350 research outputs found

    Thermal to Nonthermal Energy Partition at the Early Rise Phase of Solar Flares

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    In some flares the thermal component appears much earlier than the nonthermal component in X-ray range. Using sensitive microwave observations we revisit this finding made by Battaglia et al. (2009) based on RHESSI data analysis. We have found that nonthermal microwave emission produced by accelerated electrons with energy of at least several hundred keV, appears as early as the thermal soft X-ray emission indicative that the electron acceleration takes place at the very early flare phase. The non-detection of the hard X-rays at that early stage of the flares is, thus, an artifact of a limited RHESSI sensitivity. In all considered events, the microwave emission intensity increases at the early flare phase. We found that either thermal or nonthermal gyrosynchrotron emission can dominate the low-frequency part of the microwave spectrum below the spectral peak occurring at 3-10 GHz. In contrast, the high-frequency optically thin part of the spectrum is always formed by the nonthermal, accelerated electron component, whose power-law energy spectrum can extend up to a few MeV at this early flare stage. This means that even though the total number of accelerated electrons is small at this stage, their nonthermal spectrum is fully developed. This implies that an acceleration process of available seed particles is fully operational. While, creation of this seed population (the process commonly called `injection' of the particles from the thermal pool into acceleration) has a rather low efficiency at this stage, although, the plasma heating efficiency is high. This imbalance between the heating and acceleration (in favor of the heating) is difficult to reconcile within most of available flare energization models. Being reminiscent of the tradeoff between the Joule heating and runaway electron acceleration, it puts additional constraints on the electron injection into the acceleration process.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for Ap

    The Interplanetary Network Supplement to the Fermi GBM Catalog of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We present Interplanetary Network (IPN) data for the gamma-ray bursts in the first Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) catalog. Of the 491 bursts in that catalog, covering 2008 July 12 to 2010 July 11, 427 were observed by at least one other instrument in the 9-spacecraft IPN. Of the 427, the localizations of 149 could be improved by arrival time analysis (or triangulation). For any given burst observed by the GBM and one other distant spacecraft, triangulation gives an annulus of possible arrival directions whose half-width varies between about 0.4' and 32 degrees, depending on the intensity, time history, and arrival direction of the burst, as well as the distance between the spacecraft. We find that the IPN localizations intersect the 1 sigma GBM error circles in only 52% of the cases, if no systematic uncertainty is assumed for the latter. If a 6 degree systematic uncertainty is assumed and added in quadrature, the two localization samples agree about 87% of the time, as would be expected. If we then multiply the resulting error radii by a factor of 3, the two samples agree in slightly over 98% of the cases, providing a good estimate of the GBM 3 sigma error radius. The IPN 3 sigma error boxes have areas between about 1 square arcminute and 110 square degrees, and are, on the average, a factor of 180 smaller than the corresponding GBM localizations. We identify two bursts in the IPN/GBM sample that did not appear in the GBM catalog. In one case, the GBM triggered on a terrestrial gamma flash, and in the other, its origin was given as uncertain. We also discuss the sensitivity and calibration of the IPN.Comment: 52 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables. Revised version, resubmitted to the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series following refereeing. Figures of the localizations in Table 3 may be found on the IPN website, at ssl.berkeley.edu/ipn3/YYMMDD, where YY, MM, and DD are the year, month, and day of the burst, sometimes with suffixes A or

    Implications of the Visible and X-Ray Counterparts to GRB970228

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    The gamma-ray burst source GRB970228 has been observed after a delay of 8--12 hours in X-rays and after one day in visible and near infrared light. This marks the first detection of emission at lower frequencies following the gamma-ray observation of a GRB and the first detection of any visible counterpart to a GRB. We consider possible delayed visible and X-ray emission mechanisms, and conclude that the intrinsic gamma-ray activity continued at a much reduced intensity for at least a day. There are hints of such continued activity in other GRB, and future observations can decide if this is true of GRB in general. The observed multi-band spectrum of GRB970228 agrees with the predictions of relativistic shock theory when the flux is integrated over a time longer than that required for a radiating electron to lose its energy.Comment: 5 pp., tex, 1 figur

    Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares: new clues from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor

