141 research outputs found

    Predictors of Depressive Symptoms and Obesity in African American Women Transitioning from Welfare to Work

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    Depression and obesity are significant public health problems that adversely affect the health and quality of life of women in the United States, particularly female African American welfare recipients transitioning to work. African American women are twice as likely to experience depressive symptoms as women of other races. Fifty percent of African American women are obese. The prevalence of depression and depressive symptoms and obesity is higher among African American women who receive welfare benefits. These health conditions jeopardize their health status, ability to work, and chances to become self-sufficient. To ensure the successful transition of recipients to work, health care providers and researchers must better understand how depression and obesity affect the overall health status of African American women on welfare. It is imperative that factors that predict these disorders in this population are identified and used to guide risk reduction interventions. Few studies have examined risk factors for depressive symptoms and obesity and the relationships among these variables in African American women welfare recipients moving into the workforce. Thus, the purposes of this study were to describe the prevalence of depressive symptoms, obesity, and health risk behaviors among African American women transitioning from welfare to work. Additionally, the investigator explored the associations among health risk behaviors (physical inactivity, poor nutrition, smoking, and alcohol consumption), personal demographic risk factors (age and education), one biological risk factor (BMI), perceived health, depressive symptoms, and obesity in this population. This descriptive, correlational study utilized a secondary data source to examine the health assessments of 162 African American women aged 18 to 55 years, enrolled in welfare to work program at a large research university in the mid-southern region of the United States. Three instruments were used to assess study variables: the Healthier People Network Health Risk Appraisal (HPN-HRA), the Perceived Health Status Appraisal, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CESD). Thirty-five percent of the participants reported moderate levels of depressive symptoms (CES-D score 21-30). Twelve percent of participants reported severe levels of depressive symptoms (CES-D score ≥ 30). Forty-eight percent of the participants had body mass index (BMI) scores ≥30kg/m². The average BMI was 33.6±6.7 kg/m² which is indicative of obesity. Despite the high rates of depressive symptoms and obesity found in this sample, there were no statistically significant relationships indicated between depressive symptoms and obesity. Findings warrant further investigation to improve health outcomes of African American women transitioning from welfare to work. Long term retention in the workforce and economic independence are closely linked to the health status of recipients. More prospective studies are needed to determine the pathways by which depressive symptoms and obesity interact in this population in order to develop tailored effective prevention strategies

    Call for Organic Producers

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    The Effect of Heart Failure Education on Reducing Readmissions

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    Management of heart failure is a significant financial challenge for the health care industry, costing approximately $33.2 billion annually. Common reasons for preventable heart failure readmissions include inadequate discharge education and lack of self-care and health management activities. Education at discharge is a vital component of improving heart failure outcomes. Following a review of the literature, high quality evidence supports that heart failure education should focus on medication adherence, sodium and fluid restriction, daily weights, activity tolerance, identification of deteriorating signs and symptoms of heart failure, and smoking cessation. The purpose of this EBP project was to reduce heart failure 30 day readmission rates by implementing an educational intervention to patients with a primary diagnosis of HF prior to discharge. The Rosswurm & Larrabee Model for evidence-based practice change and Orem’s Self Care theory guided the implementation of this project. All patients with a primary discharge diagnosis of HF were referred to the APNs from the heart failure clinic located in Northwest Indiana from October to November 2012. The intervention utilized a teaching tool developed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill highlighting the best practices related to educating patients and their families on the management of heart failure to potentially reduce hospital readmission rates. Participants were monitored for 30 days post discharge and readmission rates were evaluated. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to describe the sample and to compare the effect of the educational intervention on readmission rates. The results of this EBP project positively supported that heart failure education significantly reduced readmission rates

    Gastronomic tourism experiences of Goa: Tapping the potential of Goan cuisine as a destination attraction

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    Abstract Goa has been well renowned for its serene beaches, sunset views, vibrant nightlife, and the easy-going nature that the entire State exudes. Though divided broadly into North Goa and South Goa, this much-sought tourist destination still has plenty of reflections of its rich Portuguese influence, right from its architecture, language, style of dressing, and of course, its food. Every tourist, while planning a trip, be it for business or leisure, indeed also looks into the culinary aspect to further enhance their travel experience. Goan food has an amalgamation of simple flavors consisting of its staple food of unpolished rice and fish curry; its solid Portuguese influence adds to its uniquely complex combination of flavors such as sweetness, spice, salt, and sourness. There are many paths that Goan cuisine has traversed and has tremendous potential of further increasing the tourism potential and acting as a critical player in the State's economic status in a delectable manner. This article aims at presenting a research link between tourism and gastronomy, which seeks to determine the impulses, satisfactions levels, profile, and purchasing power of tourists who visit Goa, with a motivation to understand its cultural heritage, in this case, gastronomy. This study is descriptive in nature in which the data were collected from the 190 tourists who recently visited Goa. A structured questionnaire” containing five-point interval scale was used for data collection. Statistical tools such as mean and one sample t-test were applied to analyze the data. The results revealed that, of late, gastronomy also plays a significant role in the way tourists approach and experience a destination. Keywords: Food tourism, Portuguese - Goan cuisine, Culinary Tourism, Gastronomic Tourism, food, and drink experience

    The Effect of Internal Control and Total Quality Management on Organizational Performance

