67 research outputs found

    Religious-integrated therapy for religious obsessive-compulsive disorder in an adolescent: a case report and literature review

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    Religious obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is relatively underreported among adolescent and carries poorer outcome. We report a 20-year-old Muslim man who was diagnosed with religious OCD when he was 14 years old. He had recurrent blasphemous intrusive thoughts upon performing religious rituals which had hindered him from practising his religion. Despite being on tablet esticalopram 10 mg and conventional cognitive– behavioural therapy, the result was to no avail. A religiousintegrated therapy was introduced by incorporating some of the Islamic values, knowledge, and practice during the exposure and response prevention therapy for five consecutive days along with cognitive restructuring. A considerable amount of symptom and functional relief was achieved. He excelled in his studies and equally important was able to resume practising his religion. Religious-integrated therapy is an untapped area that should be offered as the treatment option in certain cases where religion plays an important role in illness’s phenomenology and patient’s coping

    Evaluating the cooling rate of hot mix asphalt in tropical climate

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    This paper aims to investigate the environmental effect on cooling rate and to determine the appropriate time available for compaction (TAC) using laboratory tests. This includes the study parameters, namely solar flux, base and ambient temperatures (daytime and night-time paving) and wind velocity, focusing on hot mix asphalt (HMA) asphalt concrete wearing with 14 mm nominal maximum aggregate size (ACW14) mix type for the wearing course and ACB28 mix type for the binder course. Samples were prepared in slab moulds 30.5 cm × 30.5 cm × 5 cm and compacted using a manually operated steel-roller. Readings were taken by averaging the temperature measurements at the middle and surface of the slabs and a temperature of 160 ºC was used as the mixing temperature. A control sample was prepared for each mix type and tested in the laboratory without the influence of wind velocity and solar flux. It was found that the cooling rate of HMA is significantly affected by environmental factors, thus influencing the TAC. The TAC tends to decrease by 15-50% during windy and night conditions but increases by up to 100% during daytime conditions compared to the control samples

    Student-Teachers’ Perception of the Preparedness to Engage in Online Teaching, and Challenges They Face When Teaching Online: A Corpus Analysis of Their Reflexive Journal Entries

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    The Covid19 pandemic changed the way almost everything is done, including teaching. Online teaching rose to become the quintessential way mode of teaching in weeks after being in relative obscurity the two decades of its existence. Online teaching is now prominent, but research shows that we are still lacking knowledge in almost every human aspect involved in online teaching. This study focusses on student-teachers’ perceptions of their own preparedness to teach online and the challenges they face when teaching online. This is done by looking into the primary keywords or concepts the student-teachers use in their own writing. Language is our ubiquitous tool by which we look into the minds of fellow human beings. Accordingly, this study looks at a body of language (corpus) compiled from the reflective journals produced by 23 student-teachers as part of their final assessment portfolio (+700 pages, +800,000 words). These journals embody their thoughts during their practical teaching experience. The analysis is carried out using a concordancer program. By analysing this corpus, we will, (1) identify the most prominently occurring content words, and (2) the most prominently occurring words relative to the prominent keywords. The resulting semantic web will display the concepts the preoccupy the concerns of these respondents thus giving us an insight into possible areas that we need to focus on in our efforts to remedy and enhance our online teaching capabilities. Initial findings show that the most prominent word in their writing ‘students’ with technical and technology concerns falling far behind

    Development of temperature statistical model when machining of aerospace alloy materials

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    This paper presents to develop first-order models for predicting the cutting temperature for end-milling operation of Hastelloy C-22HS by using four different coated carbide cutting tools and two different cutting environments. The first-order equations of cutting temperature are developed using the response surface methodology (RSM). The cutting variables are cutting speed, feed rate, and axial depth. The analyses are carried out with the aid of the statistical software package. It can be seen that the model is suitable to predict the longitudinal component of the cutting temperature close to those readings recorded experimentally with a 95% confident level. The results obtained from the predictive models are also compared with results obtained from finite-element analysis (FEA). The developed first-order equations for the cutting temperature revealed that the feed rate is the most crucial factor, followed by axial depth and cutting speed. The PVD coated cutting tools perform better than the CVD-coated cutting tools in terms of cutting temperature. The cutting tools coated with TiAlN perform better compared with other cutting tools during the machining performance of Hastelloy C-22HS. It followed by TiN/TiCN/TiN and CVD coated with TiN/TiCN/Al2O3 and TiN/TiCN/TiN. From the finite-element analysis, the distribution of the cutting temperature can be discussed. High temperature appears in the lower sliding friction zone and at the cutting tip of the cutting tool. Maximum temperature is developed at the rake face some distance away from the tool nose, however, before the chip lift away

    Perception on environmental conservation in Similajau National Park Sarawak, Malaysia

