15 research outputs found

    Análisis De La Fuerza Explosiva En El Golpe De Balón Con El Pie En Futbolistas Categoría Senior.Estudio De Caso: Test De Potencia De Balón

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    The objective of the present study is to research the incidence of explosive strength on the ball kick in soccer players of senior category from the “Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo”, through the application of a comprehensive training program to improve explosive strength and ball kick for 8 weeks. In this study 50 soccer players were evaluated. The age, body weight (kg), height (cm) and body mass index were evaluated. The pre-post ball kick power test was applied as well. The soccer sketch 2.5.0 program was used for the preparation of the training sessions and the SPSS statistical package was used for the results tabulation. The results obtained are as follows: average age of 21.82, average body mass index 26.72 (kg/m2). An average of (55.92m) was obtained in the pre-test of ball strength, and an average of (62.88m) was obtained in the post test obtaining a level of significance of (0.002). In conclusion, the application of training sessions of comprehensive exercises of explosive strength and ball kick are very important to improve sports performance of the soccer players

    Análisis De La Fuerza Explosiva En El Golpe De Balón Con El Pie En Los Futbolistas Categoría Senior De La Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo – Ecuador. Estudio De Caso: Test De Precisión De Golpe De Balón

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    The objective of the present study is to research the incidence of explosive strength on the ball kick of senior category soccer players from the “Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo”. The study was carried out through the application of a comprehensive training program to improve explosive strenght and ball kick for 8 weeks. In this study, 50 soccer players were also evaluated. The age, body weight (kg), height (cm), and body mass index were also evaluated. The pre-post ball kick precision test was applied as well. The soccer sketch 2.5.0 program was used for the preparation of the training sessions, while the SPSS statistical package was used for the results tabulation. The results obtained are as follows: average age of 21.82, average body mass index 26.72 (kg/m2). An average of 2.38 goals was obtained in the pre-test of ball precision, while an average of 3.64 goals was obtained in the post-test whit a level of significance of 0.001. In conclusion, the application of training sessions based on comprehensive exercises of explosive strength and ball kick are very important in improving the sports performance of the soccer players

    Factores Psicosociales Que Intervienen En El Rendimiento Académico Estudio De Caso: Análisis A Estudiantes De La Carrera De Cultura Física Y Entrenamiento Deportivo

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    The objective of the present research was to analyze the psychosocial factors that intervene in the academic performance of the students in the race of physical culture and sports training of the “Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo” in the academic period from September 2014 to February 2015. The study sample was 72 students of a population of 97 students, 57 male and 15 female. The methodology of this study uses a cross-sectional research, quasi-experimental, qualitative-quantitative, bibliographic, and field research. Based on the collection of data, the instruments used were the academic record. A questionnaire was developed which served to identify the psychosocial factors of the students. Among the most relevant results, it was evidenced that out of 97 students corresponding to 100%, only 25, that is 25.77%, exceeded the required score to approve the semester. Therefore, 72 students representing 74.22% obtained lower score than required for approval. In conclusion, it was obtained that the psychosocial factors that influenced the academic performance of the students were: the always consumption of cigarettes representing 25%. On the other hand, 55.56% had difficulty in sometimes distributing their time adequately for educational tasks

    Análisis De Los Fundamentos Básicos Técnicos Del Baloncesto En El Rendimiento Deportivo De Los Estudiantes Categoría Intermedia Del Distrito Chambo - Riobamba

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    This research was carried out on student’s athletes of Circuito Educativo 06D01C02 Riobamba-Chambo, in Chimborazo province district. The main objective of this study is to know the basic technical fundamentals of basketball in the performance of students of the intermediate category. This however would be used to determine specifically the basics technical basis. It would also help to define the level of the basic technical fundamentals in order to make a proposal. The elaboration of a training plan is aimed at developing the technical basis for the intermediate category. Within the methodology, it is a quantitative and qualitative research. This is a field research because it will run in the scene where practical assessments will be applied to each one of the students. Additionally, it will be a documentary bibliographical mode. It will be exploratory and correlational, and would take into account the population and sample which comprises of 6 coaches, 10 monitors, and 75 students of the category. The sample was under direct observation technique. As an instrument, the survey and a closed questionnaire was applied. Later on, the processing and tabulation alternative hypothesis was accepted. It was expressed as conclusions that the basic technical foundations in this category are determined by the work of dribbling, shooting ring tray, chest pass, and defense as predominant elements. It appears that the level of the basic technical fundamentals on student is regular, which is due to inadequate training and poor methods in the teaching process

