1,156 research outputs found

    On the structure of symmetric self-dual Lie algebras

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    A finite-dimensional Lie algebra is called (symmetric) self-dual, if it possesses an invariant nondegenerate (symmetric) bilinear form. Symmetric self-dual Lie algebras have been studied by Medina and Revoy, who have proven a very useful theorem about their structure. In this paper we prove a refinement of their theorem which has wide applicability in Conformal Field Theory, where symmetric self-dual Lie algebras start to play an important role due to the fact that they are precisely the Lie algebras which admit a Sugawara construction. We also prove a few corollaries which are important in Conformal Field Theory. (This paper provides mathematical details of results used, but only sketched, in the companion paper hep-th/9506151.)Comment: 19 pages, .dvi.uu (needs AMSFonts 2.1+

    Nonsemisimple Sugawara Constructions

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    By a Sugawara construction we mean a generalized Virasoro construction in which the currents are primary fields of conformal weight one. For simple Lie algebras, this singles out the standard Sugawara construction out of all the solutions to the Virasoro master equation. Examples of nonsemisimple Sugawara constructions have appeared recently. They share the properties that the Virasoro central charge is an integer equal to the dimension of the Lie algebra and that they can be obtained by high-level contraction of reductive Sugawara constructions: they thus correspond to free bosons. Exploiting a recent structure theorem for Lie algebras with an invariant metric, we are able to unify all the known constructions under the same formalism and, at the same time, to prove several results about the Sugawara constructions. In particular, we prove that all such constructions factorize into a standard (semisimple) Sugawara construction and a nonsemisimple one (with integral central charge) of a form which generalizes the nonsemisimple examples known so far.Comment: uuencoded compressed .dvi file (needs AMSFonts 2.1+), 13 document pages but 7 physical page

    Análisis de los modelos 3D para la simulación de flujo en aguas de transición

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    Actualmente, las aguas de transición, definidas por la Directiva Marco del Agua 2000/60/CE como masas de agua superficial próximas a la desembocadura de los ríos que son parcialmente salinas como consecuencia de su proximidad a las aguas costeras, pero que reciben una notable influencia de flujos de agua dulce, están siendo objeto de numerosos estudios dirigidos a su rehabilitación y conservación. Consideradas hoy en día como valiosos hábitats, es necesario contar con las herramientas adecuadas para llevar a cabo su gestión correctamente. Una de las partes más importantes del estudio de estas áreas consiste en conocer su hidrodinámica, para lo cual cada vez está más extendido el uso de modelos numéricos. En este artículo se analiza las situaciones que pueden inducir flujo tridimensional en las aguas de transición y se hace una revisión de los modelos tridimensionales existentes actualmente para el estudio hidrodinámico de las mismas. Como resumen de esta revisión se elabora una tabla en la que se comparan los modelos atendiendo a su idoneidad para representar las características de estas masas de aguas

    Representación de la violencia doméstica en la prensa española

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    Se analiza el proceso de visibilización y toma de conciencia social sobre la violencia doméstica que estamos viviendo en nuestro entorno en estos últimos años. Para ello se revisa la representación del fenómeno a través de las noticias aparecidas en la prensa española durante un mes (marzo-abril 2005), y se concreta con la observación del tratamiento dado a una misma noticia: la primera víctima mortal por violencia doméstica del año 2005.It analyses the visibility and social awareness process about domestic violence that we are all noticing in our surroundings in the latest years. With this target the representation of this phenomenon is reviewed through the news appeared in the Spanish press in a whole month (March – April 2005), and with the observation of the treatment given to the first domestic death of the year it takes shape

    Intersections Between Leadership and Feminism

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    En el volumen Mujeres y liderazgo que aquí presentamos3, ofrecemos una reflexión sobre el liderazgo de las mujeres en un sentido amplio, ya que la relación de aportaciones que conforman este número de Dossiers Feministes es variada en el enfoque, y ello, lejos de dispersar el concepto de liderazgo nos ayuda a comprenderlo de una forma más completa. Este monográfico nos permite, así, ver cómo en el liderazgo están interrelacionados aspectos como el talento, el empoderamiento identitario, la creatividad, o la cultura de comunicación y de conocimiento entre otros. A su vez, el recorrido sobre nuestra temática se hace transitando áreas de pensamiento y realidades muy distintas: desde los ámbitos empresarial, económico, educativo y tecnológico hasta los ámbitos de reflexión sobre el cuerpo.Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa 326/16 de la Universitat Jaume I

