1,980 research outputs found

    Measles in Italy: Viral strains and crossing borders.

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    In 2017, Italy experienced one of the largest outbreaks of measles in recent years, with 5404 notified cases and 4347 confirmed cases. A further 2029 cases were notified during the first 6 months of 2018, and 1516 of them were laboratory-confirmed. The B3 and D8 genotypes were identified as those responsible for the outbreak. Possible transmission routes can be established by monitoring the circulating measles virus strains in support of the national health authorities to warn people and travellers

    Pattern characterization of genes involved in non-specific immune response in Staphylococcus aureus isolates from intramammary infections

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    Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mammary gland are characterized by different genetic patterns. Ninety four isolates from 33 dairy herds were analyzed by the means of amicroarray to investigate S. aureus virulence patterns and the distribution of genes believed to be involved in immune evasion. None of the 94 isolates considered were MRSA. However, 50% of the isolates belonged to complexes related to MRSA and to human diseases, while only about 25% of them can be considered as exclusively of bovine origin. The distribution of clonal complexes and the different gene patterns observed confirmed the presence of an influence of geographical localization. The assessment of the influence of genes related to immune evasion on quarter milk cell count showed as four of them showed to be significantly associated to an increase quarter milk SCC. These genes could be potential target for developing new vaccines against S.aureus

    Neurobiological underpinnings of reward anticipation and outcome evaluation in gambling disorder

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    Gambling disorder is characterized by persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior, which leads to clinically significant impairment or distress. The disorder is associated with dysfunctions in the dopamine system. The dopamine system codes reward anticipation and outcome evaluation. Reward anticipation refers to dopaminergic activation prior to reward, while outcome evaluation refers to dopaminergic activation after reward. This article reviews evidence of dopaminergic dysfunctions in reward anticipation and outcome evaluation in gambling disorder from two vantage points: a model of reward prediction and reward prediction error by Wolfram Schultz et al. and a model of “wanting” and “liking” by Terry E. Robinson and Kent C. Berridge. Both models offer important insights on the study of dopaminergic dysfunctions in addiction, and implications for the study of dopaminergic dysfunctions in gambling disorder are suggested

    simultaneous cycle sequencing assessment of tg m and tn tract length in cftr gene

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    The lengths of the dinucleotide (TG) m and mononucleotide T n repeats, both located at the intron 8/exon 9 splice acceptor site of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene whose mutations cause cystic fibrosis (CF), have been shown to influence the skipping of exon 9 in CFTR mRNA. This exon 9-skipped mRNA encodes a nonfunctional protein and is associated with various clinical manifestations in CF. As a result of growing interest in these repeats, several assessment methods have been developed, most of which are, however, cumbersome, multi-step, and time consuming. Here, we describe a rapid method for the simultaneous assessment of the lengths of both (TG) m and T n repeats, based on a nonradioactive cycle sequencing procedure that can be performed even without DNA extraction. This method determines the lengths of the (TG) m and T n tracts of both alleles, which in our samples ranged from TG 8 to TG 12 in the presence of T 5 , T 7 , and T 9 alleles, and also fully assesses the aplotypes. In addition, the repeats in the majority of these samples can be assessed by single-strand sequencing, with no need to sequence the other strand, thereby saving to sequence the other strand, thereby saving a considerable amount of time and effort

    Identification of subgroups of early breast cancer patients at high risk of nonadherence to adjuvant hormone therapy: results of an italian survey.

