50 research outputs found

    Theoretical training bases for young athletes in aquatic sports on the natural environment: Bodyboard

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    [Resumen] El bodyboard es una disciplina del surf cuyo crecimiento ha sido considerable desde la década de los 60, por lo que está considerado como uno de los deportes acuáticos de mayor crecimiento del mundo. A pesar de esto, la investigación científica de esta disciplina ha estado mal reflejada en comparación con otros deportes. Al igual que en cualquier otro deporte, el bodyboarder necesita de unas condiciones físicas y fisiológicas específicas que le ayuden a practicar el deporte de manera efectiva ya que no siguen un entrenamiento específico ni desarrollan programas de acondicionamiento. Por lo tanto, este artículo surge con la idea de aportar unas bases para determinar el entrenamiento más adecuado basado en los objetivos y estudio de las acciones del bodyboard para mejorar la condición física, técnica y psicológica de los jóvenes bodyboarders en base a las particularidades del propio deporte y del deportista, teniendo en cuenta los estudios científicos en el ámbito que nos ocupa: el Bodyboard[Abstract] The bodyboard is a surfing discipline whose growth has been considerably since the 60s, so it is considered one of the fastest growing aquatic sport in the world. Despite this, scientific research of this discipline has been reflected poorly compared to other sports. As in any other sport, the bodyboarder requires of specific physical and physiological conditions to help it to practice the sport effectively as it does not follow a specific training or develop conditioning programs. Therefore, this article comes up with the idea of providing a basis for determining the most appropriate training based on study objectives and bodyboard actions to improve physical, technical and psychological condition of the bodyboarders based on the particularities of their own sport and the athlete, taking into account scientific studies in the field at hand: the Bodyboar

    Incidencia lesional en el fútbol

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    Football is the most universally popular and the most widespread sport, which also means being one of the most IL team sports. Injuries negatively affect the performance of the athlete and the team. The objective of this study was to know the injuries produced throughout the 2016/2017 of the spanish first and second division depending on the type of injury, position of the player, the minute in which the injury happen and the age of the player.  It is a descriptive study, in which the sample was made up of the players of the 42 teams of the Santander League Santander and Liga 123 of Spanish football. The most common injuries have been muscle injuries (>50%), increasing in Liga 123 up to 75% of the IL. The athletes who suffered the most injuries were the defenses (>40%) while goalkeepers recorded the lowest IL (<4%). This fact may be due to the shorter distance runed at normal intensity and the distance runed at high intensity. Athletes between the age of 21 and 29 suffered a higher number of injuries (>35%) and besides, you're happened in large part during the second half of the game.El fútbol es el deporte universalmente más popular y el más extendido, lo que implica, además, ser uno de los deportes de equipo con mayor IL. Las lesiones afectan de manera negativa al rendimiento del deportista y del equipo. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer las lesiones producidas a lo largo de la temporada 2016/2017 de la primera y segunda división española en función del tipo de lesión, posición del jugador, minuto en que se produce la lesión y la edad del jugador. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, en el cual la muestra fue conformada por los jugadores de los 42 equipos de la Liga Santander y la Liga 123 del fútbol español. Las lesiones más comunes han sido las lesiones musculares (>50%), aumentando en la Liga 123 hasta el 75% de la incidencia. Los deportistas que más lesiones sufrieron fueron los defensas (>40%) mientras que los porteros registraron el menor IL (<4%). Este hecho se puede deber a la menor distancia recorrida tanto a una intensidad normal como a la distancia recorrida a alta intensidad. Los deportistas comprendidos entre los 21 y los 29 años padecieron un mayor número de lesiones (>35%) y, además, ocurrieron en gran parte durante la segunda mitad del partido

    Análisis de la percepción visual y respuesta verbal sobre contenidos deportivos generales y específicos de los estudiantes de CCAFYD

