271 research outputs found

    A Multi-Layered Study on Harmonic Oscillations in Mammalian Genomics and Proteomics

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    Cellular, organ, and whole animal physiology show temporal variation predominantly featuring 24-h (circadian) periodicity. Time-course mRNA gene expression profiling in mouse liver showed two subsets of genes oscillating at the second (12-h) and third (8-h) harmonic of the prime (24-h) frequency. The aim of our study was to identify specific genomic, proteomic, and functional properties of ultradian and circadian subsets. We found hallmarks of the three oscillating gene subsets, including different (i) functional annotation, (ii) proteomic and electrochemical features, and (iii) transcription factor binding motifs in upstream regions of 8-h and 12-h oscillating genes that seemingly allow the link of the ultradian gene sets to a known circadian network. Our multifaceted bioinformatics analysis of circadian and ultradian genes suggests that the different rhythmicity of gene expression impacts physiological outcomes and may be related to transcriptional, translational and post-translational dynamics, as well as to phylogenetic and evolutionary components

    Hypokalemia during the early phase of refeeding in patients with cancer

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    OBJECTIVE: Refeeding syndrome occurs in patients with severe malnutrition when refeeding begins after a long period of starvation. This syndrome increases the risk of clinical complications and mortality. Hypophosphatemia is considered the primary characteristic of the syndrome. The aim of our study was to investigate the presence of other electrolyte alterations in patients with cancer during the early stage of refeeding. METHODS: In this observational study, we enrolled 34 patients with cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract receiving upfront radiotherapy who were also enrolled in a nutrition program. A caloric intake assessment, anthropometric measurements and biochemical laboratory tests were performed. RESULTS: Significant weight loss (∼20%) was found in these patients. In the patients receiving artificial nutrition, we found lower levels of potassium and total protein compared with those who were fed orally (p = 0.03 for potassium and 0.02 for protein, respectively). Patients on enteral tube feeding had a higher caloric intake compared with those who were fed orally (25±5 kcal/kg/day vs. 10±2 kcal/kg/day). CONCLUSION: Hypokalemia, like hypophosphatemia, could be a complication associated with refeeding in patients with cancer. Hypokalemia was present in the early stages of high-calorie refeeding

    The impact of endometriosis on dietary choices and activities of everyday life: a cross-sectional study

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    IntroductionEndometriosis is characterized by ectopic endometrial tissue and severe pain; frequently, women afflicted by this condition resort to non-medical interventions, such as dietary modifications. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of endometriosis on dietary patterns and quality of life.MethodsAn online survey was conducted among Italian women with endometriosis to gather self-reported demographic, clinical, dietary habit, and daily life data post-diagnosis.ResultsA total of 4,078 participants were included. Following an endometriosis diagnosis, 66% reported changes in eating habits, and 92% experienced a decline in daily life. Respondents chose dietary interventions: gluten-free (15%), anti-inflammatory (8%), Mediterranean (7.1%), or ketogenic (4%) diets, to improve health and reduce symptoms. The study revealed a shift in eating habits, with increased consumption of vegetables, fruits (10%), cereals, legumes (6.6%), and fish (4.5%), while reducing dairy products (18.4%), soy-containing foods (6.7%), and high saturated fats (8%). Eating habit changes correlated with endometriosis stages and worsened daily life. Educational level, endometriosis stages, years of symptoms, and eating habit changes linked to changes in daily life.ConclusionOur findings emphasize the importance of monitoring eating behaviors to prevent unhealthy habits and malnutrition in women with endometriosis. Further studies are needed to evaluate how different diets impact symptoms and enhance daily life for these individuals

    Grafted Neural Precursors Integrate Into Mouse Striatum, Differentiate and Promote Recovery of Function Through Release of Erythropoietin in MPTP-Treated Mice.

