123 research outputs found

    A industrialização do bambu e a sustentabilidade : análise da potencialidade técnica do laminado colado na produção de componentes da construção civil no Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2021.A industrialização do bambu é alternativa em potencial de desenvolvimento sustentável para a Industria da Construção Civil do Brasil. O bambu é um vegetal de rápida renovação pela natureza, baixo custo de cultivo, e é possível observar a sua presença em quase todo o território brasileiro. Através da sua industrialização, sob a forma de laminado colado, é possível a fabricação de produtos adequados ao ritmo produtivo da sociedade contemporânea e com menor impacto ambiental. O presente trabalho desenvolve uma pesquisa analítica acerca da industrialização do bambu, considerando duas variáveis: a sustentabilidade e o projeto, e tem por objetivo analisar as contribuições do Bambu Laminado Colado (BaLC) para a construção civil nacional considerando a relação entre projeto e o desenvolvimento tecnológico de produtos. Ressalta-se que, no Brasil, a utilização dessa planta para fins não artesanais é inexpressiva, mas outros países, como a China, possuem uma cultura construtiva que abrange o material processado e não processado industrialmente. Sendo assim, será utilizado como referência para esta pesquisa o processo industrial do bambu e os seus impactos socioeconômicos no país. Ademais, busca-se contribuir, por meio dela, com os estudos sobre a importância do estabelecimento de uma cadeia produtiva do bambu no país. O resultado da análise demonstra que a industrialização desse vegetal no país está em estágio inicial e necessita de políticas públicas direcionadas especificamente ao seu desenvolvimento, com programas de incentivo e investimento na produção rural e industrial, e comercialização. Além disso, a incorporação do laminado de bambu à Industria da Construção Civil (ICC) nacional se apresenta como uma oportunidade de desenvolvimento socioeconômico, com a geração de emprego e renda na cidade e no campo. Outrossim, o processo industrial desse vegetal é de baixo impacto ambiental e tem capacidade de contribuir para a diminuição do enorme impacto causado pela produção industrial de materiais para a construção civil. Por fim, evidencia-se a importância do projeto para o planejamento de um processo produtivo e desenvolvimento de produtos com menor impacto ambiental.Bamboo industrialization is a potential alternative to sustainable development for the Brazilian Construction Industry. Bamboo is a plant of rapid restoration by nature, low cost of cultivation, and it is possible to observe its presence in almost all of the Brazilian territory. Through its industrialization, in the form of bonded laminates, it is possible to manufacture products that are appropriate to the productive pace of contemporary society and have a lower environmental impact. The present work develops an analytical research on bamboo industrialization, considering two variants: sustainability and the project, and aims to analyze Laminated Bamboo Timber’ (LBT) contributions for the national construction industry considering the relation between project and technological development of products. It should be noted that in Brazil, the use of this plant for non-small-scale purposes is inexpressive, but other countries, such as China, have a constructive culture that encompasses processed and unprocessed material industrially. Thus, the bamboo industrial process and its socioeconomic impacts in the country will be used as a reference for this research. Furthermore, the aim is to contribute, through it, to studies on the importance of establishing a bamboo production chain in the country. The result of the analysis shows that the industrialization of this plant in the country is at an early stage and needs public policies targeted specifically at its development, with incentive and investment programs in rural and industrial production, and marketing. In addition, the incorporation of bamboo laminate into the national Civil Construction Industry presents itself as an opportunity for socioeconomic development, with the generation of employment and income in the city and in the countryside. Furthermore, the industrial process of this plant is of low environmental impact and has the capacity to contribute to the reduction of the enormous impact caused by the industrial production of materials for civil construction. Finally, the importance of the project for planning a productive process and developing products with less environmental impact is evidenced

    Caracterização ultrassonográfica do leiomiossarcoma em bexiga urinária de cão – relato de caso: Ultrasonographic description of leiomyosarcoma in a dog urinary bladder – case report

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    As neoplasias da musculatura lisa podem ser benignas (leiomiomas) ou malignas (leiomiossarcoma) e são raras em humanos e animais. Os leiomiossarcomas são neoplasias malignas, com potencial metastático moderado, que normalmente acometem trato gastrointestinal e reprodutivo de animais idosos, tendo uma menor incidência em sistema urinário. Os tumores vesicais normalmente apresentam sinais semelhantes aos da cistite, embora o paciente em questão não apresentasse alterações clínicas, tendo a neoplasia considerada como um achado de exame. Como a incidência de leiomiossarcoma de bexiga urinária em cães é baixa, este relato apresenta os aspectos ultrassonográficos do leiomiossarcoma primário de bexiga urinária de um cão

    Criança, família e acolhimento institucional: entre a norma e a constituição psíquica

