94 research outputs found

    Use of Internet for General and Dental Health along Acculturation Features in a Sample of Mexican Americans

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    The objectives of this study were to explore self-reported Internet and electronic platforms used to search for and store medical and dental information among people of Mexican origin. A sample of adults self-identified as European American (250) and as Mexican American (255), residing in Central Indiana, answered a one-time survey that included technology use questions and measured acculturation via the Psychological-Behavioral Acculturation Scale. Overall use of information technologies was estimated through an Information and Communication Technology score. Overall, participants with higher scores searched online for general and oral health information at higher rates than those with lower scores. Younger Mexican Americans and those with higher use scores were more likely to search online for general health information, as were those more psychologically and behaviorally acculturated. Interestingly, Mexican Americans were more likely than European Americans to search online for dental health information. All participants demonstrated high interest in accessing and storing their own health information especially on paper format; storage in other places, such as personal computers, smartphones, or USB flash drives, was less endorsed. Most participants would allow spouses access to their health records; however, there were significant differences between both population groups regarding access given to physicians, dentists and other family members, with Mexican Americans reporting more restrictions. Our findings provide initial information on differential use pattern of electronic health resources among Mexican Americans and suggest that new information technologies reach population groups traditionally underserved; such features may help address disparities in general and dental health

    Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures on Dental Care for Schoolchildren Aged 6 to 12 Years: A Cross-Sectional Estimate in a Less-Developed Country Setting

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to estimate the Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures (OOPEs) incurred by households on dental care, as well as to analyze the sociodemographic, economic, and oral health factors associated with such expenditures. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 763 schoolchildren in Mexico. A questionnaire was distributed to parents to determine the variables related to OOPEs on dental care. The amounts were updated in 2017 in Mexican pesos and later converted to 2017 international dollars (purchasing power parities-PPP US ).Multivariatemodelswerecreated:alinearregressionmodel(whichmodeledtheamountofOOPEs),andalogisticregressionmodel(whichmodeledthelikelihoodofincurringOOPEs).Results:TheOOPEsondentalcareforthe763schoolchildrenwerePPPUS). Multivariate models were created: a linear regression model (which modeled the amount of OOPEs), and a logistic regression model (which modeled the likelihood of incurring OOPEs). Results: The OOPEs on dental care for the 763 schoolchildren were PPP US 53,578, averaging a PPP of US 70.2±123.7perchild.DisbursementsfortreatmentweretheprincipalitemwithintheOOPEs.ThefactorsassociatedwithOOPEswerethechildsage,numberofdentalvisits,previousdentalpain,mainreasonfordentalvisit,educationallevelofmother,typeofhealthinsurance,householdcarownership,andsocioeconomicposition.Conclusions:TheaveragecostofdentalcarewasPPPUS70.2 ± 123.7 per child. Disbursements for treatment were the principal item within the OOPEs. The factors associated with OOPEs were the child's age, number of dental visits, previous dental pain, main reason for dental visit, educational level of mother, type of health insurance, household car ownership, and socioeconomic position. Conclusions: The average cost of dental care was PPP US 70.2 ± 123.7. Our study shows that households with higher school-aged children exhibiting the highest report of dental morbidity-as well as those without insurance-face the highest OOPEs. An array of variables were associated with higher expenditures. In general, higher-income households spent more on dental care. However, the present study did not estimate unmet needs across the socioeconomic gradient, and thus, future research is needed to fully ascertain disease burden

    Confirmation of symmetrical distributions of clinical attachment loss and tooth loss in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population

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    Background/purpose To ascertain whether or not clinical attachment loss and tooth loss are present with similar severity and prevalence across the two sides of the mouth in a homogeneous sample of urban male adults. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was carried out on 161 policemen (a largely homogeneous group in terms of ethnic background, socioeconomic status, sex, occupation, and medical/dental insurance) in Campeche, Mexico. Periodontal examinations were undertaken using the Florida Probe System in a dental chair by one trained and standardized examiner (kappa ≥ 0.60) to determine clinical attachment loss and tooth loss. We examined six sites in all teeth present in the mouth (a maximum of 168 sites, no third molars). Because of correlated data between observations, McNemar (for tooth loss) and Wilcoxon (for attachment loss) signed-rank tests were used to compare right and left sites within the same patient. Results The mean age was 38.4 ± 11.0 years. The mean number of teeth present was 24.4 ± 4.6; the mean number of periodontal sites/person was 146.7 ± 27.8. All P values were ≥ 0.05 (except for attachment loss in the upper first premolars), suggesting that there were no statistically significant differences between the right and left sides for the frequency of presentation of these two conditions. Conclusion Tooth loss and attachment loss measurements largely resemble each other on both sides of the mouth

