945 research outputs found

    Dynamic wavelet correlation analysis for multivariate climate time series

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    The wavelet local multiple correlation (WLMC) is introduced for the first time in the study of climate dynamics inferred from multivariate climate time series. To exemplify the use of WLMC with real climate data, we analyse Last Millennium (LM) relationships among several large‑scale reconstructed climate variables characterizing North Atlantic: i.e. sea surface temperatures (SST) from the tropical cyclone main developmental region (MDR), the El Niño‑Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), and tropical cyclone counts (TC). We examine the former three large‑scale variables because they are known to influence North Atlantic tropical cyclone activity and because their underlying drivers are still under investigation. WLMC results obtained for these multivariate climate time series suggest that: (1) MDRSST and AMO show the highest correlation with each other and with respect to the TC record over the last millennium, and: (2) MDRSST is the dominant climate variable that explains TC temporal variability. WLMC results confirm that this method is able to capture the most fundamental information contained in multivariate climate time series and is suitable to investigate correlation among climate time series in a multivariate contextJ.M.P.M was funded by the PIC 444/18 – EU Interreg project MOSES (EAPA 224/2016), FEDER funds and the SEPE (Spanish Public Service of Employment). J.F.M. acknowledges research funding received from UPV/EHU Econometrics Research Group (Basque Government Dpt. of Education grant IT-1359-19) and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business (grant MTM2016-74931-P)

    Cholangiocyte anion exchange and biliary bicarbonate excretion

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    Primary canalicular bile undergoes a process of fluidization and alkalinization along the biliary tract that is influenced by several factors including hormones, innervation/neuropeptides, and biliary constituents. The excretion of bicarbonate at both the canaliculi and the bile ducts is an important contributor to the generation of the so-called bile-salt independent flow. Bicarbonate is secreted from hepatocytes and cholangiocytes through parallel mechanisms which involve chloride efflux through activation of Cl- channels, and further bicarbonate secretion via AE2/SLC4A2-mediated Cl-/HCO3- exchange. Glucagon and secretin are two relevant hormones which seem to act very similarly in their target cells (hepatocytes for the former and cholangiocytes for the latter). These hormones interact with their specific G protein-coupled receptors, causing increases in intracellular levels of cAMP and activation of cAMP-dependent Cl- and HCO3- secretory mechanisms. Both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes appear to have cAMP-responsive intracellular vesicles in which AE2/SLC4A2 colocalizes with cell specific Cl- channels (CFTR in cholangiocytes and not yet determined in hepatocytes) and aquaporins (AQP8 in hepatocytes and AQP1 in cholangiocytes). cAMP-induced coordinated trafficking of these vesicles to either canalicular or cholangiocyte lumenal membranes and further exocytosis results in increased osmotic forces and passive movement of water with net bicarbonate-rich hydrocholeresis

    BINCOR: An r package for estimating the correlation between two unevenly spaced time series

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    This paper presents a computational program named BINCOR (BINned CORrelation) for estimating the correlation between two unevenly spaced time series. This program is also applicable to the situation of two evenly spaced time series not on the same time grid. BINCOR is based on a novel estimation approach proposed by Mudelsee (2010) for estimating the correlation between two climate time series with different timescales. The idea is that autocorrelation (e.g. an AR1 process) means that memory enables values obtained on different time points to be correlated. Binned correlation is performed by resampling the time series under study into time bins on a regular grid, assigning the mean values of the variable under scrutiny within those bins. We present two examples of our BINCOR package with real data: instrumental and paleoclimatic time series. In both applications BINCOR works properly in detecting well-established relationships between the climate records compared. © Technische Universitaet Wien

    Kappa-symmetric Derivative Corrections to D-brane Dynamics

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    We show how the superembedding formalism can be applied to construct manifestly kappa-symmetric higher derivative corrections for the D9-brane. We also show that all correction terms appear at even powers of the fundamental length scale ll. We explicitly construct the first potential correction, which corresponds to the kappa-symmetric version of the ∂4F4\partial^4 F^4, which one finds from the four-point amplitude of the open superstring.Comment: 20 pages. Minor changes, added reference

    Geochronology, Isotope Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Tertiary Granitoids from Eastern Iran

