1,522 research outputs found

    Distributing fully optomechanical quantum correlations

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    We present a scheme to prepare quantum correlated states of two mechanical systems based on the pouring of pre-available all-optical entanglement into the state of two micro-mirrors belonging to remote and non-interacting optomechanical cavities. We show that, under realistic experimental conditions, the protocol allows for the preparation of a genuine quantum state of a composite mesoscopic system whose non-classical features extend far beyond the occurrence of entanglement. We finally discuss a way to access such mechanical correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    An integrated approach to discover tag semantics

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    Tag-based systems have become very common for online classification thanks to their intrinsic advantages such as self-organization and rapid evolution. However, they are still affected by some issues that limit their utility, mainly due to the inherent ambiguity in the semantics of tags. Synonyms, homonyms, and polysemous words, while not harmful for the casual user, strongly affect the quality of search results and the performances of tag-based recommendation systems. In this paper we rely on the concept of tag relatedness in order to study small groups of similar tags and detect relationships between them. This approach is grounded on a model that builds upon an edge-colored multigraph of users, tags, and resources. To put our thoughts in practice, we present a modular and extensible framework of analysis for discovering synonyms, homonyms and hierarchical relationships amongst sets of tags. Some initial results of its application to the delicious database are presented, showing that such an approach could be useful to solve some of the well known problems of folksonomies

    Noise Induced Phenomena in the Dynamics of Two Competing Species

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    Noise through its interaction with the nonlinearity of the living systems can give rise to counter-intuitive phenomena. In this paper we shortly review noise induced effects in different ecosystems, in which two populations compete for the same resources. We also present new results on spatial patterns of two populations, while modeling real distributions of anchovies and sardines. The transient dynamics of these ecosystems are analyzed through generalized Lotka-Volterra equations in the presence of multiplicative noise, which models the interaction between the species and the environment. We find noise induced phenomena such as quasi-deterministic oscillations, stochastic resonance, noise delayed extinction, and noise induced pattern formation. In addition, our theoretical results are validated with experimental findings. Specifically the results, obtained by a coupled map lattice model, well reproduce the spatial distributions of anchovies and sardines, observed in a marine ecosystem. Moreover, the experimental dynamical behavior of two competing bacterial populations in a meat product and the probability distribution at long times of one of them are well reproduced by a stochastic microbial predictive model.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; to be published in Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. (2016

    Transferring entanglement to the steady-state of flying qubits

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    The transfer of entanglement from optical fields to qubits provides a viable approach to entangling remote qubits in a quantum network. In cavity quantum electrodynamics, the scheme relies on the interaction between a photonic resource and two stationary intracavity atomic qubits. However, it might be hard in practice to trap two atoms simultaneously and synchronize their coupling to the cavities. To address this point, we propose and study entanglement transfer from cavities driven by an entangled external field to controlled flying qubits. We consider two exemplary non-Gaussian driving fields: NOON and entangled coherent states. We show that in the limit of long coherence time of the cavity fields, when the dynamics is approximately unitary, entanglement is transferred from the driving field to two atomic qubits that cross the cavities. On the other hand, a dissipation-dominated dynamics leads to very weakly quantum-correlated atomic systems, as witnessed by vanishing quantum discord.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX


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    "The Migrant Crisis and Philosophy of Migration: Reality, Realism, Ethics" is a PhD thesis by Dario Mazzola in the field of Moral and Political Philosophy, Ethics of Migration. The thesis is divided into an introduction, three main sections, two appendixes and general conclusions. The introduction presents the extent, the tradition, and the relevance of philosophy of migration and refuge, on both analytic and historical standpoints. The main body of the thesis is devoted to characterizing and criticizing the migrant crisis, to elaborate a suitable theory to deal with it normatively, and then to defend the right to free movement or open borders in the face of realistic and nationalistic objections. The two appendixes reinforce the argument, while the conclusions resume it and broadly show its implications on methodology and substantial political issues. Chapter one, which constitutes section I, is devoted to the migrant crisis and reconstructs the main problems and dynamics which constitute the phenomenon, mainly by drawing on critical and empirical literature. Chapter II and III, which compose the second section on realism, deal with the tradition of realism and the attempt at elaborating a realistic theory from within migration ethics respectively. Chapter IV and V, the most purely normative component of the thesis, defend the open-borders ideal in the light of the previous presentation of the subject-matter and of the main methodological problems. This is done by reconstructing the critiques to freedom of movement advanced by realists, proponents of freedom of association, and liberal nationalist most relevantly. In conclusion, a threefold ethical arguments defend the right to migration: the presumptive favor for liberty over restrictions, an extended version of the classic open-borders overlapping consesus between main ethical standpoints, and an argument for the integration of the right to free movement with human rights in general. The import and implications of the thesis are read and constrained in the realist(ic) way descrived in section II. Appendix I changes the perspective on the migrant crisis from the abstract to the personal and individual, and does so by showing the relevance of refugee stories to restore empathy and, by doing this, to strengthen social solidarity. Appendix II deepens the thesis that natural law theory would be comprehended within the pro open-borders consensus. In conclusion, with the same qualifications which hold for any other right, and while recognizing its subordination to more fundamental ones such as rights to life or to personal liberty and security, the right to free movement is analyzed, vindicated, and defended, even in the face of the migrant crisis

    A Tonnetz Model for pentachords

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    This article deals with the construction of surfaces that are suitable for representing pentachords or 5-pitch segments that are in the same T/IT/I class. It is a generalization of the well known \"Ottingen-Riemann torus for triads of neo-Riemannian theories. Two pentachords are near if they differ by a particular set of contextual inversions and the whole contextual group of inversions produces a Tiling (Tessellation) by pentagons on the surfaces. A description of the surfaces as coverings of a particular Tiling is given in the twelve-tone enharmonic scale case.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Owner and animal factors predict the incidence of, and owner reaction towards, problem behaviors in companion dogs

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    Unwelcome behaviors in pet dogs may have serious implications for the quality of life of both the animals and their owners. We investigated owners\u2019 perceptions about their dogs\u2019 behavioral issues as well as other factors that might be predictive of potential canine problem behaviors. We distinguished between \u201cundesirable behaviors\u201d (behaviors that were unpleasant to the owners) and \u201cproblematic behaviors\u201d (behaviors that the owners found difficult to overcome). We designed an on-line survey eliciting information about owners, their dogs, their relationship with their dogs and whether the animals exhibited any of 15 potentially problematic behaviors. The largest proportion of respondents (65%) reported that their dogs exhibited undesirable, but not problematic, behaviors and were not interested in their modification. Only 32% of the respondents considered the behavior to be both undesirable and problematic and wished to change it. The owners\u2019 perception of a problem was associated with reports of fear- and anxiety-related behaviors. The owner\u2019s gender, marital status and attitude towards the dog as his/her child as well as the dog\u2019s age, size, age at acquisition and breed emerged as robust predictors. Compared to all other behavioral categories, reported aggressive canine behaviors were three times more likely to elicit an owner\u2019s wish to address them. This study revealed that the behaviors of dogs may be perceived differently by their owners and the type of perception may influence the owner\u2019s actual willingness to change those behaviors. Moreover, we identified the most robust set of factors that, either individually or combined, would help predict a dog\u2019s potential problem behaviors and an owner\u2019s attitude towards them, which will be useful in improving rational prevention and treatment strategies

    Proximity-induced ferromagnetism and chemical reactivity in few-layer VSe2 heterostructures

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    Among transition-metal dichalcogenides, mono and few-layers thick VSe2 has gained much recent attention following claims of intrinsic room-temperature ferromagnetism in this system, which have nonetheless proved controversial. Here, we address the magnetic and chemical properties of Fe/VSe2 heterostructure by combining element sensitive x-ray absorption spectroscopy and photoemission spectroscopy. Our x-ray magnetic circular dichroism results confirm recent findings that both native mono/few-layer and bulk VSe2 do not show intrinsic ferromagnetic ordering. Nonetheless, we find that ferromagnetism can be induced, even at room temperature, after coupling with a Fe thin film layer, with antiparallel alignment of the moment on the V with respect to Fe. We further consider the chemical reactivity at the Fe/VSe2 interface and its relation with interfacial magnetic coupling
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