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    The study discovers the effect of internalcontrol and Total Quality Management (TQM) onorganizational performance. To achieve the objectives ofthe study, a theoretical framework was developed andsome hypotheses were proposed. Data were collected bythe questionnaire instrument. The unit of analysis is stateownedenterprises in Padang city. The study utilizedprimary data which is obtained through thequestionnaire. Total sampling is used in this study. 90questionnaires were returned as a final sample. Data wereanalyzed by Multiple Regression Analysis performed bySPSS 23 software. The result shows that Internal Controlhas a positive and significant effect on organizationalperformance. Total Quality Management has a positiveand significant effect on organizational performance.Based on the findings of the research, the researcherssuggest a number of relevant recommendations related toimproving awareness about the importance of internalcontrol system components, especially indicators ofactivity monitoring, while for TQM practices, processimprovement is the most important thing that canimprove organizational performance

    Comparative Analysis of Business Model Innovation in Indonesian Records Label. Case: Trinity Optima Production and Music Factory Indonesia

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    Abstract - In the past few years, records label was facing changes in the music industry that includes opportunities and threat. The opportunities are the rise of digital music that brings out several new product formats, also the partnership with partners to create new platform. Records label also faced the piracy issue as the main threat, which caused great loses to their profit. Therefore, records label, especially in Indonesia, needs innovation in their business model to overcome those changes in music industry structure.This research used the qualitative data research method by using semi-structured interview and secondary data. The respondents in the interview were the member of Trinity Oprima Production and Music Factory Indonesia, especially the business development and digital team. This research revealed the business model canvas, the innovation process and the result of business model innovation implementation. The innovation process shows that both company have initial and existing innovation that have different phases. They was succeed as shown from the result that is measured from the sales unit, margin, and complexity of innovation. By the result of this research, both companies are suggested to have a deep understanding of their business model and make a mapping for the company and partner potential and capability with also evaluate the readiness of the market to accept innovations. Records label also suggested to apply the 360 degrees business model, adaptive to changes and communicate with the partners to create innovations. For the distributors in general, they should apply the super-distribution strategy to gain maximum benefit and be able to expand their distribution channel in form of digital sales or innovation. Keywords: Business Model Innovation, Indonesian Records Label, Music Industry, Music Business Model


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    Flipped classroom has become emerging trend during pandemic and require investigation to its application in a typical Indonesian school. This quantitative study aimed to shed light into student perceptions on the application of the flipped classroom in class IX at SMP Negeri 2 Tanjungpinang. The sampling technique used was random sampling. Student perceptions were measured from 134 respondents. Data were collected using likert scaled questionnaire followed by interview. In general, students have good perceptions about science learning conducted in flipped classroom learning model (71%). Specifically, respondents perceived the application of flipped as meaningful, as well as promoting core competence. This study concluded flipped classroom to be applicable in most learning scenario in Indonesian school

    Penerapan Metode TOPSIS dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Bahan Baku Terbaik untuk Pembuatan Spring Bed (Studi Kasus : Bigland ByPass Padang)

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    PT. Cahaya Murni Andalas Permai merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri mebel yang memproduksi beberapa kebutuhan rumah tangga serta peralatan kantor, salah satunya yaitu tempat tidur atau yang biasa dikenal dengan sebutan spring bed. Sistem pendukung keputusan dirancang bertujuan untuk mendukung seluruh tahap pengambilan keputusan mulai dari mengidentifikasi sebuah masalah, memilih data-data yang relevan dan menentukan pendekatan yang digunakan pada sebuah proses pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem pendukung keputusan dengan menggunakan metode TOPSIS untuk memudahkan karyawan dalam penentuan kualitas springbed perhitungan kualitas springbed yang tersimpan rapi didalam sebuah database. Sistem dibangun menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Database MySQL. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini untuk menentukan kualitas spring bed terbaik dengan kriteria yang digunakan yaitu : pegas, daya topang, bahan pelapis, dan jenis kayu yang dijadikan bahan perhitungan. Penentuan kualitas pada sistem dibuat dengan data-data yang sudah tersimpan, serta ketetapan pada setiap setiap nilai kriteria yang digunakan untuk penilaian kualitas


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    ABSTRACT Agnesya Mayola, 2018, NIT: 50134770.N, “Optimalisasi penerapan Security Patrol guna menghindari terjadinya pencurian material di atas kapal MT. Pungut/P.1022”, skripsi Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I : Capt. Agus Hadi Purwantomo, M.Mar, Pembimbing II : Nita Setiyaningsih, S.Pd, M.Hum The researcher choosing "Optimization of Security Patrol Implementation in order to Avoid Material Theft on the MT. Pungut / P.1022” as the topic of the research because due to the author’s sea training there has been theft of material on board, that is the loss of the rope tross in the bow of the ship. Therefore, the researcher wants to research about the implementation of Security Patrol and find a solution to avoid theft of material on board and events that can threat the safety of the ship and its contents. The structure of the problems are 1.) Why the implementation of Security Patrol need to be optimized on board. 2.) How to optimize the implementation of Security Patrol on board. This thesis research is based on the understanding of Security Patrol, the importance of optimization in its application to avoid events that could threat the safety of the ship and its contents, and awareness of the crew in implementing it. The research method that is use in writing this thesis is descriptive qualitative method. Sources of data from this study came from observations during the author’s sea training in September 2015 to October 2016, the author analyzes into a finding that result in the solution of the problem and become a research paper that is useful for readers. The results are: 1.) Security Patrol should be optimize to prevent a theft on board of MT. Pungut / P.1022. 2.) Optimizing the implementation of Security Patrol on board with improving security during duty on deck.. The author's suggestion for all crew of the ship is to improve the understanding of the importance of applying Security Patrol on board and more vigilant in carrying out the duty office by recognizing the Ship Security Level on board for a safe environment and avoid events that may endanger the ship and its contents. Keywords: Implementation, Security Patrol, theft, materia
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