373 research outputs found

    The role of the presenting problem in a child guidance clinic.

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston Universit

    The March Towards Poverty: Why the Labour Government has much more to deal with than the economic consequences of Covid-19 in its upcoming budget

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    Abstract. The New Zealand economy is in a parlous state and not simply because of the economic fall-out associated with the pandemic.  For decades now, New Zealand has been falling further and further behind its OECD partners, with institutional inefficiencies, poor policy making and the almost willful refusal of successive governments to admit to (let alone confront) mounting economic problems, all combining to place us on the edge of a deep, and lasting, economic downturn. Across a broad plethora of areas and key economic indicators, New Zealand lags behind almost every other advanced country against which it has traditionally measured itself.  These areas include the three pillars of social wellbeing (education, health, and social welfare), housing, tax, productivity and debt. In every case, we are either falling behind outcomes achieved in other countries (education, health, productivity), entrenching inequality through our failure to cater for the needs of our most vulnerable (housing, health, education, social welfare, tax), or failing to prepare adequately for looming economic and social costs - including those incurred by a rapidly aging population. If ignored, these problems will precipitate a crisis that may make the burden of recovering from Covid-19 pale by comparison (superannuation, health, debt). In its much anticipated post-Covid budget, the Labour Government needs to not only provide a clear blueprint for helping those who have been adversely affected by the pandemic and New Zealand’s subsequent lockdown, but also signal its intention to tackle the systemic weaknesses which have placed our economy at such risk, and which threaten to consign our future generations to unwelcome, and unnecessary, economic and social hardship.Keywords. Covid-19, New Zealand economy.JEL. I12, J13, Z12, D13

    Interseismic Locking on the Hikurangi Subduction Zone: Uncertainties from Slow-Slip Events

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    lnterseismic locking on the Hikurangi subduction zone in New Zealand is examined in light of alternative assumed locking distributions and the impact of transients (slow-slip and volcanic sources) on temporal and spatial resolution. The modern pattern of locking in the north is poorly resolved and, based on simulations of possible transient behavior, may be an ephemeral feature of the subduction cycle. While there appears to be some contemporary locking in the northern half of the Hikurangi subduction zone (HSZ), its location is model dependent, and hence, its relationship to structure, slow-slip, or any transition zone there is unclear. Simulations of site velocities using the 14 year history of transient events reveal that in the timescale of the interseismic period the northern half of the HSZ could be either locked or unlocked, and this may not be resolvable for decades. In the southern half, there is strong contemporary locking in the 15 to 40 km depth range, but again, the slow-slip history leads to uncertainty in the long-term pattern. Slow-slip events not only reduce the long-term locking by aseismic slip but also greatly hinder our ability to see it. It is within the range of possible models that the slip deficit rate at the HSZ is more uniform along strike, and the modern appearance is controlled by the particular pattern of transients over the past 10 to 20 years when the GPS data were collected. Similarly, uncertainties in surface velocities will be large at any subduction zone with large transients

    Issues of PTSD and Blast-induced Traumatic Brain Injury in Armed Conflicts and Terrorists Attacks

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    Military conflicts and terrorisms attacks often result in both Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and blast-induced traumatic brain injuries. These conditions exist along a continuum of severity and this may have profound consequences particularly among those individuals who present with subthreshold PTSD or unrecognized blast-induced traumatic brain injury. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders past approach has relied upon a categorical diagnostic system only. It is argued that a mixed categorical-dimensional classification system would be of greater benefit, especially since this system would include subthreshold conditions that do not meet DSM criteria for a diagnosis but that have demonstrable impacts upon an individuals’ functioning. This paper explores these issues in the hope of generating greater aware among practitioners’ and the general public

    The role of pre-existing structures during rifting, continental breakup and transform system development, offshore West Greenland

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    Continental breakup between Greenland and North America produced the small oceanic basins of the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay, which are connected via the Davis Strait, a region mostly comprised of continental crust. This study contributes to the debate regarding the role of pre-existing structures on rift development in this region using seismic reflection data from the Davis Strait data to produce a series of seismic surfaces, isochrons and a new offshore fault map from which three normal fault sets were identified as (i) NE-SW, (ii) NNW-SSE and (iii) NW-SE. These results were then integrated with plate reconstructions and onshore structural data allowing us to build a two-stage conceptual model for the offshore fault evolution in which basin formation was primarily controlled by rejuvenation of various types of pre-existing structures. During the first phase of rifting between at least Chron 27 (ca. 62 Ma; Palaeocene), but potentially earlier, and Chron 24 (ca. 54 Ma; Eocene) faulting was primarily controlled by pre-existing structures with oblique normal reactivation of both the NE-SW and NW-SE structural sets in addition to possible normal reactivation of the NNW-SSE structural set. In the second rifting stage between Chron 24 (ca. 54 Ma; Eocene) and Chron 13 (ca. 35 Ma; Oligocene), the sinistral Ungava transform fault system developed due to the lateral offset between the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay. This lateral offset was established in the first rift stage possibly due to the presence of the Nagssugtoqidian and Torngat terranes being less susceptible to rift propagation. Without the influence of pre-existing structures the manifestation of deformation cannot be easily explained during either of the rifting phases. Although basement control diminished into the post-rift, the syn-rift basins from both rift stages continued to influence the location of sedimentation possibly due to differential compaction effects. Variable lithospheric strength through the rifting cycle may provide an explanation for the observed diminishing role of basement structures through time

