53 research outputs found

    Public libraries adapting to change from cultural institutions to agents of change in learning and community development

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    This thesis is an examination of public libraries in Britain today. It sets forward the hypothesis that a new type of librarianship is emerging to meet the needs of change in the socioeconomic environment, and that this is based on a community development approach.The thesis examines the role of public libraries within their communities through a historical, contemporary and international review of literature and a national questionnaire survey of community development strategies in public library authorities. The survey forms part of a research programme funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre on the social impact of libraries. It was designed collaboratively, by myself, Andrew Green of the Community Services Group of the Library Association and Kevin Harris of the Community Development Foundation, although all subsequent work has been my own. In-depth analysis is followed by telephone interviews with four library authorities chosen as case studies, to establish the relationship between policy and practice.The thesis as a whole considers the history and development of libraries. After suffering years of policy drift, a poor research base and a low public profile, public libraries are considering how best to quantify their social impact.Rapid socioeconomic change has had a marked effect on the labour market and social cohesion in the UK, resulting in greater demand for training, education and information. Government has responded with community-oriented policies aimed at improving public access to the information society, making local government more accountable, empowering communities and supporting citizenship in an increasingly active democracy. Rapid advances in Information Technology have increased the potential of public libraries to contribute to this process and act as lifelong learning facilitators and providers. This thesis presents evidence of public libraries' changing role as an educative medium. A majority of public libraries responding to the survey are engaged in interagency work to support the independent learner and empower communities. Many are doing so as part of a community development strategy, or are working on such a strategy.Respondents to the survey of public library authorities expressed the desire to involve their public in a meaningful way. Those library services with a written community development strategy have taken practical steps to achieve this and have set up systems to monitor their progress.A new model for management of community-oriented services is proposed, highlighting issues of policy and practice such as staff training and service accessibility. Conclusions are drawn on an effective role for public libraries in Britain and the need for further research on how this can be achieved

    The Feminine Voice / Self Titled

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    My senior project consisted of two concerts, one in classical voice and one in electronic composition

    An experimental study of bubble departure diameter in subcooled flow boiling including the effects of orientation angle, subcooling, mass flux, heat flux, and pressure

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    The effects of orientation angle, subcooling, heat flux, mass flux, and pressure on bubble departure diameter in the isolated bubble regime of subcooled flow boiling were studied by high-speed video in a two-phase flow loop that can accommodate a wide range of flow conditions. Specifically, the following ranges were explored: orientation angles of 0° (downward-facing horizontal), 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° (vertical), and 180° (upward-facing horizontal); mass flux values of 250, 300, 350, and 400 kg/m2 s, corresponding to Froude numbers between 0.42 and 1.06; pressures of 101 (atmospheric), 202, and 505 kPa; two values of the subcooling degrees (10 and 20 °C); and two heat fluxes (0.05 and 0.10 MW/m2). The combination of the test section design, high-speed video camera and LED lighting results in high accuracy (order of 20 μm) in the determination of the bubble departure diameter. The data indicate that the bubble departure diameter increases with increasing heat flux, decreasing mass flux, decreasing subcooling, and decreasing pressure. Also, the bubble departure diameter increases with decreasing orientation angle, i.e. the largest bubbles are found to detach from a downward-facing horizontal surface. The mechanistic bubble departure diameter model of Klausner et al. and its recent modification by Yun et al. were found to correctly predict all the observed parametric trends, but with large average errors and standard deviation: 65.5 ± 75.8% for Klausner's and 37.9 ± 51.2% for Yun's. Since the cube of the bubble departure diameter is used in subcooled flow boiling heat transfer models, such large errors are clearly unacceptable, and underscore the need for more accurate bubble departure diameter models.Douglas C. Spreng FundNuclear Energy Institut

    Measurement and Model Validation of Nanofluid Specific Heat Capacity with Differential Scanning Calorimetry