    El Desarrollo De La Coordinación En Los Fundamentos Técnicos Del Fútbol En La Categoría 10-12 Años. Estudio De Caso: Test De Coordinación En La Escalera

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    The aim of this study was to determine the development of coordination and its impact on the technical fundamentals of football in the 10 – 12 years of age category in “Unidad Educativa Liceo Policial Chimborazo” by a guide of exercises in order to improve coordination and soccer technical fundamentals for six weeks. For this research 25 players were evaluated. A pre and post-test were applied for coordination on the stairs. The results acquired in the implementation of the excise guide coordination and technical foundations of football were significant at the time of implementation of the post test. The exercise used in this guide and applied training sessions were coordinating the ball with the food. It has been concluded that coordination affects within the basic foundation of soccer and improve their lifestyle

    Planificación De Entrenamiento Deportivo Orientada Al Desarrollo De Los Fundamentos Técnicos Del Baloncesto Caso: Estudiantes Categoría Intermedia Distrito Chambo – Riobamba

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    The present research work responds to the planning of sports training oriented towards the development of the technical fundamentals of basketball. Specifically, the study was applied in the Chambo-Riobamba district of Chimborazo, Ecuador. The study was conducted based on a previous study on the analysis of the technical fundamentals of basketball. It details the need to develop a plan that is oriented towards the students of the intermediate category of the district. Through student survey, this study aims to avert the problem that demonstrates the absence of an oriented planning that is reflected in the low sport performance in this sport. The methodology used was through direct observation. The surveys were conducted for students, coaches, and field research. As a result, it is possible to define and apply daily training plans to determine how the universe of this study was responding to the exercise plan. The plan is made up of 29 sessions divided into 1 macrocycle, 7 mesocycles, and 25 microcycles. In conclusion, we ascertain that the sports training plan is a necessary tool for the physical, psychological, and skill preparation of the athletes in the practice of the technical fundamentals of the basketball. In addition, it demonstrated better results in the district and provincial competences of the Educational Units belonging to the objective of this study

    Análisis De La Fuerza Explosiva En El Golpe De Balón Con El Pie En Los Futbolistas Categoría Senior De La Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo – Ecuador. Estudio De Caso: Test De Salto Horizontal

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    The objetive of this study is to research the incidence of explosive strength on the ball kick of senior category soccer players from the “Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo”. The study was carried out through the application of a comprehensive training program to improve explosive strength and ball kick for 8 weeks. In this study, 50 soccer players were also evaluated. The age, body weight (kg), height (cm), and body mass index were also evaluated. The pre – post ball kick horizontal jump test was applied as well. The soccer sketch 2.5.0 program was used for the preparation of the training sessions, while the SPSS statistical package was used for the results tabulation. The results obtained are as follows: average age of 21.82, average body mass index 26.72 (kg/m2 ). An average of 2.13cm was obtained in the pre-test horizontal jump while an average of 2.16 cm was obtained in the post-test whit a level of significance of 0.002. In conclusion, the application of training sessions based on comprehensive exercises of explosive strength and ball kick are very important in improving the sports performance of the soccer players

    Los indicadores antropométricos, base para la selección de talentos deportivos: análisis y actualidad en la ESPOCH

