44 research outputs found

    Feminist or Paternalistic: Understanding Men’s Motivations to Confront Sexism

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    The role of men in fighting gender inequality is a controversial issue. Literature has shown that advantaged group members can promote social change but also perpetuate status quo. We conducted three studies to examine two motivational processes that may lead men to confront sexism: an egalitarian path and a paternalistic one. Studies 1– 3 revealed that men high in benevolent sexism were more willing to confront sexism for paternalistic reasons, whereas Studies 2–3 found that men high in feminist identification were more likely to confront sexism for egalitarian reasons. Pooled analyses (Studies 1–3) supported the egalitarian and paternalistic paths underlying sexism confrontation. Moreover, Studies 2 and 3 extended these findings to collective action and engagement in the men’s activist movement that aims to reflect on male privilege (i.e., the Men for Equity movement). These results highlight the existence of various underlying motivations to confront sexism by men, as well as the limits of paternalism and the potential of feminism to motivate men to take part in other kinds of actions beyond confrontation to foster social change.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the predoctoral contract granted to LE-R (FPU14/0511) and through the excellence project granted to SL (PSI2016-79971-P)

    Screening for intimate partner violence during pregnancy: a test accuracy study

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    The study was funded by the Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (National Project IthornDthornI: FEM201679049-R). The funder had no part at any stage in analysis or in writing of this manuscript.Background Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a serious health problem that affects pregnancy more frequently than other obstetric complications usually evaluated in antenatal visits. We aimed to estimate the accuracy of the Women Abuse Screening Tool-Short (WAST-Short) and the Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS) for the detection of IPV during and before pregnancy. Methods Consecutive eligible mothers in 21 public primary health antenatal care centres in Andalusia (Spain) who received antenatal care and gave birth during January 2017-March 2019, had IPV data gathered by trained midwives in the first and third pregnancy trimesters. The index tests were WAST-Short (score range 0-2; cut-off 2) and AAS (score range 0-1; cut-off 1). The reference standard was World Health Organization (WHO) IPV questionnaire. Area under receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC), sensitivity and specificity with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated for test performance to capture IPV during and before pregnancy, and compared using paired samples analysis. Results According to the reference standard, 9.5% (47/495) and 19.4% (111/571) women suffered IPV during and before pregnancy, respectively. For capturing IPV during pregnancy in the third trimester, the WAST-Short (AUC 0.73, 95% CI 0.63, 0.81), performed better than AAS (AUC 0.57, 95% CI 0.47, 0.66, P = 0.0001). For capturing IPV before pregnancy in the first trimester, there was no significant difference between the WAST-Short (AUC 0.69, 95% CI 0.62, 0.74) and the AAS (AUC 0.69, 95% CI 0.62, 0.74, P = 0.99). Conclusions The WAST-Short could be useful to screen IPV during pregnancy in antenatal visits.Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness of Spain IthornDthornI: FEM201679049-

    Automatic associations and conscious attitudes predict different aspects of men’s intimate partner violence and sexual harassment proclivities

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    Intimate partner violence against women (IPV) and sexual harassment are both widespread. Research on their causes and attitudinal correlates has rarely examined implicit, automatic cognitive associations related to the partner (in IPV aggressors) or to women (in sexual harassment offenders). The aim of the present research was to study these implicit associations in 129 male German students. Participants completed scales of hostile sexism (HS), masculine gender role stress (MGRS), short-term (STMO) and long-term mating orientation (LTMO), and proclivity to both IPV and sexual harassment. Next they performed a primed lexical decision task that measured whether concepts of violence, power, hostility, and sexuality were differentially associated with representations of women, men, and the participant’s own intimate partner. Results showed that implicit associations of own partner with violence as well as hostility were generally high but did not correlate strongly with the proclivity measures. Furthermore, the proclivity measures were positively predicted by HS, MGRS, and STMO, whereas LTMO negatively predicted IPV proclivity. Practice implications point to the need to address early socialization processes that may shape men's negative associations with female partners. Some strategies to prevent and reduce these types of implicit associations are discussed.The present study was performed as part of projects PSI2013-45041-P and PSI2016-79812-P funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and as part of the Scholarship for Teacher Training University [FPU 2012, AP2012-2824] funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport to the first author. Gerd Bohner gratefully acknowledges support from the Gender Studies Program of the Ministry for Innovation, Science, and Research of the State of North-Rhine Westfalia, German

