9,862 research outputs found

    Screening of Synergic Interactions of Anti-Angiogenic and Anti-Tumor Compounds

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    Solid cancers have several common characteristics that Hanahan & Weinberg named as the hallmarks of cancer. Angiogenesis is an essential hallmark of cancer because tumor cells need oxygen and nutrients delivered by the vascular system. In fact, tumor growth and metastasis are angiogenesis dependent, and microvascular endothelial cells recruited by tumors have become an important target in cancer therapy. Combinations of drugs with different modes of action may lead to enhanced antitumor and antiangiogenic effects without injuring the host. The combined use of two drugs may sometimes produce enhanced, unchanged or diminished effects in comparison with their individual effects. These three different types of behaviour of the interacting drugs are called synergy, additive/indifferent and antagonistic effects. In the present work, we analyze 105 paired combinations of 15 compounds, some described by our research group as potent antiangiogenic compounds, and others currently used in clinical therapy. Our results show synergistic effects of several paired combinations using the MTT assay. [Our experimental work is supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER), P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER) and funds from group BIO-267 (Andalusian Government). The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain)].This communication has the support of a travel grant "Universidad de Málaga.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech".Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Simple Global Perspective on the US Slowdown, Boom-Bust Cycles and the Rise of Protectionism

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    The global economy has experienced several significant developments during the recent years: the rising role of giant Asian economies in international trade; the 2008 financial crisis and the ensuing Great Recession in the US, with its propagation to the rest of the world; the sharp rise and subsequent burst of commodity prices over 2006-2009. In this paper we use a multi-region DSGE model for the global economy as a simple framework to understand the global response to these shocks and the importance of the propagation to different regions. The model is equipped to jointly determine exchange rates, trade balances and commodity prices across the world. We carry out several simulations with the model. First, we consider the US slowdown and its international propagation. Second, we explore a global boom-bust cycle driven by overoptimistic forecasts for productivity and their relationship with current account rebalancing. Finally, we analyze the global economic consequences of protectionism. We find that the effects in commodity prices, global output and demand tend to be amplified if the real exchange rates and real wages are more sluggish to adjust in some regions.

    Publicidade digital, storytelling e transmedia narrativa: educomunicação do consumidor

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    The present text tries to analyze the relationships between the concept of digital storytelling applied to advertising starting from the base of the transmedia narrative. This is: how the new transmediatic narrative helps the construction of advertising discourses based on the notion of storytelling and how it establishes the bases for an educommunication of the consumer, the spectator and / or the target.El presente texto trata de analizar las relaciones entre el concepto de storytelling digital aplicado a la publicidad partiendo de la base de la narrativa transmedia. Esto es: cómo la nueva narrativa transmediática ayuda a la construcción de discursos publicitarios basados en la noción de storytelling y cómo ello establece las bases para una educomunicación del consumidor, del espectador y/o del target.O presente texto tenta analisar as relações entre o conceito de narrativa digital aplicado à publicidade a partir da base da narrativa transmedia. Isto é: como a nova narrativa transmediaica ajuda a construção de discursos publicitários com base na noção de narrativa e como estabelece as bases para uma educação do consumidor, o espectador e / ou o target

    Risk aversion and debt maturity structure

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    We study the relationship of risk aversion and debt maturity structure. In a model in which adverse selection in financial markets creates a role for the use of short-term debt, we allow the possibility of borrowers being risk-averse. This creates a trade-off between reduced expected financing costs and higher risk and allows for the study of the effect of risk aversion on optimal maturity structure. We prove that, as risk aversion increases, so does the percentage of debt that is long-term.risk aversion, debt maturity structure, adverse selection.

    Solanes Corella, Ángeles (ed.), Diversidad cultural y conflictos en la Unión Europea. Implicaciones jurídico-políticas (Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia: 2015, 1ª Edición; 2016, 2ª Edición)

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    Es reseña de: Solanes Corella, Ángeles (ed.), Diversidad cultural y conflictos en la Unión Europea. Implicaciones jurídico-políticas (Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia: 2015, 1ª Edición; 2016, 2ª Edición

    Globalización y fragmentación territorial. El caso de la región del istmo oaxaqueño / Globalization and territorial fragmentation. The case of the Oaxacan isthmus region.

