427 research outputs found

    Post-exercise Hot Water Immersion Elicits Heat Acclimation Adaptations That Are Retained for at Least Two Weeks

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    Heat acclimation by post-exercise hot water immersion (HWI) on six consecutive days reduces thermal strain and improves exercise performance during heat stress. However, the retention of adaptations by this method remains unknown. Typically, adaptations to short-term, exercise-heat-acclimation ( 0.05). As such, the reduction in thermal strain during exercise-heat stress appears likely due to the reduction in resting T re evident at POST, WK 1, and WK 2. In summary, 6 days of post-exercise HWI is an effective, practical and accessible heat acclimation strategy that induces adaptations, which are retained for at least 2 weeks. Therefore, post-exercise HWI can be completed during an athlete's pre-taper phase and does not suffer from the same practical limitations as short-term, exercise-heat-acclimation

    The Extraction of Knowledge Factors of Teachers for Physical Computing Education

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    In informatics, physical computing focuses on interactions to realize the real world as a computing system. From 2018, how to teach the physical computing in informatics as a mandatory subject is important. The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems in the physical computing education recognized by secondary school informatics teachers and to provide implications for effective programming education. First, we extracted related keywords of physical computing in the 2015 revised informatics curriculum and science curriculum. Second, extracted keywords are classified into hardware and programming. Third, we developed a questionnaire item suitable for classification keywords. Finally, web surveys were conducted and analyzed for in-service and pre-service secondary school informatics teachers. As a result of the research, it was confirmed that the informatics teachers recognized that physical computing education was helpful for programming education. However, a large proportion of the member's lack of training time and receive appropriate education and training programs, hardware, reduced the level of knowledge about the physical computing element content

    Intrahistiocytic Storage of Clofazimine Crystals in a Cat

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    A 13-year-old castrated male Maine coon cat with a 5-year history of atypical mycobacteriosis was euthanized and submitted for necropsy. The cat had been kept in clinical remission since diagnosis using a combination of the antimycobacterial drug clofazimine and additional multimodal antimicrobial therapy. Grossly, tissues were diffusely discolored red-brown to yellow. Histologically, the myocardial interstitum was expanded by numerous, often multinucleated cells, which were distended by uniformly shaped acicular cytoplasmic spaces. These cells were immunopositive for CD18 and immunonegative for desmin, suggesting a histiocytic rather than muscular origin. Macrophages in other tissues contained similar acicular spaces. Ultrastructurally, the spaces were surrounded by 2 lipid membranes, resembling an autophagosome. Based on the clinical history and histologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural data, we diagnosed clofazimine crystal storage. To our knowledge, this is the first report of clofazimine storage in a cat or within myocardial interstitial macrophages

    Effect of restricting silage feeding prepartum on time of calving, dystocia and stillbirth in Holstein-Friesian cows

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    A study was carried out to investigate the effect of restricting silage feeding on time of calving and calving performance in Holstein-Friesian cows. In the treatment group (n = 1,248 cows, 12 herds) silage feeding commenced in the evening (17:00 to 20:00 h), after a period of restricted access (2 to 10 h) while in the control group ad-libitum access to silage was provided over the 24 h period (n = 1,193 cows, 12 herds). Daytime and nighttime calvings were defined as calvings occurring between the hours of 06:30 and 00:29 and between 00:30 and 06:29, respectively. Restricting access to silage resulted in less calvings at night compared to cows with ad-libitum access to silage (18 vs 22%, P < 0.05). Cows with restricted access to silage had a higher percentage of difficult calvings (11 vs 7%, P < 0.001) and stillbirths (7 vs 5%, P < 0.05) compared to cows in the control group. The percentage of calvings at night was lower (13%) when access to silage was restricted for 10 h compared to 2, 4 or 6 h (22, 18, 25%, respectively) (P < 0.001). Calf sire breed, calf gender or cow parity did not influence time of calving. In conclusion, offering silage to pregnant Holstein-Friesian cows in the evening, after a period of restricted access, reduced the incidence of nighttime calvings, but increased the incidence of dystocia and stillbirth

