69 research outputs found

    Analysis of processing electronic communication data on the basis on consent in the light of Council's e-privacy regulation proposal

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    The article reviews the changes proposed by the European Commission in the field of e-privacy, i.e. the proposal of regulation on the processing of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications sector, which is expected to replace the existing legislation, with particular regard to the conditions for consent, as the basis for the processing of electronic communications data. The article analyzes among other things: the matter of the relationship between the already existing legal acts and the draft e-privacy regulation regarding the consent, contemplates the potential scope of application of the new regulation and the entities which shall be the subject to protection of their data of electronic communication, resulting from the project. The article’s analysis concerns the issue of consent, its scope, entities obliged to receive it, as well as the doubts arising from the provisions on obtaining consent, and also the provisions of the proposal on information obligations prior to obtaining consent. In addition, attention has also been drawn to the possibility for service providers to use terminal services and the restrictions imposed therein, the problem of default settings for obtaining the consent, as well as for modified rules for transmission for direct marketing purposes, or concerning creating publicly available directories

    Normalized measures and patient characteristics to identify undernutrition in infants and young children treated for cancer

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    Background: Various measures and definitions for undernutrition are used in pediatrics. Younger children treated for cancer are at high risk, but lack well-defined risk-based screening and intervention. Methods: A retrospective study collected weight longitudinally for patients less than three years-old over two years after initiating cancer treatment. We included those diagnosed 2007-2015 at a large pediatric cancer center. Exclusion criteria included treatment starting outside our system, secondary or relapsed malignancy, or incomplete information. A decrease ≥1 in weight-for-age or weight-for-height z-score signified clinically significant weight loss. Univariate and multivariate models assessed hazards for developing first episode of clinically significant weight loss. Results: Of 372 patients, only 24.6% of patients lost 10% of weight, but 58.6% lost weight-for-age z-score ≥1 and 64.8% lost ≥1 weight-for-height z-score within two years of treatment initiation. Patients who lost weight were younger (median age 15 vs. 24 months, p < 0.001). Compared to patients diagnosed in the first year of life, those diagnosed 24-35 months were less likely to lose weight (HR 0.62, p < 0.001) and lost weight later (median time to weight loss 144 vs. 35 days). Higher treatment intensity increased weight loss risk (HR 2.30, p < 0.001) and decreased time to weight loss (35 vs. 154 days). No differences were found based on sex, diagnosis, enteral or parenteral nutrition, gastroenterology consults, or intensive care admissions. Conclusions: Using normalized z-scores is more sensitive for identifying weight loss. Younger children are more likely to lose weight with higher intensity cancer therapy. Patient and treatment specific information should be used in risk stratifying weight loss screening and nutritional interventions

    Nash Equilibria in a Hotelling-Type Model with Non-Uniform Consumer Density

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    Although a sizeable literature on location games has developed since the introduction of the paradigmatic model by Hotelling (1929), relatively little work in this area has departed from the assumption of uniform consumer density. In this paper, we introduce a model that assumes a standard normal density in addition to an upper bound on the distance that consumers are willing to travel. We show in the two-firm case that certain \ud parameter values guarantee the existence of pure strategy Nash equilibria (PSNE) that\ud do not consist of both firms locating at zero. We then show in the three-firm case that\ud certain parameter values guarantee the existence of a PSNE, something which never obtalns in the basic Hotelling model

    Legal protection measures, liability and sanctions : legal protection measures

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    W komentarzu omówiono instytucje prawne przysługujące osobom, których dane dotyczą oraz innym podmiotom, w związku z naruszeniami przepisów RODO oraz w związku z postępowaniami prowadzonymi przez organ nadzorczy - Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych oraz przed sądami administracyjnymi. Autorzy zagadnienia omawiają środki ochrony prawnej - skargę do organu, postępowanie na drodze sądowej, możliwe rozstrzygnięcia. Przedstawiają problematykę z uwzględnieniem aspektów toczących się postępowań, podmiotów będących stroną postępowania, ich uprawnień, a także rozstrzygnięć, jakie mogą zapaść w toku tych postępowań

    MNK Proteins as Therapeutic Targets in Leukemia

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    Candice Mazewski,1,2 Leonidas C Platanias1– 3 1Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA; 2Division of Hematology–Oncology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA; 3Department of Medicine, Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USACorrespondence: Candice Mazewski; Leonidas C Platanias, Email [email protected]; [email protected]: In leukemia, resistance to therapy is a major concern for survival. MAPK-interacting kinases (MNKs) have been identified as important activators of oncogenic-related signaling and may be mediators of resistance. Recent studies in leukemia models, especially acute myeloid leukemia (AML), have focused on targeting MNKs together with other inhibitors or treating chemotherapy-resistant cells with MNK inhibitors. The preclinical demonstrations of the efficacy of MNK inhibitors in these combination formats would suggest a promising potential for use in clinical trials. Optimizing MNK inhibitors and testing in leukemia models is actively being pursued and may have important implications for the future. These studies are furthering the understanding of the mechanisms of MNKs in cancer which could translate to clinical studies.Keywords: MNK, resistance, MAPK, eIF4E, AM

