481 research outputs found

    A Reflection on Teachers\u27 Experience as E-learners

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    This chapter explores the insights gained by a group of teachers from their lived experience as eLearners participating in a blended module on Designing eLearning. An understanding of the student perspective on online learning was obtained but we were also able to reflect on our participation in the module on the basis of our other roles; as teachers and potential eTutors and as course designers. As a result, important considerations were identified for the design and facilitation of online courses. These include; the support provided to online learners, particularly over the first few weeks, appropriate assessment methods, facilitation of online collaboration, access to the Internet, time management and contextualising and scaffolding learning activities. Some issues relating to implementation of effective eLearning in Higher Education Institutions were also considered. Our lived experience as eLearners was invaluable to our development as eTutors and module designers and this approach is strongly recommended to achieve effective learning on how to be an effective online tutor and facilitator and how to design and develop online programmes and activities that make full use of the strengths of online learning

    Linking the global positioning system (GPS) to a personal digital assistant (PDA) to support tuberculosis control in South Africa: a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading clinical manifestation of HIV infection and caseloads continue to increase in high HIV prevalence settings. TB treatment is prolonged and treatment interruption has serious individual and public health consequences. We assessed the feasibility of using a handheld computing device programmed with customised software and linked to a GPS receiver, to assist TB control programmes to trace patients who interrupt treatment in areas without useful street maps. In this proof of concept study, we compared the time taken to re-find a home comparing given residential addresses with a customised personalised digital assistant linked to a global positioning system (PDA/GPS) device. Additionally, we assessed the feasibility of using aerial photographs to locate homes. RESULTS: The study took place in two communities in Greater Johannesburg, South Africa: Wheillers Farm, a relatively sparsely populated informal settlement, and a portion of Alexandra, an urban township with densely populated informal settlements. Ten participants in each community were asked to locate their homes on aerial photographs. Nine from Wheillers Farm and six from Alexandra were able to identify their homes. The total time taken by a research assistant, unfamiliar with the area, to locate 10 homes in each community using the given addresses was compared with the total time taken by a community volunteer with half an hour of training to locate the same homes using the device. Time taken to locate the ten households was reduced by 20% and 50% in each community respectively using the PDA/GPS device. CONCLUSION: In this pilot study we show that it is feasible to use a simple PDA/GPS device to locate the homes of patients. We found that in densely populated informal settlements, GPS technology is more accurate than aerial photos in identifying homes and more efficient than addresses provided by participants. Research assessing issues of, confidentiality and cost effectiveness would have to be undertaken before implementing PDA/GPS – based technology for this application. However, this PDA/GPS device could be used to reduce part of the burden on TB control programs

    The relationship between tooth size discrepancy and archform classification in orthodontic patients

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    Background: To determine the relationship between clinically significant tooth size discrepancies (TSD) and archform classification in orthodontic patients. Material and Methods: Two hundred and forty consecutive sets of pre-treatment orthodontic study models were scanned and landmarked. All models had permanent teeth erupted from first molar to first molar in both arches. Sixty sets of images were classified into two groups of 30 according to the presence (group 1) or absence (group 2) of a clinically significant overall or anterior TSD (>2 SD from Bolton’s original means). Mean upper and lower archforms were created for each group using a fourth degree polynomial curve. Upper and lower archforms in each group were classified as square, tapering or ovoid; their distribution was analysed using the Fisher test with a 5% level of significance. To evaluate the intra-operator error when determining archform type, the 60 archforms were re-classified by the same operator two weeks later. The unweighted Kappa statistic at 95% confidence intervals was used to determine the similarity of the classification on the two occasions. Results: Reproducibility of the classification of archform was very good (unweighted Kappa statistic of 0.83 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.73, 0.93). There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of archform type between group 1 and group 2 for the upper ( p =0.3305) or lower ( p =0.6310) arches. Conclusions: The presence of a clinically significant TSD and archform classification do not appear to be related

    The Relationship Between Tooth Size Discrepancy and Archform Classification in Orthodontic Patients

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    Background To determine the relationship between clinically significant tooth size discrepancies (TSD) and archform classification in orthodontic patients. Material and Methods Eighty teeth with artificial white spot lesions were randomly divided into four groups: (A) distilled and deionized water, (B) Nd:YAG laser, (C) CPP-ACP crème, & (D) CPP-ACP plus laser. SMH was measured using Vickers diamond indenter in Vickers Hardness Number (VHN). Two samples of each group were analyzed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results were analyzed with the SPSS 17/win. Results Reproducibility of the classification of archform was very good (unweighted Kappa statistic of 0.83 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.73, 0.93). There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of archform type between group 1 and group 2 for the upper (p=0.3305) or lower (p=0.6310) arches. Conclusions The presence of a clinically significant TSD and archform classification do not appear to be related

    Relation of neurohumoral activation to clinical variables and degree of ventricular dysfunction: A report from the registry of studies of left ventricular dysfunction