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    Este trabalho visa discutir a manutenção do ostensivo emprego da medida de institucionalização de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise das normativas que marcaram diferentes períodos históricos, discutidas com o auxílio de autores que se debruçaram sobre a temática. O estudo apontou que, historicamente, a lógica das instituições de acolhimento esteve pautada em propósitos de ordem e contenção social, servindo como ferramenta de intervenção do Estado sobre famílias das camadas mais pobres da população. Este panorama alude a uma desconsideração de aspetos psíquicos, afetivos e culturais envolvidos na complexa trama dos vínculos familiares, e do que estes representam para o processo de constituição psíquica da criança.This paper aims to discuss the maintenance of the ostensive use of the institutionalization measure with children and adolescents in Brazil. It was made an analysis of the legal standards that marked different historical periods, with the help of discussions made by authors who studied the theme. The study pointed out that the logic of the sheltering institutions was based historically on purposes of social order and containment, serving as a tool for intervention by the state on families of the poorest layers of the population. This scenario refers to a lack of consideration of the psychical, affective and cultural aspects involved in the complexes family ties, and what they represent for the process of psychic constitution of the child.Cet article vise à discuter du maintien de la mesure ostensive d'institutionnalisation des enfants et des adolescents au Brésil. Pour cela, une analyse des normes qui ont marqué différentes périodes historiques a été faite, avec l'aide d'auteurs qui ont étudié le thème. L'étude a souligné que, historiquement, la logique des institutions d'accueil était basée sur des objectifs d'ordre et de confinement social qui servaient d'outils d'intervention de l'Etat sur les familles des couches les plus pauvres de la population. Ce panorama se réfère à un manque de considération des aspects psychiques, affectifs et culturels des liens familiaux dans leur complexité et ce qu'ils représentaient pour le processus de constitution psychique de l'enfant

    Intradural Extramedullary Plasmacytoma in a Dog

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    Background: Plasmacytoma is a neoplasm originating in plasma cells, derived from B lymphocytes. Extramedullary presentation is the most common form of plasmacytoma, mainly in the skin and rarely in other tissues, including the vertebral canal. Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) occurs more frequently in senile dogs and rarely in cats and some dog breeds have predisposition for this type of neoplasm. The aim of this study was to report plasmacytoma in a dog located adjacent to the thoracic vertebrae.Case: An approximately 5-year-old mongrel male with sudden paraplegia resulting from upper motor neuron injury was admitted to a University Hospital. The dog presented a six-centimeter diameter mass in the dorsal region, adjacent to the thoracic vertebrae. The leucogram presented mild leukopenia by eosinopenia and lymphopenia. Myelogram associated with epidurography showed a fill failure in the contrast column between the seventh and ninth thoracic vertebrae, and there were no osteolysis points in the thoracic vertebrae, adjacent to the neoplastic mass. The evaluation of the intervertebral spaces between the fourth to ninth thoracic vertebrae presented no increase in radiopacity, nor alterations in the size of intervertebral spaces, indicating intervertebral disc extrusion. The laterolateral radiographs showed an alignment of the vertebrae and vertebral canal, without presence of bone neoformations on the ventral face of the vertebral bodies. The animal was euthanized and fragments of mass were collected for histological analysis. Macroscopic findings presented a non-encapsulated well-delimited mass, with color ranging from white to reddish. Microscopically, there was proliferation of moderately differentiated round cells in bone and muscle tissues, arranged in mantle, with moderately eosinophilic cytoplasm, and rounded nucleus with eccentric location, coarse chromatin sometimes indistinct. These cells presented moderate anisocytosis and, in general, one mitosis per field. Intradural extramedullary plasmacytoma was diagnosed.Discussion: The present report presented a diagnosis of intradural EMP, generating compression of the spinal cord because of its invasive growth, reaching the canal and, thus, reducing its lumen. The clinical status of the dog was compatible with thoracolumbar lesion of upper motor neuron, which causes paresis and ataxia in pelvic limbs. In this case, it was not possible to establish early diagnosis because the dog had been rescued from the streets recently. Radiographic examination was important to identify the real size of the mass, and the myelography confirmed spinal cord compression. The definitive diagnosis was obtained by histological examination. Although extramedullary plasmacytoma is a low-frequency neoplasm, in the present report, its manifestation was atypical, more aggressive, invading the medullary canal and compressing the spinal cord. Spinal cord compression may lead to degeneration of axons because of alterations in the vascular permeability associated with local inflammatory process, reducing the oxygen supply to nervous tissues, resulting in cellular degeneration. The occurrence of atypical neoplastic growth should be included as a differential diagnosis for lesions in upper motor neuron in cases of spinal cord compression. This is an atypical location for this kind of neoplasia, and cases of medullary compression of neoplastic masses should be included as a differential diagnosis