    O livro didático de geografia do Rio Grande do Sul para as escolas republicanas (1898) - The textbook of Rio Grande do Sul's geography for the republican schools (1898)

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    O artigo investiga o processo de adoção do primeiro livro didático de Geografia do  RS  às  escolas elementares da  República, analisa  o conteúdo da obra e os métodos do  autor,  evidenciando como esse manual  escolar serviu de  suporte material  tanto  para a  memória oficial quanto  dos opositores ao governo. A investigação demonstra que o sistema argentino de ensino influenciou desde a reorganização da  instrução   pública  até  a  ausência  de   mapas  ilustrativos  no compêndio escolar de Henrique Martins (1898). Palavras-chave: livro didático; geografia; escolas republicanas.   THE TEXTBOOK OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL'S GEOGRAPHY  FOR THE REPUBLICAN  SCHOOLS  (1898) Abstract This article investigate the adoptation process to first school book of Rio  Grande  do  Sul's  Geography to  the  primary school grad  of Brazilian Republic and analyzes  it teaching lessons and the author method employed at  this school book, bringing evidences from how that geography's manual was used as material support to the official memory and enough for the govern opositories.  This historiography search is competent to prove the argentine teaching system influence since the  reorganization of public instruction  till the  no  utilizing illustrative maps in that didact book by Henrique Martins (1898). Keywords: textbook; geography; republican schools.   EL LIBRO DIDÁCTICO DE GEOGRAFÍA  DE RIO GRANDE DO SUL PARA ESCUELAS REPUBLICANAS (1898) Resumen El  articulo  investiga el proceso de la adopción  del  primero libro didáctico de la Geografía del Estado del lo Rio Grande do Sul a las escuelas  elementares  de  la   Republica  brasileña  e  analizando  el contenido de la obra y los textos empegados por su autor, evidencia como  eso manual  escolar servio  de suporte material tanto  para la memoria oficial cuanto a los opositores daquelle  gobierno estadual. La investigación demonstra que lo  sistema argentino de enseñanza influencio desde la  reorganización de la instrucción publica hasta la ausencia   de  mapas  ilustrativos  en  el  manual  escolar hecho   por Henrique Martins (1898). Palabras clave: libro didáctico; geografía; escuelas republicanas.  LE LIVRE DIDACTIQUE DE GÉOGRAPHIE DE RIO GRANDE DO SUL POUR LES ÉCOLES RÉPUBLICAINES (1898)RésuméL'article examine le procès d'adoption du premier livre didactique de Géographie de Rio Grande do Sul dans les écoles élémentaires de la République. On analyse le contenu de l'ouvrage et les méthodes de son auteur pour montrer comment ce manuel scolaire a servi de support matériel et pour la mémoire officielle et pour les opposants du gouvernement. L'investigation montre que le système argentin d'enseignement a influencé la réorganisation de l'instruction publiqueet explique même l'absence de cartes illustratives dans le manuel scolaire d'Henrique Martins (1898).Mots-clés: livre didactique; géographie; écoles républicaines

    O livro didático de geografia do Rio Grande do Sul para as escolas republicanas (1898)

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    This article investigate the adoptation process to first school book of Rio Grande do Sul's Geography to the primary school grad of Brazilian Republic and analyzes it teaching lessons and the author method employed at this school book, bringing evidences from how that geography's manual was used as material support to the official memory and enough for the govern opositories. This historiography search is competent to prove the argentine teaching system influence since the reorganization of public instruction till the no utilizing illustrative maps in that didact book by Henrique Martins (1898).L'article examine le procès d'adoption du premier livre didactique de Géographie de Rio Grande do Sul dans les écoles élémentaires de la République. On analyse le contenu de l'ouvrage et les méthodes de son auteur pour montrer comment ce manuel scolaire a servi de support matériel et pour la mémoire officielle et pour les opposants du gouvernement. L'investigation montre que le système argentin d'enseignement a influencé la réorganisation de l'instruction publiqueet explique même l'absence de cartes illustratives dans le manuel scolaire d'Henrique Martins (1898).O artigo investiga o processo de adoção do primeiro livro didático de Geografia do  RS  às  escolas elementares da  República, analisa  o conteúdo da obra e os métodos do  autor,  evidenciando como esse manual  escolar serviu de  suporte material  tanto  para a  memória oficial quanto  dos opositores ao governo. A investigação demonstra que o sistema argentino de ensino influenciou desde a reorganização da  instrução   pública  até  a  ausência  de   mapas  ilustrativos  no compêndio escolar de Henrique Martins (1898).El articulo investiga el proceso de la adopción del primero libro didáctico de la Geografía del Estado del lo Rio Grande do Sul a las escuelas elementares de la Republica brasileña e analizando el contenido de la obra y los textos empegados por su autor, evidencia como eso manual escolar servio de suporte material tanto para la memoria oficial cuanto a los opositores daquelle gobierno estadual. La investigación demonstra que lo sistema argentino de enseñanza influencio desde la reorganización de la instrucción publica hasta la ausencia de mapas ilustrativos en el manual escolar hecho por Henrique Martins (1898