24 research outputs found

    Comparing proton momentum distributions in A=2A=2 and 3 nuclei via 2^2H 3^3H and 3^3He (e,eâ€Čp)(e, e'p) measurements

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    We report the first measurement of the (e,eâ€Čp)(e,e'p) reaction cross-section ratios for Helium-3 (3^3He), Tritium (3^3H), and Deuterium (dd). The measurement covered a missing momentum range of 40≀pmiss≀55040 \le p_{miss} \le 550 MeV/c/c, at large momentum transfer (⟹Q2⟩≈1.9\langle Q^2 \rangle \approx 1.9 (GeV/c/c)2^2) and xB>1x_B>1, which minimized contributions from non quasi-elastic (QE) reaction mechanisms. The data is compared with plane-wave impulse approximation (PWIA) calculations using realistic spectral functions and momentum distributions. The measured and PWIA-calculated cross-section ratios for 3^3He/d/d and 3^3H/d/d extend to just above the typical nucleon Fermi-momentum (kF≈250k_F \approx 250 MeV/c/c) and differ from each other by ∌20%\sim 20\%, while for 3^3He/3^3H they agree within the measurement accuracy of about 3\%. At momenta above kFk_F, the measured 3^3He/3^3H ratios differ from the calculation by 20%−50%20\% - 50\%. Final state interaction (FSI) calculations using the generalized Eikonal Approximation indicate that FSI should change the 3^3He/3^3H cross-section ratio for this measurement by less than 5\%. If these calculations are correct, then the differences at large missing momenta between the 3^3He/3^3H experimental and calculated ratios could be due to the underlying NNNN interaction, and thus could provide new constraints on the previously loosely-constrained short-distance parts of the NNNN interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures (4 panels

    Novel measurement of the neutron magnetic form factor from A=3 mirror nuclei

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    The electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron encode information on the spatial structure of their charge and magnetization distributions. While measurements of the proton are relatively straightforward, the lack of a free neutron target makes measurements of the neutron's electromagnetic structure more challenging and more sensitive to experimental or model-dependent uncertainties. Various experiments have attempted to extract the neutron form factors from scattering from the neutron in deuterium, with different techniques providing different, and sometimes large, systematic uncertainties. We present results from a novel measurement of the neutron magnetic form factor using quasielastic scattering from the mirror nuclei ^{3}H and ^{3}He, where the nuclear effects are larger than for deuterium but expected to largely cancel in the cross-section ratios. We extracted values of the neutron magnetic form factor for low-to-modest momentum transfer, 0.6<Q^{2}<2.9  GeV^{2}, where existing measurements give inconsistent results. The precision and Q^{2} range of these data allow for a better understanding of the current world's data and suggest a path toward further improvement of our overall understanding of the neutron's magnetic form factor

    Soils of Hawai'i

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    Ten major soil orders found in Hawaii are described, and maps show their distribution on the six main Hawaiian islands