    Associated costs with dental studies in a public Mexican university

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    Objective: to calculate associated costs with dental studies (ACDS) in a public university. Methods: we performed a cross-sectional study using a costing system on a random sample of 376 dental students enrolled at any semester in a public university. To calculate ACDS (Mexican pesos of 2009-1), we used a questionnaire divided into eight sections. Sociodemographic and socioeconomic variables, housing costs, food, transportation, instruments and equipment, as well as remunerations associated with patient care along 16 weeks of classes in each semester were included. We used linear regression. Results: the average of ACDS was of 18,357.54 ± 12,746.81 Mexican pesos. The largest percentage of ACDS (30.2 %) was for clinical instruments (5,537.66 ± 6,260.50). Students also spent funds in paying to patients for their time during care delivered (2,402.11 ± 4,796.50). Associated variables (p < 0.001) with the ACDS were having completed at least one clinical course or one theoretical-practical course, living within the state or out of state (compared to students who live in the city where dental studies take place), and being enrolled in the more advanced dental studies. Conclusions: the results indicate that a signifi cant percentage of the cost to students (13.1 %) is related with clinical care delivery

    Malocclusion and TMJ disorders in teenagers from private and public schools in Mexico City

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    Objective: To identify, among Mexican teenagers from public and private schools, the frequency, severity of maloc - clusion and orthodontic treatment needs, and their possible association with temporomandibular joint disorders. Material and Methods: Fifteen-year-old students were recruited from public and private schools. Clinical findings were registered as follows: oral hygiene status with the Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified, malocclusion using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), and TMJ disorders following WHO criteria. Negative binomial and logistic regres - sion models were constructed for data analysis. Results: A total of 249 fifteen-year old students were included in the study . Conclusions: TMJ disorders and DAI scores were significantly associated. Screening/Diagnostic programs for ortho- dontic and TMJ-disorders are needed, to identify and offer treatment to teenagers with major malocclusion and TMJ/ muscle pain

    Gingival recession and associated factors in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population : a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Diverse variables are implicated in the pathogenesis of gingival recession; more detailed knowledge about the relationship between the clinical presentation of gingival recession and assorted risk indicators may lead to improved patient monitoring, early intervention, and subsequent prevention. The objective was to evaluate clinically gingival recession in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population and to determine the strength of association with related factors. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a largely homogeneous group in terms of ethnic background, socioeconomic status, gender, occupation, and medical/dental insurance, in Campeche, Mexico. Periodontal examinations were undertaken to determine diverse clinical dental variables. All periodontal clinical examinations were assessed using the Florida Probe System, a dental chair and one examiner. Questionnaires were used to collect diverse risk indicators. Statistical analyses were undertaken with negative binomial regression models. Results: The mean number of sites with gingival recession per subject was 6.73±5.81; the prevalence was 87.6%. In the negative binomial regression model we observed that for (i) each year of age, and (ii) each percentage unit of increase in sites with plaque, and (iii) with suppuration, mean sites with gingival recession increased 2.9%, 1.0% and 13.0%, respectively. Having a spouse was associated with gingival recession. Conclusions: We observed association between gingival recession, and sociodemographic and clinical parameters. Patients need to be educated about risk indicators for gingival recession as well as the preventive maneuvers that may be implemented to minimize its occurrence. The potential of improved oral self-care to prevent a largely benign condition such as gingival recession is important, given the associated disorders that may ensue root exposure, such as root caries and root hypersensitivity

    Cemento de ionómero de vidrio, propiedades, clasificación y usos en la odontología restauradora: Revisión de la literatura.

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    Los cementos dentales constituyen un grupo de materiales que han sido utilizados a lo largo de los años en operatoria dental y, además, en otras ramas de la odontología como la prostodoncia, endodoncia, periodoncia y cirugía bucal. Un cemento dental es una sustancia que sirve para unir, pegar, y adherir dos cosas, es definido por ser una sal que ha resultado de una reacción ácido base y que a través de un proceso de fraguado ha endurecido. El objetivo de la formulación y el desarrollo de los cementos de ionómero de vidrio fue combinar las buenas propiedades del cemento de silicato y de policarboxilato de zinc. El ionómero de vidrio es un material de obturación basado en sílice, polvos de aluminio-silicato de calcio y soluciones homopolímeros y copolímeros del ácido acrílico. Se suministran en forma de polvo y líquido El líquido suele ser una solución al 47% de coopolímero de ácido poliacrílico e itacónico. El polvo del cemento es formado por la fusión de sus componentes principales, de sílice (????????), alúmina (??????????) y floruro de calcio (??????2). Existen varias clasificaciones de acuerdo a su composición. Los ionómeros se pueden clasificar en 5 tipos como son: los convencionales o vítreos, reforzados con metal, con partículas de resina (híbridos) coopómeros, nanoionómeros. El ionómero de vidrio es un material versátil con propiedades ideales como protector pulpar usado en cavidades profundas, para restaurar erosiones sin preparación cavitaria, como cemento, como sellador de fosas y fisuras, para la obturación de conductos radiculares, cementado de brackets y bandas de ortodoncia