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    Os granitóides sub-vulcânicos da zona de Chah-Shaljami fazem parte da faixa vulcânico-plutónica cenozóica do Bloco de Lut (Irão central-oriental). Tratam-se de quartzo-monzonitos, granodioritos e monzodioritos que, de acordo com a geoquímica de elementos maiores e vestigiais, são co-genéticos e têm características de rochas calco-alcalinas ricas de potássio a shoshoníticas, de ambiente de arco vulcânico. Numa amostra de quartzo-monzonito foi obtida uma idade Rb-Sr (rocha total - minerais) de 33.6±1 Ma; visto que esta amostra está praticamente livre de efeitos de alteração e que o arrefecimento foi provavelmente rápido, a idade de ~34 Ma deve corresponder à instalação magmática. Excepto em duas amostras, os valores iniciais de 87Sr/86Sr e εNd nos granitóides estudados estão concentrados nos intervalos de 0.7047 a 0.7051 e de +1.9 a +2.7, respectivamente, o que é consistente com uma fonte em cunha mantélica supra-subducção e indica que não houve contribuição crustal significativa na diversificação magmática; contudo, uma amostra tem (87Sr/86Sr)i superior e εNdt inferior, revelando que, ocasionalmente, a assimilação de rochas crustais também contribuiu para a variação geoquímica; uma outra amostra, fortemente afectada por alteração hidrotermal, afasta-se do grupo principal somente pelo relativamente elevado valor de (87Sr/86Sr)i, sugerindo que o processo hidrotermal envolveu fluidos crustais.Chah-Shaljami sub-volcanic granitoids belong to the Cenozoic volcanic-plutonic belt within the Lut Block (central eastern Iran). These intrusive rocks are mostly quartz monzonites, granodiorites and monzodiorites. Major and trace element geochemical evidence reveals that they are co-genetic and that they have features typical of high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic rocks from a volcanic arc setting. A Rb-Sr whole rock-mineral age of 33.6±1 Ma was obtained in a quartz monzonite sample; taking into account that this sample was almost unaffected by alteration and that cooling was probably fast, the ~34 Ma date is interpreted as the intrusion age. With the exception of two samples, initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd values of the studied granitoids are clustered in the restricted ranges from 0.7047 to 0.7051 and from +1.9 to +2.7, respectively, which fits into a supra-subduction mantle wedge source for the parental melts and indicates that, in general, crustal contribution for magma diversification was not relevant; however, one sample shows higher (87Sr/86Sr)i and lower εNdt, revealing that, occasionally, crustal rock assimilation also contributed to the geochemical variation; one other sample, strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration, departs from the main group only by higher (87Sr/86Sr)i, suggesting that its alteration involved crustal fluids

    Penrose limits of Lie Branes and a Nappi--Witten braneworld

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    Departing from the observation that the Penrose limit of AdS_3 x S^3 is a group contraction in the sense of Inonu and Wigner, we explore the relation between the symmetric D-branes of AdS_3 x S^3 and those of its Penrose limit, a six-dimensional symmetric plane wave analogous to the four-dimensional Nappi--Witten spacetime. Both backgrounds are Lie groups admitting bi-invariant lorentzian metrics and symmetric D-branes wrap their (twisted) conjugacy classes. We determine the (twisted and untwisted) symmetric D-branes in the plane wave background and we prove the existence of a space-filling D5-brane and, separately, of a foliation by D3-branes with the geometry of the Nappi--Witten spacetime which can be understood as the Penrose limit of the AdS_2 x S^2 D3-brane in AdS_3 x S^3. Parenthetically we also derive a simple criterion for a symmetric plane wave to be isometric to a lorentzian Lie group. In particular we observe that the maximally supersymmetric plane wave in IIB string theory is isometric to a lorentzian Lie group, whereas the one in M-theory is not.Comment: 21 pages (v2: references added


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    [EN] During the months of May and June of 2011, electricity for pumping sector D (644 irrigated ha) of the Pisuerga Channel Irrigation Area (hereinafter ZR), in Palencia and Burgos, Spain, was supplied with generators (hereinafter GE) due to theft of the pumping station transformers. During the operation with GE, readings of energy consumed by pumps, energy consumed by the auxiliary circuits, pumped water, hours of operation and refueling volumes for each GE, and surfaces, volumes supplied and crops for hydrants operated, were taken during the period. With these data, total consumption, specific consumption and GE performance were determined; consumption per pumped cubic meter and per watered hectare; fixed and variable costs of operation with GE; and fixed and variable costs of operation with utility power. The main problem during the operation was limited autonomy of GE. The final cost of irrigation water for the analyzed period was 0.165 € m-3, compared with 0.026 € m-3 with utility power for that campaign.[ES] Durante los meses de mayo y junio de 2011, la energía eléctrica para el bombeo del sector D (644 ha regadas) de la Zona Regable del Canal del Pisuerga (en adelante, ZR), en Palencia y Burgos, fue suministrada con grupos electrógenos (en adelante GE) debido al robo de los transformadores de la estación. Durante el período de operación con GE se tomaron lecturas de energía consumida por las bombas, energía consumida por los circuitos auxiliares, agua bombeada, horas de funcionamiento y volúmenes de repostaje de cada uno de los GE, y superficies, volúmenes suministrados y cultivos para los hidrantes operados durante el período. Con estos datos, se determinaron los consumos totales, consumos específicos y rendimientos de los grupos; consumos por m3 bombeado y por ha regada; costes fijos y variables de operación con GE; y costes fijos y variables de operación con energía de la red. El principal problema durante la operación fue la limitada autonomía de los equipos. El coste final del agua de riego, para el período analizado, fue de 0,165 € m-3, frente a los 0,026 € m-3 con suministro de la red eléctrica para esa campaña.Ruiz Padín, A.; Medina Martínez, J. (2015). OPERACIÓN DE UNA ESTACIÓN DE BOMBEO CON GRUPOS ELECTRÓGENOS. En XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. Valencia 16-18 junio de 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.1466OC
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