225 research outputs found

    Ensure better governance for safe migration

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    The writer is a Research Faculty at the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University

    Effects of micronutrients on bulb growth, yield and quality of local and high yielding onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars in Bangladesh

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    Micronutrients have important functions on onion production. An experiment was conducted at the Landscape section and Laboratory of the Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period from October, 2017 to March, 2018 to investigate the effects of micronutrients on bulb growth, yield and quality of local and high yielding (HY) onion cultivars in Bangladesh. The experiment comprised three onion cultivars viz., Taherpuri (local), BARI Piaz 1 (HY) and BARI Piaz 4 (HY), and five micronutrients viz., Control (no micronutrient), Boron (B) @ 0.2 g/plot, Zinc (Zn) @ 0.5 g/plot, Copper (Cu) @ 0.2 g/plot and B+Zn+Cu @ (0.2+0.5+0.2 g/plot). The two-factor experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Results revealed that onion cultivars and micronutrients had significant influence on the parameters studied. BARI Piaz 4 along with the application of B+Zn+Cu @ 0.2+0.5+0.2 g/plot produced the highest bulb size, increased plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight of bulb, per cent dry matter content of bulbs and bulb yield compared to other onion cultivars and micronutrient treatments. The highest bulb yield (16.07 t/ha) was recorded in B+Zn+Cu, while the lowest bulb yield (8.92 t/ha) was found from control. Highest gross yield of onion (20.67 t/ha) was recorded from BARI Piaz 4 with B+Zn+Cu @ 0.2+0.5+0.2 g/plot. Therefore, it can be concluded that combined treatment of BARI Piaz 4 and B+Zn+Cu @ @ 0.2+0.5+0.2 g/plot was found to be better in respect of bulb growth and yield, and Taherpuri for quality of onion

    Effect of Foliar Application of Urea on Growth and Yield of Short Durative Lentil Variety (BARI Masur-9)

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    An experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jashore, Bangladesh during rabi season of (2019-2020) to evaluate the effect of foliar application of urea on growth and yield of short durative lentil variety (BARI Masur-9). The experiment was conducted in split plot design with three replications where time of urea spraying, P1= at branching stage, P2= at pod initiation stage were distributed in main plots and doses of urea spraying T1= application of 100% recommended fertilizers as basal except urea, T2= application of 100% recommended fertilizers as basal, T3= application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea by spraying, T4= application of 25% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 75% of urea by spraying, T5= application of 50% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 50% of urea by spraying were distributed in sub plots. The highest plant height, number of pods per plant were obtained from application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea spraying at pod initiation stage. The highest seed yield was also found from application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea spraying at pod initiation stage followed by application of 100% recommended fertilizers as basal and application of 50% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 50% of urea by spraying at branching stage. Plant height, pods per plant and days to maturity showed positive correlation with seed yield. On the other hand days to flower and plants per m2 has no linear relationship with seed yield. The highest marginal benefit cost ratio (3.29) was recorded from application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea by spraying at pod initiation stage. So based on findings to increase the yield potential of BARI Masur-9 foliar application of urea may be a tool and hence application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea by spraying at pod initiation stage may be consider as the best treatment

    Development of Integrated Fertilizer Management Strategies in Lentil for Higher Productivity in the South-Western Region of Bangladesh

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    Due to the lack of optimum fertilizer management in low organic matter content soil is one of the limiting factors to the lower yield and productivity of lentil in Bangladesh.To increase the yield and maintain the sustainability of lentil production in the highly intensive cropping areas of Bangladesh the development of integrated fertilizer management is urgent. An experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jashore, Bangladesh during the rabi season of 2018-2019 to develop an integrated fertilizer management strategies for lentil in low organic matter content soil. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design where different fertilizer management techniques were allocated in the main-plots and different varieties were allocated in the sub-plots. There were five fertilizer management (FM) techniques such as FM1- Vermicompost 1t ha-1+ (inorganic P:K:S @ 23:6:10 kg ha-1) + 2% DAP foliar spray, FM2- Vermicompost 1t ha-1+(inorganic P:K:S @ 24:6:10 kg ha-1)+ 1% DAP foliar spray, FM3- (inorganic N:P:K:S @ 20:40:20:10 kg ha-1) and no DAP foliar spray, FM4- Vermicompost 1t ha-1+ (inorganic P: K: S @ 25:6:10 kg ha-1) and no DAP foliar spray, FM5- control and there were three varieties such as V1-BARI Masur-6, V2-BARI Masur-7 and V3-BARI Masur-8. The highest plant height (cm), plant density at harvest, leaf chlorophyll index, grain yield and the lowest days to 50% flowering and Stemphyliumblight disease score was observed from the treatment combination FM1V3 (vermicompost 1t ha-1+ (inorganic P:K:S @ 23:6:10 kg ha-1) + 2% DAP foliar spray with lentil variety BARI Masur-8). The next best treatment combinations were FM1V2 (vermicompost 1t ha-1 + (inorganic P:K:S @ 23:6:10 kg ha-1) + 2% DAP foliar spray with lentil variety BARI Masur-7) and FM1V1 (vermicompost 1t ha-1 + (inorganic P:K:S @ 23:6:10 kg ha-1) + 2% DAP foliar spray with lentil variety BARI Masur-6), respectively. Integrated fertilizer management technique such as vermicompost 1t ha-1+ inorganic P:K:S @ 23:6:10 kg ha-1 + 2% DAP foliar spray with variety BARI Masur-8 may be recommended to farmers for sustainable lentil production

