72 research outputs found

    Brief communication: The curious case of the large wood-laden flow event in the Pocuro stream (Chile)

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    Large wood transported during extreme flood events can represent a relevant additional source of hazards that should be taken into account in mountain environments. However, direct observations and monitoring of large-wood transport during floods are difficult and scarce. Here we present a video of a flood characterised by multiple phases of large-wood transport, including an initial phase of wood-laden flow rarely described in the literature. Estimations of flow velocity and transported wood volume provide a good opportunity to develop models of large-wood-congested transport

    A physical approach on flood risk vulnerability of buildings

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    The design of efficient hydrological risk mitigation strategies and their subsequent implementation relies on a careful vulnerability analysis of the elements exposed. Recently, extensive research efforts were undertaken to develop and refine empirical relationships linking the structural vulnerability of buildings to the impact forces of the hazard processes. These empirical vulnerability functions allow estimating the expected direct losses as a result of the hazard scenario based on spatially explicit representation of the process patterns and the elements at risk classified into defined typological categories. However, due to the underlying empiricism of such vulnerability functions, the physics of the damage-generating mechanisms for a well-defined element at risk with its peculiar geometry and structural characteristics remain unveiled, and, as such, the applicability of the empirical approach for planning hazard-proof residential buildings is limited. Therefore, we propose a conceptual assessment scheme to close this gap. This assessment scheme encompasses distinct analytical steps: modelling (a) the process intensity, (b) the impact on the element at risk exposed and (c) the physical response of the building envelope. Furthermore, these results provide the input data for the subsequent damage evaluation and economic damage valuation. This dynamic assessment supports all relevant planning activities with respect to a minimisation of losses, and can be implemented in the operational risk assessment procedure

    Limited effect of the confluence angle and tributary gradient on Alpine confluence morphodynamics under intense sediment loads

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    Confluences are dynamic morphological nodes that are found in all river networks. In mountain regions, they are influenced by hydraulic and sedimentary processes that occur in steep channels during extreme events in small watersheds. Sediment transport in the tributary channel and aggradation in the confluence can be massive, potentially causing overbank flooding and sedimentation into adjacent settlement areas. Previous works dealing with confluences have mainly focused on lowland regions, and those that have focused on mountain areas have used sediment concentrations and channel gradients that are largely under-representative of mountain river conditions. The presented work contributes to filling this research gap with 45 experiments that use a large-scale physical model. Geometric model parameters, the applied grain size distribution, and the considered discharges represent the conditions at 135 confluences in South Tyrol (Italy) and Tyrol (Austria). The experimental program allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the effects of (i) the confluence angle, (ii) the tributary gradient, (iii) the channel discharges, and (iv) the tributary sediment concentration. In contrast to most research dealing with confluences, results indicate that, in the presence of an intense tributary sediment supply and a small tributary-to-main-channel discharge ratio (0.1), the confluence angle does not have a decisive effect on confluence morphology. Adjustments to the tributary channel gradient yielded the same results. A reoccurring range of depositional geomorphic units was observed in which a deposition cone transitioned to a bank-attached bar. The confluence morphology and tributary channel gradient rapidly adjusted, tending towards an equilibrium state to accommodate both water discharges and the sediment load from the tributary. Statistical analyses demonstrated that the confluence morphology was controlled by the combined channel discharge and the depositional or erosional extent was controlled by the sediment concentration. Applying conclusions drawn from lowland confluence dynamics could misrepresent depositional and erosional patterns and the related flood hazard at mountain river confluences.</p

    Characterization of wood-laden flows in rivers

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    Inorganic sediment is not the only solid‐fraction component of river flows; flows may also carry significant amounts of large organic material (i.e., large wood), but the characteristics of these wood‐laden flows (WLF) are not well understood yet. With the aim to shed light on these relatively unexamined phenomena, we collected home videos showing natural flows with wood as the main solid component. Analyses of these videos as well as the watersheds and streams where the videos were recorded allowed us to define for the first time WLF, describe the main characteristics of these flows and broaden the definition of wood transport regimes (adding a new regime called here hypercongested wood transport). According to our results, WLF may occur repeatedly, in a large range of catchment sizes, generally in steep, highly confined single thread channels in mountain areas. WLF are typically highly unsteady and the log motion is non‐uniform, as described for other inorganic sediment‐laden flows (e.g., debris flows). The conceptual integration of wood into our understanding of flow phenomena is illustrated by a novel classification defining the transition from clear water to hypercongested, wood and sediment‐laden flows, according to the composition of the mixture (sediment, wood, and water). We define the relevant metrics for the quantification and modelling of WLF, including an exhaustive discussion of different modelling approaches (i.e., Voellmy, Bingham and Manning) and provide a first attempt to simulate WLF. We draw attention to WLF phenomena to encourage further field, theoretical, and experimental investigations that may contribute to a better understanding of flows river basins, leading to more accurate predictions, and better hazard mitigation and management strategies

    Spatial analysis of the impacts of the Chaitén volcano eruption (Chile) in three fluvial systems

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    The eruption of the Chaitén volcano in May 2008 generated morphological and ecological disturbances in adjacent river basins, and the magnitude of these disturbances depended on the type of dominant volcanic process affecting each of them. The aim of this study is to analyse the morphological changes in different periods in river segments of the Blanco, El Amarillo and Rayas river basins located near the Chaitén volcano. These basins suffered disturbances of different intensity and spatial distribution caused by tephra fall, dome collapses and pyroclastic density currents that damaged hillslope forests, widened channels and destroyed island and floodplain vegetation. Changes continued to occur in the fluvial systems in the years following the eruption, as a consequence of the geomorphic processes indirectly induced by the eruption. Channel changes were analyzed by comparing remote images of pre and post-eruption conditions. Two periods were considered: the first from 2008 to 2009-2010 associated with the explosive and effusive phases of the eruption and the second that correspond to the post-eruption stage from 2009-2010 to 2013. Following the first phases channel segments widened 91% (38 m/yr), 6% (7 m/yr) and 7% (22 m/yr) for Blanco, Rayas and El Amarillo Rivers, respectively, compared to pre-eruption condition. In the second period, channel segments additionally widened 42% (8 m/yr), 2% (2 m/yr) and 5% (4 m/yr) for Blanco, Rayas and El Amarillo Rivers, respectively. In the Blanco River 62 and 82% of the islands disappeared in the first and second period, respectively, which is 6-8 times higher than in the El Amarillo approximately twice the Rayas. Sinuosity increased after the eruption only in the Blanco River but the three study channels showed a high braiding intensity mainly during the first post-eruption period. The major disturbances occurred during the eruptive and effusive phases of Chaitén volcano, and the intensity of these disturbances reflects the magnitude of the dominant volcanic processes affecting each basin. Inputs of sediment from dome collapses and pyroclastic density currents and not ash fall seem to explain morphologic channel change magnitudes in the study segments. The resulting knowledge can facilitate land use planning and design of river restoration projects in areas affected by volcanic eruptions disturbances