    The Gender Perspective as a Critical Look to the World

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    La perspectiva de género puede ser aplicada a cualquier campo de conocimiento y actividad humana, ya que en todos estos espacios de conocimiento e interacción las relaciones entre mujeres y hombres son la clave central de funcionamiento. Teniendo en cuenta que los patrones asimétricos de poder se reproducen en todas las dimensiones de lo social, y que la injusticia generada por estos debe ser enfrentada de forma transversal, la aplicación de la perspectiva de género se vuelve necesaria y urgente en cualquier ámbito de la vida social al que nos queramos remitir

    Enhancing Quality Teaching Through Informal Community Learning In Knowledge Centres

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    Teaching and learning have always been at the heart of the missions of universities. The growing interest nowadays to pay attention to the quality of higher education teaching results in initiatives such as the establishment of Teaching and Learning Centres (TLCs). The Academy for Learning and Teaching (ALT) at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has recently been created, and it is still under construction, with the purpose of promoting quality of teaching through engaging staff in interaction and in learning lessons from evidence-based educational practices and innovation in engineering education. Furthermore, ALT supports the professional development of faculty teaching staff through Learning Communities (LCs) as informal learning mechanisms that stimulate knowledge sharing about engineering education experiences across departments (and universities). LCs facilitate interaction with peers, discussions on educational practices, working in teams, and exposing academic and education support staff to have access to stateof-the-art research and information on educational issues. LCs are organized by themes, such as Digitalization, that cover topics relevant to innovative practices, e.g., Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence in education or Digital Assessment. The purpose of this study is to present the ALT model as a knowledge centre in engineering education that stimulates the advancement of quality teaching. Specifically, we analyze successful factors to constitute Learning Communities, as well as, the motivation of the teaching staff to participate in the LC associated to the TU/e ALT. ALT may serve as an inspiring model for other engineering and technical higher education institutions and universities wishing to promote professional development of teachers

    Enhancing Quality Teaching Through Informal Community Learning In Knowledge Centres

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    Teaching and learning have always been at the heart of the missions of universities. The growing interest nowadays to pay attention to the quality of higher education teaching results in initiatives such as the establishment of Teaching and Learning Centres (TLCs). The Academy for Learning and Teaching (ALT) at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has recently been created, and it is still under construction, with the purpose of promoting quality of teaching through engaging staff in interaction and in learning lessons from evidence-based educational practices and innovation in engineering education. Furthermore, ALT supports the professional development of faculty teaching staff through Learning Communities (LCs) as informal learning mechanisms that stimulate knowledge sharing about engineering education experiences across departments (and universities). LCs facilitate interaction with peers, discussions on educational practices, working in teams, and exposing academic and education support staff to have access to state-of-the-art research and information on educational issues. LCs are organized by themes, such as Digitalization, that cover topics relevant to innovative practices, e.g., Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence in education or Digital Assessment. The purpose of this study is to present the ALT model as a knowledge centre in engineering education that stimulates the advancement of quality teaching. Specifically, we analyze successful factors to constitute Learning Communities, as well as, the motivation of the teaching staff to participate in the LC associated to the TU/e ALT. ALT may serve as an inspiring model for other engineering and technical higher education institutions and universities wishing to promote professional development of teachers.</p

    The analysis of the Spanish Urban Agenda from a policy transfer perspective. Advancing to more resilient post-COVID urban areas?

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    This work aims to understand how the Spanish Urban Agenda, approved in 2019, is providing (or not) policy responses for a better post-COVID urban future. The study looks to the genealogy of the SUA, and its evolution and main featuresto understand the kind of contribution that it is making to the national urban policy framework. It explores to what extent the SUA has been exposed to policy transfer dynamics from supranational frameworks, and particularly if it is going beyond the alignment with the 2030 Agenda in the frame of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain -España Puede- (Gobierno de España, 2021). The general conclusion is that the SUA is not as new as presented by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA). It has been built on the path initiated under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance. It arises as a case of policy transfer that integrates recommendations made by the European Commission and its methodological approach -Acquis Urbain- to sustainable urban development. However, there is something new derived from the 2030 Agenda that has facilitated the new leadership of the MITMA and determined its content. Furthermore, the Covid-19 pandemic has constituted a focusing event impacting the SUA since it has provided for the first time funding for its implementation, reinforcing its role as leverage policy in the countryThe authors are grateful to the public servant of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda interviewed on the 17 December 2021 (Interview A