60 research outputs found

    Terrane boundary reactivation, barriers to lateral fault propagation and reactivated fabrics - Rifting across the Median Batholith Zone, Great South Basin, New Zealand

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    Prominent pre‐existing structural heterogeneities within the lithosphere may localise or partition deformation during tectonic events. The NE‐trending Great South Basin, offshore New Zealand, formed perpendicular to a series of underlying crustal terranes, including the dominantly granitic Median Batholith Zone, which along with the boundaries between individual terranes, exert a strong control on rift physiography and kinematics. We find that the crustal‐to‐lithospheric scale southern terrane boundary of the Median Batholith Zone is associated with a crustal‐scale shear zone that was reactivated during Late Cretaceous extension between Zealandia and Australia. This reactivated terrane boundary is oriented at a high‐angle to the faults defining the Great South Basin. We identify a large granitic laccolith along the southern margin of the Median Batholith, expressed as sub‐horizontal packages of reflectivity and acoustically transparent areas on seismic reflection data. The presence of this strong granitic body inhibits the lateral south‐westward propagation of NE‐trending faults, which segment into a series of splays that rotate to align along the margin as they approach. Further, we also identify two E‐W and NE‐SW oriented basement fabrics, likely corresponding to prominent foliations, which are exploited by small‐scale faults across the basin. We show that different mechanisms of structural inheritance are able to operate simultaneously, and somewhat independently, within rift systems at different scales of observation. The presence of structural heterogeneities across all scales need to be incorporated into our understanding of the structural evolution of complex rift systems

    Influence of variable decoupling between vertically separated fault populations on structural inheritance – The Laminaria High, NW Shelf of Australia

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    When extension events are greatly separated in time, older faults may be buried and stratigraphically separated from newly developing faults at shallower depths. During rifting, the buried structures may reactivate and propagate upwards to be expressed within the shallow system. The degree of linkage between structural levels determines the influence that the deeper structures can exert over the geometry and evolution of the incipient fault system. In this study we use 3D seismic reflection data to examine how a deep fault population across the Laminaria High, NW shelf of Australia influences the development of a younger fault system at shallow depths. These fault populations are non-parallel and decoupled across a mechanically weak interval. The majority of shallow faults are not linked to those at depth. However, the reactivation and upward propagation of some of the deeper faults produce anomalously oriented structures at shallow depths, hard-linked to the deeper structures. One fault in particular shows along-strike variability, with the deep segment reactivated and present at shallow depths in the west. To the east, the shallow and deep fault segments become decoupled across the mechanically weak interval, although some soft-linkage and strain transfer still occurs. We suggest that this switch in the degree of coupling along the fault is due to the geometry of the deeper structure, with the transition corresponding to a prominent relay ramp. We show how the geometry of a deeper fault may affect its propensity to reactivate during subsequent extensional events, ultimately affecting the degree of structural inheritance that is expressed within younger, shallower fault populations

    Evaluating roughness scaling properties of natural active fault surfaces by means of multi-view photogrammetry

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    Fault roughness is a measure of the dimensions and distribution of fault asperities, which can act as stress concentrators affecting fault frictional behaviour and the dynamics of rupture propagation. Studies aimed at describing fault roughness require the acquisition of extremely detailed and accurate datasets of fault surface topography. Fault surface data have been acquired by methods such as LiDAR, laser profilometers and white light interferometers, each covering different length scales and with only LiDAR available in the field. Here we explore the potential use of multi-view photogrammetric methods in fault roughness studies, which are presently underexplored and offer the advantage of detailed data acquisition directly in the field. We applied the photogrammetric method to reproduce fault topography, by using seven dm-sized fault rock samples photographed in the lab, three fault surfaces photographed in the field, and one control object used to estimate the model error. We studied these topographies estimating their roughness scaling coefficients through a Fourier power spectrum method. Our results show scaling coefficients of 0.84 ± 0.17 along the slip direction and 0.91 ± 0.17 perpendicularly to it, and are thus comparable to those results obtained by previous authors. This provides encouragement for the use of photogrammetric methods for future studies, particularly those involving field-based acquisition, where other techniques have limitations

    Structural geometry and evolution of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania: Implications for helium potential

