978 research outputs found

    Anonymous network access using the digital marketplace

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    With increasing usage of mobile telephony, and the trend towards additional mobile Internet usage, privacy and anonymity become more and more important. Previously-published anonymous communication schemes aim to obscure their users' network addresses, because real-world identity can be easily be derived from this information. We propose modifications to a novel call-management architecture, the digital marketplace, which will break this link, therefore enabling truly anonymous network access

    Singular inextensible limit in the vibrations of post-buckled rods: Analytical derivation and role of boundary conditions

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    In-plane vibrations of an elastic rod clamped at both extremities are studied. The rod is modeled as an extensible planar Kirchhoff elastic rod under large displacements and rotations. Equilibrium configurations and vibrations around these configurations are computed analytically in the incipient post-buckling regime. Of particular interest is the variation of the first mode frequency as the load is increased through the buckling threshold. The loading type is found to have a crucial importance as the first mode frequency is shown to behave singularly in the zero thickness limit in the case of prescribed axial displacement, whereas a regular behavior is found in the case of prescribed axial load.This publication is based in part upon work supported by Award no. KUK-C1-013-04, made by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (A.G.). A.G. is a Wolfson/Royal Society Merit Award holder. Support from the Royal Society, through the International Exchanges Scheme (Grant IE120203), is also acknowledge

    k-Trails: Recognition, Complexity, and Approximations

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    The notion of degree-constrained spanning hierarchies, also called k-trails, was recently introduced in the context of network routing problems. They describe graphs that are homomorphic images of connected graphs of degree at most k. First results highlight several interesting advantages of k-trails compared to previous routing approaches. However, so far, only little is known regarding computational aspects of k-trails. In this work we aim to fill this gap by presenting how k-trails can be analyzed using techniques from algorithmic matroid theory. Exploiting this connection, we resolve several open questions about k-trails. In particular, we show that one can recognize efficiently whether a graph is a k-trail. Furthermore, we show that deciding whether a graph contains a k-trail is NP-complete; however, every graph that contains a k-trail is a (k+1)-trail. Moreover, further leveraging the connection to matroids, we consider the problem of finding a minimum weight k-trail contained in a graph G. We show that one can efficiently find a (2k-1)-trail contained in G whose weight is no more than the cheapest k-trail contained in G, even when allowing negative weights. The above results settle several open questions raised by Molnar, Newman, and Sebo

    Counting Hamilton cycles in sparse random directed graphs

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    Let D(n,p) be the random directed graph on n vertices where each of the n(n-1) possible arcs is present independently with probability p. A celebrated result of Frieze shows that if p(logn+ω(1))/np\ge(\log n+\omega(1))/n then D(n,p) typically has a directed Hamilton cycle, and this is best possible. In this paper, we obtain a strengthening of this result, showing that under the same condition, the number of directed Hamilton cycles in D(n,p) is typically n!(p(1+o(1)))nn!(p(1+o(1)))^{n}. We also prove a hitting-time version of this statement, showing that in the random directed graph process, as soon as every vertex has in-/out-degrees at least 1, there are typically n!(logn/n(1+o(1)))nn!(\log n/n(1+o(1)))^{n} directed Hamilton cycles

    Effects of oral, smoked, and vaporized cannabis on endocrine pathways related to appetite and metabolism: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human laboratory study.

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    As perspectives on cannabis continue to shift, understanding the physiological and behavioral effects of cannabis use is of paramount importance. Previous data suggest that cannabis use influences food intake, appetite, and metabolism, yet human research in this regard remains scant. The present study investigated the effects of cannabis administration, via different routes, on peripheral concentrations of appetitive and metabolic hormones in a sample of cannabis users. This was a randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Twenty participants underwent four experimental sessions during which oral cannabis, smoked cannabis, vaporized cannabis, or placebo was administered. Active compounds contained 6.9 ± 0.95% (~50.6 mg) ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Repeated blood samples were obtained, and the following endocrine markers were measured: total ghrelin, acyl-ghrelin, leptin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and insulin. Results showed a significant drug main effect (p = 0.001), as well as a significant drug × time-point interaction effect (p = 0.01) on insulin. The spike in blood insulin concentrations observed under the placebo condition (probably due to the intake of brownie) was blunted by cannabis administration. A significant drug main effect (p = 0.001), as well as a trend-level drug × time-point interaction effect (p = 0.08) was also detected for GLP-1, suggesting that GLP-1 concentrations were lower under cannabis, compared to the placebo condition. Finally, a significant drug main effect (p = 0.01) was found for total ghrelin, suggesting that total ghrelin concentrations during the oral cannabis session were higher than the smoked and vaporized cannabis sessions. In conclusion, cannabis administration in this study modulated blood concentrations of some appetitive and metabolic hormones, chiefly insulin, in cannabis users. Understanding the mechanisms underpinning these effects may provide additional information on the cross-talk between cannabinoids and physiological pathways related to appetite and metabolism