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    The aim of this study was the identification of subgroups of patients at higher risk of nonadherence to adjuvant hormone therapy for breast cancer. Using recursive partitioning and amalgamation (RECPAM) analysis, the highest risk was observed in the group of unmarried, employed women, or housewives. This result might be functional in designing tailored intervention studies aimed at improvement of adherence. Background: Adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy (HT) is suboptimal among breast cancer patients. A high rate of nonadherence might explain differences in survival between clinical trial and clinical practice. Tailored interventions aimed at improving adherence can only be implemented if subgroups of patients at higher risk of poor adherence are identified. Because no data are available for Italy, we undertook a large survey on adherence among women taking adjuvant HT for breast cancer. Patients and Methods: Patients were recruited from 10 cancer clinics in central Italy. All patients taking HT for at least 1 year were invited, during one of their follow-up visit, to fill a confidential questionnaire. The association of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of participants with adherence was assessed using logistic regression. The RECPAM method was used to evaluate interactions among variables and to identify subgroups of patients at different risk of nonadherence. Results: A total of 939 patients joined the study and 18.6% of them were classified as nonadherers. Among possible predictors, only age, working status, and switching from tamoxifen to an aromatase inhibitor were predictive of nonadherence in multivariate analysis. RECPAM analysis led to the identification of 4 classes of patients with a different likelihood of nonadherence to therapy, the lowest being observed in retired women with a low level of education, the highest in the group of unmarried, employed women, or housewives. Conclusion: The identification of these subgroups of “real life” patients with a high prevalence of nonadherers might be functional in designing intervention studies aimed at improving adherenc

    Estimativa de risco devido à ingestão de isótopos de urânio em fontes de águas minerais

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    OBJETIVOS: Complementar dados de investigação anterior sobre o risco de indução de câncer devido à ingestão de 226Ra, 228Ra e 222Rn em fontes de águas minerais de uma região de altos níveis de radioatividade natural, do Brasil. Desta forma, foi realizada a estimativa de indução de câncer devido à ingestão de 238U e 234U nessas mesmas águas. MÉTODO: O coeficiente de risco para os isótopos naturais de urânio foi considerado como sendo o mesmo daquele utilizado para a indução de sarcoma ósseo pelo 226Ra e que a quantidade depositada no osso corresponde a 25 vezes a ingestão diária de 226Ra e a 11 vezes a ingestão diária dos isótopos de urânio de meia-vida longa. Amostras de água das fontes ultilizadas pela população de Água da Prata, Estado de São Paulo, foram coletadas, num período de um ano, de forma a abranger todas as estações. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas concentrações variando de 2,0 a 28,4 mBq/L e de 4,7 a 143m Bq/L para 238U e 234U, respectivamente. Baseando-se nessas concentrações foi estimado o risco devido à ingestão dos isótopos de urânio: um total de 0,3 casos de câncer por 10(6) indivíduos expostos. Este dado indica que a ingestão crônica de urânio nas concentrações observadas nas fontes analisadas resultará em um acréscimo no número de casos de câncer fatais de 0,1 %. CONCLUSÕES: Se as incertezas na estimativa dos efeitos carcinogênicos forem levadas em consideração, pode-se concluir que praticamente nenhum caso de câncer ocorrerá devido à ingestão de urânio presente nas águas minerais analisadas.OBJETIVOS: Complementar dados de investigação anterior sobre o risco de indução de câncer devido à ingestão de 226Ra, 228Ra e 222Rn em fontes de águas minerais de uma região de altos níveis de radioatividade natural, do Brasil. Desta forma, foi realizada a estimativa de indução de câncer devido à ingestão de 238U e 234U nessas mesmas águas. MÉTODO: O coeficiente de risco para os isótopos naturais de urânio foi considerado como sendo o mesmo daquele utilizado para a indução de sarcoma ósseo pelo 226Ra e que a quantidade depositada no osso corresponde a 25 vezes a ingestão diária de 226Ra e a 11 vezes a ingestão diária dos isótopos de urânio de meia-vida longa. Amostras de água das fontes ultilizadas pela população de Água da Prata, Estado de São Paulo, foram coletadas, num período de um ano, de forma a abranger todas as estações. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas concentrações variando de 2,0 a 28,4 mBq/L e de 4,7 a 143m Bq/L para 238U e 234U, respectivamente. Baseando-se nessas concentrações foi estimado o risco devido à ingestão dos isótopos de urânio: um total de 0,3 casos de câncer por 10(6) indivíduos expostos. Este dado indica que a ingestão crônica de urânio nas concentrações observadas nas fontes analisadas resultará em um acréscimo no número de casos de câncer fatais de 0,1 %. CONCLUSÕES: Se as incertezas na estimativa dos efeitos carcinogênicos forem levadas em consideração, pode-se concluir que praticamente nenhum caso de câncer ocorrerá devido à ingestão de urânio presente nas águas minerais analisadas