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    Introduction. In the sports context, having a good selection of talents is essential to be able to ensure results, hence, emphasizing the timely assessment of anthropometric indicators continues to be a topic of great interest. Target. Determine the anthropometric indicators present in ESPOCH university students, establishing their relationship with possible sports talents. Methodology. A descriptive, analytical methodology was used accompanied by theoretical and empirical methods which allowed to analyze the theoretical background of the subject and determine the anthropometric indicators of height, weight, body mass index in a sample of 1098 students, from 7 Faculties of Superior Polytechnic of Chimborazo (ESPOCH). Results. 1.The observed sample is characterized, determining that the anthropometric results obtained in the students under study constitute an essential aspect to be able to establish possible sports talents. 2. The relationship between anthropometric indicators and possible sports talents is reaffirmed. 3. It is evidenced in the analysis carried out that there are a total of 732 students from the different Faculties who present the greatest anthropometric conditions to be considered possible sports talents. Conclusions. Anthropometric indicators are an essential aspect for the detection and selection of possible sports talents, and it is interesting to observe them in the case of university students, who, due to their age range, behavior of their nutritional status and aptitudes can reach to constitute possible sports talents. Similarly, in the case presented, it is significant to observe the results obtained in the 732 students from the different Faculties, which according to their anthropometric indicators related to: age, height, weight, body mass index, can be followed to detect in them, possible sports talents.Introducción. En el contexto deportivo tener una buena selección de talentos resulta fundamental para poder asegurar los resultados, de ahí que enfatizar en la valoración oportuna de los indicadores antropométricos sigue siendo un tema de gran interés. Objetivo. Determinar los indicadores antropométricos presentes en los estudiantes universitarios de la ESPOCH, estableciendo su relación con los posibles talentos deportivos. Metodología. Se utilizó una metodología descriptiva, analítica acompañada de métodos teóricos y empíricos los cuales permitieron analizar los antecedentes teóricos del tema y determinar los indicadores antropométricos de talla, peso, índice de masa corporal en una muestra 1097 estudiantes, procedentes de 7 Facultades de Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH). Resultados. 1.Se logra caracterizar la muestra observada, determinándose que los resultados antropométricos obtenidos en los estudiantes objeto de estudio constituyen un aspecto esencial para poder establecer los posibles talentos deportivos. 2.  Se reafirma la relación existente entre indicadores antropométricos y posibles talentos deportivos. 3. Queda evidenciado en el análisis realizado que existe un total de 732 estudiantes procedentes de las diferentes Facultades los que presentan mayores condiciones antropométricas para ser considerados posibles talentos deportivos. Conclusiones.  Los indicadores antropométricos, constituyen un aspecto esencial para la detección y selección de posibles talentos deportivos, resultando interesante observar los mismos en el caso de los estudiantes universitarios, los cuales, debido a su rango de edades, comportamiento de sus estados nutricionales y aptitudes pueden llegar a constituir posibles talentos deportivos. De igual manera en el caso que se presenta es significativo observar los resultados obtenidos en los 732 estudiantes de las diferentes Facultades, los cuales según sus indicadores antropométricos relacionados con la: edad, talla, peso, índice de masa corporal, pueden ser seguidos para detectar en los mismos, posibles talentos deportivos.&nbsp

    Prospectivas del deporte universitario en la ESPOCH: Una estrategia para su desarrollo y sustentabilidad

