231 research outputs found

    Spermatids do it differently! : Paip2a-the essential regulator of spermiogenesis?

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    The mechanisms underpinning the latter stages of spermiogenesis are poorly understood and male germ cells have been presumed to extensively employ post-transcriptional regulatory machinery, in order to produce the highly differentiated spermatozoa, in the absence of newly synthesized gene transcripts. Excitingly, in a recently published paper in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, two groups at McGill University, using null mouse models, have identified a crucial role of the poly(A)-binding protein-interacting protein 2 (Paip2a), in translational activation and protein homeostasis in the transcriptionally quiescent and terminally differentiating elongating spermatids

    All Your Eggs in One Basket: Mechanisms of Xenobiotic Induced Female Reproductive Senescence

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    The irreplaceable mammalian primordial follicle represents the basic unit of female fertility, serving as the primary source of all developing oocytes in the ovary. These primordial follicles remain quiescent, often for decades, until recruited into the growing pool throughout a woman's adult reproductive years. Once recruited, <1% will reach ovulation, with the remainder undergoing an apoptotic process known as atresia (Hirshfield, 1991). Menopause, or ovarian senescence, occurs when the pool of primordial follicles becomes exhausted

    Biological Aging in Childhood and Adolescence Following Experiences of Threat and Deprivation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Life history theory argues that exposure to early life adversity (ELA) accelerates development, although existing evidence for this varies. We present a meta-analysis and systematic review testing the hypothesis that ELA involving threat (e.g., violence exposure) will be associated with accelerated biological aging across multiple metrics, whereas exposure to deprivation (e.g., neglect, institutional rearing) and low-socioeconomic status (SES) will not. We meta-analyze 54 studies (n = 116,010) examining associations of ELA with pubertal timing and cellular aging (telomere length and DNA methylation age), systematically review 25 studies (n = 3,253) examining ELA and neural markers of accelerated development (cortical thickness and amygdala-prefrontal cortex functional connectivity) and evaluate whether associations of ELA with biological aging vary according to the nature of adversity experienced. ELA overall was associated with accelerated pubertal timing (d =-0.10) and cellular aging (d =-0.21), but these associations varied by adversity type. Moderator analysis revealed that ELA characterized by threat was associated with accelerated pubertal development (d 0.26) and accelerated cellular aging (d =-0.43), but deprivation and SES were unrelated to accelerated development. Systematic review revealed associations between ELA and accelerated cortical thinning, with threatrelated ELA consistently associated with thinning in ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and deprivation and SES associated with thinning in frontoparietal, default, and visual networks. There was no consistent association of ELA with amygdala-PFC connectivity. These findings suggest specificity in the types of early environmental experiences associated with accelerated biological aging and highlight the importance of evaluating how accelerated aging contributes to health disparities and whether this process can be mitigated through early intervention

    Transcriptomic profiling of neonatal mouse granulosa cells reveals new insights into primordial follicle activation

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    The dormant population of ovarian primordial follicles is determined at birth and serves as the reservoir for future female fertility. Yet our understanding of the molecular, biochemical, and cellular processes underpinning primordial follicle activation remains limited. The survival of primordial follicles relies on the correct complement and morphology of granulosa cells, which provide signaling factors essential for oocyte and follicular survival. To investigate the contribution of granulosa cells in the primordial-to-primary follicle transition, gene expression profiles of granulosa cells undergoing early differentiation were assessed in a murine model. Ovaries from C57Bl/6 mice were enzymatically dissociated at time-points spanning the initial wave of primordial follicle activation. Post-natal day (PND) 1 ovaries yielded primordial granulosa cells, and PND4 ovaries yielded a mixed population of primordial and primary granulosa cells. The comparative transcriptome of granulosa cells at these time-points was generated via Illumina NextSeq 500 system, which identified 131 significantly differentially expressed transcripts. The differential expression of eight of the transcripts was confirmed by RT-qPCR. Following biological network mapping via Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, the functional expression of the protein products of three of the differentially expressed genes, namely FRZB, POD1, and ZFX, was investigated with in-situ immunolocalization in PND4 mouse ovaries was investigated. Finally, evidence was provided that Wnt pathway antagonist, secreted frizzled-related protein 3 (FRZB), interacts with a suppressor of primordial follicle activation WNT3A and may be involved in promoting primordial follicle activation. This study highlights the dynamic changes in gene expression of granulosa cells during primordial follicle activation and provides evidence for a renewed focus into the Wnt signaling pathway's role in primordial follicle activation

    The association between reproductive health smartphone applications and fertility knowledge of Australian women

