment groups pre- to post-intervention and a significant difference in total symptoms over time. However, the findings do not indicate that the longer programming was statistically different compared to the shorter programming. The study presented had gaps in data, largely due to limits in research during the crisis. However, this paper provides a unique case study for challenges that can be faced for project evaluation in emergency settings

    Chandra Observations of the Interacting NGC 4410 Galaxy Group

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    We present high resolution X-ray imaging data from the ACIS-S instrument on the Chandra telescope of the nearby interacting galaxy group NGC 4410. Four galaxies in the inner portion of this group are clearly detected by Chandra, including the peculiar low luminosity radio galaxy NGC 4410A. In addition to a nuclear point source, NGC 4410A contains diffuse X-ray emission, including an X-ray ridge extending out to about 12" (6 kpc) to the northwest of the nucleus. This ridge is coincident with an arc of optical emission-line gas, which has previously been shown to have optical line ratios consistent with shock ionization. This structure may be due to an expanding superbubble of hot gas caused by supernovae and stellar winds or by the active nucleus. The Chandra observations also show four or five possible compact ultra-luminous X-ray (ULX) sources (L(x) >= 10^39 erg/s) associated with NGC 4410A. At least one of these candidate ULXs appears to have a radio counterpart, suggesting that it may be due to an X-ray binary with a stellar-mass black hole, rather than an intermediate mass black hole. In addition, a faint diffuse intragroup X-ray component has been detected between the galaxies (L(x) ~ 10^41 erg/s). This supports the hypothesis that the NGC 4410 group is in the process of evolving via mergers from a spiral-dominated group (which typically have no X-ray-emitting intragroup gas) to an elliptical-dominated group (which often have a substantial intragroup medium).Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures; Accepted by Astronomical Journal; color images at http://www.etsu.edu/physics/bsmith/research/n4410.htm

    Col-OSSOS: Colors of the Interstellar Planetesimal 1I/`Oumuamua

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    The recent discovery by Pan-STARRS1 of 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua), on an unbound and hyperbolic orbit, offers a rare opportunity to explore the planetary formation processes of other stars, and the effect of the interstellar environment on a planetesimal surface. 1I/`Oumuamua's close encounter with the inner Solar System in 2017 October was a unique chance to make observations matching those used to characterize the small-body populations of our own Solar System. We present near-simultaneous g^\prime, r^\prime, and J photometry and colors of 1I/`Oumuamua from the 8.1-m Frederick C. Gillett Gemini North Telescope, and grigri photometry from the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope. Our g^\primer^\primeJ observations are directly comparable to those from the high-precision Colours of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey (Col-OSSOS), which offer unique diagnostic information for distinguishing between outer Solar System surfaces. The J-band data also provide the highest signal-to-noise measurements made of 1I/`Oumuamua in the near-infrared. Substantial, correlated near-infrared and optical variability is present, with the same trend in both near-infrared and optical. Our observations are consistent with 1I/`Oumuamua rotating with a double-peaked period of 8.10±0.428.10 \pm 0.42 hours and being a highly elongated body with an axial ratio of at least 5.3:1, implying that it has significant internal cohesion. The color of the first interstellar planetesimal is at the neutral end of the range of Solar System grg-r and rJr-J solar-reflectance colors: it is like that of some dynamically excited objects in the Kuiper belt and the less-red Jupiter Trojans.Comment: Accepted to ApJ