2,199 research outputs found

    Genetic Dissection of a QTL Affecting Bone Geometry.

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    Parameters of bone geometry such as width, length, and cross-sectional area are major determinants of bone strength. Although these traits are highly heritable, few genes influencing bone geometry have been identified. Here, we dissect a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) influencing femur size. This QTL was originally identified in an F2 cross between the C57BL/6J-hg/hg (HG) and CAST/EiJ strains and was referred to as femur length in high growth mice 2 (Feml2). Feml2 was located on chromosome (Chr.) 9 at ∌20 cM. Here, we show that the HG.CAST-(D9Mit249-D9Mit133)/Ucd congenic strain captures Feml2 In an F2 congenic cross, we fine-mapped the location of Feml2 to an ∌6 Mbp region extending from 57.3 to 63.3 Mbp on Chr. 9. We have identified candidates by mining the complete genome sequence of CAST/EiJ and through allele-specific expression (ASE) analysis of growth plates in C57BL/6J × CAST/EiJ F1 hybrids. Interestingly, we also find that the refined location of Feml2 overlaps a cluster of six independent genome-wide associations for human height. This work provides the foundation for the identification of novel genes affecting bone geometry

    Semiclassical (Quantum Field Theory) and Quantum (String) de Sitter Regimes: New Results

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    We compute the quantum string entropy S_s(m, H) from the microscopic string density of states rho_s (m,H) of mass m in de Sitter space-time. We find for high m, a {\bf new} phase transition at the critical string temperature T_s= (1/2 pi k_B)L c^2/alpha', higher than the flat space (Hagedorn) temperature t_s. (L = c/H, the Hubble constant H acts at the transition as producing a smaller string constant alpha' and thus, a higher tension). T_s is the precise quantum dual of the semiclassical (QFT Hawking-Gibbons) de Sitter temperature T_sem = hbar c /(2\pi k_B L). We find a new formula for the full de Sitter entropy S_sem (H), as a function of the usual Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S_sem^(0)(H). For L << l_{Planck}, ie. for low H << c/l_Planck, S_{sem}^{(0)}(H) is the leading term, but for high H near c/l_Planck, a new phase transition operates and the whole entropy S_sem (H) is drastically different from the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S_sem^(0)(H). We compute the string quantum emission cross section by a black hole in de Sitter (or asymptotically de Sitter) space-time (bhdS). For T_sem ~ bhdS << T_s, (early evaporation stage), it shows the QFT Hawking emission with temperature T_sem ~ bhdS, (semiclassical regime). For T_sem ~ bhdS near T_{s}, it exhibits a phase transition into a string de Sitter state of size L_s = l_s^2/L}, l_s= \sqrt{\hbar alpha'/c), and string de Sitter temperature T_s. Instead of featuring a single pole singularity in the temperature (Carlitz transition), it features a square root branch point (de Vega-Sanchez transition). New bounds on the black hole radius r_g emerge in the bhdS string regime: it can become r_g = L_s/2, or it can reach a more quantum value, r_g = 0.365 l_s.Comment: New original materia

    Semiclassical (QFT) and Quantum (String) anti - de Sitter Regimes: New Results

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    We compute the quantum string entropy S_s(m, H) from the microscopic string density of states of mass m in Anti de Sitter space-time. For high m, (high Hm -->c/\alpha'), no phase transition occurs at the Anti de Sitter string temperature T_{s} which is higher than the flat space (Hagedorn) temperature t_{s}. (the Hubble constant H acts as producing a smaller string constant and thus, a higher tension). T_s is the precise quantum dual of the semiclassical (QFT) Anti de Sitter temperature scale . We compute the quantum string emission by a black hole in Anti de Sitter space-time (bhAdS). In the early evaporation stage, it shows the QFT Hawking emission with temperature T_{sem~bhAdS}, (semiclassical regime). For T_{sem~bhAdS}--> T_{s}, it exhibits a phase transition into a Anti de Sitter string state. New string bounds on the black hole emerge in the bhAdS string regime. We find a new formula for the full (quantum regime included) Anti de Sitter entropy S_{sem}, as a function of the usual Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S_{sem}^(0). For low H (semiclassical regime), S_{sem}^(0) is the leading term but for high H (quantum regime), no phase transition operates, in contrast to de Sitter space, and the entropy S_{sem} is very different from the Bekenstein-Hawking term S_{sem}^(0).Comment: Comments 26 pages; no figure

    Semiclassical (QFT) and Quantum (String) Rotating Black Holes and their Evaporation: New Results