    Assigning channels via the meet-in-the-middle approach

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    We study the complexity of the Channel Assignment problem. By applying the meet-in-the-middle approach we get an algorithm for the \ell-bounded Channel Assignment (when the edge weights are bounded by \ell) running in time O((2+1)n)O^*((2\sqrt{\ell+1})^n). This is the first algorithm which breaks the (O())n(O(\ell))^n barrier. We extend this algorithm to the counting variant, at the cost of slightly higher polynomial factor. A major open problem asks whether Channel Assignment admits a O(cn)O(c^n)-time algorithm, for a constant cc independent of \ell. We consider a similar question for Generalized T-Coloring, a CSP problem that generalizes \CA. We show that Generalized T-Coloring does not admit a 22o(n)poly(r)2^{2^{o\left(\sqrt{n}\right)}} {\rm poly}(r)-time algorithm, where rr is the size of the instance.Comment: SWAT 2014: 282-29

    A study of omega bands and Ps6 pulsations on the ground, at low altitude and at geostationary orbit

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    We investigate the electrodynamic coupling between auroral omega bands and the inner magnetosphere. The goal of this study is to determine the features to which omega bands map in the magnetosphere. To establish the auroral-magnetosphere connection, we appeal to the case study analysis of the data rich event of September 26, 1989. At 6 magnetic local time (MLT), two trains of Ps6 pulsations (ground magnetic signatures of omega bands) were observed to drift over the Canadian Auroral Network For the OPEN Program Unified Study (CANOPUS) chain. At the same time periodic ionospheric flow patterns moved through the collocated Bistatic Auroral Radar System (BARS) field of view. Similar coincident magnetic variations were observed by GOES 6, GOES 7 and SCATHA, all of which had magnetic foot points near the CANOPUS/BARS stations. SCATHA, which was located at 6 MLT, 0.5 RE earthward of GOES 7 observed the 10 min period pulsations, whereas GOES 7 did not. In addition, DMSP F6 and F8 were over-flying the region and observed characteristic precipitation and flow signatures. From this fortunate constellation of ground and space observations, we conclude that auroral omega bands are the electrodynamic signature of a corrugated current sheet (or some similar spatially localized magnetic structure) in the near-Earth geostationary magnetosphere

    Spacelab energetic ion mass spectrometer

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    Basic design criteria are given for an ion mass spectrometer for use in studying magnetospheric ion populations. The proposed instrument is composed of an electrostatic analyzer followed by a magnetic spectrometer and simultaneously measures the energy per unit and mass per unit charge of the ion species. An electromagnet is used for momentum analysis to extend the operational energy range over a much wider domain than is possible with the permanent magnets used in previous flights. The energetic ion source regions, ion energization mechanisms, field line tracing, coordinated investigations, and orbit considerations are discussed and operations of the momentum analyzer and of the electrostatic energy analyzer are examined

    Hazards of the Health Care Sector: Looking Beyond Infectious Disease

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    Background: Possessing every hazard class, the health care sector poses significant health threats to its workforce in both high-resource settings and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Objectives: The aim of this paper was to examine the applicability of the classical hierarchy of hazard control technologies in resource-constrained health care settings. Methods: Using a biologic and chemical hazard example, the hazard control hierarchy was applied for risk mitigation. Findings: Even when resource constraints force a reordered selection of hazard control elements, risk reduction can be achieved across a variety of hazard classes. Conclusion: For LMICs with limited resources, the hazard control hierarchy can be effectively employed, although the selection of methods may be reordered, to achieve significant hazard control. Such prevention strategies can thereby strengthen and sustain a critical pillar of the health system, its workforce