    Influence of early romantic relationships on adolescents' sexism

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of romantic relationships on adolescents sexism. We primed some of the participants with their past and/or present relationship experiences before assessing their sexism. A sample of 130 adolescents (67 boys and 63 girls) from Spanish high schools participated in the study. Half of them were asked to report on their relationship experience first before responding to an ambivalent sexism inventory. The other half of the sample responded first to the sexism inventory and then reported on their relationship experience. The results of this study showed that when participants relationship experiences were primed, they reported higher endorsement of sexist beliefs: boys reported higher BS and HS, whereas girls reported higher BS.El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la influencia que las primeras relaciones de pareja tienen en el sexismo de los y las adolescentes. Para ello, utilizamos un procedimiento que hizo salientes a algunos de los participantes sus experiencias pasadas y actuales de pareja, antes de evaluar su sexismo. Participaron en el estudio 130 adolescentes (67 chicos y 63 chicas) de centros educativos españoles. A la mitad de la muestra, se le solicitó que informaran sobre sus relaciones de pareja antes de responder a un cuestionario que medía el sexismo ambivalente. La otra mitad cumplimentó inicialmente el cuestionario de sexismo y después informó de sus relaciones de pareja. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que al hacer salientes las relaciones de pareja, el sexismo informado por las personas participantes es mayor: en el caso de los chicos, tanto el SB como el SH, y en el caso de las chicas, el S

    Exposure to Feminist Humor and the Proclivity to Collective Action for Gender Equality: The Role of Message Format and Feminist Identification

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    Previous research has pointed out that feminist humor or subversive humor against sexism is an important precursor to collective action for gender equality. This effect has been found contrasting subversive humor with neutral humor, however, to date, no study has explored the impact of the message format. Thus, we conducted two experiments to analyze the effect of exposure to a subversive humorous vignette against sexism (vs. subversive serious information against sexism and neutral humorous vignette) on involvement in collective action for gender equality, considering participants’ feminist identification. In Study 1 (n = 135 men and n = 198 women), participants with lower feminist identification reported a greater proclivity toward collective action after being exposure to both a subversive humorous vignette and subversive serious vignette (vs. neutral humorous vignette). In Study 2 (n = 157 men and 188 women), we replaced the subversive serious vignette with a subversive serious discourse. The results revealed that exposure to a subversive humorous vignette (vs. subversive serious discourse and neutral humorous vignette) increased participants’ collective action proclivity, but only in participants with weaker feminist identification. Both studies highlight a new pathway to motivate collective action for gender equality, as well as the potential effect of humor to promote a change in attitudes.The present research was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grants Ref. Project PID2019-104239 GB-I00 and Ref. PID2022-138665NB-I00


