5 research outputs found

    The Forgotten Years of Bibendum. Michelin’s American Period in Milltown: Design, Illustration and Advertising by Pioneer Tire Companies (1900-1930)

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    - The present edition of this Thesis dissertation in the translated English version (2018) has been made possible thanks to the unconditional support of the prominent philanthropist Bruce T. Halle, successful businessman and founder and owner of Discount Tire Co., the largest independent tire dealer in North America. Mr. Halle also stands out as an art collector, highlighting The Collection of Discount Tire which comprises the most important collection of Art Nouveau lithographic posters dedicated to tire advertising. Most of these impressive posters hang on the walls of the Discount Tire headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona. Unfortunately, Mr. Halle passed away earlier this year. I truly regret not having been able to present this project to him in person which was made possible by his generosity.- The translation process has been directly established and coordinated from Scottsdale by Susan Driver, Art Historian and curator of the Collection of Discount Tire and author of the book Posters from the Collection of Discount Tire (2007). It has been a pleasure to work with her, and her vast knowledge on the subject, her professionalism and enthusiasm have allowed the entire project to flow smoothly from its inception to its realization. Thank you, Susan!- Of course, I must highlight the professional work and enthusiasm invested in the project by the translator Joy Ngo, who resides between Barcelona and the United States, academic researcher and teacher of nutrition and dietetics and author of various scientific publications in the field of public health nutrition. Her comments and contributions during the translation and adaptation process has helped to enhance the comprehension of the original text. Moltes gràcies Joy![Translated English Edition, 2018]. Doctoral dissertation "Los años olvidados de Bibendum. La etapa americana de Michelin en Milltown. Diseño, ilustración y publicidad en las compañías del neumático (1900-1930)" submitted by Pau Medrano-Bigas. Supervisor: Dr. Anna Calvera Sagué. Department of Image and Design. Sant Jordi Faculty of Fine Arts. University of Barcelona. Barcelona, 2015. [http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66327]During the first decade of the 20th century, the Michelin tire company began a process of internationalization. Subsidiaries were established in the heart of the main markets: those of the UK (London from 1905), Italy (with a factory in Turin, active from 1907) and finally in the United States (in Milltown, New Jersey, in operation from 1908). The firm’s efforts within the advertising field are an integral part of the European history of graphic design and poster art, also contributing to the fame of those artists who started the movement. This was particularly so in the case of the company’s mascot BIBENDUM, which, more than a century after his creation in 1898, is still the company’s iconic symbol. But if the Michelin Company’s history in France is well known, the researchers are very interested in the company’s almost 24 year presence in the United States (1907-1930), particularly the strategies developed in the field of advertising and graphics that have been completely ignored up to now. What were the main features of this advertising strategy and how did it differ from those that were being used by the firm in Europe at the time? To answer this question, this research work first aims to reconstruct the history of American business and its links with the parent policies. To analyze these advertising strategies, the author needed to have in-depth knowledge of the reality of cultural norms, historical events, social, technological developments and commercial competition. Collecting, classifying and analyzing these advertising campaigns have helped with the understanding of the contributions of different directives, advertising agents, art directors, designers, illustrators and graphic artists who participated in the creative process of those elements which forged the identity of the company. The author shows how the managers had to deal with American behavioral patterns to successfully adapt their advertising campaigns. Therefore this thesis research goes beyond a study of Michelin advertising graphics or strategies. For the first time the history of Michelin’s early presence in North America is established, addressing both social and economic issues. It also provides extensive information on Michelin’s competitors in Europe (like Dunlop, Continental, Pirelli, Bergougnan, Prowodnik, Goodrich and many others)

    The tire track as an advertising medium. The case of Michelin and the trade wars between the pioneers in the sector (1904-1916)

