593 research outputs found

    Trade liberalization and demand labor elasticities : evidence from Tunisia

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    Ce papier Ă©tudie les effets de la libĂ©ralisation des Ă©changes sur les Ă©lasticitĂ©s de la demande du travail. Une Ă©quation de demande d'emploi est estimĂ©e en se fondant sur des donnĂ©es (1971-1996) portant sur six industries manufacturiĂšres tunisiennes. Les rĂ©sultats des tests Ă©conomĂ©triques ne vĂ©rifient pas l'idĂ©e que la libĂ©ralisation des Ă©changes peut permettre une augmentation de l'Ă©lasticitĂ© de la demande du travail. Dans la majoritĂ© des industries considĂ©rĂ©es, l'hypothĂšse de l'absence d'une relation entre l'ouverture commerciale et l'Ă©lasticitĂ© demande de travail ne peut pas ĂȘtre rejetĂ©e. La faiblesse de l'Ă©lasticitĂ© de demande de travail peut ĂȘtre expliquĂ©e par les rĂ©gulations du marchĂ© du travail mises en place durant 1987-1996. Cependant, les rĂ©sultats sont robustes par rapport au type de statut du travail considĂ©rĂ© (main-d'oeuvre contractuelle et permanente). Ces rĂ©sultats confortent l'idĂ©e qu'au cours de la pĂ©riode de libĂ©ralisation, le marchĂ© du travail est devenu plus flexible, et que les chefs d'entreprise prĂ©fĂšrent embaucher des travailleurs contractuels. This paper investigates the effects of trade liberalization on labor demand elasticities. Employment demand equation is estimated by using data (1971-1996) for manufacturing industries in Tunisia. Results from empirical testing using the model find a weak support for the idea assuming that trade liberalization will lead to an increase in labor demand elasticities: in the vast majority of the industries we consider, we cannot reject the hypothesis of no relationship between trade openness and labor-demand elasticities. This weakness of labor demand elasticity in practice is perhaps explained by the tight labor market regulations in place during the 1987-96. However, our results are robust to the type of labor considered (contract labor and permanent labor). This supports the conclusion that under liberalization period labor markets have become more flexible, and that employers prefer recruiting contracts worker. (Full text in english)

    Consequences of trade liberalization on the labor market in developing economy : The case of Tunisia

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    This paper investigates short and long run effects of trade liberalization on employment and wages using a specific factor trade model. Employment and wage equations areestimated using data (1971-1996) for importable and exportable sectors in Tunisia. Results fromempirical testing using the model find some supports for the theoretical predictions of Edwards(1988) for the exportable sector. On the other hand, in the importable sectors, we find resultsthat are opposed to those predicted by Edwards (1988) since employment and wages increase. Apossible reason for the divergence of theory and practice is that the Edward's model is premisedon the basis of a fixed supply of labour. Exportable employment could therefore only rise ifimportable employment fell. However, as we have seen, the supply of labour increaseddramatically in Tunisia as women entered the labour market. This allowed employment inimportable to be maintained (even slightly increase) as the exportable sector expanded.

    Labour-Use Efficiency in Tunisian Manufacturing Industries: A Flexible Adjustment Model

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    dynamics, employment, labour-use efficiency, panel data, Tunisia, speed of adjustment, technical change

    Labour-Use Efficiency in the Tunisian's Manufacturing Industries: A Flexible Adjustment Model

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    This paper investigates the process of adjustment in employment. A dynamic model is applied to a panel of six Tunisian manufacturing industries observed over the period 1971-1996. The adjustment process is industry and time specific. The adjustment parameter is specified in terms of factors affecting the speed of adjustment. Industries are assumed to adjust their labour inputs towards a desired level of labour-use. A translog labour requirement function is specified in terms of observable variables and is used to model the desired level of labour-use.The labour requirement is specified to be function of wages, output, quasi-fixed capital stock and technology. The empirical results show that in the long-run, employment demand responds greatest to value added, followed by capital stock changes, and least by wages. The speed of adjustment in employment and the degree of labour-use efficiency show large variations among thesectors and over time.