    Contribution of prosthetic treatment considerations for dental extractions of permanent teeth

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    Background. Tooth loss is an easily identifiable outcome that summarizes a complex suite of factors in an individual’s history of dental disease and its treatment by dental services over a lifetime. Assessment of overall tooth loss data is essential for epidemiologically evaluating the adequacy of dental care provided at a systems level, as well as for placing in context tooth loss for non-disease causes. For example, when derived from prosthetic treatment planning, the latter may unfortunately lead to some teeth being extracted (pulled) for the sake of better comprehensive clinical results. The objective of the present manuscript was to identify the contribution to overall tooth loss, by extraction of permanent teeth because of prosthetic treatment reasons. Material and Methods. A cross-sectional study included sex, age, total number of extractions performed by subject, sextant (anterior vs. posterior), group of teeth (incisors, canines, premolars and molars), upper or lower arch, and the main reason underlying extraction (extraction for any reason vs. prosthetic treatment), in patients 18 years of age and older seeking care at a dental school clinic in Mexico. A multivariate logistic regression model was generated. Results. A total of 749 teeth were extracted in 331 patients; 161 teeth (21.5% of total) were extracted for explicit prosthetic treatment indications. As age increased, the likelihood of having an extraction for prosthetic reasons increased 3% (OR = 1.03, p < 0.001). Women (OR = 1.57, p < 0.05) were more likely to be in this situation, and molars (OR = 2.70, p < 0.001) were most at risk. As the total number of extractions increased, the risk of having an extraction for prosthetic reasons decreased (OR = 0.94, p < 0.05). Conclusions. A significant amount (21.5%) of the extractions of permanent teeth were performed for prosthetic reasons in this dental school clinical environment; age, sex, type of tooth, and the total number of extractions moderated such pattern

    Prevalence of Functional Dentition in a Group of Mexican Adult Males

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of functional dentition and associated periodontal variables in a sample of Mexican adult males. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 161 policemen in Campeche, Mexico, was carried out. A clinical examination using an electronic probe was used to collect variables (dental plaque, periodontal pockets, gingival recession, suppuration, and bleeding on probing) on 6 periodontal sites (a maximum of 168 sites, excluding third molars). Sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral variables were collected through a self-administered survey. Functional dentition was defined as having 21 or more natural teeth. Data were analyzed with STATA 11.0, using logistic regression models. Results: Mean age was 38.3 (±10.9) years. The prevalence of having a functional dentition was 83.8% in the sample. The odds of having a functional dentition declined with age (odds ratio [OR] = 0.93), having diabetes (OR = 0.27) and with having a high percentage of sites with plaque (OR = 0.77), with bleeding on probing (OR = 0.97), and with gingival recession (OR = 0.82). Conclusion: While a large proportion of subjects had a functional dentition in this community-dwelling sample of adult Mexican males, the likelihood of their having a functional dentition decreased with age, with their having been diagnosed with diabetes, and with assorted negative indicators of periodontal/gingival status

    Dental caries’ experience, prevalence and severity in mexican adolescents

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    Objective Determining dental caries’ experience, prevalence and severity in students applying for degree courses at San Luis Potosi University (UASLP). Material and Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out involving adolescents and young adults (16 to 25 years old) applying for undergraduate courses at UASLP (~10 %, n=1 027). Two standardized examiners undertook dental examinations; DMFT index, prevalence (DMFT and gt;0), severity (DMFT and gt;3 and DMFT and gt;6) and significant caries index (SiC) were calculated. STATA 9.0 non-parametric tests were used for statistical analysis.Results Mean age was 18.20±1.65; 48.0% were female. The DMFT index was 4.04±3.90 and caries prevalence was 74.4%. Regarding caries’ severity, 48.8% had MDFT and gt;3 and 24% DMFT and gt;6. The SiC index was 8.64. Females had higher caries experience than males (4.32±4.01 cf 3.78±3.78; p0.05). Age was associated with both experience (