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    La encarnizada lucha tecnológica y comercial entre las compañías pioneras del sector del neumático, estrechamente ligada a la librada entre los constructores de automóviles, fue especialmente intensa en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XX y tuvo su reflejo en las distintas estrategias publicitarias adoptadas. El cambio de siglo dejó atrás la era de la bicicleta para desplazar el foco a la emergente industria del motor. Compañías como las francesas Michelin y Bergougnan, la alemana Continental, la italiana Pirelli, las británicas Dunlop y North British o las americanas US Rubber, Goodyear, Goodrich y Firestone, iniciaron políticas de expansión internacional al mismo tiempo que –ante la invasión de firmas rivales foráneas– reforzaban su presencia local. La aparición en 1904 de las novedosas cubiertas neumáticas enteramente de goma y con dibujo antideslizante en su suela –lisa hasta el momento– desató una auténtica batalla comercial entre sus valedores y sus detractores. La beligerante política de comunicación de la firma Michelin fue especialmente significativa, y la utilización intensiva de la publicidad comparativa como recurso desató la airada respuesta de sus competidores.The fierce technological and commercial competition between the pioneers in tire production, closely linked to the rivalry between automobile producers, was especially intense in the first two decades of the twentieth century and is reflected in the different advertising strategies that the various firms adopted. The new century marked the end of the era of the bicycle and the emergence of the motorcar industry. Companies like Michelin and Bergougnan in France, Continental in Germany, Pirelli in Italy, Dunlop and North British in the UK, and US Rubber, Goodyear, Goodrich and Firestone in the US, all moved into the international market and also fought to strengthen their local presence in the face of competition from their foreign rivals. In 1904 the appearance of the new coverings made entirely of rubber and bearing non-skid tread (tires until that time had been plain) sparked off a full-scale trade war between the new tires’ supporters and detractors. The aggressive publicity campaign launched by Michelin was particularly significant, and the intensive use of comparative advertising met with an angry response from its competitors

    Los años olvidados de Bibendum. La etapa americana de Michelin en Milltown. Diseño, ilustración y publicidad en las compañías del neumático (1900-1930)

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    Podeu consultar la versió traduïda a l'anglès a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/126382[spa] Durante la primera década de 1900, la empresa francesa del sector del neumático MICHELIN, con fábrica en Clemont-Ferrand y oficinas comerciales en París, desplegó un proceso de internacionalización. Se crearon filiales en los centros neurálgicos de los principales mercados: en Gran Bretaña (con sede y almacenes en Londres desde 1905), en Italia (con fábrica en Turín activa desde 1907) y, finalmente, en los Estados Unidos de América (En Milltown, New Jersey, con fábrica activa desde 1908). Los elementos publicitarios desplegados en los territorios europeos forman ya parte de la historia del diseño y del cartelismo por su valor gráfico y por el renombre de los artistas que los generaron, destacando especialmente la creación de BIBENDUM, el hombre-neumático, la mascota corporativa y promocional de Michelin que, en 1998, cumplió un siglo y que aún sigue en activo como embajador publicitario de la empresa. Pero, al contrario de lo que sucede con la historia corporativa francesa de Michelin, la etapa estadounidense sigue siendo un territorio poco explorado por los estudiosos y, específicamente, ignorado en cuanto a las estrategias desarrolladas en el campo del diseño y la publicidad durante los casi veinticuatro años (1907-1930) de presencia continuada en ese mercado. ¿Cuáles son los ejes básicos que caracterizaron a una producción publicitaria diferencial en cuanto a su diseño respecto a la llevada a cabo en Europa? Para responder a esta pregunta el estudio se propone investigar y reconstruir la temprana historia corporativa estadounidense de la firma y su encaje con las políticas marcadas desde la casa madre francesa; conocer con detalle el reflejo que los patrones culturales, los hechos históricos, los cambios sociales, los progresos tecnológicos o la competencia comercial tuvieron a lo largo de los años en las estrategias publicitarias y, finalmente, recopilar, ordenar y analizar las campañas, los anuncios y los elementos de identidad utilizados así como el papel y las aportaciones de los distintos actores -directivos, agencias, directores de arte, diseñadores, ilustradores y grafistas- que participaron en el proceso de su creación

    The Forgotten Years of Bibendum. Michelin’s American Period in Milltown: Design, Illustration and Advertising by Pioneer Tire Companies (1900-1930)

