228 research outputs found

    Moving Past the Routine: Precision Management for Alfalfa and Hay Crops

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    Soil testing is made up of four distinct activities, collecting the soil sample, analyzing the sample, interpreting the results, and providing fertilizer recommendations that account for the fertilizer source, timing of application, rate of application, and placement of the fertilizer. Traditionally, collecting a soil sample was viewed as the limiting step because a recommendation is only as good as the sample that it is based on. With traditional soil sampling, we attempt to represent the field’s average nutrient status. Typically, you would want one sample for every 10 – 20 acres. A sample should be collected to the depth prescribed by the lab (4” for untilled fields). If areas within a field are very different due to previous management or natural features, such as topography or soil texture, split the field up and collect samples from each distinct area. Each sample sent to the lab should be a composite of 12 or more soil cores

    Determining Soil Texture by Feel

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    Soil texture refers to the proportion of sand, silt, and clay in a soil. Texture influences almost every aspect of soil use, both in agricultural and engineering applications, and even how natural ecosystems function. Many scientists consider soil texture the most important soil property as it can influence soil/water relationships, gas exchange, and plant nutrition. Accurately determining soil texture in a lab requires time and money; therefore, it is often necessary to estimate soil texture in the field by feel, which can be very accurate if done correctly

    Trapping Phosphorus in Runoff with a Phosphorus Removal Structure

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    Reduction of phosphorus (P) inputs to surface waters may decrease eutrophication. Some researchers have proposed fi ltering dissolved P in runoff with P-sorptive byproducts in structures placed in hydrologically active areas with high soil P concentrations. Th e objectives of this study were to construct and monitor a P removal structure in a suburban watershed and test the ability of empirically developed fl ow-through equations to predict structure performance. Steel slag was used as the P sorption material in the P removal structure. Water samples were collected before and after the structure using automatic samples and analyzed for total dissolved P. During the fi rst 5 mo of structure operation, 25% of all dissolved P was removed from rainfall and irrigation events. Phosphorus was removed more effi ciently during low fl ow rate irrigation events with a high retention time than during high fl ow rate rainfall events with a low retention time. Th e six largest fl ow events occurred during storm fl ow and accounted for 75% of the P entering the structure and 54% of the P removed by the structure. Flow-through equations developed for predicting structure performance produced reasonable estimates of structure “lifetime” (16.8 mo). However, the equations overpredicted cumulative P removal. Th is was likely due to diff erences in pH, total Ca and Fe, and alkalinity between the slag used in the structure and the slag used for model development. Th is suggests the need for an overall model that can predict structure performance based on individual material properties

    Trapping Phosphorus in Runoff with a Phosphorus Removal Structure

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    Reduction of phosphorus (P) inputs to surface waters may decrease eutrophication. Some researchers have proposed fi ltering dissolved P in runoff with P-sorptive byproducts in structures placed in hydrologically active areas with high soil P concentrations. Th e objectives of this study were to construct and monitor a P removal structure in a suburban watershed and test the ability of empirically developed fl ow-through equations to predict structure performance. Steel slag was used as the P sorption material in the P removal structure. Water samples were collected before and after the structure using automatic samples and analyzed for total dissolved P. During the fi rst 5 mo of structure operation, 25% of all dissolved P was removed from rainfall and irrigation events. Phosphorus was removed more effi ciently during low fl ow rate irrigation events with a high retention time than during high fl ow rate rainfall events with a low retention time. Th e six largest fl ow events occurred during storm fl ow and accounted for 75% of the P entering the structure and 54% of the P removed by the structure. Flow-through equations developed for predicting structure performance produced reasonable estimates of structure “lifetime” (16.8 mo). However, the equations overpredicted cumulative P removal. Th is was likely due to diff erences in pH, total Ca and Fe, and alkalinity between the slag used in the structure and the slag used for model development. Th is suggests the need for an overall model that can predict structure performance based on individual material properties

    Use of Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) Model to Evaluate a Phosphorus Index

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    The Phosphorus (P) Index was developed to provide a relative ranking of agricultural fields according to their potential for P loss to surface water. Recent efforts have focused on updating and evaluating P Indices against measured or modeled P loss data to ensure agreement in magnitude and direction. Following a recently published method, we modified the Maryland P Site Index (MD-PSI) from a multiplicative to a component index structure and evaluated the MD-PSI outputs against P loss data estimated by the Annual P Loss Estimator (APLE) model, a validated, field-scale, annual P loss model. We created a theoretical dataset of fields to represent Maryland conditions and scenarios and created an empirical dataset of soil samples and management characteristics from across the state. Through the evaluation process, we modified a number of variables within the MD-PSI and calculated weighting coefficients for each P loss component. We have demonstrated that our methods can be used to modify a P Index and increase correlation between P Index output and modeled P loss data. The methods presented here can be easily applied in other states where there is motivation to update an existing P Index

    Agricultural Lime Recommendations Based on Lime Quality [2016]

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    Soil acidity is one of the most important soil factors affecting crop growth and ultimately, yield and profitability. It is determined by measuring the soil pH, which is a measure of the amount of hydrogen ions in the soil solution. As soil acidity increases, the soil pH decreases. Soils tend to be naturally acidic in areas where rainfall is sufficient to cause substantial leaching of basic ions (such as calcium and magnesium), which are replaced by hydrogen ions. Most soils in Kentucky are naturally acidic because of our abundant rainfall. Nitrogen fertilization can also contribute to soil acidity as the nitrification of ammonium increases the hydrogen ion concentration in the soil through the following reaction: NH4+ + 2O2- → NO3- = H2O + 2H

    Assessing Coastal Plain Risk Indices for Subsurface Phosphorus Loss

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    Phosphorus (P) Index evaluations are critical to advancing nutrient management planning in the United States. However, most assessments until now have focused on the risks of P losses in surface runoff. In artificially drained agroecosystems of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, subsurface flow is the predominant mode of P transport, but its representation in most P Indices is often inadequate. We explored methods to evaluate the subsurface P risk routines of five P Indices from Delaware, Maryland (two), Virginia, and North Carolina using available water quality and soils datasets. Relationships between subsurface P risk scores and published dissolved P loads in leachate (Delaware, Maryland, and North Carolina) and ditch drainage (Maryland) were directionally correct and often statistically significant, yet the brevity of the observation periods (weeks to several years) and the limited number of sampling locations precluded a more robust assessment of each P Index. Given the paucity of measured P loss data, we then showed that soil water extractable P concentrations at depths corresponding with the seasonal high water table (WEPWT) could serve as a realistic proxy for subsurface P losses in ditch drainage. The associations between WEPWT and subsurface P risk ratings reasonably mirrored those obtained with sparser water quality data. As such, WEPWT is seen as a valuable metric that offers interim insight into the directionality of subsurface P risk scores when water quality data are inaccessible. In the long term, improved monitoring and modeling of subsurface P losses clearly should enhance the rigor of future P Index appraisals

    Self-Organization in High-Density Bacterial Colonies: Efficient Crowd Control

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    Colonies of bacterial cells can display complex collective dynamics, frequently culminating in the formation of biofilms and other ordered super-structures. Recent studies suggest that to cope with local environmental challenges, bacterial cells can actively seek out small chambers or cavities and assemble there, engaging in quorum sensing behavior. By using a novel microfluidic device, we showed that within chambers of distinct shapes and sizes allowing continuous cell escape, bacterial colonies can gradually self-organize. The directions of orientation of cells, their growth, and collective motion are mutually correlated and dictated by the chamber walls and locations of chamber exits. The ultimate highly organized steady state is conducive to a more-organized escape of cells from the chambers and increased access of nutrients into and evacuation of waste out of the colonies. Using a computational model, we suggest that the lengths of the cells might be optimized to maximize self-organization while minimizing the potential for stampede-like exit blockage. The self-organization described here may be crucial for the early stage of the organization of high-density bacterial colonies populating small, physically confined growth niches. It suggests that this phenomenon can play a critical role in bacterial biofilm initiation and development of other complex multicellular bacterial super-structures, including those implicated in infectious diseases

    Genome sequence of an Australian kangaroo, Macropus eugenii, provides insight into the evolution of mammalian reproduction and development.

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    BACKGROUND: We present the genome sequence of the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, which is a member of the kangaroo family and the first representative of the iconic hopping mammals that symbolize Australia to be sequenced. The tammar has many unusual biological characteristics, including the longest period of embryonic diapause of any mammal, extremely synchronized seasonal breeding and prolonged and sophisticated lactation within a well-defined pouch. Like other marsupials, it gives birth to highly altricial young, and has a small number of very large chromosomes, making it a valuable model for genomics, reproduction and development. RESULTS: The genome has been sequenced to 2 Ă— coverage using Sanger sequencing, enhanced with additional next generation sequencing and the integration of extensive physical and linkage maps to build the genome assembly. We also sequenced the tammar transcriptome across many tissues and developmental time points. Our analyses of these data shed light on mammalian reproduction, development and genome evolution: there is innovation in reproductive and lactational genes, rapid evolution of germ cell genes, and incomplete, locus-specific X inactivation. We also observe novel retrotransposons and a highly rearranged major histocompatibility complex, with many class I genes located outside the complex. Novel microRNAs in the tammar HOX clusters uncover new potential mammalian HOX regulatory elements. CONCLUSIONS: Analyses of these resources enhance our understanding of marsupial gene evolution, identify marsupial-specific conserved non-coding elements and critical genes across a range of biological systems, including reproduction, development and immunity, and provide new insight into marsupial and mammalian biology and genome evolution
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