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    Combination of both quantum field theory (QFT) and string theory in curved backgrounds in a consistent framework, the string analogue model, allows us to provide a full picture of the Kerr-Newman black hole and its evaporation going beyond the current picture. We compute the quantum emission cross section of strings by a Kerr-Newmann black hole (KNbh). It shows the black hole emission at the Hawking temperature T_{sem} in the early evaporation and the new string emission featuring a Hagedorn transition into a string state of temperature T_ s at the last stages. New bounds on the angular momentum J and charge Q emerge in the quantum string regime. The last state of evaporation of a semiclassical KNbh is a string state of temperature T_s, mass M_s, J = 0 = Q, decaying as a quantum string into all kinds of particles.(There is naturally, no loss of information, (no paradox at all)). We compute the microscopic string entropy S_s(m, j) of mass m and spin mode j. (Besides the usual transition at T_s), we find for high j, (extremal string states) a new phase transition at a temperature T_{sj} higher than T_s. We find a new formula for the Kerr black hole entropy S_{sem}, as a function of the usual Bekenstein-Hawking entropy . For high angular momentum, (extremal J = GM^2/c), a gravitational phase transition operates and the whole entropy S_{sem} is drastically different from the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This new extremal black hole transition occurs at a temperature T_{sem J} higher than the Hawking temperature T_{sem}.Comment: New articl

    Technical note

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    Torsion-Adding and Asymptotic Winding Number for Periodic Window Sequences

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    In parameter space of nonlinear dynamical systems, windows of periodic states are aligned following routes of period-adding configuring periodic window sequences. In state space of driven nonlinear oscillators, we determine the torsion associated with the periodic states and identify regions of uniform torsion in the window sequences. Moreover, we find that the measured of torsion differs by a constant between successive windows in periodic window sequences. We call this phenomenon as torsion-adding. Finally, combining the torsion and the period adding rules, we deduce a general rule to obtain the asymptotic winding number in the accumulation limit of such periodic window sequences

    Black Hole Emission in String Theory and the String Phase of Black Holes

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    String theory properly describes black-hole evaporation. The quantum string emission by Black Holes is computed. The black-hole temperature is the Hawking temperature in the semiclassical quantum field theory (QFT) regime and becomes the intrinsic string temperature, T_s, in the quantum (last stage) string regime. The QFT-Hawking temperature T_H is upper bounded by the string temperature T_S. The black hole emission spectrum is an incomplete gamma function of (T_H - T_S). For T_H << T_S, it yields the QFT-Hawking emission. For T_H \to T_S, it shows highly massive string states dominate the emission and undergo a typical string phase transition to a microscopic `minimal' black hole of mass M_{\min} or radius r_{\min} (inversely proportional to T_S) and string temperature T_S. The string back reaction effect (selfconsistent black hole solution of the semiclassical Einstein equations) is computed. Both, the QFT and string black hole regimes are well defined and bounded.The string `minimal' black hole has a life time tau_{min} simeq (k_B c)/(G hbar [T_S]^3). The semiclassical QFT black hole (of mass M and temperature T_H) and the string black hole (of mass M_{min} and temperature T_S) are mapped one into another by a `Dual' transform which links classical/QFT and quantum string regimes.Comment: LaTex, 22 pages, Lectures delivered at the Chalonge School, Nato ASI: Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: Theory and Observations. To appear in the Proceedings, Editors H. J. de Vega, I. Khalatnikov, N. Sanchez. (Kluwer Pub

    RF Power Amplifier Linearization in Professional Mobile Radio Communications Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    This paper is focused on the linearization of the radio frequency power amplifier of a professional digital handheld by means of an artificial neural network. The simplicity of the neural network that is used, together with the fact that a feedback path is unnecessary, makes this solution ideal to reduce both the cost of a handheld and its hardware complexity, while fully maintaining its performance. A compensation system is also needed to keep the linearization characteristics of the neural network stable against frequency, temperature, and voltage variations. The whole solution that comprises both the neural network and the compensation system has been implemented in the digital signal processor of a real handheld and afterward fully tested. It has proved to be satisfactory to meet the telecommunication standard requirements in all frequency, temperature, and voltage ranges under consideration while efficient to lower the computational cost of the handheld and to make its internal hardware simpler in comparison with other traditional linearization techniques. The results obtained demonstrate that a neural network can be used to linearize the power amplifiers that are used in transmitters of telecommunication equipment, leading to a significant reduction of both their hardware cost and complexity

    A Tool for Integer Homology Computation: Lambda-At Model

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    In this paper, we formalize the notion of lambda-AT-model (where λ\lambda is a non-null integer) for a given chain complex, which allows the computation of homological information in the integer domain avoiding using the Smith Normal Form of the boundary matrices. We present an algorithm for computing such a model, obtaining Betti numbers, the prime numbers p involved in the invariant factors of the torsion subgroup of homology, the amount of invariant factors that are a power of p and a set of representative cycles of generators of homology mod p, for each p. Moreover, we establish the minimum valid lambda for such a construction, what cuts down the computational costs related to the torsion subgroup. The tools described here are useful to determine topological information of nD structured objects such as simplicial, cubical or simploidal complexes and are applicable to extract such an information from digital pictures.Comment: Journal Image and Vision Computing, Volume 27 Issue 7, June, 200