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    Introduction: The objectives of the study were to show the percentile values ​​of different motor tests in Spanish children's skiers and compare them with their performance levels between the different age and sex groups. Methodology: 135 Spanish skiers (53 girls and 82 boys) aged 11-14 years and children's category, performed 11 motor tests: 1) Forward trunk flexion; 2) Flamingo; 3) Hexagon; 4) Harre's obstacle course; 5) 5x10m; 6) Long jump; 7) Squat jump; 8) Counter Movement Jump; 9) Drop Jump; 10) Continuous vertical jumps for 15 seconds, and 11) 45 seconds. Results: The results of the two-way ANOVA showed numerous statistically significant differences between the age and gender categories. Conclusions: The choice of tests used for the prediction of sports performance in children in this study may be useful to assess physical abilities and control training in alpine skiing at the age of 11-14 years.IntroducciĂłn: Los objetivos del estudio fueron mostrar los valores percentiles de diferentes test motores en esquiadores españoles de categorĂ­a infantil y compararlos con sus niveles de rendimiento entre los diferentes grupos de edad y sexo. MetodologĂ­a: 135 esquiadores españoles (53 niñas y 82 niños) de 11-14 años de edad y categorĂ­a infantil, realizaron 11 test motores: 1) FlexiĂłn de tronco adelante; 2) Flamenco; 3) HexĂĄgono; 4) Circuito obstĂĄculos de Harre; 5) 5 x 10 m; 6) Salto de longitud; 7) Squat Jump; 8) Counter Movement Jump; 9) Drop Jump; 10) Saltos verticales continuos durante 15 segundos, y 11) 45 segundos. Resultados: Los resultados del ANOVA de dos factores mostraron numerosas diferencias estadĂ­sticamente significativas entre las categorĂ­as de edad y sexo. Conclusiones: La elecciĂłn de las pruebas utilizadas para la predicciĂłn del rendimiento deportivo en edad infantil en este estudio puede ser Ăștiles para evaluar las capacidades fĂ­sicas y controlar el entrenamiento en el esquĂ­ alpino en la edad de 11-14 años.Introdução: Os objetivos do estudo foram mostrar os valores percentuais de diferentes testes motores em esquiadores infantis espanhĂłis e comparĂĄ-los com seus nĂ­veis de desempenho entre os diferentes grupos de idade e sexo. Metodologia: 135 esquiadores espanhĂłis (53 meninas e 82 meninos) com idades entre 11-14 anos e categoria infantil, realizaram 11 testes motores: 1) FlexĂŁo de tronco para frente; 2) Flamingo; 3) HexĂĄgono; 4) Pista de obstĂĄculos de Harre; 5) 5x10m; 6) Salto em distĂąncia; 7) Salto de agachamento; 8) Salto Contra Movimento; 9) Drop Jump; 10) Saltos verticais contĂ­nuos por 15 segundos e 11) 45 segundos. Resultados: Os resultados da ANOVA two-way mostraram inĂșmeras diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as categorias de idade e sexo. ConclusĂ”es: A escolha dos testes utilizados para a predição do desempenho esportivo em crianças deste estudo pode ser Ăștil para avaliar as habilidades fĂ­sicas e controlar o treinamento em esqui alpino na idade de 11-14 anos

    Versión colombiana de la escala Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression: primeros anålisis psicométricos

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    En este estudio se presentan los primeros datos psicomĂ©tricos en muestras colombianas de la Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression Scale (AMMSA) (Gerger, Kley, Bohner y Siebler, 2007), instrumento que permite evaluar mitos modernos sobre las agresiones sexuales. Dos estudios fueron llevados a cabo con muestras universitarias. En el primero, trescientos doce estudiantes completaron la versiĂłn colombiana de esta escala asĂ­ como otros dos instrumentos que miden constructos relacionados (Sexism Ambivalent Inventory, ASI, y Rape Myth Acceptance Scale, RMAS). En el estudio 2, ciento noventa y seis universitarios respondieron tanto a la versiĂłn colombiana de esta escala como a una serie de preguntas sobre un escenario ficticio de agresiĂłn sexual. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de ambos estudios permiten concluir que las puntuaciones de la versiĂłn colombiana de la escala AMMSA poseen una adecuada consistencia interna (Estudio 1, ? = .87; Estudio 2, ? =.86). Los valores de las correlaciones observadas entre laspuntuaciones en el AMMSA y las variables seleccionadas para obtener las evidencias externas de validez se ajustaron a las hipĂłtesis planteadas. Comparada con la escala RMAS, las puntuaciones medias en el AMMSA fueron mayores y sus distribuciones normales. Dichos hallazgos sugierenque la versiĂłn colombiana de la escala AMMSA es un instrumento de medida Ăștil para estudiar la percepciĂłn social de las agresiones sexuales en muestras colombianas

    Pharmacogenetics of Immunosuppressants in Solid Organ Transplantation: Time to Implement in the Clinic