    A study of some thin transition metal oxide films

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.This thesis analyses the effect of varying the compositions of co-evaporated V205/TeO2, W03/CeO2, SiO/TeO2 and W03/TeO2 amorphous thin films on their electrical and optical properties. Some information about the electronic properties of these oxides may be obtained by comparison of the results. In the oxide systems containing transition metal ions the expression for hopping energy at low temperatures contains a term due to the hopping energy of polarons in addition to that due to the disorder. In the dielectric SiO/TeO2 thin films the distortion of 'the molecule is thought to be quite weak and thus the carriers do not form polarons. They would move by hopping at the band edge at low temperatures and by excitation to a mobility edge at high temperatures. The electrical conductivity of V205/TeO2 amorphous thin films is discussed in the light of the Mott(1968) theory. The optical absorption edge was found to obey the direct forbidden transitions equation cc ico=B(fiw-EOP)3'2. The frequency-squared dependence of the conductivity of W03/CeO2 thin films (high content of CeO2) in the frequency region where the capacitance is constant is associated with the lead resistance according to Street et al (1971). The optical energy gap of the films varies with the composition in same way as in doped crystalline semiconductors. The value of the, optical W03/Ce02 was calculated using the Davis and Mott (1970) formula for non-direct optical transitions. The capacitance of SiO/TeO2 thin films is found to be almost independent of frequency as well as of temperature. This is due to a strong ionic bonding which characterises a good insulator. The optical absorption edge of SiO/TeO2 is found to be sharper than that of W03/ CeO2 and very similar to that found in most crystalline solids. The value of the optical energy gap is calculated using the same formula as in W03/CeO2. The systematic change of the optical gap with composition is observed only in a limited range of compositions. The a. c electrical properties of W03/Te02 amorphous thin films are described using the Springett(1974) and Elliott(1977) models. The optical absorption edge of WO3/TeO2 is found to lead to new arguments about the origin of the Urbach edges.The a. c electrical conductivity shows a frequency dependence of the form as ca wS in all samples studied in the present work. The mechanism of conduction at low temperatures with the index varying from 0.5 to I is thought to be due to hopping of electrons between localized states in the gap. At high fields the d. c current shows a non-linear dependence on the applied electric field. This is thought to be due to either space charge or Schottky effects in the oxides containing transition metal ions. In SiO/TeO2 dielectric films, the non-linear dependence of current on the electric field is thought to be due to either the Poole-Frenkel effect or at slightly lower fields it could be due to impurities.Financial support obtained from the Algerian Governmen

    Monitoring and simulations of hydrolysis in epoxy matrix composites during hygrothermal aging

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    In this paper, we studied the water transport in thermoset matrices. We used Fourier Transform Infrared analysis (FTIR) during sorption/desorption experiments to investigate the interaction between sorbed water and the epoxy network. Our results demonstrated that the polymer matrix undergoes hydrolysis. We found that the chemical species involved in the reaction process was the residual anhydride groups. These results support the physical basis of the three-dimensional (3D) diffusion/reaction model. We finally showed that this model is able to reproduce multi-cycle sorption/desorption experiment, as well as water uptake in hybrid metal/epoxy samples. We simulated the 3D distributions of the diffusing water and the reacted water

    The Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Employment and Wages in Tunisian Industries

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    trade, labour market, exports, imports, manufacturing, panel data, Tunisia

    Étude comparative des isoenzymes de la laccase issues du champignon Ă  pourriture blanche Trametes hirsuta : caractĂ©risation pour une application Ă  la bioremĂ©diation d'un effluent de station d'Ă©puration