    Male factor infertility and assisted reproductive technologies. indications, minimum access criteria and outcomes

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    BackgroundInfertility, which is defined as the inability to conceive after at least 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourses, affects about 15-20% of couples worldwide and a male factor is involved in about half of the cases. The development of assisted reproductive technology (ART) made it possible to conceive also to individuals affected from severe oligospermia or azoospermia. However, the impact of the male factor on embryo development, implantation, prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities, genetic and epigenetic alterations, and clinical and obstetric outcomes is still controversial.PurposeThis narrative review examines the indications, minimum access criteria, and outcomes by individual ART technique in relation to the male factor

    Improved understanding of dynamic water and mass budgets of high‐alpine karst systems obtained from studying a well‐defined catchment area

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    Large areas of Europe, especially in the Alps, are covered by carbonate rocks and in many alpine regions, karst springs are important sources for drinking water supply. Because of their high variability and heterogeneity, the understanding of the hydrogeological functioning of karst aquifers is of particular importance for their protection and utilisation. Climate change and heavy rainfall events are major challenges in managing alpine karst aquifers which possess an enormous potential for future drinking water supply. In this study, we present research from a high‐alpine karst system in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal in Austria, which has a clearly defined catchment and is drained by only one spring system. Results show that (a) the investigated system is a highly dynamic karst aquifer with distinct reactions to rainfall events in discharge and electrical conductivity; (b) the estimated transient atmospheric CO2 sink is about 270 t/a; (c) the calculated carbonate rock denudation rate is between 23 and 47 mm/1000a and (d) the rainfall‐discharge behaviour and the internal flow dynamics can be successfully simulated using the modelling package KarstMod. The modelling results indicate the relevance of matrix storage in determining the discharge behaviour of the spring, particularly during low‐flow periods. This research and the consequent results can contribute and initiate a better understanding and management of alpine karst aquifers considering climate change with more heavy rainfall events and also longer dry periods.The investigated karst system contributes to the transient atmospheric CO2 sink with about 270 t/a. Carbonate denudation rates vary between 23 and 47 mm/1000a. Rainfall‐discharge modelling results indicate the importance of matrix storage particularly during low‐flow periods. imageBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002347FP7 People: Marie‐Curie Actions http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/10001126

    Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Comprehensive Review on Nutritional Approaches

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    Simple Summary Neuroendocrine neoplasms and their main subtype neuroendocrine tumors have an increasing incidence worldwide, associated with a high survival and prevalence rate. Both the tumor itself and systemic therapy can have an impact on patients' nutrition. Conversely, preliminary data suggest that malnutrition has a negative impact on the development and prognosis of neuroendocrine tumors, as does obesity. The aim of this review is to condense the latest evidence on the role of the most widely used dietary patterns, the Mediterranean diet, the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, in the context of neuroendocrine tumors. Nutritional plans are an integral part of the multidisciplinary treatment team of patients with neuroendocrine tumors because they improve the patient's quality of life. The nutritional approach must be tailored, based on nutritional needs and nutritionally manageable signs and/or symptoms related to drug treatment. Neuroendocrine neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms with increasing incidence, high prevalence, and survival worldwide. About 90% of cases are well differentiated forms, the so-called neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), with slow proliferation rates and prolonged survival but frequent development of liver metastases and endocrine syndromes. Both the tumor itself and systemic therapy may have an impact on patient nutrition. Malnutrition has a negative impact on outcome in patients with NETs, as well as obesity. In addition, obesity and metabolic syndrome have been shown to be risk factors for both the development and prognosis of NET. Therefore, dietary assessment based on body composition and lifestyle modifications should be an integral part of the treatment of NET patients. Nutrition plans, properly formulated by a dietician, are an integral part of the multidisciplinary treatment team for patients with NETs because they allow an improvement in quality of life, providing a tailored approach based on nutritional needs and nutritional manageable signs and/or symptoms related to pharmacological treatment. The aim of this review is to condense the latest evidence on the role of the most used dietary models, the Mediterranean diet, the ketogenic diet, and intermittent fasting, in the context of NETs, while considering the clinical and molecular mechanisms by which these dietary models act