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    Future PE teachers in their degree receive balanced formation regarding the different branches of knowledge covering Physicall Education and Sports. The objective of this study was to analize the capacity of CCAFYD students to evaluate general aspects of sports,concrete aspects of a given sport, and the criteria in which they are based on. In this study 25 CCAFYD students participated.  All of them have evalued the correction or mistakes of 6 executions of strenght exercises at the gym, and 9 concrete technical movements from indoor football. To analyze what the evaluation of each subject was based on, we used eye tracker technology, through which we registered the searching pattern in every single image. The results showed that students receive more general kind of formation, given that verbal and visual valorations were better on this kind of image, and also, that there were less difference between factors involved in the searching patterns to analyze. Once we have analized the variables, we conclude that students have on sports aspects, a general formation.Los futuros profesores de Educación Física, en su titulación de grado, reciben una formación equilibrada en cuanto a las distintas ramas de conocimiento que abarca la actividad física y el deporte. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la capacidad que tienen los estudiantes de CCAFYD para evaluar aspectos deportivos generales y aspectos concretos de un deporte determinado, así como los criterios en los que se basan. En este estudio han participado 25 estudiantes del Grado en CCAFYD. Todos ellos han valorado la corrección o incorrección de 6 ejecuciones de ejercicios de fuerza en gimnasio y 9 gestos técnicos de fútbol sala. Para analizar en qué se basó la evaluación cada sujeto, se ha utilizado la tecnología eye tracker a través de la cual hemos registrado los patrones de búsqueda en cada imagen. Los resultados nos mostraron que los estudiantes reciben un tipo de formación más general, puesto que las valoraciones verbales y visuales son mejores en las imágenes de este tipo, y que apenas existen diferencias entre las variables implicadas en los patrones de búsqueda para su análisis. Tras analizar las variables, concluimos que los estudiantes tienen una formación en aspectos deportivos de tipo general

    Lesión de ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) en futbolistas cántabros. Análisis descriptivo de los factores de riesgo

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    Introduction: The rupture of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of the most problematic injuries in the world of football, not only because of the period that it will keep the subject inactive, but also because of the consequences that it can produce in the athlete. Objectives: To know some of the risk factors, as well as the mechanism of ACL injuries in the last three seasons in Cantabrian football. Material and methods: Data was collected on different risk factors of all ACL injured Cantabrian soccer players in the last 3 seasons (2016 to 2019). These data were recorded through an interview conducted by the Cantabrian Football Federation. The initial sample was 93 people, 84 being men (H) and 9 women (M). Results: The competition turned out to be more harmful than the training (H: 88.5%; M: 77.8%), being the first part of the match where there were more injuries (H: 47.8%; M: 66.7 %). Defenders in men (50.7%) and midfielders in women (55.6%) were the most affected positions. With 87% in men and 100% in women, the injuries occurred on artificial grass with the use of Artificial Grass (AG) studs (H: 46.4%; M: 77.8%) and during the month of April (H: 4.5%; M: 33.3%). In addition, the injuries occurred without contact (H: 73.9%; M: 77.8%) and 66.7% in both groups did not perform preventive work. Conclusions: ACL injury occurs mainly without contact, with the use of AG cleats on artificial turf, during the first part of the game and in April. Defenders in men and midfielders in women were the most affected positions.Introducción: La rotura de Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (LCA) es una de las lesiones más problemáticas dentro del mundo del fútbol, no solo por el periodo que mantendrá inactivo al sujeto, sino también por las secuelas que puede producir en el deportista. Objetivos: Conocer algunos de los factores de riesgo y mecanismos de lesión de LCA en futbolistas cántabros de las temporadas 2016 a 2019. Material y métodos: Se recogieron datos sobre diferentes factores de riesgo de todos los jugadores/as del fútbol cántabro lesionados de LCA en las últimas 3 temporadas (2016 al 2019). Estos datos se registraron mediante una entrevista realizada por la Federación Cántabra de Fútbol. La muestra inicial fue de 93 personas, siendo 84 hombres (H) y 9 mujeres (M). Resultados: La competición resultó ser más lesiva que el entrenamiento (H: 88,5%; M: 77,8%), siendo la primera parte del partido donde más lesiones hubo (H: 47,8%; M: 66,7%). Los defensas en los hombres (50,7%) y los mediocentros en mujeres (55,6%) fueron las posiciones más afectadas. Con un 87% en hombres y 100% en mujeres, las lesiones se produjeron sobre hierba artificial con el uso de tacos Artificial Grass (AG) (H: 46,4%; M: 77,8%) y durante el mes de abril (H: 4,5%; M: 33,3%) . Además, las lesiones se produjeron sin contacto (H: 73,9%; M:77,8%) y el 66,7% en ambos grupos no realizaba trabajo preventivo. Conclusiones: La lesión de LCA se produce principalmente sin contacto, con el uso de tacos AG sobre césped artificial, durante la primera parte del partido y en abril. Los defensas en hombres y los mediocentros en mujeres fueron las posiciones más afectadas