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    El desarrollo del capitalismo ha traído consigo una nueva configuración espacial del mundo en diferentes aspectos: económicos, políticos, sociales y culturales, ya sea a nivel internacional, nacional, regional y local. Aunque este auge capitalista es muy distinto de país a país o de región a región, repercute de una manera o de otra en las naciones del mundo, las cuales se relacionan cada vez más, directamente o indirectamente. Algunas localidades del mundo en desarrollo toman relevancia a nivel mundial, debido a la riqueza de sus materias primas, a la extracción de sus recursos naturales, mano de obra barata, entre otros aspectos; en estos nuevos espacios se ubican grandes inversiones extranjeras, que van provocado una fragmentación espacial a nivel local, regional, nacional e internacional; un ejemplo de ello, es el caso del Estado de Oaxaca, México, región del istmo oaxaqueño. Para entender dicho proceso, es necesario comprender la globalización actual en el mundo y su relación con los países en desarrollo, México y el estado de Oaxaca.The expansion of capitalism has caused the spatial re-configuration of the world in economic, political, social and cultural spheres at local, regional, national and international levels. Although capitalism varies from country to country and from region to region, it impacts all countries-which are increasingly interrelated- directly or indirectly. Some areas in the developing world have gained global importance because of an abundance of raw materials, natural resources extraction, cheap labour costs, among other factors. The level of foreign investment is high in these new spaces and it has caused spatial fragmentation at local, regional, national and international levels. The Oaxacan isthmus region in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico is a case in point. To understand this process, one must understand the current process of globalization and its connection with developing countries, Mexico and the state of Oaxaca

    Oversampling in shift-invariant spaces with a rational sampling period

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    8 pages, no figures.It is well known that, under appropriate hypotheses, a sampling formula allows us to recover any function in a principal shift-invariant space from its samples taken with sampling period one. Whenever the generator of the shift-invariant space satisfies the Strang-Fix conditions of order r, this formula also provides an approximation scheme of order r valid for smooth functions. In this paper we obtain sampling formulas sharing the same features by using a rational sampling period less than one. With the use of this oversampling technique, there is not one but an infinite number of sampling formulas. Whenever the generator has compact support, among these formulas it is possible to find one whose associated reconstruction functions have also compact support.This work has been supported by the Grant MTM2009-08345 from the D.G.I. of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología

    Sujetos vulnerables en la trata de seres humanos. Los casos de México y España

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    Producción CientíficaLa trata de seres humanos es un fenómeno global, con múltiples formas, que se asienta sobre la vulnerabilidad de las personas. Luchar contra la trata de seres humanos implica analizar las causas que provocan esa vulnerabilidad. La hipótesis de trabajo, por tanto, exige preguntarse por qué muchas personas son susceptibles de ser víctimas de trata de seres humanos, qué hace a una persona vulnerable a este tipo de acciones. Una correcta respuesta a esta pregunta determinará qué hacer y sobre todo a quién le corresponde actuar. Tanto la pregunta como la respuesta vienen impregnadas por la idea de que son múltiples los derechos humanos que se vulneran y que, por tanto, son muchos los derechos humanos que hay que proteger, garantizar y reparar. En consecuencia, el enfoque basado en derechos humanos se antoja como un instrumento útil de acción al situar a los derechos humanos como referencia normativa ineludibleMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project DER2015-69120-R

    Lucretia or Lucrece? The woman in the myth and her impact on Shakespeare

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    The myth in charge of issuing the story of the rape of Lucretia has played an important role in history. The fall of the ideal Roman matron has been reproduced in multiple ways from classical times onwards, including a historical account of the story by the Roman historicist Livy, a poetic version by Ovid in his Fasti and another by the hand of the English writer William Shakespeare. His revival of the myth, however, recreates a more modern victim as well as a focus put specifically in other aspects that the classical versions did not to a great extent take into account. I am going to concentrate on these last two versions, due to the fact that Ovid and Shakespeare’s poems share certain details that make them very similar, at the same time presenting crucial differences that will be looked at in this paper. Other classical versions of this poem like Livy’s will be named, but not thoroughly explained. The aim of this piece of work is to is to describe by means of a comparison the way in which the texts by Ovid and Shakespeare on the rape of Lucretia present significant divergence from one another and how the two main characters–Tarquin and Lucretia– are affected by it. Although the two versions portray similar atmospheres, the core intention of the narratives seems to be different or at least somewhat contrasting. I will first look at the general traits of both poems and how they interact in their similarities based on the portrayal of their main protagonists. I will continue by taking a closer look at the two main characters in both pieces and how they are described by their respective narrators. Finally, attending to the presented reasons I will take a look at how the political intentions of the poetic versions of this myth are shown, if any, depending on the era in which they were composed