117 research outputs found

    Pessoa and Nelson : propositions of modern drama in Portugal and Brazil.

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    Para pensar as rela??es entre o drama moderno em Portugal e no Brasil, Fernando Pessoa e Nelson Rodrigues se projetam como nomes centrais do questionamento da forma dram?tica convencional. Assim, propomo-nos a compreender de que maneira, cada qual com sua proposta est?tica, os autores possibilitaram a composi??o de uma forma dram?tica aberta, repensando o teatro na modernidade. Para tanto, partimos de teorias sobre o drama ? Szondi (2011) e Sarrazac (2012) ?, na medida em que encontramos nessas formula??es elementos para refl ex?o das obras aqui estudadas.In order to think the relationship between modern drama in Portugal and Brazil, Fernando Pessoa and Nelson Rodrigues are central names questioning the conventional dramaturgical form. Thus, we propose to understand how, each with its aesthetic proposal, the authors allowed the composition of an open dramatic solution, rethinking theater in modernity. For this, we start from theories about the drama ? Szondi (2011) and Sarrazac (2012) ? since we fi nd in these formulations elements for thought of the works studied here

    Assist?ncia farmac?utica a pacientes oncol?gicos em uso de anticorpos monoclonais em um hospital de refer?ncia do Oeste de Santa Catarina

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    Introduction: The increase in the incidence of cancer, related to issues such as changes in lifestyle, demographic profile and increased life expectancy, raises a series of questions about new treatments and their impact, both on the quality / prognosis of the patient and on the cost to the Public Health System. The present study aims to characterize pharmaceutical assistance in the use of monoclonal antibodies, mainly related to adverse effects and the route of acquisition of these medications. Objectives: To describe the use of immunobiologicals with regard to the form of acquisition, regulation and judicialization, adverse effects and causes of interruption of therapy. In addition to the characterization of cancer patients and the main neoplasms and monoclonal antibodies used in the treatment of these patients. Methods: The study is a retrospective cross-sectional study, by consulting data from medical records in the sectors of Oncology and Hospital Pharmacy, from the period from August 1, 2017 to July 31, 2019, at Associa??o Lenoir Vargas Ferreira - Hospital Regional do Oeste - Chapec?-SC, with the sample consisting of 169 patients. Results: The studied population was mostly female (n = 115). The main neoplasms found were breast (n = 64, 36.16%), lymphomas (n = 53, 29.94%) and multiple plasmacytoma / plasmacytoma melanoma (n = 25, 14.12%). The most used mABs were trastuzumab (n = 65, 35.71%) and rituximab (n = 54, 29.67%). Four forms of drug acquisition were observed, with SUS (n = 110, 60.44%) and judicial (n = 65, 35.71%) being those with the highest percentage 60.3% of the patients had no adverse effect on therapy, but among those who did, the main ones were vomiting and nausea, asthenia, diarrhea, pain, neutropenia and mucositis. Adverse effects / toxicity (n = 15), lack of medication (n = 11) and delay in release (n = 10) are the most common causes of treatment interruption. Conclusion: The selectivity of therapies with mABs causes adverse effects to be minimized or even extinguished, which, together with increased survival, justifies their use. MABs not made available by SUS are demanded by the population, who resort to judicial measures to obtain their treatment by the Union, state or municipality. This form of acquisition implies questions related to the financial privilege of some, which favors them in obtaining such drugs. This justifies the importance of public policies to encourage the medical, scientific, social and legal community to send reviews with clinical evidence to CONITEC to approve the incorporation of these technologies in SUS.Introdu??o: O aumento da incid?ncia de c?ncer, relacionado a quest?es como mudan?as nos h?bitos de vida, perfil demogr?fico e aumento da expectativa de vida, levanta uma s?rie de questionamentos sobre novos tratamentos e seu impacto, tanto na qualidade / progn?stico do paciente, quanto no custo ao sistema p?blico de sa?de. O presente estudo visa caracterizar a assist?ncia farmac?utica no uso de anticorpos monoclonais principalmente relacionado aos efeitos adversos e a via de aquisi??o dessas medica??es. Objetivos: Descrever a utiliza??o de imunobiol?gicos no que tange ? forma de aquisi??o, regula??o e judicializa??o, efeitos adversos e causas de interrup??o da terapia. Al?m da caracteriza??o dos pacientes com c?ncer e das principais neoplasias e anticorpos monoclonais utilizados nos tratamentos desses pacientes. Metodologia: O estudo ? do tipo transversal retrospectivo, por meio da consulta a dados dos prontu?rios nos setores de Oncologia e Farm?cia Hospitalar, do per?odo de 1 de agosto de 2017 at? 31 de julho de 2019, na Associa??o Lenoir Vargas Ferreira - Hospital Regional do Oeste - Chapec?-SC, sendo a amostra composta por 169 pacientes. Resultados: A popula??o estudada foi majoritariamente feminina (n=115). As principais neoplasias encontradas foram de mama (n=64, 36,16%), linfomas (n=53, 29,94%) e melanoma m?ltiplo de plasm?cito/ plasmocitoma (n=25, 14,12%). Os mABs mais utilizados foram o trastuzumabe (n=65, 35,71%) e rituximabe (n=54, 29,67%). Foram observadas quatro formas de aquisi??o dos f?rmacos, sendo via SUS (n=110, 60,44%) e judicial (n=65, 35,71%) as de maior porcentagem. 60,3% dos pacientes n?o apresentaram efeito adverso ? terapia, mas dentre os que apresentaram os principais foram v?mitos e n?useas, astenia, diarreia, dor, neutropenia e mucosite. Efeitos adversos/ toxicidade (n=15), falta de medicamento (n=11) e atraso na libera??o (n=10) s?o as causas mais comuns de interrup??o do tratamento. Conclus?o: A seletividade das terapias com mABs faz com que os efeitos adversos sejam minimizados ou at? extintos, o que, associado ao aumento de sobrevida, justifica seu uso. Os mABs n?o disponibilizados pelo SUS s?o demandados pela popula??o, que recorrem a medidas judiciais para conseguirem seu tratamento pela Uni?o, estado ou munic?pio. Essa forma de aquisi??o implica em questionamentos relacionados ao privil?gio financeiro de alguns, o que os favorece na obten??o de tais medicamentos. Isso justifica a import?ncia de pol?ticas p?blicas incentivarem a comunidade m?dica, cient?fica, social e jur?dica a enviarem revis?es com evid?ncias cl?nicas ? CONITEC para aprovar a incorpora??o de novas tecnologias em sa?de no SUS