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    The Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania is regarded as a modern example of a cratonic rift zone despite complex polyphase extensional and episodic inversion structures. We interpret 2D seismic reflection data tied to wells to identify and describe structures controlling stratigraphic sequences (Late Carboniferous to Pleistocene) in two main segmented Rukwa Rift domains, A and B, which are controlled by the Chisi and Saza shear zones. Fault geometry and stratal patterns are illustrated in relation to their kinematic interaction with folds. Fold structures reflect both extensional and compressional deformation and were mapped with a particular interest for their helium potential. We illustrate fault bend folds, fault propagation folds and fault propagation monoclines that are related to extension events. Folds related to compression exhibit various structural styles reflecting at least two phases of episodic and widespread inversion. First, Early Jurassic inversion phase which involved multi-faulted anticlines in the Karoo strata. Second, a mild and widespread inversion structures during the Pleistocene which are characterised by both symmetrical and asymmetrical anticlines styles. Taken together, the extensional and compressional fold structures, stratal juxtapositions and unconformities define stratigraphic packages that are widely distributed in the Rukwa Rift Basin, and form potential subsurface traps for helium-nitrogen–rich gases, from which some seep to the surface, evidently documented in thermal springs across the region

    Evolution of Labrador Sea–Baffin Bay: Plate or Plume Processes?

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    Breakup between Greenland and Canada resulted in oceanic spreading in the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay. These ocean basins are connected through the Davis Strait, a bathymetric high comprising primarily continental lithosphere, and the focus of the West Greenland Tertiary volcanic province. It has been suggested that a mantle plume facilitated this breakup and generated the associated magmatism. Plume-driven breakup predicts that the earliest, most extensive rifting, magmatism and initial seafloor spreading starts in the same locality, where the postulated plume impinged. Observations from the Labrador Sea–Baffin Bay area do not accord with these predictions. Thus, the plume hypothesis is not confirmed at this locality unless major ad hoc variants are accepted. A model that fits the observations better involves a thick continental lithospheric keel of orogenic origin beneath the Davis Strait that blocked the northward-propagating Labrador Sea rift resulting in locally enhanced magmatism. The Davis Strait lithosphere was thicker and more resilient to rifting because the adjacent Paleoproterozoic Nagssugtoqidian and Torngat orogenic belts contain structures unfavourably orientated with respect to the extensional stress field at the time

    Complex geometry and kinematics of subsidiary faults within a carbonate-hosted relay ramp

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    Minor fault geometry and kinematics within relay ramps is strongly related to the stress field perturbations that can be produced when two major fault segments overlap and interact. Here we integrate classical fieldwork and interpretation of a virtual outcrop to investigate the geometry and kinematics of subsidiary faults within a relay ramp along the Tre Monti normal fault in the Central Apennines. Although the Tre Monti fault strikes parallel to the regional extension (NE-SW) it shows predominant dip-slip kinematics, suggesting a NW-SE oriented extension acting at sub-regional scale (1–10 km). Conversely, the slickenlines collected on the front segment of the relay ramp highlight right-lateral kinematics. The subsidiary faults in the relay ramp show a complex geometry (variable attitudes) and slickenlines describe multiple kinematics (left-lateral, dip-slip, right-lateral), independently of their orientation. Our fault slip analysis indicates that a local stress field retrieved from the kinematic inversion of the slickenlines collected on the front segment, and likely promoted by the interaction between the overlapping fault segments that bound the relay zone, can explain most of the geometry and kinematics of the subsidiary faults. Further complexity is added by the temporal interaction with both the regional and sub-regional stress fields

    The role of pre-existing structures during rifting, continental breakup and transform system development, offshore West Greenland