    Protocol of assistance to persons with venous ulcer in primary care: integrative literature review

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    To perform an integrative literature review to give subsidies to elaborate attendance protocol for people with venous ulcers in primary health care. Method: An integrative review, carried out between August and September 2012, in the virtual health library, pages of Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, of Municipal Health secretariat and international guidelines of associations. Results: 15 publications were included, in the period from 2004 to 2011, 9 focused specifically on venous ulcer, 8 did not specify the level of assistance, 9 are multiprofessionals and 2 emphasize quality of life. Based upon the studies it was verified that the categories about structuring the protocol are sociodemographics, anamnesis, risk factors, exams, verification, characteristics and injury care, medications, pain, general care and compression therapy, prevention and referral/counter-referral. Conclusion: The results may subsidize the construction of protocols for people with venous ulcers treated in primary health care supported in the aspects of literature


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    Objective: To investigate the cost-effectiveness of second-line pharmacological treatments for metastatic breast cancer (MBC) by comparing trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) versus a combination of lapatinib and capecitabine (LAP+CAP) from the perspective of the Brazilian health system, the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde–SUS).Methods: The results of each treatment were simulated based on a three-state Markov decision model applied to a hypothetical cohort of 1,000 women, aged 50 y old or older, with MBC and HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) overexpression. The data on the effectiveness of treatments were taken from reports in the literature. The period considered for simulation was three years subdivided into monthly cycles of transition between health states. A discount rate of 5% per year was applied to costs and outcomes. Possible uncertainty was assessed by means of a sensitivity analysis.Results: Chemotherapy for women with refractory MBC using T-DM1 monotherapy was ruled out by extended dominance. Treatment with LAP+CAP proved to be the most efficient strategy because the cost in relation to the overall survival (BRL 72,035.43/quality-adjusted life year–QALY) was the lowest and fell within the acceptability threshold, BRL 86,628.00.Conclusion: T-DM1 demonstrated pharmacological superiority over other agents used for the treatment of MBC in clinical studies. However, the price set for T-DM1 in Brazil is the determinant variable that contraindicates its inclusion in the SUS, in agreement with other international assessments

    Primary Kidney Lymphoma in a Dog

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    Background: Lymphoma is a malignant lymphoid tumor originating in the lymph nodes or other solid organs and comprises 90% of all hematopoietic tumors in dogs. However, primary renal lymphoma is rare and is associated with nonspecific clinical signs. Tumor invasion in both kidneys can cause severe clinical signs due to renal failure, complicating the patient's treatment and prognosis. The aim of this case was to report the case of a dog affected by bilateral primary renal lymphoma. In addition, to characterize the clinical and histopathological presentation due to the intense morphological changes. Case:  A 5-year-old male Poodle canine was admitted showing apathy and emesis for 5 days. On physical examination, the dog showed 10% of dehydration, reddish oral mucous membranes, poor body condition (score 1/5), uremic breath, and pain in the kidney area. Complementary tests revealed severe low white blood cells count, high BUN levels, high levels of potassium, calcium, and phosphorus (serum biochemistry). Abdominal ultrasound showed bilateral kidney enlargement. Fine needle aspiration of the mass (guided by ultrasound) revealed round cell tumor. Radiographs showed no alterations. The dog died due to his poor condition and necropsy was performed. On post-mortem examination, the kidneys were both enlarged, pale, and with an irregular subcapsular surface. The histopathological diagnostic was primary renal lymphoma. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that neoplastic cells were strongly positive for anti CD20 and PAX5, while negative for CD3, supporting the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma. Discussion: The diagnosis was based on clinical, complementary tests, fine needle aspiration, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. In dogs, primary kidney tumors are uncommon and usually malignant. The presence of vomiting, uremic breath, dehydration, weight loss, and erosive and ulcerative lesions on the tongue (uremic glossitis) are clinical signs of chronic renal failure, and this condition was later confirmed by laboratory tests and histopathological findings. Dogs diagnosed with extra-nodal renal lymphoma, present clinical signs such as polydipsia, polyuria, vomiting, and uremic breath in some cases. These changes are compatible with changes observed in cases of renal failure. In this case, the severe azotemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperkalemia were due to the neoplastic infiltration in both kidneys. Additionally, the abdominal ultrasound revealed the tumor in both kidneys. Almost 38% of dogs with renal lymphoma presented in urine evaluation normal urine density and a large amount of protein in the urine, similar to those observed in this dog. When the lesions are on both kidneys, kidney failure develops and uremic extra-renal lesions appear, as observed in this case. The prevalence of primary kidney tumors in domestic animals corresponds to less than 1% of the total of the tumors reported, and they are usually in one kidney. In dogs, almost 60 - 70% of lymphomas are B cells, 30 - 40% are T cells, and less than 1% are null cells. B-cell lymphomas usually show less aggressive behavior when compared to T-cell lymphomas. Kidney lymphoma can be included as an important cause of kidney failure, and has slow and progressive development, making early diagnosis and treatment difficult. Keywords: dog disease, lymphoproliferative disorder, renal neoplasm, uremia. Título: Linfoma renal primário em cãoDescritores: doença de cão, distúrbio linfoproliferativo, neoplasma renal, uremia.