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    Nanofluids are being considered for heat transfer applications; therefore it is important to know their thermophysical properties accurately. In this paper we focused on nanofluid specific heat capacity. Currently, there exist two models to predict a nanofluid specific heat capacity as a function of nanoparticle concentration and material. Model I is a straight volume-weighted average; Model II is based on the assumption of thermal equilibrium between the particles and the surrounding fluid. These two models give significantly different predictions for a given system. Using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), a robust experimental methodology for measuring the heat capacity of fluids, the specific heat capacities of water-based silica, alumina, and copper oxide nanofluids were measured. Nanoparticle concentrations were varied between 5 wt% and 50 wt%. Test results were found to be in excellent agreement with Model II, while the predictions of Model I deviated very significantly from the data. Therefore, Model II is recommended for nanofluids

    Effects of porous superhydrophilic surfaces on flow boiling critical heat flux in IVR accident scenarios

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    Critical Heat Flux (CHF) plays a key role in nuclear reactor safety both during normal operation as well as in accident scenarios. In particular,when an in-vessel retention (IVR) strategy is used as a severe accident management strategy, the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) cavity is flooded with water, to remove the decay heat from the corium relocated in the lower plenum by conduction through the RPV wall and flow boiling on the outer surface of the RPV. The CHF limit must not be exceeded to prevent RPV failure.Therefore, knowledge of the CHF under realistic conditions is necessary to assess coolability margins. Previous studies for prediction of CHF in the IVR situation were mostly based on data for as fabricated un-oxidized stainless steel. However, the RPV is made of low carbon steel and its surface has an oxide layer that results from pre-service heat treatment as well as oxidation during service. This oxide layer introduces significant differences in surface wettability, porosity, and roughness in comparison to an un-oxidized stainless steel surface. In this study, test heaters were fabricated out of RPV low carbon steel, pre-oxidized in a controlled high temperature wet air environment, which emulates the surface oxides present on the outer surface of the actual RPV; the heaters were then tested in a flow boiling loop designed specifically for the IVR conditions. Up to 70% enhancement in CHF value was observed for the oxidized in low carbon steel in comparison to the stainless steel

    Experimental investigation of transient critical heat flux of water-based zinc–oxide nanofluids

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    Pool boiling experiments were conducted for sandblasted stainless steel (grade 316) plate heaters submerged in deionized (DI) water and water-based zinc–oxide nanofluid, for transient heat flux conditions with power through the heaters increasing quadratically with time. Heat flux in the experiments was increased from zero to CHF in short time frames of 1, 10 and 100 s. Consistent with previous studies, transient CHF for DI water was higher than steady state CHF, and CHF increased with decreasing duration of the transient. Additionally, it was observed that for nanofluid tests, a porous and hydrophilic nanoparticle layer started to deposit on the heater surface in short time frames of 10 and 100 s, and this layer was responsible for the enhanced CHF compared to DI water. However, for the 1 s tests, nanoparticle deposition did not occur and consequently the CHF was not enhanced. Finally, experiments with heaters pre-coated with nanoparticles were performed and it was found that CHF was enhanced for all transient durations down to 1 s, establishing firmly that the CHF enhancement occurs due to surface modifications by the deposited nanoparticles, and not by nanoparticles suspended in solution.AREVA Inc. Nuclear Parts Cente

    Effects of Hydrophobic Surface Patterning on Boiling Heat Transfer and Critical Heat Flux of Water at Atmospheric Pressure

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    The effects of hydrophilic/hydrophobic surface patterning on critical heat flux (CHF) and heat transfer coefficient (HTC) were studied using custom-engineered testing surfaces. Patterning was created over a sapphire substrate and tested in a pool boiling facility in MITs Reactor Hydraulics Laboratory. The hydrophilic and hydrophobic matrices were created using layer by layer deposition of 50 nm thick SiO2 nanoparticles and monolayer thickness fluorosilane, respectively. Ultraviolet ozone patterning was then used with chrome-printed masks to create the desired geometric features. Hexagon, ring, star, and mixed patterns were tested to determine their abilities to affect CHF and HTC through prevention of bubble pinning at high heat fluxes. During testing, an infrared camera was used to measure the surface temperature distribution as well as locate nucleation sites for data analysis. It was found that CHF values were enhanced over the bare sapphire values by approximately 90% for hexagons, 60% for stars, 65% for rings, and 50% for mixed patterns. Contrary to expectations, patterning did not seem to affect the HTC values significantly. Although patterning did improve CHF performance over bare heaters, both CHF and HTC were found to be statistically similar to those for unpatterned, uniformly hydrophilic surfaces. Copyright © 2013 by ASME