    “A Critical Study on the Transnational Organized Crime along the Bangladesh-Myanmar Border”

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    At present, transnational organized crime has become an alarming issue along the Bangladesh-Myanmar borders. Recently, crime is increasing in this area because of the Rohingya ethnic group. At first, this research shows the origins, spread and consequences of the transnational crime in the World with special attention to the Bangladesh Myanmar borders. The study found what type of crime is happened along this border and how the criminals are being organized in the area. Also, this study has found the evidence of Rohingyas’ involvement in the transnational crimes during the study; and the study has discussed as to how the existing laws could help combat the crimes. The study shows as to how the Rohingya people involve themself in the transnational crimes in the Bangladesh-Myanmar borders which is creating a security problem for Bangladesh to a large extent. After a new wave of the Rohingya influx in 2017 to Bangladesh, the situation has been exacerbated. However, at the end of the study it has provided some policy recommendations for adopting proper national security policies for Bangladesh. Also to carry out the study, some semi-structured interviews were conducted along the border areas between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Finally, the study suggests further research on this issue considering it’s geo-political, geo-strategic and security related importance locally, regionally and globally

    Carbon nanotube membranes: synthesis, properties, and future filtration applications

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    Over the course of the past decade, there has been growing interest in the development of different types of membranes composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), including buckypapers and composite materials, for an ever-widening range of filtration applications. This article provides an overview of how different types of CNT membranes are prepared and the results obtained from investigations into their suitability for different applications. The latter involve the removal of small particles from air samples, the filtration of aqueous solutions containing organic compounds and/or bacteria, and the separation of individual liquids present in mixtures. A growing number of reports have demonstrated that the incorporation of CNTs into composite membranes confers an improved resistance to fouling caused by biomacromolecules and bacteria. These results are discussed, along with evidence that demonstrates it is possible to further reduce fouling by taking advantage of the inherent conductivity of composite membranes containing CNTs, as well as by using different types of electrochemical stimuli

    Carbon nanotube membranes: synthesis, properties, and future filtration applications

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    Over the course of the past decade, there has been growing interest in the development of different types of membranes composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), including buckypapers and composite materials, for an ever-widening range of filtration applications. This article provides an overview of how different types of CNT membranes are prepared and the results obtained from investigations into their suitability for different applications. The latter involve the removal of small particles from air samples, the filtration of aqueous solutions containing organic compounds and/or bacteria, and the separation of individual liquids present in mixtures. A growing number of reports have demonstrated that the incorporation of CNTs into composite membranes confers an improved resistance to fouling caused by biomacromolecules and bacteria. These results are discussed, along with evidence that demonstrates it is possible to further reduce fouling by taking advantage of the inherent conductivity of composite membranes containing CNTs, as well as by using different types of electrochemical stimuli

    Genetic diversity of rhizobia nodulating lentils (Lens culinaris Medik.)

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    Lentil is not only the oldest legume crop but also the oldest of the crops that have been domesticated in the Fertile Crescent and distributed to other regions during the Bronze Age, making it an ideal model to study the evolution of rhizobia associated with crop legumes. This study investigates lentil-nodulating rhizobia from the region where lentil originated (Turkey and Syria) and from regions to which lentil was introduced later (Germany and Bangladesh). There are few studies on lentil-nodulating rhizobia, and no phylogenetic studies on lentil rhizobia using multi locus sequence analyses. Therefore, rhizobia from lentil nodules were chosen to study 1) the genetic diversity 2) the taxonomic position and 3) the transmissible nature of nodulation genes. I have sequenced four housekeeping genes (16S rRNA, recA, atpD, glnII) and three nodulation genes (nodA, nodC, nodD) and analyzed these using phylogenetic and population genetic approaches to achieve these objectives. To supplement these approaches I have also used DNA fingerprinting and phenotypic characterization. Moreover, the symbiotic performance was assessed by nodulation and cross inoculation tests. I identified four different lineages of rhizobia associated with lentil, of which three are new and endemic to Bangladesh, and one lineage was found in the Mediterranean region and Central Europe. The new lineages from Bangladesh are close to Rhizobium etli and correspond to new species in the genus Rhizobium. The endemic lentil grex pilosae may have played a significant role in the origin of these new lineages in Bangladesh. The single lineage from the Mediterranean and Central Europe belongs to Rhizobium leguminosarum. The association of Rhizobium leguminosarum with lentil at the centre of lentil origin and in countries where lentil was introduced later suggests that Rhizobium leguminosarum is the original symbiont of lentil. Lentil seeds might have played a significant role in the initial dispersal of Rhizobium leguminosarum within the Middle East and on to other countries. Analysis of nodulation genes showed that they are prone to horizontal transfer between different chromosomal lineages and sub-lineages of rhizobia. Nodulation genes showed bias to their geographical origin, evidencing that plasmid-borne characters in bacteria rapidly change according to their adaptation to particular environment. Key words: Rhizobium, Lens culinaris, nodulation, multilocus analysis, fingerprint, phylogen