626 research outputs found

    La alimentación en el enfermo renal, desde el punto de vista de la enfermería. ¿Cómo reforzar el cumplimiento?

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    Determinar las necesidades de nutrientes dentro de las alteraciones y exigencias que incurren en las distintas fases de la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica y la importancia del papel de la enfermería para una adecuada información, formación y control de las necesidades alimentarias del paciente.Elikagai premiak zehaztea Giltzurruneko Gutxiegitasun Kronikoaren fase desberdinei dagozkien aldaketa eta beharren barnean eta erizaintza zereginen garrantzia gaixoaren elikagai premiei buruzko informazio egoki, hezibide eta horren kontrolari begira.Déterminer les besoins en éléments nutritifs dans les altérations et les exigences existant dans les différentes phases de la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (Insuffisance Rénale Chronique) et l'importance du rôle de l'infirmerie pour une information adéquate, formation et contrôle des besoins alimentaires du patient.This article is about determining nutrient needs within the alterations and demands that take place in the various phases of Chronic Renal Failure and the importance of the role of nurses in the adequate information, training and control of the patients needs in terms of nourishment

    EEG Signals classification using linear and non-linear discriminant methods

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    This article was developed with the particular interest of characterize and study EEG signals as a pattern which in general has a high dimensionality, and has obviously a particular behavior in frequency and time. Here we have developed a wavelet decomposition to reduce a little bit the dimensionality and PCA (Principal Components Analysis) to accurate the result in a better way (only two features representation). After that the EEG signals, with their respective characteristics and representation has been able to train and test some linear and non-linear classifiers such as (Parzen, k-NN, Radial Basis Neural Network, linear and non-linear perceptron and so on.) This evaluation is an analysis of general EEG’s behavior signals with this kind of characterization and classification processes respectively

    La información sobre Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en los hoteles de las Islas Canarias

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    En el presente trabajo se ofrece un diagnóstico preliminar acerca de la comunicación sobre responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) a través de internet por parte de empresas de alojamiento turístico domiciliadas en las Islas Canarias (España) y su relación con determinadas variables societarias y contables. Destaca que las empresas de mayor tamaño, que operan como sociedades anónimas o forman parte de un grupo empresarial son más propensas a difundir datos sobre RSC. Unas cifras superiores en indicadores de rendimiento como el margen neto de explotación, el ROA o el ROE también arrojan resultados significativos. La categoría de los establecimientos propiedad de la sociedad, su longevidad o el endeudamiento no parecen influir en la decisión de publicar

    Alonso Zamora Vicente, a Profile

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    This article analyses Alonso Zamora Vicente's personality and relates it to the different Teaching, research and administrative activities that he carried out throughout his life. His irony and talent for communication are also highlighted both in his work and in his contact with students (plus an anecdote which is included in this profile). A conclusion focuses on his historical engagement with the times he lived in

    Development of Magnetostrictive Transducer Prototype for Blockage Detection on Molten Salt Pipes

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    In solar thermal power plants molten salt is often used to store and transport the energy that is collected during the day. The external pipe temperature is measured to activate an electric heating system if the temperature approaches the melting point. However, salt solidification cannot be completely excluded from the plant management. Once occurred, the location of a salt blockage is very complex due to the high temperature of the pipe. Therefore, when this problem arises, power plants have to stop production with the consequences in time and cost that this entails. Electro-magnetic acoustic transducers can be used as non-destructive testing systems for this application. A method for salt blockage detection is proposed that is applicable in straight sections of pipes by employing torsional guided waves that are generated with magnetostrictive transducers. The present paper deals with the transducer conception and the design of the power supply to activate it. Two alternatives are proposed and compared to determine the improvement in the amplitude/noise ratio. Finally, the experimental results show the performance of the equipment in a small prototype, thus validating the technique presented

    The difference between the communicative mediator and sign language interpreter

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    El 3 de octubre de 2014, se aprobó el RD 831/2014, donde se aprobó en todo el estado español el Grado Superior en Técnico en Mediación Comunicativa. Esta figura profesional convivirá con el Intérprete de Lengua de Signos. Por lo tanto, estamos asistiendo al inicio de un nuevo perfil profesional que debemos no confundir, asegurando una respuesta adecuada a las necesidades de cada usuario. El nivel de funcionamiento de la persona, su motivación, y su entorno serán la clave para determinar si necesita utilizar al profesional de la interpretación, o un mediador.The October 3, 2014, RD 831/2014, a new professional figure was approved and recognized: Technician in Communicative Mediation. Deaf, deafblind and other people who need different communication capabilities ensure linguistic information with social and cultural adjustments. We should define clearly this profession to unify the framework for action in the whole national territory. The capabilities of the person, their motivation, and their environment will be key to determine if you need to use the professional interpretation, or if instead the settings you need are not only linguistic, for what will be most appropriate the mediator