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    This study interprets the findings for the development of key factors that determine the customers’ perception for on conserving the Similajau National Park (SNP) using Likert scale. Information from previous studies related to perception on ecotourism are combined with newly found variables obtained through initial visits to the study site have produced a new set of measurement scale. Factor analysis is used as a data reduction method. The significant variables are extracted and regrouped accordingly into several factors that generate a new set of scales. As a result, 25 perceptions are derived that significantly contribute in determining the customers’ perception on SNP for conservation purposes; the variables are regrouped into 2 thematic indicators. The indicators as perceived by the visitors could be useful for the management in future conservation of the National Park and in the provision of essential services and facilities

    Biomass and habitat characteristics of epiphytic macroalgae in the Sibuti mangroves, Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Mangroves support diverse macroalgal assemblages as epibionts on their roots and tree trunks. These algae provide nutrients to the primary consumers in the aquatic food web and have been reported to be substantial contributors to marine ecosystems. The species diversity, biomass, and habitat characteristics of mangrove macroalgae were investigated at three stations in the Sibuti mangrove estuary, Sarawak, Malaysia, from November 2012 to October 2013. Three groups of macroalgae were recorded and were found to be growing on mangrove prop roots, namely Rhodophyta (Caloglossa ogasawaraensis, Caloglossa adhaerens, Caloglossa stipitata, Bostrychia anomala, and Hypnea sp.), Chlorophyta (Chaetomorpha minima and Chaetomorpha sp.), and Phaeophyta (Dictyota sp.). The biomass of macroalgae was not influenced (p<0.05) by the season in this mangrove forest habitat. The macroalgal species Hypnea sp. contributed the highest biomass at both Station 1 (210.56 mg/cm2) and Station 2 (141.72 mg/cm2), while the highest biomass was contributed by B. anomala (185.89 mg/cm2) at Station 3. This study shows that the species distribution and assemblages of mangrove macroalgae were influenced by environmental parameters such as water nutrients, dissolved solids, and salinity in the estuarine mangrove habitats of Sibuti, Sarawak

    A Case Study: Issues, Challenges and Coping Strategies of Student-Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study explores the issues, challenges and student-teachers’ coping strategies of teaching in a classroom setting during this challenging time of the Covid-19 pandemic in a new instructional setting of online classes that replace the face-to-face classroom interaction. Purposeful sampling was employed in studying 24 student-teachers’ reflective journals through content analysis. The findings showed that most student-teachers were positive and able to cope with the issues if enough time were given to them. Based on the themes emerging from the text analysis, class management and class organisation were not the main issue. However, other main issues such as Internet accessibility and full cooperation from the students were more challenging and the actual learning engagement for the receiving end appears to be compromised due to some teachers who were inadequately trained for online instruction. (Abstract by authors

    Early childhood education pre-service teachers’ perception of outdoor learning

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    Outdoor learning encompasses a wide range of educational activities, from local natural play areas to formal school curriculum classes. Despite growing evidence of its benefits, outdoor learning is still underutilized in Malaysia’s early childhood education system. Hence, this study aims to investigate preservice teachers’ perceptions of the impact of outdoor learning on children’s well-being since future teachers’ perception is the most important indicator in predicting their intention to use it in the future. A quantitative approach was used, and the questionnaire was distributed to 63 pre-service teachers studying at Universiti Selangor, Malaysia. Based on the findings, the majority of respondents agree that outdoor learning benefits children’s well-being, especially their social and psychosocial well-being. Thus, this study provides insight into the significance of outdoor learning on children’s learning experiences and that it should be utilized more frequently in the classroom

    Determination of groove and mechanical properties of underside shaped concrete paver

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    This paper presents an innovative paver with groove beneath the normal rectangular paver, named as the Underside Shaped Concrete Paver (USCP). A known fact, there is less friction between surface at beneath of paver and bedding sand. Therefore, USCP provide their own grip to bedding sand especially during compaction process. The process of groove determination was first performed before the USCP were tested for compression and flexural strength. The groove was determined based on the theory of bending stress. Combined with several factors, the basic groove shapes chosen were rectangular and triangular. Results indicated that some groove shapes are better in compression, but have weak flexural strength and vice versa. In fact, the relationship between mechanical properties and groove shape is indisputable. It is hoped that the outcomes can be considered in the future to design desirable paver

    Adequacy of contract provision in managing construction failure

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    In managing construction failure, normally efforts are made to identify the possible cause of failure and seek for the possible solution of the problems faced. Currently, there is no clear guideline available either within existing contract documents or legislations that can be used as a guide to resolve construction failure cases. Hence, this study has been undertaken to identify the limitations of current contract provisions which related to construction failure. It is conducted to evaluate the adequacy of contractual provisions in contract documents. The methodology adopted for this study includes literature research, interviews and questionnaire surveys with selected professionals in construction industry and legal sector. The findings of the study show that the limitations in current contractual provisions are eminent. It is also found that there is a need for consideration of inclusion of new provisions to be implemented into contract document. Despite there may be a difference of ideas between the respondents from construction industry and legal sector regarding to limitations of law and contract to solve construction failure cases. This study also made some proposal of important items that should be considered for improving current contract provisions