    Isothermic and fixed intensity heat acclimation methods induce similar heat adaptation following short and long-term timescales

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    Heat acclimation requires the interaction between hot environments and exercise to elicit thermoregulatory adaptations. Optimal synergism between these parameters is unknown. Common practise involves utilising a fixed workload model where exercise prescription is controlled and core temperature is uncontrolled, or an isothermic model where core temperature is controlled and work rate is manipulated to control core temperature. Following a baseline heat stress test; 24 males performed a between groups experimental design performing short term heat acclimation (STHA; five 90min sessions) and long term heat acclimation (LTHA; STHA plus further five 90min sessions) utilising either fixed intensity (50%), continuous isothermic (target rectal temperature 38.5°C for STHA and LTHA), or progressive isothermic heat acclimation (target rectal temperature 38.5°C for STHA, and 39.0°C for LTHA). Identical heat stress tests followed STHA and LTHA to determine the magnitude of adaptation. All methods induced equal adaptation from baseline however isothermic methods induced adaptation and reduced exercise durations (STHA=−66% and LTHA=−72%) and mean session intensity (STHA=−13%and LTHA=−9%) in comparison to fixed (p0.05). Only thermal sensation improved from baseline to STHA (−0.2), and then between STHA and LTHA (−0.5) (p<0.05). Both the continuous and progressive isothermic methods elicited exercise duration, mean session intensity, and meanTrecanalogous to more efficient administration for maximising adaptation. Short term isothermic methods are therefore optimal for individuals aiming to achieve heat adaptation most economically, i.e. when integrating heat acclimation into a pre-competition taper. Fixed methods may be optimal for military and occupational applications due to lower exercise intensity and simplified administration

    Uterine Torsion Dystocia Complicated by Perosomus Elumbis in an Angus Calf Associated with a Consanguineous Mating

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    A six-year-old multiparous Angus cow was presented for dystocia. Vaginal and rectal examinations revealed an approximately 360° counterclockwise uterine torsion. The torsion was corrected by rolling the cow counterclockwise (three episodes) with the aid of a plank coupled with manual detorsion via the vagina. The placement of obstetric chains followed by manual traction ultimately delivered a stillborn male calf with evidence of vertebral aplasia, arthrogryposis, and abdominal organ herniation. Patient history and subsequent parentage verification revealed that the calf was the result of a consanguineous (mother to son) mating. Tissue samples from the affected calf and blood samples from the dam, sire, and ten half siblings were collected for genetic testing and parentage verification. Necropsy, radiographic, and computed tomography examinations all supported a diagnosis of perosomus elumbis. Perosomus elumbis is a congenital abnormality of unknown origin(s), and this is the first report of a case associated with a consanguineous mating

    A comparison of medium-term heat acclimation by post-exercise hot water immersion or exercise in the heat: Adaptations, overreaching, and thyroid hormones.

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    This research compared thermal and perceptual adaptations, endurance capacity, and overreaching markers in men after 3, 6, and 12-days of post-exercise hot water immersion (HWI) or exercise heat acclimation (EHA) with a temperate exercise control (CON), and examined thyroid hormones as a mechanism for the reduction in resting and exercising core temperature (Tre) after HWI. HWI involved a treadmill run at 65% V̇O2peak in 19°C followed by a 40°C bath. EHA and CON involved a work-matched treadmill run at 65% V̇O2peak in 33°C or 19°C, respectively. Compared with CON, resting mean body temperature (Tb), resting and end-exercise Tre, Tre at sweating onset, thermal sensation and perceived exertion were lower and whole-body sweat rate (WBSR) was higher after 12-days of HWI (all P ≤ 0.049, resting Tb: CON -0.11 ± 0.15°C, HWI -0.41 ± 0.15°C). Moreover, resting Tb and Tre at sweating onset were lower after HWI than EHA (P ≤ 0.015, resting Tb: EHA -0.14 ± 0.14°C). No differences were identified between EHA and CON (P ≥ 0.157) except WBSR which was greater after EHA (P = 0.013). No differences were observed between interventions for endurance capacity or overreaching markers (mood, sleep, Stroop, P ≥ 0.190). Thermal adaptations observed after HWI were not related to changes in thyroid hormone concentrations (P ≥ 0.086). In conclusion, 12-days of post-exercise hot water immersion conferred more complete heat acclimation than exercise heat acclimation without increasing overreaching risk, and changes in thyroid hormones are not related to thermal adaptationsafter post-exercise hot water immersion

    Understanding MRSA clonal competition within a UK hospital; the possible importance of density dependence

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    Background Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria cause serious, often healthcare-associated infections and are frequently highly resistant to diverse antibiotics. Multiple MRSA clonal complexes (CCs) have evolved independently and countries have different prevalent CCs. It is unclear when and why the dominant CC in a region may switch. Methods We developed a mathematical deterministic model of MRSA CC competing for limited resource. The model distinguishes ‘standard MRSA’ and multidrug resistant sub-populations within each CC, allowing for resistance loss and transfer between same CC bacteria. We first analysed how dynamics of this system depend on growth-rate and resistance-potential differences between CCs, and on their resistance gene accumulation. We then fit the model to capture the longitudinal CC dynamics observed at a single UK hospital, which exemplified the UK-wide switch from mainly CC30 to mainly CC22. Results We find that within a CC, gain and loss of resistance can allow for co-existence of sensitive and resistant sub-populations. Due to more efficient transfer of resistance at higher CC density, more drug resistance can accumulate in the population of a more prevalent CC. We show how this process of density dependent competition, together with prevalence disruption, could explain the relatively sudden switch from mainly CC30 to mainly CC22 in the UK hospital setting. Alternatively, the observed hospital dynamics could be reproduced by assuming that multidrug resistant CC22 evolved only around 2004. Conclusions We showed how higher prevalence may advantage a CC by allowing it to acquire antimicrobial resistances more easily. Due to this density dependence in competition, dominance in an area can depend on historic contingencies; the MRSA CC that happened to be first could stay dominant because of its high prevalence advantage. This then could help explain the stability, despite frequent stochastic introductions across borders, of geographic differences in MRSA CC

    Retinoic acid-responsive CD8 effector T-cells are selectively increased in IL-23-rich tissue in gastrointestinal GvHD.

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) is a major barrier in allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (AHST). The metabolite retinoic acid (RA) potentiates GI-GvHD in mice via alloreactive T-cells expressing the RA-receptor-alpha (RARα), but the role of RA-responsive cells in human GI-GvHD remains undefined. We therefore used conventional and novel sequential immunostaining and flow cytometry to scrutinize RA-responsive T-cells in tissues and blood of AHST patients and characterize the impact of RA on human T-cell alloresponses. Expression of RARα by human mononuclear cells was increased after RA exposure. RARαhi mononuclear cells were increased in GI-GvHD tissue, contained more cellular RA-binding proteins, localized with tissue damage and correlated with GvHD severity and mortality. Using a targeted candidate protein approach we predicted the phenotype of RA-responsive T-cells in the context of increased microenvironmental IL-23. Sequential immunostaining confirmed the presence of a population of RARahi CD8 T-cells with the predicted phenotype, co-expressing the effector T-cell transcription factor T-bet and the IL-23-specific receptor. These cells were increased in GI- but not skin-GvHD tissues and were also selectively expanded in GI-GvHD patient blood. Finally, functional approaches demonstrated RA predominantly increased alloreactive GI-tropic RARahi CD8 effector T-cells, including cells with the phenotype identified in vivo. IL-23-rich conditions potentiated this effect by selectively increasing b7 integrin expression on CD8 effector T-cells and reducing CD4 T-cells with a regulatory cell phenotype. In conclusion we have identified a population of RA-responsive effector T-cells with a distinctive phenotype which are selectively expanded in human GI-GvHD and represent a potential new therapeutic target
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