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    In the last four decades it has been observed that solar flares show quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) from the lowest, i.e. radio, to the highest, i.e. gamma-ray, part of the electromagnetic spectrum. To this day, it is still unclear which mechanism creates such QPPs. In this paper, we analyze four bright solar flares which show compelling signatures of quasi-periodic behavior and were observed with the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (\gbm) onboard the Fermi satellite. Because GBM covers over 3 decades in energy (8 keV to 40 MeV) it can be a key instrument to understand the physical processes which drive solar flares. We tested for periodicity in the time series of the solar flares observed by GBM by applying a classical periodogram analysis. However, contrary to previous authors, we did not detrend the raw light curve before creating the power spectral density spectrum (PSD). To assess the significance of the frequencies we made use of a method which is commonly applied for X-ray binaries and Seyfert galaxies. This technique takes into account the underlying continuum of the PSD which for all of these sources has a P(f) ~ f^{-\alpha} dependence and is typically labeled red-noise. We checked the reliability of this technique by applying it to a solar flare which was observed by the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) which contains, besides any potential periodicity from the Sun, a 4 s rotational period due to the rotation of the spacecraft around its axis. While we do not find an intrinsic solar quasi-periodic pulsation we do reproduce the instrumental periodicity. Moreover, with the method adopted here, we do not detect significant QPPs in the four bright solar flares observed by GBM. We stress that for the purpose of such kind of analyses it is of uttermost importance to appropriately account for the red-noise component in the PSD of these astrophysical sources.Comment: accepted by A&

    Supernovae - Optical Precursors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The probability of observing "supernova - gamma-ray burst" (GRB) pair events and recurrent GRBs from one galaxy in a time interval of several years has been estimated. Supernova explosions in binary systems accompanied by the formation of a short-lived pair of compact objects can be the sources of such events. If a short GRB is generated during the collision of a pair, then approximately each of ~300 short GRBs with redshift z must have an optical precursor - a supernova in the observer's time interval <2(1+z)yr. If the supernova explosion has the pattern of a hypernova, then a successive observation of long and short GRBs is possible. The scenario for the generation of multiple GRBs in collapsing galactic nuclei is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; this paper has the e-precursor arXiv:1101.3298 [astro-ph.HE

    The Fourth BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog (Revised)

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    The Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) has triggered on 1637 cosmic gamma-ray bursts between 1991 April 19 and 1996 August 29. These events constitute the Fourth BATSE burst catalog. The current version (4Br) has been revised from the version first circulated on CD-ROM in September 1997 (4B) to include improved locations for a subset of bursts that have been reprocssed using additional data. A significant difference from previous BATSE catalogs is the inclusion of bursts from periods when the trigger energy range differed from the nominal 50-300 keV. We present tables of the burst occurrence times, locations, peak fluxes, fluences, and durations. In general, results from previous BATSE catalogs are confirmed here with greater statistical significance.Comment: 45 pages, 12 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in Ap. J. Supp

    Rest-frame properties of 32 gamma-ray bursts observed by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor

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    Aims: In this paper we study the main spectral and temporal properties of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed by Fermi/GBM. We investigate these key properties of GRBs in the rest-frame of the progenitor and test for possible intra-parameter correlations to better understand the intrinsic nature of these events. Methods: Our sample comprises 32 GRBs with measured redshift that were observed by GBM until August 2010. 28 of them belong to the long-duration population and 4 events were classified as short/hard bursts. For all of these events we derive, where possible, the intrinsic peak energy in the νFν\nu F_{\nu} spectrum (\eprest), the duration in the rest-frame, defined as the time in which 90% of the burst fluence was observed (\tninetyrest) and the isotropic equivalent bolometric energy (\eiso). Results: The distribution of \eprest has mean and median values of 1.1 MeV and 750 keV, respectively. A log-normal fit to the sample of long bursts peaks at ~800 keV. No high-\ep population is found but the distribution is biased against low \ep values. We find the lowest possible \ep that GBM can recover to be ~ 15 keV. The \tninetyrest distribution of long GRBs peaks at ~10 s. The distribution of \eiso has mean and median values of 8.9×10528.9\times 10^{52} erg and 8.2×10528.2 \times 10^{52} erg, respectively. We confirm the tight correlation between \eprest and \eiso (Amati relation) and the one between \eprest and the 1-s peak luminosity (LpL_p) (Yonetoku relation). Additionally, we observe a parameter reconstruction effect, i.e. the low-energy power law index α\alpha gets softer when \ep is located at the lower end of the detector energy range. Moreover, we do not find any significant cosmic evolution of neither \eprest nor \tninetyrest.Comment: accepted by A&

    Integrating the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor into the 3rd Interplanetary Network

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    We are integrating the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) into the Interplanetary Network (IPN) of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) detectors. With the GBM, the IPN will comprise 9 experiments. This will 1) assist the Fermi team in understanding and reducing their systematic localization uncertainties, 2) reduce the sizes of the GBM and Large Area Telescope (LAT) error circles by 1 to 4 orders of magnitude, 3) facilitate the identification of GRB sources with objects found by ground- and space-based observatories at other wavelengths, from the radio to very high energy gamma-rays, 4) reduce the uncertainties in associating some LAT detections of high energy photons with GBM bursts, and 5) facilitate searches for non-electromagnetic GRB counterparts, particularly neutrinos and gravitational radiation. We present examples and demonstrate the synergy between Fermi and the IPN. This is a Fermi Cycle 2 Guest Investigator project.Comment: 5 pages, 11 figures. 2009 Fermi Symposium. eConf Proceedings C09112
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