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    Continental breakup between Greenland and North America produced the small oceanic basins of the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay, which are connected via the Davis Strait, a region mostly comprised of continental crust. This study contributes to the debate regarding the role of pre-existing structures on rift development in this region using seismic reflection data from the Davis Strait data to produce a series of seismic surfaces, isochrons and a new offshore fault map from which three normal fault sets were identified as (i) NE-SW, (ii) NNW-SSE and (iii) NW-SE. These results were then integrated with plate reconstructions and onshore structural data allowing us to build a two-stage conceptual model for the offshore fault evolution in which basin formation was primarily controlled by rejuvenation of various types of pre-existing structures. During the first phase of rifting between at least Chron 27 (ca. 62 Ma; Palaeocene), but potentially earlier, and Chron 24 (ca. 54 Ma; Eocene) faulting was primarily controlled by pre-existing structures with oblique normal reactivation of both the NE-SW and NW-SE structural sets in addition to possible normal reactivation of the NNW-SSE structural set. In the second rifting stage between Chron 24 (ca. 54 Ma; Eocene) and Chron 13 (ca. 35 Ma; Oligocene), the sinistral Ungava transform fault system developed due to the lateral offset between the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay. This lateral offset was established in the first rift stage possibly due to the presence of the Nagssugtoqidian and Torngat terranes being less susceptible to rift propagation. Without the influence of pre-existing structures the manifestation of deformation cannot be easily explained during either of the rifting phases. Although basement control diminished into the post-rift, the syn-rift basins from both rift stages continued to influence the location of sedimentation possibly due to differential compaction effects. Variable lithospheric strength through the rifting cycle may provide an explanation for the observed diminishing role of basement structures through time


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    The dose-response design is often used in agricultural research when it is necessary to measure a biological response at various levels of an experimental factor. This type of problem is common in chemical and pesticide research, however, it can also occur in other disciplines such as plant, animal, soil, and environmental sciences. While the analysis of dose-response data usually involves fitting a regression curve, the primary objective often centers on the estimation of dose related percentiles such as the LD50 or LC50. These measures are useful for comparing the relative efficacy of various treatments, however, the estimation of the specified percentiles is not always straightforward. Traditional methodology has relied on inverted solutions or asymptotic theory for statistical inference. More recently, computer intensive methods have been used to model dose-response relationships and can be more appropriate than traditional methods in some situations. This paper examines both the traditional and modem approaches to estimating doseresponse functions as they apply to binomial data. The techniques will be demonstrated using mortality data collected on black vine weevil eggs exposed to an organic pesticide treatment

    New onshore insights into the role of structural inheritance during Mesozoic opening of the Inner Moray Firth Basin, Scotland

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    The Inner Moray Firth Basin (IMFB) forms the western arm of the North Sea trilete rift system that initiated mainly during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous with the widespread development of major NE–SW-trending dip-slip growth faults. The IMFB is superimposed over the southern part of the older Devonian Orcadian Basin. The potential influence of older rift-related faults on the kinematics of later Mesozoic basin opening has received little attention, partly owing to the poor resolution of offshore seismic reflection data at depth. New field observations augmented by drone photography and photogrammetry, coupled with U–Pb geochronology, have been used to explore the kinematic history of faulting in onshore exposures along the southern IMFB margin. Dip-slip north–south- to NNE–SSW-striking Devonian growth faults are recognized that have undergone later dextral reactivation during NNW–SSE extension. The U–Pb calcite dating of a sample from the synkinematic calcite veins associated with this later episode shows that the age of fault reactivation is 130.99  ±  4.60 Ma (Hauterivian). The recognition of dextral-oblique Early Cretaceous reactivation of faults related to the underlying and older Orcadian Basin highlights the importance of structural inheritance in controlling basin- to sub-basin-scale architectures and how this influences the kinematics of IMFB rifting

    New onshore insights into the role of structural inheritance during Mesozoic opening of the Inner Moray Firth Basin, Scotland

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    The Inner Moray Firth Basin (IMFB) forms the western arm of the North Sea trilete rift system that initiated mainly during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous with the widespread development of major NE–SW-trending dip-slip growth faults. The IMFB is superimposed over the southern part of the older Devonian Orcadian Basin. The potential influence of older rift-related faults on the kinematics of later Mesozoic basin opening has received little attention, partly owing to the poor resolution of offshore seismic reflection data at depth. New field observations augmented by drone photography and photogrammetry, coupled with U–Pb geochronology, have been used to explore the kinematic history of faulting in onshore exposures along the southern IMFB margin. Dip-slip north–south- to NNE–SSW-striking Devonian growth faults are recognized that have undergone later dextral reactivation during NNW–SSE extension. The U–Pb calcite dating of a sample from the synkinematic calcite veins associated with this later episode shows that the age of fault reactivation is 130.99  ±  4.60 Ma (Hauterivian). The recognition of dextral-oblique Early Cretaceous reactivation of faults related to the underlying and older Orcadian Basin highlights the importance of structural inheritance in controlling basin- to sub-basin-scale architectures and how this influences the kinematics of IMFB rifting
