39 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Wound Dehiscence pada Pasien Post Laparatomi

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    Wound dehiscence sering terjadi setelah pembedahan mayor abdomen menimbulkan tingkat morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Wound dehiscence dapat menimbulkan stress, eviserasi, reoperasi, gangguan citra tubuh, meningkatnya lama rawat dan biaya rawat, menurunkan kualitas hidup pasien serta kematian sehingga perlu menangani faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian wound dehiscence. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian wound dehiscence pada pasien dewasa post laparatomi di RSUP Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 40 orang yang diambil dengan menggunakan consecutive sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kejadian wound dehiscence terjadi ketika perawatan di rumah (35%). Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara infeksi luka (p=0,0001), operasi emergensi (p = 0,020), hipoalbumin (p=0,037), anemia (p = 0,028), status nutrisi (0,010), dan adanya penyakit penyerta (p = 0,008) dengan kejadian wound dehiscence, serta tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor usia (p = 0,581) dan jenis kelamin (p= 0,604) dengan kejadian wound dehiscence. Penting bagi perawat untuk mengidentifikasi potensial faktor risiko wound dehiscence pada pasien yang dilakukan operasi laparatomi dan segera melakukan intervensi yang diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi wound dehiscence, diantaranya dengan melakukan discharge planning terkait perawatan luka dan pentingnya asupan protein yang adekuat supaya bisa dikenali ditahab mana terjadinya wound dehiscence.Kata kunci: Pasien, post laparatomi, wound dehiscence. Factors correlating of Wound Dehiscence in Patients after Laparatomi at Dr Hasan Sadikin General Hospital BandungAbsractWound dehiscence is often occurred after major abdominal surgery which impacts on morbidity and mortality rates and significantly contributes to prolonged hospital stays, implicit and explicit costs, associate with psychosocial stressor on patients, evisceration re-surgical operation, and may affect to quality of life patients. It is therefore necessary to identify factors affecting wound dehiscence. The aims of the study was to analyze factors correlating of post-operative wound dehiscence in adult patients at Dr Hasan Sadikin general hospital. Correlational analytic with cross sectional approach was used in this study. 40 patients were selected to be participated in this study by using consecutive sampling. Observations, interviews and study documents were conducted in data collection process. Univariate and Bivariate analysis with Chi Square were performed to analyze the data. Results of the study identified than wound dehiscence were occurred during patients at home (35%). Result of analysis bivariate showed that there was a significance correlation between wound infection (p=0, 0001), surgical emergency (p = 0,020), hypo albumin (p=0,037), anemia (p = 0,028), nutrition status (0,010), and other illness (p = 0,008) with wound dehiscence. Whereas, there was no correlation significantly between age factor (p = 0,581) and gender (p= 0,604) with wound dehiscence. It is important for nurses to identify potential risk factors of wound dehiscence in patients after post-operative laparotomy and prevent complication of wound dehiscence by doing discharge planning especially in term of wound care and the need of taking protein consumption adequately to avoid wound dehiscence

    The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2012

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    Mainstream Media Strategy Embracing Muslim Centennials

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    The mainstream mass media has recorded its history in the journey of Indonesian journalism. The development and condition of the Covid-19 pandemic that utilizes digitalization technology have forced the mainstream mass media to transform to survive. The mainstream media is still read by Gen Z or centennials even though in the onslaught of social media and the shift of the age of information seekers or readers. Despite using social media and news aggregators as their first information sources, centennials still use mainstream media to clarify dubious facts they found on digital media. This study explores how the mainstream mass media survive and embrace the 100th generation as them. The researcher used an approach with case study methods and data collection techniques using observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies. The research subjects are editors of online mainstream media, namely suaramerdeka.com, krjogja.com, pikiran-rakyat.com, and Republika.co.id. This study discusses the strategic differences between the online mainstream media in the regions and the national media. Three interest findings are the highlight of this study. First, the routine media and approaches used to embrace the centennial generation as a potential audience. Second, the existence of content creators in the ranks of journalists is a new phenomenon that presents pros and cons. Third, the Republika.com approach as a media that serves Muslim audiences to Muslim centennials. Lastly, the use of journalistic language style that is familiar to centennials. Keywords: mainstream media, Muslim centennials, content creator, media routin

    A Scoping Review of Assertiveness Therapy for Reducing Bullying Behavior and Its Impacts Among Adolescents