    Revisão integrativa das características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem: disposição para resiliência melhorada em ostomizados

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    OBJETIVO: identificar na literatura científica as características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem "disposição para resiliência melhorada" em estudos desenvolvidos com pessoas ostomizadas. MÉTODO: trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura realizada nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Índice Bibliográfico Espanhol de Ciências da Saúde, PubMed Central, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Web Of Science e SciVerse Scopus, utilizando-se os descritores não controlados do vocabulário Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): "Ostomy", "Resilience", "Adaptation Psychological" e "Quality of life". Os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos científicos disponíveis na íntegra; nas línguas, português, inglês e espanhol; com faixa etária acima de 18 anos, publicados entre 2009 e 2014; que apresentassem nos seus resultados pelo menos uma característica definidora do diagnóstico de enfermagem estudado. Após a análise, a amostra final foi composta de nove artigos. RESULTADOS: predominaram estudos internacionais, com nível de evidência VI. Em relação às características definidoras, 10 das 17 características presentes na NANDA Internacional para o diagnóstico de enfermagem "disposição para resiliência melhorada" foram encontradas na literatura. CONCLUSÃO: em estudos com população ostomizada, foram encontradas características definidoras apresentadas na referida taxonomia para o diagnóstico "disposição para resiliência melhorada"

    Prevalence and incidence of Parkinson's disease and other forms of parkinsonism in a cohort of elderly individuals in Southern Brazil : protocol for a population-based study

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    Introduction Parkinsonism is one of the most common neurological disorders affecting the elderly. Several population-based studies have determined the epidemiology of parkinsonism, mainly Parkinson’s disease (PD), but there is still little evidence in the Brazilian population. This protocol study aims to assess the prevalence and incidence of cases of PD and other parkinsonian syndromes in a 5-year cohort in a population-based study in the southern region of Brazil. Methods and analysis A prospective population-based longitudinal study, with a cohort of development of cases of parkinsonism, divided into two phases: in phase I, two questionnaires to screen for parkinsonism (Tanner’s questionnaire), Rapid Eyes Movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder (REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Single-Question Screen) and a short interview will be conducted with all elderly residents of Veranópolis (the first longevity Brazilian county located in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) aged 60 or over. The positive screened cases will be examined independently by at least two movement disorder-trained physicians and prevalence will be determined. A comprehensive evaluation of prodromic symptoms, risk factors and clinical characteristics will be carried out. Subjects with subtle parkinsonism and a sample of healthy subjects will be followed for 5 years in a developmental cohort of parkinsonism cases. For crude incidence, all individuals admitted at the beginning of the study will be re-evaluated


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    Resumo: O ano de 2020 está sendo marcado por uma transformação nos hábitos de convívio social devido à COVID-19. Por causa da sua alta transmissibilidade, em pouco tempo, essa enfermidade recebeu o status de pandemia, trazendo preocupação e mudanças de hábitos no mundo todo. Por se tratar de uma doença ainda sem tratamento e vacina eficazes - que pode evoluir para casos graves e levar ao óbito - medidas de emergência, como o distanciamento social, foram tomadas com o objetivo de controlar a propagação do vírus, o que fez com que instituições de ensino e serviços presenciais não essenciais fossem interrompidos e, assim, a população ficasse sem contato pessoal direto, como era de costume. Essas mudanças vieram de forma abrupta, trazendo as mais diversas consequências e uma nova rotina que pode provocar medos, angústias, ansiedade, entre outros. Partindo dessa nova realidade, o presente trabalho, de ação extensionista, teve como objetivo auxiliar a comunidade externa e interna do Instituto Federal de São Paulo, campus São Roque, levando informações de forma segura à população sobre o vírus e buscando minimizar algumas consequências que vieram com a pandemia, através de lives, publicações em redes sociais e outras ações, abordando temas recorrentes, como: controle da ansiedade, prevenção ao suicídio, necessidade da manutenção das medidas preventivas da Covid-19 e importância da prática de esportes durante o isolamento. As ações tiveram as redes sociais como base de realização e divulgação, obtendo, assim, um alcance significativo já que possibilitou o acesso irrestrito às informações e favoreceu sua propagação