210 research outputs found

    Miocene Volcaniclastic Sequence Within the Xiyu Formation from Source to Sink: Implications for Drainage Development and Tectonic Evolution in Eastern Pamir, NW Tibetan Plateau

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    ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. The formation of the Pamir salient and the Tashkorgan-Yarkand River is highly debated with the ages ranging from pre-Cenozoic to late Miocene. One approach to resolve these issues is to draw support from the sedimentary record in the surrounding basins. A volcaniclastic sequence, which divides into Lower and Upper Members, was identified in the southwestern Tarim Basin. The Lower Member was transported by dilute streamflows, which likely flowed during or soon after eruptions, while the Upper Member was formed by a syneruptive volcanic debris flow. Chronological, petrologic, and geochemical data consistently indicate that the sequence was derived from the Central Pamir at ~11 Ma. The ~11 Ma emplacement of the volcaniclastic sequence provides unique constraints for the evolution of the Tashkorgan-Yarkand River and the Pamir salient. Provenance data indicate a multistage evolutionary history of the Tashkorgan-Yarkand River. The paleo-Tashkorgan River was initially formed in the piedmont of the Pamir marginal range before ~15 Ma. This river cut back into the Tashkorgan region at ~15 Ma, after which it has eroded the Central Pamir by ~11 Ma. The N-S trending upper reaches of the Tashkorgan River and the Yarkand River were established after ~11 Ma. The emplacement of the volcanic debris flow, together with regional deformation evidence, indicates limited strike-slip motion between Pamir and the Tarim at least since ~11 Ma, which refutes hundreds of kilometers offset between the Pamir and the Tarim after this time and supports an earlier indention of the Pamir salient

    Time-lapse characterization of hydrothermal seawater and microbial interactions with basaltic tephra at Surtsey Volcano

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    A new International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) project will drill through the 50-yearoldedifice of Surtsey Volcano, the youngest of the Vestmannaeyjar Islands along the south coast of Iceland, to perform interdisciplinary time-lapse investigations of hydrothermal and microbial interactions with basaltic tephra. The volcano, created in 1963–1967 by submarine and subaerial basaltic eruptions, was first drilled in 1979. In October 2014, a workshop funded by the ICDP convened 24 scientists from 10 countries for 3 and a half days on Heimaey Island to develop scientific objectives, site the drill holes, and organize logistical support. Representatives of the Surtsey Research Society and Environment Agency of Iceland also participated. Scientific themes focus on further determinations of the structure and eruptive processes of the type locality of Surtseyan volcanism, descriptions of changes in fluid geochemistry and microbial colonization of the subterrestrial deposits since drilling 35 years ago, and monitoring the evolution of hydrothermal and biological processes within the tephra deposits far into the future through the installation of a Surtsey subsurface observatory. The tephra deposits provide a geologic analog for developing specialty concretes with pyroclastic rock and evaluating their long-term performance under diverse hydrothermal conditions

    The largest deep-ocean silicic volcanic eruption of the past century

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Science Advances 4 (2018): e1701121, doi:10.1126/sciadv.1701121.The 2012 submarine eruption of Havre volcano in the Kermadec arc, New Zealand, is the largest deep-ocean eruption in history and one of very few recorded submarine eruptions involving rhyolite magma. It was recognized from a gigantic 400-km2 pumice raft seen in satellite imagery, but the complexity of this event was concealed beneath the sea surface. Mapping, observations, and sampling by submersibles have provided an exceptionally high fidelity record of the seafloor products, which included lava sourced from 14 vents at water depths of 900 to 1220 m, and fragmental deposits including giant pumice clasts up to 9 m in diameter. Most (>75%) of the total erupted volume was partitioned into the pumice raft and transported far from the volcano. The geological record on submarine volcanic edifices in volcanic arcs does not faithfully archive eruption size or magma production.This research was funded by Australian Research Council Postdoctoral fellowships (DP110102196 and DE150101190 to R. Carey), a short-term postdoctoral fellowship grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (to R. Carey), National Science Foundation grants (OCE1357443 to B.H., OCE1357216 to S.A.S., and EAR1447559 to J.D.L.W.), and a New Zealand Marsden grant (U001616 to J.D.L.W.). J.D.L.W. and A.M. were supported by a research grant and PhD scholarship from the University of Otago. R.W. was supported by NIWA grant COPR1802. J.D.L.W. and F.C.-T. were supported by GNS Science grants CSA-GHZ and CSA-EEZ. M.J. was supported by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) through the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) Program

    Three-Dimensional Stochastic Off-Lattice Model of Binding Chemistry in Crowded Environments

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    Molecular crowding is one of the characteristic features of the intracellular environment, defined by a dense mixture of varying kinds of proteins and other molecules. Interaction with these molecules significantly alters the rates and equilibria of chemical reactions in the crowded environment. Numerous fundamental activities of a living cell are strongly influenced by the crowding effect, such as protein folding, protein assembly and disassembly, enzyme activity, and signal transduction. Quantitatively predicting how crowding will affect any particular process is, however, a very challenging problem because many physical and chemical parameters act synergistically in ways that defy easy analysis. To build a more realistic model for this problem, we extend a prior stochastic off-lattice model from two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) space and examine how the 3D results compare to those found in 2D. We show that both models exhibit qualitatively similar crowding effects and similar parameter dependence, particularly with respect to a set of parameters previously shown to act linearly on total reaction equilibrium. There are quantitative differences between 2D and 3D models, although with a generally gradual nonlinear interpolation as a system is extended from 2D to 3D. However, the additional freedom of movement allowed to particles as thickness of the simulation box increases can produce significant quantitative change as a system moves from 2D to 3D. Simulation results over broader parameter ranges further show that the impact of molecular crowding is highly dependent on the specific reaction system examined