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    Erythropoietin-releasing neural precursor cells (Er-NPCs) are a subclass of subventricular zone-derived neural progenitors, capable of surviving for 6 hr after death of donor. They present higher neural differentiation. Here, Er-NPCs were studied in animal model of Parkinson's disease. Dopaminergic degeneration was caused by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine intraperitoneal administration in C57BL/6 mice. The loss of function was evaluated by specific behavioral tests. Er-NPCs (2.5 × 105) expressing the green fluorescent protein were administered by stereotaxic injection unilaterally in the left striatum. At the end of observational research period (2 weeks), most of the transplanted Er-NPCs were located in the striatum, while several had migrated ventrally and caudally from the injection site, up to ipsilateral and contralateral substantia nigra. Most of transplanted cells had differentiated into dopaminergic, cholinergic, or GABAergic neurons. Er-NPCs administration also promoted a rapid functional improvement that was already evident at the third day after cells administration. This was accompanied by enhanced survival of nigral neurons. These effects were likely promoted by Er-NPCs-released erythropoietin (EPO), since the injection of Er-NPCs in association with anti-EPO or anti-EPOR antibodies had completely neutralized the recovery of function. In addition, intrastriatal administration of recombinant EPO mimics the effects of Er-NPCs. We suggest that Er-NPCs, and cells with similar properties, may represent good candidates for cellular therapy in neurodegenerative disorders of this kind

    Suitability of electroencephalography in brain death determination: a monocentric, 10-year retrospective, observational investigation of 428 cases

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    Background We aimed to verify the usefulness of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity recording (that is mandatory according to the Italian law), in addition to two clinical evaluations spaced 6 h, among the procedures of brain death determination (BDD) in adult individuals. Methods The study is a monocentric, retrospective analysis of all BDDs performed in the last 10 years at Policlinico Le Scotte in Siena (Italy). Results Of the 428 cases revised (mean age 67.6 ± 15.03 years; range 24–92 years), 225 were males and 203 females. In total, 212 out of 428 patients (49.5%) were donors. None of the BDD procedures were interrupted due to the reappearance of EEG activity (neither for clinical reasons) at any sampling time, with the exception of one case that was considered a false negative at critical reinspection of the EEG. In 6/428 cases (1.4%), a cardiac arrest occurred during the 6 h between the first and second evaluation, thus missing the opportunity to take organs from these patients because the BDD procedure was not completed. Conclusions Once the initial clinical examination before convening the BDD Commission has ascertained the absence of brainstem reflexes and of spontaneous breathing, and these clinical findings are supported by a flat EEG recording, the repetition of a 30-min EEG twice over a 6 h period seems not to add additional useful information to clinical findings. Current data, if confirmed in other centers and possibly in prospective studies, may help to promote a scientific and bioethical debate in Italy, as well as in other countries where the EEG is still mandatory, for eventually pdating the procedures of BDD. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Antifeedant and insecticidal effects of alfalfa saponins in the management of the Japanese beetle Popillia japonica

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    Popillia japonica is a quarantine pest of priority interest for the EU, given its potentially important economic, social and environmental impacts. Alternative strategies to chemical methods are essential to limit its spread in newly infested areas with favourable climatic and environmental conditions. Saponins are biologically active molecules widely distributed in plants, displaying a well-known repellent activity combined with a mortality effect against insects. In this context, saponins were extracted from alfalfa Medicago sativa, where medicagenic and zanhic acid glycosides and Soyasaponin I were the most abundant compounds and used in the laboratory and semi-field experiments for treating leaves of susceptible host plants for P. japonica. Under laboratory conditions, a food deterrence effect and a significant mortality rate were observed using Corylus avellana leaves treated at increasing saponin concentrations, ranging from 1% to 5% w/v. Semi-field condition experiment supported the food deterrence effect, as a significant food preference was observed for untreated plants of Vitis vinifera compared to treated plants. The promising results obtained suggest that alfalfa saponins could represent a potential eco-friendly approach for Japanese beetle control

    Sarcopenia and Appendicular Muscle Mass as Predictors of Impaired Fasting Glucose/Type 2 Diabetes in Elderly Women