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    Our aim in this chapter is to present the state of the art, including our own group research, in the field of immunosuppressant pharmacogenetics in the four main types of solid organ transplantation: kidney, heart, lung, and liver. The main focus will be on those findings in the field that have been widely investigated and then in those that are close to clinical implementation, mainly CYP3A5 genotyping for the adjustment of the initial tacrolimus dose. This recommendation will be discussed in more detail, explaining its clinical potential as well as its limitations. To end, a short opinion about the feasibility of implementation in the health systems as well as discussion about private companies selling pharmacogenetic tests will be presented

    Interstellar detection of O-protonated carbonyl sulfide, HOCS+

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    We present the first detection in space of O-protonated carbonyl sulfide (\ch{HOCS+}), in the midst of an ultradeep molecular line survey toward the G+0.693-0.027 molecular cloud. From the observation of all KKa_a = 0 transitions ranging from JJlo_{lo} = 2 to JJlo_{lo} = 13 of \ch{HOCS+} covered by our survey, we derive a column density of NN = (9 ±\pm 2)×\times1012^{12} cm−2^{-2}, translating into a fractional abundance relative to H2_2 of ∌\sim7×\times10−11^{-11}. Conversely, the S-protonated \ch{HSCO+} isomer remains undetected, and we derive an upper limit to its abundance with respect to H2_2 of ≀\leq3×\times10−11^{-11}, a factor of ≄\geq2.3 less abundant than \ch{HOCS+}. We obtain a \ch{HOCS+}/OCS ratio of ∌\sim2.5×\times10−3^{-3}, in good agreement with the prediction of astrochemical models. These models show that one of the main chemical routes to the interstellar formation of \ch{HOCS+} is likely the protonation of OCS, which appears to be more efficient at the oxygen end. Also, we find that high values of cosmic-ray ionisation rates (10−15^{-15}-10−14^{-14} s−1^{-1}) are needed to reproduce the observed abundance of \ch{HOCS+}. In addition, we compare the O/S ratio across different interstellar environments. G+0.693-0.027 appears as the source with the lowest O/S ratio. We find a \ch{HOCO+}/\ch{HOCS+} ratio of ∌\sim31, in accordance with other O/S molecular pairs detected toward this region and also close to the O/S solar value (∌\sim37). This fact indicates that S is not significantly depleted within this cloud due to the action of large-scale shocks, unlike in other sources where S-bearing species remain trapped on icy dust grains.Comment: Forthcoming paper in The Astrophysical Journal (in press

    Discovery of the elusive carbonic acid (HOCOOH) in space

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    After a quarter century since the detection of the last interstellar carboxylic acid, acetic acid (CH3_3COOH), we report the discovery of a new one, the cis-trans form of carbonic acid (HOCOOH), toward the Galactic Center molecular cloud G+0.693-0.027. HOCOOH stands as the first interstellar molecule containing three oxygen atoms and also the third carboxylic acid detected so far in the interstellar medium. Albeit the limited available laboratory measurements (up to 65 GHz), we have also identified several pairs of unblended lines directly in the astronomical data (between 75-120 GHz), which allowed us to slightly improve the set of spectroscopic constants. We derive a column density for cis-trans HOCOOH of NN = (6.4 ±\pm 0.4) ×\times 1012^{12} cm−2^{-2}, which yields an abundance with respect to molecular H2_2 of 4.7 ×\times 10−11^{-11}. Meanwhile, the extremely low dipole moment (about fifteen times lower) of the lower-energy conformer, cis-cis HOCOOH, precludes its detection. We obtain an upper limit to its abundance with respect to H2_2 of ≀\leq 1.2 ×\times10−9^{-9}, which suggests that cis-cis HOCOOH might be fairly abundant in interstellar space, although it is nearly undetectable by radio astronomical observations. We derive a cis-cis/cis-trans ratio ≀\leq 25, consistent with the smaller energy difference between both conformers compared with the relative stability of trans- and cis-formic acid (HCOOH). Finally, we compare the abundance of these acids in different astronomical environments, further suggesting a relationship between the chemical content found in the interstellar medium and the chemical composition of the minor bodies of the Solar System, which could be inherited during the star formation process.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa