8 research outputs found

    Jakość życia osoby sprawującej opiekę nad dzieckiem, u którego zdiagnozowano rozszczep kręgosłupa

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    Introduction. Birth of a disabled child, constitutes a large and initially insoluble problem particularly for parents. Assistance should be offered by relatives but above all by experts.Aim. Assessment of the quality of life of caregivers taking care at home of children diagnosed with spina bifida.Material and Methods. The valid questionnaire containing a modified and standardized tool — the Index of the caregiver’s quality of life was applied as a method for collecting empirical data. The scale includes 26 items that reflect the perception of the situation by the caregiver. Grade 4 expressed the greatest burden. The surveyed group consisted of 60 respondents who care at home for children diagnosed with spina bifida. The index of the quality of life was assessed in terms of the following statistical data: caregiver’s family relationship to the child, duration of care of a disabled child and the degree of burden perception by the caregiver, depending on the age of the child.Results. Based on the analysis of the data there has not been revealed a statistically significant relationship between the caregiver’s family relationship to a disabled child and their level of subjective quality (p>0.05). A statistically significant relationship has not been confirmed between the duration of the care of a disabled child and caregiver’s burden perception measured, as well as between the age of the disabled child and the caregiver’s performance evaluation (p>0.05).Conclusions. The research results are consistent with the results obtained by several other authors who argue that performance of care often depends on the condition of the disabled child, access to the child and also on the child’s age. (JNNN 2014;3(4):148–152)Wstęp. Narodziny niepełnosprawnego dziecka stanowią początkowo dla rodziców duży i nierozwiązywalny problem. Rodzicom powinna zostać zaoferowana pomoc nie tylko ze strony bliskich, ale przede wszystkim specjalistów.Cel. Ocena jakości życia opiekunów sprawujących opiekę domową nad dzieckiem, u którego zdiagnozowano rozszczep kręgosłupa.Materiał i metody. Jako metodę zbierania danych empirycznych wykorzystano odpowiedni kwestionariusz, który zawierał zmodyfikowane oraz znormalizowane narzędzie — Wskaźnik jakości życia opiekuna. Przedmiotowa skala zawiera 26 elementów, które odzwierciedlają stopień odczuwania sytuacji przez opiekuna. Stopień czwarty oznacza najwyższy poziom ciężaru odczuwanego przez opiekuna. Badaniu poddano 60 respondentów, sprawujących domową opiekę nad dzieckiem, u którego zdiagnozowano rozszczep kręgosłupa. Ocenę jakości życia przeprowadzono w oparciu o następujące kryteria demograficzne: relację rodzinną między opiekunem a dzieckiem, okres sprawowania opieki nad niepełnosprawnym dzieckiem, stopień odczuwania przez opiekunów obciążenia związanego z wiekiem dziecka.Wyniki. Na podstawie analizy otrzymanych danych nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnego związku między relacją rodzinną opiekuna do dziecka niepełnosprawnego a poziomem subiektywnej oceny jakości (p>0,05). Nie potwierdzona została również statystycznie istotna zależność między czasem trwania opieki nad dzieckiem niepełnosprawnym a zmierzonym obciążeniem opiekuna, podobnie jak między wiekiem niepełnosprawnego dziecka a oceną opieki sprawowanej przez osobę opiekującą (p>0,05).Wnioski. Wyniki badania są zbieżne z wynikami uzyskanymi przez kilku innych autorów, którzy twierdzą, że sprawowanie opieki nad dzieckiem niepełnosprawnym często uzależnione jest od jego stanu, kontaktu z dzieckiem, jak również wieku dziecka. (PNN 2014;3(4):148–152

    Influence of iron content on mechanical properties of secondary AIZn10Si8Mg cast alloy

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    This study has been supported by projects VEGA 1/0398/19 and KEGA 049ŽU-4/2017

    PIN-driven auxin transport emerged early in streptophyte evolution

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    PIN-FORMED (PIN) transporters mediate directional, intercellular movement of the phytohormone auxin in land plants. To elucidate the evolutionary origins of this developmentally crucial mechanism, we analysed the single PIN homologue of a simple green alga Klebsormidium flaccidum. KfPIN functions as a plasma membrane-localized auxin exporter in land plants and heterologous models. While its role in algae remains unclear, PIN-driven auxin export is probably an ancient and conserved trait within streptophytes

    The cyclophilin A DIAGEOTROPICA gene affects auxin transport in both root and shoot to control lateral root formation

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    Cyclophilin A is a conserved peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) best known as the cellular receptor of the immunosuppressant cyclosporine A. Despite significant effort, evidence of developmental functions of cyclophilin A in non-plant systems has remained obscure. Mutations in a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cyclophilin A ortholog, DIAGEOTROPICA (DGT), have been shown to abolish the organogenesis of lateral roots; however, a mechanistic explanation of the phenotype is lacking. Here, we show that the dgt mutant lacks auxin maxima relevant to priming and specification of lateral root founder cells. DGT is expressed in shoot and root, and localizes to both the nucleus and cytoplasm during lateral root organogenesis. Mutation of ENTIRE/IAA9, a member of the auxin-responsive Aux/IAA protein family of transcriptional repressors, partially restores the inability of dgt to initiate lateral root primordia but not the primordia outgrowth. By comparison, grafting of a wild-type scion restores the process of lateral root formation, consistent with participation of a mobile signal. Antibodies do not detect movement of the DGT protein into the dgt rootstock; however, experiments with radiolabeled auxin and an auxin-specific microelectrode demonstrate abnormal auxin fluxes. Functional studies of DGT in heterologous yeast and tobacco-leaf auxin-transport systems demonstrate that DGT negatively regulates PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux transporters by affecting their plasma membrane localization. Studies in tomato support complex effects of the dgt mutation on PIN expression level, expression domain and plasma membrane localization. Our data demonstrate that DGT regulates auxin transport in lateral root formation

    Source rock potential of the Miocene sedimentary rocks in the Carpathian Foredeep of the Czech Republic

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    We determine the organic matter content, its thermal maturity, genetic type, and source rock potential of the Miocene sedimentary rocks in the Czech Carpathian Foredeep. In the Czech Republic the Carpathian Foredeep represents a peripheral foreland basin formed due to the tectonic emplacement and loading of the Alpine-Carpathian Thrust Wedge onto the passive margin of the Bohemian Massif. Random vitrinite/huminite reflectance measurements and maceral analyses were performed on 25 samples from the Carpathian Foredeep succession. Additionally, results of 135 TOC content measurements, 141 Rock-Eval pyrolysis analyses and 27 vitrinite reflectance measurements were used to evaluate the regional distribution and depth trends for the entire Carpathian Foredeep. The thermal maturity of organic matter is between the immature part and peak of the oil window (Tmax = 413–448°C). Beneath the Western Carpathian Thrust Belt, the thermal maturity reaches higher values (Rr = 0.43–0.58%, Tmax = 429–448°C). The hydrocarbon generation potential is poor or fair, even if the total organic carbon values indicate good or even very good source rock potential. This is mainly due to the prevailing gas-prone Type III kerogen. The best source rocks were observed in the Miocene strata of the southern and central segments of the area discussed

    The impact of saline mine water on fate of mineral elements and organic matter: The case study of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin

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    The work presented here provides a complex environmental impact of sediments in vicinity to the area of the former Lazy coal mine site in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Czech Republic). The main aim of this work has been to determine the degree of contamination, to describe the organic matter, and to carry out sorption isotherms to see the size and distribution of pores in the monitored sediments that are the crucial parameters to assumption of removal mechanisms of elements carried in mine water. The results show that the greatest enrichment of Mn, Sr, Ba, and was in sediments of the first tens of meters from the mine water discharge sediments. Ba and Sr were precipitated as mineral barite and thus formed a dominant insoluble component in the river sediments, which were further carried by water flow towards the water reservoirs. Predominant amounts of fossil material and smaller quantities of carbonized and recent organic matter were altered by weathering and erosion processes. The coal materials have a relatively beneficial sorption capacity, which increases with the carbon content. The overburden waste should be considered for use in removing heavy metals in-situ.This study was financially supported by the Czech Academy of Science within the Research and Mobility Support of Starting Researchers Programme (Project No. MSM 100462001, under the title Vanadium Migration in Coal Mining Areas: Sorption of V on Selected Clay Minerals). The authors also thank the ERASMUS + programme for supporting PhD student Lujza Medvecká with a research fellowship at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and we thank Ivana Perná and Lenka Borecká for their aid in the laboratory work. The work also received support from Operational Program Prague—Competitiveness project “Centre for Texture Analysis” (No.:CZ.2.16/3.1.00/21538), and from the long-term conceptual development of research organisation RVO: 67985891.Peer reviewe

    Influence of iron content on mechanical properties of secondary AIZn10Si8Mg cast alloy

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    This study has been supported by projects VEGA 1/0398/19 and KEGA 049ŽU-4/2017

    The Effect of the β-Al5FeSi Phases on Microstructure, Mechanical and Fatigue Properties in A356.0 Cast Alloys with Higher Fe Content without Additional Alloying of Mn

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    Secondary-cast aluminum alloys have increasing industrial applications. Their biggest deficiency is their impurity content, especially Fe, which has low solubility in Al and almost all the content creates intermetallic phases. This work examines the effect of higher Fe content on the microstructure and properties of A356.0 alloy. At the same time, no other possibility existed to affecting the brittleness of the formation of the β phases. The calculation of Fecrit, ratio of Mn/Fe, quantitative and computed tomography analysis of porosity and Fe plate-like phases, measurement of mechanical and fatigue properties, and fractography analysis were performed in this study. The results show that gravity die casting into a sand mold, and the non-usage of Mn addition or heat treatment, do not have a negative effect on increasing the size of the Fe-rich plate-like phases. The longest Fe-rich phases have limited the pore growth and ratios, but their higher thickness led to greater porosity formation. The mechanical and fatigue properties correlate with the Fecrit level and the highest were for the experimental alloy with 0.454 wt.% of Fe. The experimental results confirmed the fact that if the Fe plate-like phases have a length of up to 50 µm, the fatigue properties depend more on the size of porosity. If the length of the Fe needles is more than 50 µm, then the properties are mainly affected by the length of these Fe phases