2,814 research outputs found

    Observations of the X-ray Nova GRO~J0422+32: II: Optical Spectra Approaching Quiescence

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    We present results obtained from a series of 5~\AA\ resolution spectra of the X-ray Nova GRO~J0422+32 obtained in 1993~October, when the system was approximately 2 magnitudes above quiescence, with R∼19{\rm R \sim 19}. The data were obtained in an effort to measure the orbital radial velocity curve of the secondary, but detection of the narrow photospheric absorption lines needed to do this proved elusive. Instead we found wide absorption bands reminiscent of M~star photospheric features. The parameters determined by fitting accretion disk line profiles (Smak profiles) to the Hα\alpha line are similar to those found in several strong black-hole candidates. Measurements of the velocity of the Hα\alpha line are consistent with an orbital period of 5.1~hours and a velocity semi-amplitude of the primary of 34±634 \pm 6~\kms. These measurements, when combined with measurements of the velocity semi-amplitude of the secondary made by others, indicate that the mass ratio q∼0.09q \sim 0.09. If the secondary follows the empirical mass-radius relation found for CVs, the low qq implies a primary mass of Mx∼5.6M_x \sim 5.6\mo, and a rather low (face-on) inclination. The Hα\alpha EW is found to be modulated on the orbital period with a phasing that implies a partial eclipse of the disk by the secondary, but simultaneous R~band photometry shows no evidence for such an eclipse.Comment: Accepted for ApJ, plain latex, 5 figures available as self-extracting uuendoced, compressed, tarfiles (from uufiles

    X-ray reflected spectra from accretion disk models. III. A complete grid of ionized reflection calculations

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    We present a new and complete library of synthetic spectra for modeling the component of emission that is reflected from an illuminated accretion disk. The spectra were computed using an updated version of our code XILLVER that incorporates new routines and a richer atomic data base. We offer in the form of a table model an extensive grid of reflection models that cover a wide range of parameters. Each individual model is characterized by the photon index \Gamma of the illuminating radiation, the ionization parameter \xi at the surface of the disk (i.e., the ratio of the X-ray flux to the gas density), and the iron abundance A_{Fe} relative to the solar value. The ranges of the parameters covered are: 1.2 \leq \Gamma \leq 3.4, 1 \leq \xi \leq 10^4, and 0.5 \leq A_{Fe} \leq 10. These ranges capture the physical conditions typically inferred from observations of active galactic nuclei, and also stellar-mass black holes in the hard state. This library is intended for use when the thermal disk flux is faint compared to the incident power-law flux. The models are expected to provide an accurate description of the Fe K emission line, which is the crucial spectral feature used to measure black hole spin. A total of 720 reflection spectra are provided in a single FITS file{\url{http://hea-www.cfa.harvard.edu/~javier/xillver/}} suitable for the analysis of X-ray observations via the atable model in XSPEC. Detailed comparisons with previous reflection models illustrate the improvements incorporated in this version of XILLVER.Comment: 70 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Ap

    Hawking-like emission in kink-soliton escape from a potential well.

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    The escape of solitons over a potential barrier is analysed within the framework of a nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation. It is shown that the creation of a kink–antikink pair near the barrier through an internal mode instability can be followed by escape of the kink in a process analogous to Hawking radiation. These results have important implications in a wider context, including stochastic resonance and ratchet systems, which are also discussed

    Multi-Temperature Blackbody Spectra of Thin Accretion Disks With and Without a Zero-Torque Inner Boundary Condition

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    The standard spectral model for analyzing the soft component of thermal emission from a thin accretion disk around a black hole is the multi-temperature blackbody (MTB) model. The widely used implementation of this model, which is known as ``diskbb,'' assumes nonzero torque at the inner edge of the accretion disk. This assumption is contrary to the classic and current literature on thin-disk accretion, which advocates the use of a zero-torque boundary condition. Consequently, we have written code for a zero-torque model, ``ezdiskbb,'' which we compare to the nonzero-torque model diskbb by fitting RXTE spectra of three well-known black hole binaries: 4U 1543-47, XTE J1550-564, and GRO J1655-40. The chief difference we find is that the zero-torque model gives a value for the inner disk radius that is about 2.2 times smaller than the value given by diskbb. This result has important implications, especially for the determination of black-hole angular momentum and mass accretion rate.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    A Parallax Distance to the Microquasar GRS 1915+105 and a Revised Estimate of its Black Hole Mass