    Acquisition of knowledge and skills on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of the automated external defibrillator after a training process by Galician schoolteachers

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the knowledge that Galician schoolteachers from kindergarten, primary and secondary schools had on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) after a training process comparing oblivion after one week (G1), after a month (G2) and after two months (G3). The sample was made up by 144 schoolteachers between 23 and 64 years old (M = 42.46 SD = 10.03), 100 (69.4%) women, and 44 (30.6%) men. For data collection an ad hoc questionnaire was used, also a mannequin QCPR Laerdal® and a Philips AED. The results show statistical significative differences between the average of correct answers on the first questionnaire, and the last one (p .005; G1 = 61.98 seconds; G2 = 54.69 seconds; G3 = 56.68 seconds). After the formative programme about BLS, there is an increase of theoretical knowledge among the schoolteachers and it remains 2 months after the programme is given. Also, it happened the same regarding CPR skills and AED use program

    Study of Motor Competence in 4–5-Year-Old Preschool Children: Are There Differences among Public and Private Schools?

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    [Abstract] The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the presence of preschool children with severe motor difficulties (SMDs) and (2) to evaluate the existence of differences in the motor competence (MC) of preschool children from public and private schools based on gender. A total of 581 preschool children (4.66 ± 0.52 years) from Galicia (Spain) were assessed. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) was used to collect the data. Preschool children from public schools presented a greater number of SMDs (OR = 20.65; CI = 9.99–85.53; p < 0.001). Preschool children from private schools have higher scores on the variables studied (for example, manual dexterity (p < 0.001), aiming and catching (p < 0.001), balance (p < 0.001), total test score (p < 0.001), and total percentage score (p < 0.001)). Regarding the gender factor, differences were found in manual dexterity (p < 0.001), aiming and catching (p = 0.014), balance (p < 0.001), total test score (p < 0.001), total percentage score (p < 0.001), and in the interaction of both factors in balance (p < 0.001), total global score (p = 0.004), and total percentage score (p < 0.001). Preschool children from private schools are less likely to have severe movement problems and score higher on all dimensions of the MABC-2 than preschool children from public schools analyzed in this study. Likewise, girls score higher than boys in all dimensions, except in aiming and catching

    Analysis of motivation towards sports practice in students of Primary Education in Galicia. A descriptive study

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    The current technological revolution has benefited the development of the human being. However, sedentary lifestyle has increased, and consequently, health problems, such as childhood obesity. The combination of physical activity with appropriate educational strategies are the most effective tools to fight against childhood obesity. But it is necessary to take into account the motivation towards the practice of physical exercise to generate the necessary adherence to generate healthy lifestyles and increase the effectiveness of the programs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the reasons for sports practice of students in grades 5 and 6 of Primary Education according to gender and age in 4 Galician schools. 163 students between 10 and 12 years old, of which 80 were boys (49.07%) and 83 girls (50.07%) covered the questionnaire of the Self-Report of Motives for the Practice of Physical Exercise (AMPEF) and the results obtained showed differences statistically significant in the gender factor in weight and body image (p = .022), competition (p < .001), muscular strength and endurance (p = .001) and health urgency (p = .037). Schoolchildren show a motivation for the practice of activity influenced by weight and body image, competition, muscular strength and endurance, these motivations being greater in boys, and the urgency of health in girls

    Is It Possible to Reduce the Relative Age Effect through an Intervention on Motor Competence in Preschool Children?

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    The purpose of the study was to find out whether a short 6-week intervention on motor competence can reduce the Relative Age Effect (RAE) of preschool children born in the first quarter, compared to those born in the fourth quarter of the same year. Seventy-six preschool children (5.20 ± 0.54 years) from Lugo (Spain) participated. A quasi-experimental pre-post-test design was used with an intervention group (n = 32) and a control group (n = 44). The Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) was used to collect data before and after the intervention. The data show that, before the intervention, there are significant differences between the control and the intervention group in favor of the former (born in the first quarter of the year) in manual dexterity (p = 0.011), balance (p = 0.002), total test score (p = 0.008), and total percentile score (p = 0.010). After the application of the specific intervention, statistically significant differences were found in aiming and catching (p < 0.001), balance (p = 0.022), total test score (p = 0.001), and total percentile score (p < 0.001) in favor of the intervention group (born in the last quarter of the year). The results obtained suggest that the application of a specific intervention on MC could positively influence the improvement of MC in preschool children (boys and girls) and reduce the differences produced by the RAES