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    Iyus Yosep,1 Suryani Suryani,1 Henny Suzana Mediani,2 Ai Mardhiyah,2 Indra Maulana,1 Taty Hernawaty,1 Helmy Hazmi3 1Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia; 2Department of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia; 3Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan, 94300, MalaysiaCorrespondence: Iyus Yosep, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran, J l. Raya Ir. Soekarno KM. 21, Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java, 45363, Indonesia, Tel +6281394665577, Fax +62287793411, Email [email protected]: Bullying is a global problem in adolescents which has increased every year. One of the factors in the occurrence of bullying is the ability of interpersonal skills. This ability can build good relationships with assertive between adolescents and can prevent bullying. The purpose of this study is to describe assertiveness therapy for reducing bullying behavior and its impacts among adolescents. The method used in this study is scoping review. The search strategy used is PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews through three databases namely PubMed, CINAHL, and Scopus. The authors used inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria in the selection of articles. The major keywords used in the article search were bullying, assertiveness therapy, and adolescents. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative. The results showed that there were 10 articles that discussed assertive therapy. All articles show that assertiveness therapy can reduce bullying behavior and its impact significantly, such as reducing the impact of anxiety and increasing self-esteem. Assertiveness therapy methods carried out in the form of education, games, and role play. Education is carried out online and offline. Educational media is provided directly and through media such as educational videos which can be accessed at any time. Gender and cultural approaches are important aspects in the implementation of assertive therapy. Assertive therapy can improve interpersonal skills, social skills, empathy and assertiveness so that it can reduce bullying behavior and its impacts in adolescents. Then, this data becomes the basis for nurses to carry out assertive therapy as an effort to prevent and reduce bullying behavior in adolescents.Keywords: adolescents, assertiveness, bullying, impact

    Defective ribosomal products challenge nuclear function by impairing nuclear condensate dynamics and immobilizing ubiquitin

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    Nuclear protein aggregation has been linked to genome instability and disease. The main source of aggregation-prone proteins in cells is defective ribosomal products (DRiPs), which are generated by translating ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Here, we report that DRiPs rapidly diffuse into the nucleus and accumulate in nucleoli and PML bodies, two membraneless organelles formed by liquid\u2013liquid phase separation. We show that nucleoli and PML bodies act as dynamic overflow compartments that recruit protein quality control factors and store DRiPs for later clearance. Whereas nucleoli serve as constitutive overflow compartments, PML bodies are stress-inducible overflow compartments for DRiPs. If DRiPs are not properly cleared by chaperones and proteasomes due to proteostasis impairment, nucleoli undergo amyloidogenesis and PML bodies solidify. Solid PML bodies immobilize 20S proteasomes and limit the recycling of free ubiquitin. Ubiquitin depletion, in turn, compromises the formation of DNA repair compartments at fragile chromosomal sites, ultimately threatening cell survival

    Small heat-shock protein HSPB3 promotes myogenesis by regulating the lamin B receptor

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    One of the critical events that regulates muscle cell differentiation is the replacement of the lamin B receptor (LBR)-tether with the lamin A/C (LMNA)-tether to remodel transcription and induce differentiation-specific genes. Here, we report that localization and activity of the LBR-tether are crucially dependent on the muscle-specific chaperone HSPB3 and that depletion of HSPB3 prevents muscle cell differentiation. We further show that HSPB3 binds to LBR in the nucleoplasm and maintains it in a dynamic state, thus promoting the transcription of myogenic genes, including the genes to remodel the extracellular matrix. Remarkably, HSPB3 overexpression alone is sufficient to induce the differentiation of two human muscle cell lines, LHCNM2 cells, and rhabdomyosarcoma cells. We also show that mutant R116P-HSPB3 from a myopathy patient with chromatin alterations and muscle fiber disorganization, forms nuclear aggregates that immobilize LBR. We find that R116P-HSPB3 is unable to induce myoblast differentiation and instead activates the unfolded protein response. We propose that HSPB3 is a specialized chaperone engaged in muscle cell differentiation and that dysfunctional HSPB3 causes neuromuscular disease by deregulating LBR

    Effect of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Health Education on Knowledge and Attitudes, in Elementary School Children in West Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Flooding due to Citarum river overflowing is a natural phenomenon that is almost common every year, especially for the area around Citarum Dayeuhkolot. Floods cause various health problems, such as Dengue Haemorogic Fever (DHF). The high incidence of environmental-based infectious diseases in flood-prone villages in Dayeuhkolot is caused by problems in the health determinant factor which is associated with the still low awareness of the community that supports clean and healthy lifestyle behaviors (PHBS). Objective: To determine the effect of DHF prevention education on elementary school students' knowledge and attitudes. Methods: Quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test design. The study was conducted at Bojong Asih Elementary School, Pasawahan Elementary School, Cangkuang Elementary School, and Leuwi Bandung Elementary School in 2017. The samples in this study were all students in grades 4- 6 totaling 323 people. All students were given a questionnaire before the intervention and then given counseling about the prevention of DHF and given a questionnaire again to measure the level of knowledge and attitudes. Data analysis uses descriptive univariate analysis and bivariate t test. The approach method in this research uses the Integrated UKS method.&nbsp