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    Background Previous studies have identified that women living in developed countries have insufficient knowledge of factors which may be contributing to the increasingly high global infertility rates such as maternal age and assisted reproductive technologies. There is a large market of reproductive health smartphone applications, yet little is known about the advantages these apps may confer to users in regards to reproductive health knowledge. Methods An anonymous, online survey of women living in Australia aged 18 and above was open March–June 2018, until ≥200 responses were acquired for statistical power. Respondents answered questions regarding knowledge about general fertility and related factors (age, cyclic fertility, smoking, obesity, miscarriage rate, and success of assisted reproductive technologies). Fertility knowledge was compared in respondents who did or did not use apps relating to female reproductive health. Additionally the functions preferred in reproductive health apps was described by app using respondents. Sociodemographic information was also collected, and relevant data within the dataset was subject to multivariable modelling for the outcome of the fertility knowledge questions. Results Of the 673 respondents that completed the survey, 43.09% reported using mobile phone applications relating to female reproductive health. On average, respondents answered only three of the six fertility knowledge questions correctly. App using respondents were more likely to score better on one question, related to fertility during the menstrual cycle (p < 0.001). App users most commonly reported using the menstrual tracking function in apps (82.4%), which may account for the increased knowledge of cyclic fertility. Conclusions This data provides preliminary evidence toward the usefulness of smartphone applications as a medium for providing information about fertility to women. A limited understanding of one’s own fertility was demonstrated despite being essential for the decision-making of women throughout their reproductive years

    Reduced chromosome cohesion measured by interkinetochore distance is associated with aneuploidy even in oocytes from young mice

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    It is becoming clear that reduced chromosome cohesion is an important factor in the rise of maternal age-related aneuploidy. This reduction in cohesion has been observed both in human and mouse oocytes, and it can be measured directly by an increase with respect to maternal age in interkinetochore (iKT) distance between a sister chromatid pair. We have observed variations in iKT distance even in oocytes from young mice and wondered if such differences may predispose those oocytes displaying the greatest iKT distances to be becoming aneuploid. Therefore, we used two methods, one pharmacological (Aurora kinase inhibitor) and one genetic (Fzr1 knockout), to raise aneuploidy rates in oocytes from young mice (age, 1-3 mo) and to examine if those oocytes that were aneuploid had greater iKT distances. We observed that for both Aurora kinase inhibition and Fzr1 knockout, iKT distances were significantly greater in those oocytes that became aneuploid compared to those that remained euploid. Based on these results, we propose that individual oocytes undergo loss in chromosomal cohesion at different rates and that the greater this loss, the greater the risk for becoming aneuploid.Supported by an NHMRC project grant (569202) to K.T.J., S.M., and E.A.M. J.E.H. is supported by an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellowship. I.G.-H. and S.M. are supported by grants BFU2007-67464, BFU2008-01808, Consolider CSD2007-00015, and Junta de Castilla y León Grupo de Excelencia GR 265.Peer Reviewe

    Two alternative methods for the retrieval of somatic cell populations from the mouse ovary

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    Many modern techniques employed to uncover the molecular fundamentals underlying biological processes require dissociated cells as their starting point/substrate. Investigations into ovarian endocrinology or folliculogenesis therefore necessitate robust protocols for dissociating the ovary into its constituent cell populations. While in the mouse, methods to obtain individual, mature follicles are well-established, the separation and isolation of single cells of all types from early mouse follicles, including somatic cells, has been more challenging. Herein we present two methods for the isolation of somatic cells in the ovary. These methods are suitable for a range of applications relating to the study of folliculogenesis and mouse ovarian development. First, an enzymatic dissociation utilising collagenase and a temporary, primary cell culture step using neonatal mouse ovaries which yields large quantities of granulosa cells from primordial, activating, and primary follicles. Second, a rapid papain dissociation resulting in a high viability single cell suspension of ovarian somatic cells in less than an hour, which can be applied from embryonic to adult ovarian samples. Collectively these protocols can be applied to a broad array of investigations with unique advantages and benefits pertaining to both

    Mechanisms of tethering and cargo transfer during epididymosome-sperm interactions