    Novel integrative genomic tool for interrogating lithium response in bipolar disorder

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    We developed a novel integrative genomic tool called GRANITE (Genetic Regulatory Analysis of Networks Investigational Tool Environment) that can effectively analyze large complex data sets to generate interactive networks. GRANITE is an open-source tool and invaluable resource for a variety of genomic fields. Although our analysis is confined to static expression data, GRANITE has the capability of evaluating time-course data and generating interactive networks that may shed light on acute versus chronic treatment, as well as evaluating dose response and providing insight into mechanisms that underlie therapeutic versus sub-therapeutic doses or toxic doses. As a proof-of-concept study, we investigated lithium (Li) response in bipolar disorder (BD). BD is a severe mood disorder marked by cycles of mania and depression. Li is one of the most commonly prescribed and decidedly effective treatments for many patients (responders), although its mode of action is not yet fully understood, nor is it effective in every patient (non-responders). In an in vitro study, we compared vehicle versus chronic Li treatment in patient-derived lymphoblastoid cells (LCLs) (derived from either responders or non-responders) using both microRNA (miRNA) and messenger RNA gene expression profiling. We present both Li responder and non-responder network visualizations created by our GRANITE analysis in BD. We identified by network visualization that the Let-7 family is consistently downregulated by Li in both groups where this miRNA family has been implicated in neurodegeneration, cell survival and synaptic development. We discuss the potential of this analysis for investigating treatment response and even providing clinicians with a tool for predicting treatment response in their patients, as well as for providing the industry with a tool for identifying network nodes as targets for novel drug discovery

    China’s Pledge to Civilise “All Under Heaven”

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    With China's global rise, both its state leadership and key academics have engaged in developing a civilisational discourse for the twenty-first century partly based on ancient cosmological concepts. This article explores the meanings of and intentions behind this discourse, including its promise of a Chinese-led world order, and discusses its intended audience and international appeal. In the backdrop of theoretical debates on empires and their missions, the article claims that without a corresponding cultural appeal, China's rising economic power and geostrategic clout are insufficient conditions to realise an empire in the classical sense. Growing inconsistencies mar the country's imperial ambitions, such as those between a global civilising outreach and a toughening domestic embrace. Instead, imperial rhetoric is cautiously integrated in the party-state's restoration of a Chinese "empire within," indicating self-centredness and a lurking re-traditionalising of Chinese state power

    New heterogeneous catalyst for the esterification of fatty acid produced by surface aromatization/sulfonation of oilseed cake.

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    In this work, an efficient heterogeneous acid catalyst for the esterification of oleic acid was prepared directly from oilseed cake by a simple sulfonation with concentrated H2SO4. Characterization by SEM/EDS, IR, Raman, TG, TG/MS, potentiometric titration showed that treatment with H2SO4 for 1, 2 and 4 h at 120 _C partially dehydrates the cake to form a carbon/cellulose composite which is sulfonated to produce strong ASO3H acidic sites. These surface sites were active for the esterification of oleic acid with yields ca. 84%, 88% and 94% in the presence of 5, 10 and 20 wt% catalyst, respectively. These results are comparable to 98% yield obtained with 1 wt% H2SO4 and higher than 75% observed for a high surface area (880 m2 g_1) sulfonated activated carbon with similar number of ASO3H active groups. These results are discussed in terms of two effects: (i) the number of sulfonic surface acidic groups and (ii) the presence of a hydrophilic cellulosic fraction in the catalyst that adsorbs/traps water formed in the reaction shifting the esterification equilibrium and improving the yield

    The influence that different urban development models has on PM2.5 elemental and bioaccessible profiles

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    Limited studies have reported on in-vitro analysis of PM2.5 but as far as the authors are aware, bioaccessibility of PM2.5 in artificial lysosomal fluid (ALF) has not been linked to urban development models before. The Brazilian cities Manaus (Amazon) and Curitiba (South region) have different geographical locations, climates, and urban development strategies. Manaus drives its industrialization using the free trade zone policy and Curitiba adopted a services centered economy driven by sustainability. Therefore, these two cities were used to illustrate the influence that these different models have on PM2.5 in vitro profile. We compared PM2.5 mass concentrations and the average total elemental and bioaccessible profiles for Cu, Cr, Mn, and Pb. The total average elemental concentrations followed Mn > Pb > Cu > Cr in Manaus and Pb > Mn > Cu > Cr in Curitiba. Mn had the lowest solubility while Cu showed the highest bioaccessibility (100%) and was significantly higher in Curitiba than Manaus. Cr and Pb had higher bioaccessibility in Manaus than Curitiba. Despite similar mass concentrations, the public health risk in Manaus was higher than in Curitiba indicating that the free trade zone had a profound effect on the emission levels and sources of airborne PM. These findings illustrate the importance of adopting sustainable air quality strategies in urban planning
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