    Dynamics and Deposition of Sediment-Bearing Multi- Pulsed Flows and Geological Implication

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    Copyright © 2019, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Previous studies on dilute, multi-pulsed, subaqueous saline flows have demonstrated that pulses will inevitably advect forwards to merge with the flow front. On the assumption that pulse merging occurs in natural-scale turbidity currents, it was suggested that multi-pulsed turbidites that display vertical cycles of coarsening and fining would transition laterally to single-pulsed, normally graded turbidites beyond the point of pulse merging. In this study, experiments of dilute, single- and multi-pulsed sediment-bearing flows (turbidity currents) are conducted to test the linkages between downstream flow evolution and associated deposit structure. Experimental data confirm that pulse merging occurs in laboratory-scale turbidity currents. However, only a weak correspondence was seen between longitudinal variations in the internal flow dynamics and the vertical structure of deposits; multi-pulsed deposits were documented, but transitioned to single-pulsed deposits before the pulse merging point. This early transition is attributed to rapid sedimentation-related depletion of the coarser-grained suspended fraction in the laboratory setting, whose absence may have prevented the distal development of multi-pulsed deposits; this factor complicates estimation of the transition point in natural-scale turbidite systems

    Streamwise turbulence modulation in non-uniform open-channel clay suspension flows

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    Cohesive sediment particles are ubiquitous in environmental flows. The cohesive properties of clay promote the formation of clay flocs and gels and relatively small suspended clay concentrations can enhance or suppress turbulence in a flow. Furthermore, flows are naturally non-uniform, varying in space and time, yet the dynamics of non-uniform open-channel clay suspension flows is poorly understood. For the first time, the adaptation time and length scales of non-uniform clay suspension flows were quantified using novel experiments with spatially varying but temporally uniform flow. Different levels of turbulence enhancement and attenuation were identified as the flow decelerates or accelerates. Results highlight that decelerating clay suspension flows crucially have a longer adaptation time than accelerating clay suspension flows. This is explained by the longer timescale required for the formation of bonds between cohesive particles in turbulence attenuated flows after deceleration than the rapid breakdown of bonds in turbulent flows after acceleration of clay suspension flows. This hysteresis is more pronounced for higher concentration decelerating flows that pass through a larger variety of clay flow types of turbulence enhancement and attenuation. These different adaptation time scales and associated clay flow type transitions are likely to affect clay flow dynamics in a variety of fluvial and submarine settings

    Dynamics and deposition of sediment-bearing multi-pulsed flows and geological implication

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    Previous studies on dilute, multi-pulsed, subaqueous saline flows have demonstrated that pulses will inevitably advect forwards to merge with the flow front. On the assumption that pulse merging occurs in natural-scale turbidity currents, it was suggested that multi-pulsed turbidites that display vertical cycles of coarsening and fining would transition laterally to single-pulsed, normally graded turbidites beyond the point of pulse merging. In this study, experiments of dilute, single- and multi-pulsed sediment-bearing flows (turbidity currents) are conducted to test the linkages between downstream flow evolution and associated deposit structure. Experimental data confirm that pulse merging occurs in laboratory-scale turbidity currents. However, only a weak correspondence was seen between longitudinal variations in the internal flow dynamics and the vertical structure of deposits; multi-pulsed deposits were documented, but transitioned to single-pulsed deposits before the pulse merging point. This early transition is attributed to rapid sedimentation-related depletion of the coarser-grained suspended fraction in the laboratory setting, whose absence may have prevented the distal development of multi-pulsed deposits; this factor complicates estimation of the transition point in natural-scale turbidite systems

    Putting the geology back into Earth models

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    New digital methods for data capture can now provide photorealistic, spatially precise, and geometrically accurate three-dimensional (3-D) models of rocks exposed at the Earth's surface [Xu et al., 2000; Pringle et al., 2001; Clegg et al., 2005]. These “virtual outcrops” have the potential to create a new form of laboratory-based teaching aids for geoscience students, to help address accessibility issues in fieldwork, and generally to improve public awareness of the spectacular nature of geologic exposures from remote locations worldwide. This article addresses how virtual outcrops can provide calibration, or a quantitative “reality check,” for a new generation of high-resolution predictive models for the Earth's subsurface

    Rapid microplate rotations and backarc rifting at the transition between collision and subduction

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    ABSTRACT Using global positioning system velocities from convergent plate boundaries in Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Tonga, Vanuatu, and the Marianas, we note a spatial correlation between rapid tectonic block rotations and the transition from subduction to collision. We present a mechanism for the block rotations, in which the change from collision of a buoyant indentor to normal subduction exerts a torque on the upper-plate microplate. This work improves our understanding of the causes of rapid vertical axis rotations, often observed in paleomagnetic studies. We also show how collision-induced rotations may lead to backarc rifting
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