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    Introduction. The factors and barriers that affect the development of the physical and sports activities of the ESPOC students require the concretion of a prospective, in which the dynamics to be achieved satisfy their demands and requirements. Goal. Reflect on the prospective of university sports in ESPOCH for the establishment of a comprehensive strategy for its development and sustainability. Methodology. A descriptive, non-experimental methodology was used in the study. Based on the historical-logical method and documentary review, establishing criteria regarding the prospective vision of ESPOCH to counteract the factors and barriers that affect sports practice in university students. Results. 1. The actions of physical and sports activity of university students, their factors, and motivations, which induce them to maintain a sedentary behavior and associated with the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, must be known. 2. The strategies and programs aimed at the development of sports practice among university students should be directed at raising the willingness to conduct physical and sports activities. 3. The sports desertion of university students is influenced by physical, socioeconomic, and psychological factors. 4. The prospective vision should be aimed at eliminating the different barriers that threaten the normal development of the ESPOCH university student-athlete. 5. Apply a Comprehensive Strategy for the development of physical-sports activity, which eliminates the barriers that affect students. Conclusions. The prospective vision of university sports at ESPOCH, through the Comprehensive Strategy, is based on achieving the comprehensive training of students, in which physical and sports activities play a fundamental role, allowing educational, physical, and psychological development as complement to their training and improvement of their skillsIntroducción.  Los factores y barreras que afectan el desarrollo de las actividades físicas y deportivas de los estudiantes de la ESPOC requieren de la concreción de una prospectiva, en la que las dinámicas a alcanzar satisfagan las exigencias y requerimientos de estos. Objetivo. Reflexionar sobre la prospectiva del deporte universitario en la ESPOCH para el establecimiento de una estrategia integral para su desarrollo y sustentabilidad. Metodología. En el estudio se utilizó una metodología descriptiva, no experimental. Basada en el método histórico-lógico y la revisión documental, estableciéndose criterios referentes a la visión prospectiva de la ESPOCH para contrarrestar los factores y barreras que afectan la práctica deportiva en los estudiantes universitarios. Resultados. 1. Se debe conocer el accionar de la actividad física y deportiva de los jóvenes universitarios, sus factores y motivaciones, que inducen a mantener una conducta sedentaria y asociada al consumo de tabaco, alcohol y drogas. 2.  Las estrategias y programas encaminados al desarrollo de la práctica deportiva entre los estudiantes universitarios deberán encaminarse a la elevación de la disposición para la realización de actividades físicas y deportivas. 3. La deserción deportiva de los estudiantes universitarios está influenciada por factores físicos, socioeconómicos y psicológicos. 4. La visión prospectiva debe encaminarse a eliminar las diferentes barreras, que atentan contra el normal desarrollo del estudiante- deportista universitario de la ESPOCH. 5.  Aplicar una Estrategia Integral para el desarrollo de la actividad físico-deportiva, que elimine las barreras que afectan a los estudiantes. Conclusiones. La visión de la prospectiva del deporte universitario en la ESPOCH, mediante la Estrategia Integral, se fundamenta en lograr la formación integral de los estudiantes, en la que las actividades físicas y deportivas juegan un rol fundamental, permitiendo el desarrollo educativo, físico y psicológico como complemento a su formación y perfeccionamiento de sus competencias

    Analysis of the 1000 meters anaerobic resistance test in male superior education students

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del test de resistencia anaeróbica de 1000 metros en estudiantes varones de las diferentes facultades de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo con edad media de 20 años, que cursan la asignatura de Educación Física en el período académico septiembre 2019 – febrero 2020. Para ello, se consideró una investigación de campo, descriptiva y temporal con una muestra intencional de 581 estudiantes varones, provenientes de diferentes regiones del Ecuador. Además de la edad y región, se registró por cada estudiante el peso, talla y el tiempo alcanzado en cubrir la distancia del test. Los datos recolectados fueron analizados estadísticamente para determinar cuartiles, los mismos que fueron etiquetados según una escala de Likert para posteriormente ser cuantificados. Se tabularon las frecuencias por cada cuartil y se procedió al análisis descriptivo mediante tablas y gráficos procesador en Microsoft Excel. De los datos procesados, se pudo concluir que la mayoría de los estudiantes (56%) alcanzaron tiempos de hasta 4,5 minutos, considerados como bueno y excelente en cubrir los 1000 metros de resistencia anaeróbica, donde la mayoría de los estudiantes son de la región sierra y que el 67% tienen un peso normal.  The objective of the research was to analyze the results obtained from the application of the anaerobic resistance test of 1000 meters in male students of the different faculties of the Superior Polytechnic School of Chimborazo with an average age of 20 years, who take the subject of: Physical Education in the academic period September 2019 - February 2020. For this, a descriptive and temporal field research was considered with an intentional sample of 581 male students from different regions of Ecuador. In addition to age and region, the weight, height and time reached to cover the test distance were recorded for each student. The data collected in the first instance were statistically analyzed to determine quartiles or ranges, which were labeled according to a Likert scale to later be quantified. The frequencies of each quartile were established and descriptive analysis was carried out using tables and graphics processor in Microsoft Excel. From the processed data it was possible to conclude that most of the students reached a good time of between 3.18 and 5.13 min, in covering the 1000 meters of anaerobic resistance with the antecedent that most of the students are from the sierra region and that the 67 % are of normal weigh