    Comparación de los tipos de Foam Roller evaluando su efecto agudo en el músculo recto femoral mediante tensiomiografía

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    The use of the Foam Roller (FR) is a relatively new myofascial release technique that is experiencing a considerable increase in the sport and health environment. The aim of this study was to compare the various types of FR by assessing their acute effect on the rectus femoris (RF) muscle using Tensiomyography (TMG), taking into account the variables Maximum Deformation (Dm) and Contraction Time (Tc). Ten participants from the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CAFYD) carried out the study with one type of RF each session, spread over three days. Each subject performed 3 sets of 90 seconds with 30 seconds rest, on the dominant leg only. The TMG measurements were two, before and after the use of the RF. When analysing the effects produced by all the RF on the total number of participants, no significant differences were found in any of the variables. Although we noticed that, when separating the sample by level of sporting activity, the FR Hard (FRD) and FR Relieve (FRR) caused a significant decrease in Tc, causing activation in the Untrained Subjects (SNE). On the contrary, in the Trained Subjects (TS), the effect of FRD produced an increase in Tc, causing a relaxation of RF. The variations become noticeable depending on the sport practice and probably on the muscle tone. Therefore, the user's physical shape and experience with the Foam Roller must be taken into account, as this will directly influence the effect of its use.La utilización del rodillo de espuma o Foam Roller (FR) es una técnica de liberación miofascial relativamente nueva que está experimentando un aumento considerable en el entorno del deporte y de la salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los diversos tipos de FR evaluando su efecto agudo en el músculo Recto Femoral (RF) mediante Tensiomiografía (TMG), teniendo en cuenta las variables Deformación máxima (Dm) y Tiempo de Contracción (Tc). Diez participantes de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (CAFYD) realizaron el estudio con un tipo de FR cada sesión, repartidos en tres jornadas. Cada sujeto llevó a cabo 3 series de 90 segundos con 30 segundos de descanso, sólo en la pierna dominante. Las mediciones en TMG fueron dos, antes y después del uso del FR. Al analizar los efectos producidos por todos los FR en el total de los participantes no se encontraron diferencias significativas en ninguna de las variables. Aunque hemos advertido que, al separar la muestra por nivel de actividad deportiva, el FR Duro (FRD) y el FR Relieve (FRR) causaron una disminución significativa del Tc, provocando una activación en los Sujetos No Entrenados (SNE). Por el contrario, en los Sujetos Entrenados (SE), el efecto del FRD produjo un aumento del Tc, ocasionando una relajación del RF. Las variaciones se vuelven notables dependiendo de la práctica deportiva y probablemente del tono muscular. Por ello, hay que tener muy en cuenta la forma física del usuario y su experiencia con el Foam Roller, ya que esto va a influir directamente en el efecto que le producirá su uso

    Disruptive Behaviors in Physical Education: A Matched Study of Social Skills and Sport Practice in a Region of Spain

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    The data presented in this study are not available in accordance with Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD)This article belongs to the Special Issue Emotional Intelligence, Active Lifestyle, and Other Associated Variables[Abstract] Disruptive behaviors in physical education cause conflicts among students and, consequently, an abnormal development of classes. Therefore, finding the variables that can solve them is an urgent aspect to achieve an adequate learning environment in the 21st century school. The aim of this study was to analyze what happens to disruptive behaviors in relation to systematic and regulated sports and social practice in a sample of Spanish primary school students. Five hundred and forty-eight schoolchildren (276 were girls (50.4%)) participated with a mean age of 10.98 (SD = 0.71). The results show a significant main effect in terms of social skills in relatedness (p < 0.001), irresponsibility (p < 0.001), failure to follow directions (p < 0.001), distracting or disturbing others (p < 0.001), and in poor self-management (p < 0.001) with higher scores in disruptive behaviors in students with lower social skills. Regarding sports practice, only a significant main effect was found in relatedness (p < 0.001) and in poor self-management (p < 0.001), with the highest scores the schoolchildren who do not practice sports. Schoolchildren with high social skills obtain lower scores in disruptive behaviors. Likewise, schoolchildren who play sports have lower scores in relatedness and poor self-managemen