18,619 research outputs found

    Impacts of deforestation and burning, and the role of bracken fern, on the properties of surficial or buried soil A-horizons

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    Bracken fern (Pteridium spp.) is an aggressive plant that commonly invades disturbed sites. Its success as an invader is attributable, in part, to its ability to produce abundant growth, both below ground in the form of rhizomes and fine roots and above ground as fronds and stems. This biomass production has been shown to affect numerous soil properties. In describing soils of the „Pumice Lands‟ (Pumice Soils or Vitrands mainly) in New Zealand, Molloy and Christie (1998) attributed black A horizons „to bracken fern, which replaced much of the forest‟. Analyses of humus and phytoliths in the A horizons of soils developed especially on Kaharoa and Taupo tephras in central North Island (buried beneath 1886 Tarawera eruptives in the Rerewhakaaitu area) showed that type-A humic acids predominated and that fernland and grassland had replaced the pre-existing forests (Birrell et al., 1971; Sase et al., 1988; Hosono et al., 1991; Sase and Hosono, 1996). Pollen, phytolith and associated studies, together with tephrochronology, have shown that human-induced deforestation by burning began in New Zealand soon after Polynesian settlers arrived (e.g. McGlone, 1989; Clarkson et al., 1992; Kondo et al., 1994; McGlone et al., 1994; Newnham et al., 1998; McGlone and Wilmshurst, 1999; Watanabe and Sakagami, 1999; see also article on Polynesian settlement by Lowe, this volume). The repeated burning resulted in the formation of extensive fernlands (McGlone et al., 2005)

    Edward L. McGlone

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    Edward L. McGlone, Dean of Arts and Scienceshttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/ua-photo-collection/3538/thumbnail.jp

    A general refutation of Okishio’s theorem and a proof of the falling rate of profit

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    This is the first published general refutation of the Okishio theorem. An earlier refutation based on a specific example was published by Kliman and McGlone in 1988. Okishio’s theorem, published in 1961, asserts that if real wages stay constant, the rate of profit necessarily rises in consequence of any cost-reducing technical change. It proves this within a simultaneous equation (general equlibrium) framework. This paper establishes that this proposition is false within a differential equation (temporal) approach. In such a framework the denominator of the rate of profit rises continuously, regardless of whether or not there is technical change, unless capitalist consumption exceeds profit, as occurs in a slump. Okishio himself asserts that his theorem is ‘contrary to Marx’s Gesetz des Tendentiellen Falls der Profitrate’ – contrary to Marx’s law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. This assertion is, within the literature, universally taken to be the substantive content of the ‘Okishio Theorem’. Thus, if Marx’s approach to value is in fact temporal, and not simultaneist, this assertion by Okishio is false, since it applies not to Marx’s own theory, but to the interpretation of that theory subsequently attributed to Marx by a specific school of thought represented principally by Bortkiewicz, Sweezy, Morishima, Seton, and Steedman. The subsequent accumulation of hermeneutic evidence strongly supports the thesis that Marx’s theory is temporalist and not simultaneist. Since the Okishio theorem makes the general assertion that the rate of profit must necessarily rise if there are cost-saving technical changes, and since Kliman and McGlone demonstrate a particular case in which cost-saving technical change leads to a fall in the profit rate, the Kliman-McGlone paper is the first published refutation of the Okishio theorem. The present paper is a generalisation of this refutation which establishes the precise conditions under which the profit rate rise or falls, and establishes the general result that the profit rate necessarily falls as a consequence of capitalist accumulation with a constant real wage, until and unless accumulation ceases in value terms. Consequently the mathematical findings set out in this paper, refute the Okishio Theorem.

    Morris Collins, John C. Stennis, Edward McGlone

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    picture of Collins, Stennis, and McGlone in the libraryhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/ua-photo-collection/3756/thumbnail.jp

    Anne Wells, Leara Miles, John C. Stennis, Edward McGlone, Tom Handy

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    Wells, Miles, Stennis, McGlone, and Handy are pictured at a library function. Stennis is standing behind a podium.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/ua-photo-collection/3761/thumbnail.jp

    To: Henry McGlone

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    Palynology, vegetation and climate of the Waikato lowlands, North Island, New Zealand, since c. 18,000 years ago

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    The vegetational and climatic history of the Waikato lowlands during the last c. 18,000 years is inferred from the palynology of sediment cores from Lakes Rotomanuka, Rotokauri, and Okoroire. Intra- and inter-lake correlations were aided by multiple tephra layers interbedded with the lake sediments. The detailed chronological resolution given by these tephra sequences shows that late glacial-post glacial vegetational and climatic changes were nearly simultaneous throughout the Waikato lowlands

    Stratigraphy and development of c. 17 000 year old Lake Maratoto, North Island, New Zealand, with some inferences about postglacial climatic change

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    The stratigraphy and geomorphology of Lake Maratoto and its surrounds were investigated as part of a programme of paleolimnological studies based on sediment cores from lakes in northern North Island. Changes in the lake and catchment were inferred from variations in sediment character, the correlation and timing being determined from distinctive tephra layers in the sediments and by radiocarbon dating. Nineteen new C-l4 dates, on gyttja or peat, are reported (old Tœ, years B.P,): 11 on tephras (Mamaku Ash 6830 ±90. Wk227; Rotoma Ash 8370 ± 90, Wk522; 8350 ± 100, Wk523; Opepe Tephra 9370 ± 210, Wk230; Mangamate Tephra 9700 ± 140, Wk23l; 10000 ± 120, Wk232; Waiohau Ash 12 200 ± 230, Wk233; 12500 ± 190, Wk234; 12450 ± 200, Wk5l5; 12300 ± 190,Wk516; RotoruaAsh 13450 ± 120, Wk511); 5 on the deposition of Hinuera Formation alluvium (16 300 ± 250, Wk239; 16 900 ± 470, Wk240; 17050 ± 200, Wk358; 16200 +360 -340, Wk509; 15 850 ± 130, Wk510); and 3 on basal peat of the Rukuhia bog (10 250 ± 90, Wk114; 15200 ± 130, Wk534; 10600 ± 90, Wk553). Lake Maratoto originated c. 17 000 years ago when a small valley was dammed by volcanogenic alluvium (Hinuera Formation). From c. 17 000 to c. 14 000 years ago the lake was about 2 m deep with clear water. Marginal peat first developed at c. 15000 years ago, reducing the area of the lake by about one-half by c. 13 000 years ago. Lake area then expanded, possibly because of marginal erosion and/or oxidation of the peat, to its maximum size at the present day. The adjacent Rukuhia peat bog grew rapidly from c. 11 000 years ago and is now 8 m thick immediately to the west of the lake. As a result of this growth, the lake became dystrophic and deepened (3.5 m at c. 7000 years ago, 6.4 m at c. 2000 years ago, and 7. 1 m today). The developmental history suggests that net precipitation increased at c. 15 000 years ago, increased further at c. 11 000 years ago, remaining high to c. 7000 years ago at least, but with a decline at or before c. 2000 years ago. There may have been a distinctly wetter or windier period from c. 10 000 to 9000 years ago. This interpretation is consistent with other reconstructions of postglacial climate in the Southern Hemisphere

    Role of tephra in dating Polynesian settlement and impact, New Zealand

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    Tephrochronology in its original sense is the use of tephra layers as time-stratigraphic marker beds to establish numerical or relative ages (Lowe and Hunt, 2001). Tephra layers have been described and studied in New Zealand for more than 160 years (the German naturalist and surgeon Ernst Dieffenbach described ‘recognizable’ tephra sections in his 1843 book Travels in New Zealand), and the first isopach map, showing fallout from the deadly plinian basaltic eruption of Mt Tarawera on 10 June 1886, was published in 1888 (Lowe, 1990; Lowe et al., 2002). More recently, a wide range of tephra-related paleoenvironmental research has been undertaken (e.g., Lowe and Newnham, 1999; Newnham and Lowe, 1999; Newnham et al., 1999, 2004; Shane, 2000), including new advances in the role of tephra in linking and dating sites containing evidence for abrupt climatic change (e.g., Newnham and Lowe, 2000; Newnham et al., 2003). Here we focus on the use of tephrochronology in dating the arrival and impacts of the first humans in New Zealand, a difficult problem for which this technique has proven to be of critical importance

    Data, problems, heuristics and results in cognitive metaphor research

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    Cognitive metaphor research is characterised by the diversity of rival theories. Starting from this observation, the paper focuses on the problem of how the unity and diversity of cognitive theories of metaphor can be accounted for. The first part of the paper outlines a suitable metascientific approach which emerges as a modification of B. von Eckardt’s notion of research framework. In the second part, by the help of this approach, some aspects of the sophisticated relationship between Lakoff and Johnson’s, Glucksberg’s, and Gentner’s theories are discussed. The main finding is that the data, the problems, the heuristics and the hypotheses which have been partly shaped by the rivals contribute to the development of the particular theories to a considerable extent