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    Elderly women exhibit a high risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but no definitive data exist about the possible role of postmenopausal increases in visceral adiposity, the loss of lean body mass, or decreases in the sum of the lean mass of arms and legs (appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASMM)). This retrospective, longitudinal study investigated whether body composition (bioelectrical impedance analysis) predicted the development of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or T2D in a cohort of 159 elderly women (age: 71 5 years, follow-up: 94 months) from southern Italy (Clinical Nutrition and Geriatric Units of the “Mater Domini” University Hospital in Catanzaro, Calabria region, and the “P. Giaccone ”University Hospital in Palermo, Sicily region). Sarcopenia was defined in a subgroup of 128 women according to the EWGSOP criteria as the presence of low muscle strength (handgrip strength <16 kg) plus low muscle mass (reported as appendicular skeletal muscle mass <15 kg). Participants with a low ASMM had a higher IFG/T2D incidence than those with a normal ASMM (17% vs. 6%, p-adjusted = 0.044); this finding was independent of BMI, fat mass, waist circumference, and habitual fat intake (OR = 3.81, p = 0.034). A higher incidence of IFG/T2D was observed in the subgroup with sarcopenia than those without sarcopenia (33% vs. 7%, p-adjusted = 0.005) independent of BMI and fat mass (OR = 6.75, p = 0.007). In conclusion, this study demonstrates that elderly women with low ASMM had a higher probability of developing IFG/T2D. Further studies are needed to confirm these results in men and in other age groups

    Abnormal Circadian Modification of A\u3b4-Fiber Pathway Excitability in Idiopathic Restless Legs Syndrome

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    Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is characterized by unpleasant sensations generally localized to legs, associated with an urge to move. A likely pathogenetic mechanism is a central dopaminergic dysfunction. The exact role of pain system is unclear. The purpose of the study was to investigate the nociceptive pathways in idiopathic RLS patients. We enrolled 11 patients (mean age 53.2\u2009\ub1\u200919.7 years; 7 men) suffering from severe, primary RLS. We recorded scalp laser-evoked potentials (LEPs) to stimulation of different sites (hands and feet) and during two different time conditions (daytime and nighttime). Finally, we compared the results with a matched control group of healthy subjects. The A\u3b4 responses obtained from patients did not differ from those recorded from control subjects. However, the N1 and the N2-P2 amplitudes' night/day ratios after foot stimulation were increased in patients, as compared to controls (N1: patients: 133.91\u2009\ub1\u200950.42%; controls: 83.74\u2009\ub1\u200934.45%; p = 0.016; A\u3b4-N2-P2: patients: 119.15\u2009\ub1\u200915.56%; controls: 88.42\u2009\ub1\u200923.41%; p = 0.003). These results suggest that RLS patients present circadian modifications in the pain system, which are not present in healthy controls. Both sensory-discriminative and affective-emotional components of pain experience show parallel changes. This study confirms the structural integrity of A\u3b4 nociceptive system in idiopathic RLS, but it also suggests that RLS patients present circadian modifications in the pain system. These findings could potentially help clinicians and contribute to identify new therapeutic approaches

    Migraine, arousal and sleep deprivation: comment on: "sleep quality, arousal and pain thresholds in migraineurs: a blinded controlled polysomnographic study"

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    We discuss the hypothesis proposed by Engstrom and coworkers that Migraineurs have a relative sleep deprivation, which lowers the pain threshold and predispose to attacks. Previous data indicate that Migraineurs have a reduction of Cyclic Alternating Pattern (CAP), an essential mechanism of NREM sleep regulation which allows to dump the effect of incoming disruptive stimuli, and to protect sleep. The modifications of CAP observed in Migraineurs are similar to those observed in patients with impaired arousal (narcolepsy) and after sleep deprivation. The impairment of this mechanism makes Migraineurs more vulnerable to stimuli triggering attacks during sleep, and represents part of a more general vulnerability to incoming stimuli