    Measurement and Model Correlation of Specific Heat Capacity of Water-Based Nanofluids With Silica, Alumina and Copper Oxide Nanoparticles

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    Nanofluids are being considered for heat transfer applications. However, their thermo-physical properties are poorly known. Here we focus on nanofluid specific heat capacity. Currently, there exist two models to predict a nanofluid’s specific heat capacity as a function of nanoparticle concentration and material. Model I is a straight volume-weighted average; Model II is based on the assumption of thermal equilibrium between the particles and the surrounding fluid. These two models give significantly different predictions for a given system. Using differential scanning calorimetry, the specific heat capacities of water based silica, alumina, and copper oxide nanofluids were measured. Nanoparticle concentrations were varied between 5wt% and 50wt%. Test results were found to be in excellent agreement with Model II, while the predictions of Model I deviate very significantly from the data

    Effect of Surface Oxidation on the Onset of Nucleate Boiling in a Materials Test Reactor Coolant Channel

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    The onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) serves as the thermal-hydraulic operating limit for many research and test reactors. However, boiling incipience under forced convection has not been well-characterized in narrow channel geometries or for oxidized surface conditions. This study presents experimental data for the ONB in vertical upflow of deionized (DI) water in a simulated materials test reactor (MTR) coolant channel. The channel gap thickness and aspect ratio were 1.96 mm and 29:1, respectively. Boiling surface conditions were carefully controlled and characterized, with both heavily oxidized and native oxide surfaces tested. Measurements were performed for mass fluxes ranging from 750 to 3000 kg/m2s and for subcoolings ranging from 10 to 45°C. ONB was identified using a combination of high-speed visual observation, surface temperature measurements, and channel pressure drop measurements. Surface temperature measurements were found to be most reliable in identifying the ONB. For the nominal (native oxide) surface, results indicate that the correlation of Bergles and Rohsenow, when paired with the appropriate single-phase heat transfer correlation, adequately predicts the ONB heat flux. Incipience on the oxidized surface occurred at a higher heat flux and superheat than on the plain surface.United States. Department of Energy. Office of Nonproliferation and National SecurityUnited States. National Nuclear Security Administration. Global Threat Reduction Initiative (Contract No. #25-30101-0004A) (United States. National Nuclear Security Administration (contract no. DE-AC04-94AL85000

    Assessment of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Potential in the International Space Station Internal Active Thermal Control System Heat Exchanger Materials: A 6-Momths Study

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    The fluid in the Internal Active Thermal Control System (IATCS) of the International Space Station (ISS) is water based. The fluid in the ISS Laboratory Module and Node 1 initially contained a mix of water, phosphate (corrosion control), borate (pH buffer), and silver sulfate (Ag2SO4) (microbial control) at a pH of 9.5+/-0.5. Over time, the chemistry of the fluid changed. Fluid changes included a pH drop from 9.5 to 8.3 due to diffusion of carbon dioxide (CO2) through Teflon(reistered Trademark) (DuPont) hoses, increases in dissolved nickel (Ni) levels, deposition of silver (Ag) to metal surfaces, and precipitation of the phosphate (PO4) as nickel phosphate (NiPO4). The drop in pH and unavailability of a antimicrobial has provided an environment conducive to microbial growth. Microbial levels in the fluid have increased from >10 colony-forming units (CFUs)/100 ml to 10(exp 6) CFUs/100 ml. The heat exchangers in the IATCS loops are considered the weakest point in the loop because of the material thickness (=7 mil). It is made of a Ni-based braze filler/CRES 347. Results of a preliminary test performed at Hamilton Sundstrand indicated the possibility of pitting on this material at locations where Ag deposits were found. Later, tests have confirmed that chemical corrosion of the materials is a concern for this system. Accumulation of micro-organisms on surfaces (biofilm) can also result in material degradation and can amplify the damage caused by the chemical corrosion, known as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). This paper will discuss the results of a 6-mo test performed to characterize and quantify the damage from microbial accumulation on the surface of the ISS/ATCS heat exchanger materials. The test was designed to quantify the damage to the materials under worst-case conditions with and without micro-organisms present at pH 8.3 and 9.5
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