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    Objectives. This study examined the relation between neurohumoral activation and severity of left ventricular dysfunction and congestive heart failure in a broad group of patients with depressed left ventricular function who were not recruited on the basis of eligibility for a therapeutic trial. Background. Previous studies have established the presence of neurohumoral activation in patients with severe congestive heart failure. It is not known whether the activation of these neurohumoral mechanisms is related to an impairment in left ventricular function

    Indicator-focussed technical assistance in South Africa’s HIV programme : a stepped-wedge evaluation

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    BACKGROUND : There is a lack of research on technical assistance (TA) interventions in low- and middle-income countries. Variation in local contexts requires tailor-made approaches to TA that are structured and replicable across intervention sites whilst retaining the flexibility to adapt to local contexts. We developed a systematic process of TA using multidisciplinary roving teams to provide support across the various elements comprising local HIV services. OBJECTIVES: To examine the effectiveness of targeting specific HIV and TB programme indicators for improvement using roving teams. METHOD: We conducted a cluster-randomised stepped-wedge evaluation of a TA support package focussing on clinical, managerial and pharmacy services in the Mopani district of the Limpopo province, South Africa (SA). Three roving teams delivered the intervention. Seventeen primary and community healthcare centres that had 400–600 patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART) were selected for inclusion. The TA package was implemented for six consecutive months across facilities until all had received the same level of support. Data were collected from the relevant health management information systems for 11 routine indicators. RESULTS: The mean proportion of PLWH screened for tuberculosis (TB) at ART initiation increased from 85.2% to 87.2% (P = 0.65). Rates of retention in care improved, with the mean proportion of patients retained in care at three months post-ART initiation increasing from 79.9% to 87.4% (P < 0.001) and from 70.3% to 77.7% (P < 0.01) after six months. Finally, the mean proportion of patients with TB who completed their treatment increased from 80.6% to 82.1% (P = 0.75). CONCLUSION: Tailored TA interventions in SA using a standardised structure and process led to a significant improvement in retention-in-care rates and to non-significant improvements in the proportion of PLWH screened for TB and of those who completed their treatment.The American people through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Cooperative Agreement number 674-A-12-00015 to the Anova Health Institute.http://www.sajhivmed.org.za/index.php/hivmeddm2022Medical Microbiolog

    A rainfall model for drought risk analysis in south-east UK

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    Drought risk assessment ideally requires long-term rainfall records especially where inter-annual droughts are of potential concern, and spatially consistent estimates of rainfall to support regional and inter-regional scale assessments. This paper addresses these challenges by developing a spatially consistent stochastic model of monthly rainfall for south-east UK. Conditioned on 50 gauged sites, the model infills the historic record from 1855-2011 in both space and time, and extends the record by synthesising droughts which are consistent with the observed rainfall statistics. The long record length allows more insight into the variability of rainfall and potentially a stronger basis for risk assessment than is generally possible. It is shown that, although localised biases exist in both space and time, the model results are generally consistent with the observed record including for a range of inter-annual droughts and spatial statistics. Simulations show that some of the most severe inter-annual droughts on the record may recur, despite a trend towards generally wetter winters

    Older persons' experiences and perspectives of receiving social care: a systematic review of the qualitative literature

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    The topic of social care for older people has gained increasing attention from the part of academics, professionals, policy makers and media. However, we know little about this topic from the perspectives of older persons, which hinders future developments in terms of theory, empirical research, professional practice and social policy. This article presents and discusses a systematic review of relevant qualitative research-based evidence on the older persons' experiences and perspectives of receiving social care published between 1990 and September 2014. This review aimed to obtain answers to the following questions: How is the reception of social care experienced by the older persons? What are the negative and positive aspects of these experiences? What are the factors which influence the experiences? The synthesis of the findings of reviewed papers identified six analytical themes: asking for care as a major challenge; ambivalences; (dis)engagement in decisions concerning care; multiple losses as outcomes of receiving social care; multiple strategies to deal with losses originated by the ageing process; and properties of good care'. These themes are discussed from the point of view of their implications for theory, care practice and social policy, and future research

    The need for One Health systems-thinking approaches to understand multiscale dissemination of antimicrobial resistance

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    Although the effects of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are most obvious at clinical treatment failure, AMR evolution, transmission, and dispersal happen largely in environmental settings, for example within farms, waterways, livestock, and wildlife. We argue that systems-thinking, One Health approaches are crucial for tackling AMR, by understanding and predicting how anthropogenic activities interact within environmental subsystems, to drive AMR emergence and transmission. Innovative computational methods integrating big data streams (eg, from clinical, agricultural, and environmental monitoring) will accelerate our understanding of AMR, supporting decision making. There are challenges to accessing, integrating, synthesising, and interpreting such complex, multidimensional, heterogeneous datasets, including the lack of specific metrics to quantify anthropogenic AMR. Moreover, data confidentiality, geopolitical and cultural variation, surveillance gaps, and science funding cause biases, uncertainty, and gaps in AMR data and metadata. Combining systems-thinking with modelling will allow exploration, scaling-up, and extrapolation of existing data. This combination will provide vital understanding of the dynamic movement and transmission of AMR within and among environmental subsystems, and its effects across the greater system. Consequently, strategies for slowing down AMR dissemination can be modelled and compared for efficacy and cost-effectiveness
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