107 research outputs found
Abstract. The knowledge of instruments of interpretation in general and ways of character description inparticular is a necessary but insufficient condition for understanding the image of the characters and the idea of the literary work. It requires a more constructive and careful approach to the methods of characterization in terms of the functions they perform. On the example of the work by famous British writer Catherine Mansfield “Miss Brill” the authors illustrate the relationship between the characteristics of heroes and the means of their characterization with other components of interpretation, consider the role of stylistic devices in characterizing heroes, the protagonist in particular, and determine the role and functions in their characterization. The complex methodology of this study combined the following methods and types of text analysis: a textual analytical method of philological reading (in other words, a slow, thoughtful reading) of a literary work; contextual and semantic types of analysis of lexical material; linguistic analysis; comparative-contrastive method; hermeneutic method, which allows to objectively interpret the literary works. The leading research method in the study is the method of linguistic poetic analysis. The authors conclude that being the cornerstone, although not the only part of the text interpretation, character presentation can yield valuable clues to both understanding the real nature of the protagonist and evaluating the message of the whole literary work as its final destination. Based on the results of the study the authors identify the key points that serve as guidelines for interpreting the text, and present an example of analyzing a particular literary work.Key words: text interpretation, Catherine Mansfield, “Miss Brill”, means of revealing the character,protagonist
When introducing plant and animal protein products, in addition to nutritional value, it is advisable to assess their physicochemical properties and technological indicators, in particular, homogeneity and consistency stability. The aim of research is to determine the effect of consistency stabilizers on the viscosity of a reconstituted hypertonic drink for athletes based on flaxseed cake, sesame seeds and whey protein concentrate.
The mass fraction of protein in the model dry mixture of a hypertonic drink, as well as in its individual components by the Kjeldahl method, the mass fraction of fiber – by the gravimetric method, the mass fraction of lipids – by the extraction-gravimetric method, the mass fraction of moisture – by the thermogravimetric method. The mass fraction of ash in the mixtures was carried out by the method of incineration followed by calcining the mineral residue at a temperature of 450 ... 600 °C. The effective viscosity in the reduced samples of mixtures without and with the addition of stabilizers was determined on a rotational viscometer "Rheotest 2". For the planning of the experiment and data processing, mathematical methods were applied using the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 software package.
The chemical composition of individual components and a model dry mixture of a hypertonic drink for the nutrition of athletes, including the content of compounds that have a stabilizing effect on the restored product, has been investigated. It has been proved that the effective viscosity of the reconstructed model mixture in comparison with the effective viscosity of the individual components of the mixture nonaditively increases. The mutual influence of the consistency stabilizers (gum arabic (E 414) and carboxymethylcellulose (E 466)) on the value of the effective viscosity of the reconstituted hypertonic drink was investigated. The developed model mixture of a hypertonic drink is recommended to be used for the development of competitive dry mixtures of hypertonic drinks of plant and animal origin for the nutrition of athlete
Multi-kilowatt peak power nanosecond Er-doped fiber laser
We report a two-stage diode-pumped Er-doped fiber amplifier operating at the wavelength of 1550 nm at the repetition rate of 10-100 kHz with an average output power of up to 10 W. The first stage comprising Er-doped fiber was core-pumped at the wavelength of 1480 nm, whereas the second stage comprising double-clad Er/Yb-doped fiber was clad-pumped at the wavelength of 975 nm. The estimated peak power for the 0.4-nm full-width at half-maximum laser emission at the wavelength of 1550 nm exceeded 4-kW level. The initial 100-ns seed diode laser pulse was compressed to 3.5 ns as a result of the 34-dB total amplification. The observed 30-fold efficient pulse compression reveals a promising new nonlinear optical technique for the generation of high power short pulses for applications in eye-safe ranging and micromachining
Development of a food antioxidant complex of plant origin
Розроблено антиоксидантний комплекс для використання в оліях, жирах та продуктах харчування, що потребують збагачення біологічно активними речовинами рослинного походження. Досліджено раціональні умови одержан- ня водно-етанольних екстрактів із рослинної сировини: кори дубу, листя евкаліпту та листя зеленого чаю. Отримано антиоксидант, що здатен запобігати окисненню жировмісних продуктів, зберігаючи їх високу поживну цінність. Антиоксидантні речовини природного походження дозволять створювати збалансовані за складом продукти з підвищеним строком придатності із збереженням початкового природного складу та структури компонентів. Також розроблений антиоксидант є додатковим джерелом речовин, що допомагають організму боротися з вільними радикалами, що утворюються внаслідок фізичних та психічних навантажень. До складу антиоксидантів рослинного походжен- ня входять антиоксидантні вітаміни (токофероли та аскорбінова кислота), рослинні феноли та тиолові антиоксиданти (глутатіон, ліпоєва кислота), мікроелементи. Ці складові беруть участь у процесах гальмування окиснення. Також до таких антиоксидантів входять селен, цинк,
фолати та інші речовини. Для планування експериментальних досліджень для кожного виду рослинної сировини стосовно антиоксидантної активності виділених речовин використано повний факторний експеримент першого порядку. Виявлено синергізм дії антиоксидантних речовин при одночасному використанні екстрактів з кори дубу, листя евкаліпта, листя зеленого чаю. Розроблений антиоксидант підвищує період індукції модельної речовини (олії соняшникової) у 2,7 рази, тоді як під час використання антиоксидантів окремо з кожного виду рослин найкращий показник збільшення періоду індукції склав 1,9.
Отже, розроблений антиоксидант здатен сприяти збереженню якості і безпечності жировмісних продуктів харчування. Використання даного антиоксиданту може бути запропоновано для продуктів харчування людей, що потребують додаткового введення антиоксидантів та біологічно активних речовин до раціону харчування. Зокрема, це важливо для спортсменів
Setting as the key component of the text interpretation and its role in revealing the character
The relevance of this study is due to the need for a more detailed analysis of the setting as a component of the interpretation of the literary text. The definition of time and place of action is closely related to other components of linguistic analysis, such as theme, conflict, and helps to give a more accurate characterization of the characters, reveal their motivation and correctly formulate the author”™s idea. This issue was reflected in the works by domestic and foreign linguists, such as Denis Delaney, Cyran Ward, Carla Rio Fiorina, L.G. Babenko, E.N. Merkulova, Y.B. Yasakova and others.It should be borne in mind that the possession of the instruments of interpretation in general and of the situation in particular is a necessary, but insufficient condition for understanding the image of the characters and the idea of the literary text. A more constructive and selective approach to the situation is required in terms of the functions it performs. On the example of the works of English and American writers the authors clearly reflect the interrelation of the setting with other components of the interpretation, examine the setting in the light of genre features and determine its role and functions in the characterization of characters.According to the results of the study the authors identify the key points that serve as guidelines for interpreting the text which is of practical importance in the classes of linguistic analysis of the literary text and interpretation of the literary text as well as for teachers and linguists, philologists
Different approaches to the interpretation of a literary work
The article is devoted to the problem of approaches to the interpretation of the text. It highlights the viewpoints of both Russian and foreign scholars on the text analysis to promote readers”™ relevant assessment and interpretation. The authors research the text from the view point of genre, history, context and individual aspects. They maintain that due consideration of the work from different angles is the cornerstone of a comprehensive analysis.
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