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    La bioremĂ©diation des composĂ©s pharmaceutiques contenus dans les eaux usĂ©es des traitements de stations d’épuration (STEP) par des processus Ă©cologiques et soutenables pour l’environnement est possible par l’utilisation d’enzymes possĂ©dant des propriĂ©tĂ©s d’oxydorĂ©duction sĂ©crĂ©tĂ©es par des champignons Ă  pourriture blanche, nommĂ©s laccase. Ces champignons sont dotĂ©s de plusieurs gĂšnes diffĂ©rents codant pour la sĂ©crĂ©tion de la laccase possĂ©dant une sĂ©quence peptidique lĂ©gĂšrement diffĂ©rentes lui confĂ©rant ainsi des caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimiques propres, appelĂ©s isoenzymes. NĂ©anmoins, hormis pour la laccase constitutive, qui est produite systĂ©matiquement, il est quasiment impossible de prĂ©voir quels gĂšnes seront activĂ©s et donc quelles autres laccases seront produites, appelĂ©s laccases inductibles, produites dĂ©pendamment de nombreux facteurs encore mal connus. Aujourd’hui, la dĂ©couverte de nouvelles isoenzymes possĂ©dant des caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimiques uniques pousse les chercheurs Ă  identifier la plus appropriĂ©e pour une application donnĂ©e. Par exemple, pour la bioremĂ©diation des composĂ©s pharmaceutiques contenus dans un effluent de STEP, les paramĂštres visĂ©s seraient la stabilitĂ© dans un milieu complexe et de bonnes performances catalytiques. Parmi les candidates possibles, plusieurs publications scientifiques indiquent le fort potentiel de la souche Trametes hirsuta pour cette application. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’identifier et de caractĂ©riser les laccases sĂ©crĂ©tĂ©es par la souche Trametes hirsuta IBB450 pour la bioremĂ©diation de composĂ©s pharmaceutiques. Cette Ă©tude de caractĂ©risation d’isoenzymes se distingue par son exhaustivitĂ©, en prenant en considĂ©ration l’ensemble des difficultĂ©s majeures rencontrĂ©es Ă  travers la littĂ©rature telles que : la bonne purification des isoenzymes, la dĂ©termination de constantes enzymatiques, ou en utilisant diffĂ©rents paramĂštres pertinents comme un effluent de station d’épuration (STEP) et des composĂ©s d’intĂ©rĂȘt environnemental comme le diclofĂ©nac (DCL) ou le 17α-Ă©thynylestradiol (EE2). De plus, les Ă©tudes des effets de synergies et Ă©galement de l’influence de la tempĂ©rature sur la bonne transformation du substrat ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es alors qu’elles restent rares voire inexistantes. Enfin, cette Ă©tude reprend le concept de classification des laccases et dĂ©veloppe des outils afin d’amĂ©liorer et de faciliter cette classification pour proposer une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie de travail basĂ©e sur l’identification du groupe le plus pertinent pour une application donnĂ©e plutĂŽt que l’identification d’une laccase prĂ©cise. La prĂ©sence de deux enzymes majoritaires a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e par diffĂ©rentes techniques d’analyses Ă©lectrophorĂ©tique sur gel. Leur purification chromatographique a Ă©tĂ© un succĂšs, permettant ainsi d’obtenir deux Ă©chantillons purifiĂ©s distincts. Les analyses d’empreintes peptidiques a permis de confirmer la prĂ©sence de deux laccases principales, nommĂ©es Yg et Yn. Ces laccases ont subi diffĂ©rents tests de robustesses (tolĂ©rance et stabilitĂ©), indiquant un impact relativement similaire aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents ions, solvent organiques, divers composĂ©s organiques et mĂ©taux. ParallĂšlement, aucun impact significatif n’a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ© d’un effluent de STEP sur l’activitĂ© enzymatique, ne permettant que difficilement la dĂ©termination de l’isoenzyme la plus robuste. Des Ă©tudes cinĂ©tiques ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es en prenant le DCL et l’EE2 comme substrats. La dĂ©termination de la constante de Michaelis-Menten (KM) et de la constante catalytique (kcat) indique des valeurs plus faible pour la laccase Yn. Toutefois l’efficacitĂ© catalytique K (K=kcat/KM) reste relativement similaire, ne permettant pas d’identifier clairement la plus performante. ParallĂšlement, l’utilisation des deux groupes de laccases dans un mĂ©lange 50:50 a permis d’observer des effets synergiques pour la transformation du DCL, contrairement Ă  l’EE2. Ces observations pourraient ĂȘtre en contradiction sur la stratĂ©gie de vouloir identifier et utiliser une seule isoenzyme. L’influence de la tempĂ©rature a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e afin d’évaluer l’impact d’une bioremĂ©diation dans des conditions froides. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent une baisse d’environ 80% contre 25% pour l’EE2 et le DCL respectivement Ă  4 °C versus 20 °C de la cinĂ©tique de transformation, montrant ainsi un fort potentiel pour leurs utilisations, mĂȘme dans des pays froids. Certains laboratoires de recherche travaillent activement sur la classification des laccases. Parmi celles-ci, en se basant sur des propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques communes, les laccases pourraient se trier dans huit groupes (groupe A, groupe B
 groupe H). Il se pourrait que les Ă©tudes de classification des laccases soient l’une des solutions possibles aux trois limitations : i) le partage des rĂ©sultats Ă  travers la littĂ©rature reste difficile Ă  la vue du nombres importants de laccases existants, ii) l’absence de normalisation des rĂ©sultats et iii) la difficultĂ© Ă  identifier les isoenzymes caractĂ©risĂ©es. C’est pourquoi nous proposons une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie de caractĂ©risation des laccases basĂ©es sur la comparaison des groupes entre eux et non des laccases. Pour ce faire, la premiĂšre Ă©tape serait de caractĂ©riser les isoenzymes de l’extrait puis de les affilier Ă  un groupe afin de conclure sur le potentiel de ce groupe Ă  une application donnĂ©e. NĂ©anmoins, les outils permettant une classification simple Ă©tant peu dĂ©veloppĂ©s, nous en proposons une Ă  partir de quatre paramĂštres physico-chimiques facilement dĂ©terminable, qui sont le point isoĂ©lectrique, la masse molĂ©culaire, le temps de demi-vie Ă  60 °C et le KM. Il nous a Ă©tĂ© permis d’affilier la laccase Yg parmi les laccases issues du groupe A (laccase constitutive) et Yn parmi les laccases issues du groupe B (laccase inductible), indiquant ainsi qu’une seule laccase inductible majoritaire semble avoir Ă©tĂ© sĂ©crĂ©tĂ©e. Les explications de cette observation restent mĂ©connues. Elle a permis de confirmer l’intĂ©rĂȘt de l’utilisation des laccases fongiques pour la bioremĂ©diation d’un effluent de STEP par une robustesse suffisante et une capacitĂ© Ă  pouvoir transformer diffĂ©rents composĂ©s d’intĂ©rĂȘt environnemental, mĂȘme Ă  faible tempĂ©rature. MĂȘme si la laccase Yg semble lĂ©gĂšrement plus robuste et possĂšde un kcat plus Ă©levĂ© que la laccase Yn, les rĂ©sultats globaux ne permettent pas de clairement la dĂ©finir comme Ă©tant la plus intĂ©ressante. Finalement, parmi les huit groupes possibles (groupe A-H), cette Ă©tude permet d’obtenir des rĂ©sultats sur deux de ces groupes (A et B), par l’intermĂ©diaire de la laccase Yg et Yn, sans pouvoir conclure, Ă  la vue des proches rĂ©sultats obtenus, sur le groupe le plus adĂ©quat pour une application Ă  la bioremĂ©diation d’un effluent de STEP. Des Ă©tudes supplĂ©mentaires sont requises pour caractĂ©riser les six autres groupes afin de conclure sur le plus adĂ©quat pour la bioremĂ©diation d’un effluent de STEP