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    Abstract Background The mammalian epididymis is responsible for the provision of a highly specialized environment in which spermatozoa acquire functional maturity and are subsequently stored in preparation for ejaculation. Making important contributions to both processes are epididymosomes, small extracellular vesicles released from the epididymal soma via an apocrine secretory pathway. While considerable effort has been focused on defining the cargo transferred between epididymosomes and spermatozoa, comparatively less is known about the mechanistic basis of these interactions. To investigate this phenomenon, we have utilized an in vitro co-culture system to track the transfer of biotinylated protein cargo between mouse epididymosomes and recipient spermatozoa isolated from the caput epididymis; an epididymal segment that is of critical importance for promoting sperm maturation. Results Our data indicate that epididymosome-sperm interactions are initiated via tethering of the epididymosome to receptors restricted to the post-acrosomal domain of the sperm head. Thereafter, epididymosomes mediate the transfer of protein cargo to spermatozoa via a process that is dependent on dynamin, a family of mechanoenzymes that direct intercellular vesicle trafficking. Notably, upon co-culture of sperm with epididymosomes, dynamin 1 undergoes a pronounced relocation between the peri- and post-acrosomal domains of the sperm head. This repositioning of dynamin 1 is potentially mediated via its association with membrane rafts and ideally locates the enzyme to facilitate the uptake of epididymosome-borne proteins. Accordingly, disruption of membrane raft integrity or pharmacological inhibition of dynamin both potently suppress the transfer of biotinylated epididymosome proteins to spermatozoa. Conclusion Together, these data provide new mechanistic insight into epididymosome-sperm interactions with potential implications extending to the manipulation of sperm maturation for the purpose of fertility regulation

    RBM5 Is a Male Germ Cell Splicing Factor and Is Required for Spermatid Differentiation and Male Fertility

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    Alternative splicing of precursor messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) is common in mammalian cells and enables the production of multiple gene products from a single gene, thus increasing transcriptome and proteome diversity. Disturbance of splicing regulation is associated with many human diseases; however, key splicing factors that control tissue-specific alternative splicing remain largely undefined. In an unbiased genetic screen for essential male fertility genes in the mouse, we identified the RNA binding protein RBM5 (RNA binding motif 5) as an essential regulator of haploid male germ cell pre-mRNA splicing and fertility. Mice carrying a missense mutation (R263P) in the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of RBM5 exhibited spermatid differentiation arrest, germ cell sloughing and apoptosis, which ultimately led to azoospermia (no sperm in the ejaculate) and male sterility. Molecular modelling suggested that the R263P mutation resulted in compromised mRNA binding. Within the adult mouse testis, RBM5 localises to somatic and germ cells including spermatogonia, spermatocytes and round spermatids. Through the use of RNA pull down coupled with microarrays, we identified 11 round spermatid-expressed mRNAs as putative RBM5 targets. Importantly, the R263P mutation affected pre-mRNA splicing and resulted in a shift in the isoform ratios, or the production of novel spliced transcripts, of most targets. Microarray analysis of isolated round spermatids suggests that altered splicing of RBM5 target pre-mRNAs affected expression of genes in several pathways, including those implicated in germ cell adhesion, spermatid head shaping, and acrosome and tail formation. In summary, our findings reveal a critical role for RBM5 as a pre-mRNA splicing regulator in round spermatids and male fertility. Our findings also suggest that the second RRM of RBM5 is pivotal for appropriate pre-mRNA splicing.This work was supported by grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to DJ (#606503); the Australian Research Council (ARC) to MKO and CJO; the New South Wales Cancer Council, Cancer Institute New South Wales, Banque Nationale de Paris-Paribas Australia and New Zealand, RT Hall Trust, and the National Breast Cancer Foundation to CJO. DJ was an NHMRC Peter Doherty Postdoctoral Fellow (#384297). MKO and CJO are NHMRC Senior Research Fellows (#545805, #481310). CCG is an NHMRC Australia Fellowship. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Calculating real roots using Chebyshev polynomials

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    V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili Čebiševe polinome prve in druge vrste, njihove lastnosti ter Čebiševo vrsto. Uporabili bomo Čebiševe polinome prve vrste za iskanje ničel gladke funkcije f na danem intervalu. Najprej bomo funkcijo aproksimirali z Čebiševimi polinomi in nato nad končno Čebiševo vrsto uporabili polinomske iskalnike ničel. V nadaljevanju pa bomo predstavili, kako najti ničle polinomske funkcije na nekem intervalu, ki ga bomo pri nekaterih algoritmih razdelili na podintervale z namenom natančnejšega in tudi hitrejšega iskanja ničel. Predstavljenih bo nekaj algoritmov in njihova uporaba, pa tudi njihove zahtevnosti, slabosti in omejitve. V okviru dela smo algoritme tudi sprogramirali v programu Matlab. Njihova praktična uporaba bo predstavljena na primerih.In this work, Chebyshev polynomials of the first and the second kind, their properties and the Chebyshev series will be examined. We will use Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind to find roots of the smooth function f on the given interval. At first the function will be approximated and then the polynomial root-finders on the truncated Chebyshev series will be used. In the next chapter we will study how to find roots of a polynomial function on the interval which we will, with some algorithms, divide on subintervals with the purpose of more accurate and faster finding of the roots. Different algorithms and their use, their complexity and their strengths and weaknesses will be presented. During this work we have also programmed these algorithms in Matlab. We will show their practical application on some examples