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    Using the Very Long Baseline Array, we have measured a trigonometric parallax for the micro quasar GRS 1915+105, which contains a black hole and a K-giant companion. This yields a direct distance estimate of 8.6 (+2.0,-1.6) kpc and a revised estimate for the mass of the black hole of 12.4 (+2.0,-1.8) Msun. GRS 1915+105 is at about the same distance as some HII regions and water masers associated with high-mass star formation in the Sagittarius spiral arm of the Galaxy. The absolute proper motion of GRS 1915+105 is -3.19 +/- 0.03 mas/y and -6.24 +/- 0.05 mas/y toward the east and north, respectively, which corresponds to a modest peculiar speed of 22 +/-24 km/s at the parallax distance, suggesting that the binary did not receive a large velocity kick when the black hole formed. On one observational epoch, GRS 1915+105 displayed superluminal motion along the direction of its approaching jet. Considering previous observations of jet motions, the jet in GRS 1915+105 can be modeled with a jet inclination to the line of sight of 60 +/- 5 deg and a variable flow speed between 0.65c and 0.81c, which possibly indicates deceleration of the jet at distances from the black hole >2000 AU. Finally, using our measurements of distance and estimates of black hole mass and inclination, we provisionally confirm our earlier result that the black hole is spinning very rapidly.Comment: 20 pages; 2 tables; 6 figure

    Three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of void coalescence during dynamic fracture of ductile metals

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    Void coalescence and interaction in dynamic fracture of ductile metals have been investigated using three-dimensional strain-controlled multi-million atom molecular dynamics simulations of copper. The correlated growth of two voids during the coalescence process leading to fracture is investigated, both in terms of its onset and the ensuing dynamical interactions. Void interactions are quantified through the rate of reduction of the distance between the voids, through the correlated directional growth of the voids, and through correlated shape evolution of the voids. The critical inter-void ligament distance marking the onset of coalescence is shown to be approximately one void radius based on the quantification measurements used, independent of the initial separation distance between the voids and the strain-rate of the expansion of the system. The interaction of the voids is not reflected in the volumetric asymptotic growth rate of the voids, as demonstrated here. Finally, the practice of using a single void and periodic boundary conditions to study coalescence is examined critically and shown to produce results markedly different than the coalescence of a pair of isolated voids.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The not-so-massive black hole in the microquasar GRS1915+105

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    We present a new dynamical study of the black hole X-ray transient GRS1915+105 making use of near-infrared spectroscopy obtained with X-shooter at the VLT. We detect a large number of donor star absorption features across a wide range of wavelengths spanning the H and K bands. Our 24 epochs covering a baseline of over 1 year permit us to determine a new binary ephemeris including a refined orbital period of P=33.85 +/- 0.16 d. The donor star radial velocity curves deliver a significantly improved determination of the donor semi-amplitude which is both accurate (K_2=126 +/- 1 km/s) and robust against choice of donor star template and spectral features used. We furthermore constrain the donor star's rotational broadening to vsini=21 +/-4 km/s, delivering a binary mass ratio of q=0.042 +/- 0.024. If we combine these new constraints with distance and inclination estimates derived from modelling the radio emission, a black hole mass of M_BH=10.1 +/- 0.6 M_sun is inferred, paired with an evolved mass donor of M_2=0.47 +/- 0.27 M_sun. Our analysis suggests a more typical black hole mass for GRS1915+105 rather than the unusually high values derived in the pioneering dynamical study by Greiner et al. (2001). Our data demonstrate that high-resolution infrared spectroscopy of obscured accreting binaries can deliver dynamical mass determinations with a precision on par with optical studies
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