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    - The present edition of this Thesis dissertation in the translated English version (2018) has been made possible thanks to the unconditional support of the prominent philanthropist Bruce T. Halle, successful businessman and founder and owner of Discount Tire Co., the largest independent tire dealer in North America. Mr. Halle also stands out as an art collector, highlighting The Collection of Discount Tire which comprises the most important collection of Art Nouveau lithographic posters dedicated to tire advertising. Most of these impressive posters hang on the walls of the Discount Tire headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona. Unfortunately, Mr. Halle passed away earlier this year. I truly regret not having been able to present this project to him in person which was made possible by his generosity.- The translation process has been directly established and coordinated from Scottsdale by Susan Driver, Art Historian and curator of the Collection of Discount Tire and author of the book Posters from the Collection of Discount Tire (2007). It has been a pleasure to work with her, and her vast knowledge on the subject, her professionalism and enthusiasm have allowed the entire project to flow smoothly from its inception to its realization. Thank you, Susan!- Of course, I must highlight the professional work and enthusiasm invested in the project by the translator Joy Ngo, who resides between Barcelona and the United States, academic researcher and teacher of nutrition and dietetics and author of various scientific publications in the field of public health nutrition. Her comments and contributions during the translation and adaptation process has helped to enhance the comprehension of the original text. Moltes gràcies Joy![Translated English Edition, 2018]. Doctoral dissertation "Los años olvidados de Bibendum. La etapa americana de Michelin en Milltown. Diseño, ilustración y publicidad en las compañías del neumático (1900-1930)" submitted by Pau Medrano-Bigas. Supervisor: Dr. Anna Calvera Sagué. Department of Image and Design. Sant Jordi Faculty of Fine Arts. University of Barcelona. Barcelona, 2015. [http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66327]During the first decade of the 20th century, the Michelin tire company began a process of internationalization. Subsidiaries were established in the heart of the main markets: those of the UK (London from 1905), Italy (with a factory in Turin, active from 1907) and finally in the United States (in Milltown, New Jersey, in operation from 1908). The firm’s efforts within the advertising field are an integral part of the European history of graphic design and poster art, also contributing to the fame of those artists who started the movement. This was particularly so in the case of the company’s mascot BIBENDUM, which, more than a century after his creation in 1898, is still the company’s iconic symbol. But if the Michelin Company’s history in France is well known, the researchers are very interested in the company’s almost 24 year presence in the United States (1907-1930), particularly the strategies developed in the field of advertising and graphics that have been completely ignored up to now. What were the main features of this advertising strategy and how did it differ from those that were being used by the firm in Europe at the time? To answer this question, this research work first aims to reconstruct the history of American business and its links with the parent policies. To analyze these advertising strategies, the author needed to have in-depth knowledge of the reality of cultural norms, historical events, social, technological developments and commercial competition. Collecting, classifying and analyzing these advertising campaigns have helped with the understanding of the contributions of different directives, advertising agents, art directors, designers, illustrators and graphic artists who participated in the creative process of those elements which forged the identity of the company. The author shows how the managers had to deal with American behavioral patterns to successfully adapt their advertising campaigns. Therefore this thesis research goes beyond a study of Michelin advertising graphics or strategies. For the first time the history of Michelin’s early presence in North America is established, addressing both social and economic issues. It also provides extensive information on Michelin’s competitors in Europe (like Dunlop, Continental, Pirelli, Bergougnan, Prowodnik, Goodrich and many others)

    cDf International Congress : proceedings : actes, actas : actes, Barcelona Jun. 2013

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    El Congrés Internacional coupDefouet Barcelona 2013 ha estat una iniciativa de l'Art Nouveau European Route – Ruta Europea del Modernisme, organitzada per l'Institut del Paisatge Urbà de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona i el grup de recerca GRACMON de la Universitat de BarcelonaCoordinació: Lluís Bosch, Mireia Freixa.[eng] In 2013 the magazine coupDefouet reached its first decade of existence. As a way of celebrating this, the Art Nouveau European Route – the association of cities and other local institutions for the promotion and diffusion of Art Nouveau heritage that created the magazine – organised a magnificent international congress as a framework for scientific exchange and raising public awareness. The first coupDefouet International Congress on Art Nouveau was held in Barcelona, the city from which coupDefouet is published and one of the undisputable world capitals of Art Nouveau. This volume of the Singularitats series comprises the proceedings of that event.[cat] L’any 2013 va fer deu anys de l’aparició de coupDefouet, la revista de la Ruta Europea del Modernisme, una associació de municipis i altres entitats locals per a la promoció i la difusió del patrimoni modernista o Art Nouveau. Per commemorar-ho, s’organitzà un congrés internacional amb l’objectiu de contribuir al coneixement científic i la difusió d’aquest moviment artístic. El primer Congrés Internacional coupDefouet se celebrà a Barcelona, la ciutat en què s’edita coupDefouet i una de les capitals indiscutibles de l’Art Nouveau. En aquest volum de Singularitats s’apleguen les actes d’aquell esdeveniment