    A Course Reader

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    This course aims at unpacking the deeper structural causes of food insecurity and malnutrition by analysing economic, social and gendered power asymmetries that underlie global and local food systems. Students will become familiar with the conceptual, political and institutional differences between food security and food sovereignty and further link it to global politics. For instance, by observing the ways in which these concepts contribute to reach the Millennium Development Goals, or the whys and whereof of the hierarchies of knowledge in development practice. They will be introduced to food regime analysis, to value chain analysis, to the food systems approach as well as to feminist political ecology and thereby improve their skills to critically reflect environmental concerns and diverse power asymmetries in agrifood development. Students will be familiarized with current institutions and actors of food security governance and will be introduced to alternative food movements at international and local levels, their ideas about food sovereignty and questions of inequalities

    Thermomechanical and hygroelastic properties of an epoxy system under humid and cold-warm cycling conditions

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    In this paper, we study the hygrothermal aging of an anhydride-cured epoxy under temperature and hygrometry conditions simulating those experienced by an aircraft in wet tropical or subtropical regions. Gravimetric and dimensional measurements were performed and they indicate that there are three stages in this aging process: the first one, corresponding to the early cycles can be called the “induction stage”. The second stage of about 1000 cycles duration, could be named the “swelling stage”, during which the volume increase is almost equal to the volume of the (liquid) water absorbed. Both the first and second stages are accompanied by modifications of the mechanical properties and the glass transition temperature. During the third (“equilibrium”) stage, up to 3000 cycles, there is no significant change in the physical properties despite the continuous increase of water uptake. This can be explained by the fact that only physically sorbed water can influence physical properties
