22 research outputs found
Efeito da complexidade estrutural do ambiente sobre a comunidade de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) no município de Resende, RJ, Brasil
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of habitat complexity on the ant fauna, in Resende, state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Ants were collected with sardine baits in September 2003, in four environments: pasture, commercial reforestation (Eucalyptus monoculture), ecological reforestation (with native tree species), and forest fragment. Were collected 16 genera and 47 species. The species richness was highest in the ecological reforestation (24 species), followed by the forest fragment (20 species), the commercial reforestation (17 species), and the pasture (13 species). Twelve species were recorded only in the forest fragment, nine only in the ecological reforestation, six only in the commercial reforestation, and three only in the pasture. The ant fauna was more similar between the forest fragment and the ecological reforestation, and between the pasture and the commercial reforestation. Results suggest that environmental complexity influences the ant fauna. They also show the potential of ants as bioindicators and the importance of forest remnants and ecological reforestation for the conservation of ant species.O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da complexidade estrutural do ambiente sobre a fauna de formigas, no município de Resende-RJ. A coleta da mirmecofauna foi realizada com iscas de sardinha no mês de setembro de 2003 em quatro ambientes: pastagem, reflorestamento comercial (cultivo de eucalipto), reflorestamento ecológico (reflorestamento com espécies arbóreas nativas) e fragmento florestal. Foram obtidos 16 gêneros e 47 espécies no total. A riqueza de espécies foi maior no reflorestamento ecológico (24 espécies), seguido do fragmento florestal (20 espécies), do reflorestamento comercial (17 espécies) e da pastagem (13 espécies). Doze espécies foram registradas somente no fragmento florestal, nove no reflorestamento ecológico, seis no reflorestamento comercial e três na pastagem. A similaridade faunística foi maior entre o fragmento florestal e o reflorestamento ecológico e entre a pastagem e o reflorestamento comercial. Os resultados evidenciam a influência da complexidade estrutural dos ambientes sobre a mirmecofauna. Também corroboram o potencial das comunidades de formigas como bioindicadores e demonstram a importância dos remanescentes florestais e dos reflorestamentos com espécies nativas para a conservação das espécies de formigas
Influência da heterogeneidade da serapilheira sobre as formigas que nidificam em galhos mortos em floresta nativa e plantio de eucalipto
This study investigated the twig-nesting ants of native forest and eucalyptus plantations in southeast of Brazil. The diversity of twig-nesting ants was greater on native forest than on eucalyptus plantations. Native forest had a greater diversity of twig types, mainly of those used by ants. Overall ant richness was 12 species in native forest and 4 species in eucalyptus plantations. The characteristics of litter and microclimatic conditions may be responsible for the different ant fauna found on both vegetation types. Key words: Atlantic Forest, Eucalyptus citriodora, diversidade, Formicidae.Este estudo investigou a fauna de formigas que nidifica em pequenos galhos da serapilheira em floresta nativa e em plantio de eucaliptos em área de Mata Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil. A densidade de galhos colonizados e a riqueza de espécies de formigas foram maiores em floresta nativa do que no eucaliptal, possivelmente porque a diversidade de galhos na serapilheira da floresta nativa foi maior, havendo uma maior abundância dos tipos mais usados pelas formigas. A riqueza total de formigas encontrada na mata nativa foi de 12 espécies, enquanto que apenas quatro espécies foram encontradas em plantio de eucaliptos. As características da serapilheira em conjunto com condições microclimáticas diferenciadas podem ser responsáveis pelo padrão de uso de galhos por formigas observado na área de estudo. Palavras-chave: Floresta Atlântica, Eucalyptus citriodora, diversidade, Formicidae
Fauna de formigas como ferramenta para monitoramento de área de mineração reabilitada na Ilha da Madeira, Itaguaí, RJ.
Ant species richness and diversity may be increased in more complex habitats because they provide more niches and diverse ways of exploiting the environmental resources. Because of the connection between the organisms and habitat characteristics, ants have been used as tools for environmental monitoring of disturbed areas. In this study the structure of the ant community was investigated in plots with different management strategies for the rehabilitation of a mined area at Ilha da Madeira, Itaguaí, RJ, Brazil. A different and richer ant fauna was found in plots with more native tree species than in plots with a low number of tree species or without conservationist management.A riqueza e diversidade de espécies de formigas podem ser maiores em ambientes de complexidade mais elevada devido a uma maior disponibilidade de nichos presentes. Em razão da conexão entre os organismos e as características dos habitats, as formigas têm sido utilizadas como ferramentas no monitoramento ambiental de áreas perturbadas. Neste estudo, foi investigada a estrutura da comunidade de formigas em parcelas utilizadas para reabilitação de uma área de mineração na Ilha da Madeira, Itaguaí, RJ. Encontrou-se uma fauna diferenciada de formigas e maior riqueza de espécies em parcelas nas quais foi utilizado um maior número de espécies arbóreas nativas do que em parcelas com poucas espécies arbóreas ou sem nenhuma intervenção conservacionista
Influência da heterogeneidade da serapilheira sobre as formigas que nidificam em galhos mortos em floresta nativa e plantio de eucalipto
This study investigated the twig-nesting ants of native forest and eucalyptus plantations in southeast of Brazil. The diversity of twig-nesting ants was greater on native forest than on eucalyptus plantations. Native forest had a greater diversity of twig types, mainly of those used by ants. Overall ant richness was 12 species in native forest and 4 species in eucalyptus plantations. The characteristics of litter and microclimatic conditions may be responsible for the different ant fauna found on both vegetation types. Key words: Atlantic Forest, Eucalyptus citriodora, diversidade, Formicidae.Este estudo investigou a fauna de formigas que nidifica em pequenos galhos da serapilheira em floresta nativa e em plantio de eucaliptos em área de Mata Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil. A densidade de galhos colonizados e a riqueza de espécies de formigas foram maiores em floresta nativa do que no eucaliptal, possivelmente porque a diversidade de galhos na serapilheira da floresta nativa foi maior, havendo uma maior abundância dos tipos mais usados pelas formigas. A riqueza total de formigas encontrada na mata nativa foi de 12 espécies, enquanto que apenas quatro espécies foram encontradas em plantio de eucaliptos. As características da serapilheira em conjunto com condições microclimáticas diferenciadas podem ser responsáveis pelo padrão de uso de galhos por formigas observado na área de estudo. Palavras-chave: Floresta Atlântica, Eucalyptus citriodora, diversidade, Formicidae
Seasonal Analysis of Taxonomic and Functional Diversity of Poneromorph Ant Assemblages in the Amazon Forest
The present study aimed at assessing the effects of climate seasonality on poneromorph ants in the Brazilian Amazon, by studying variations in composition, richness, and taxonomic and functional diversity. The study was carried out in the Tapirapé-Aquiri National Forest, southeastern Pará State. We collected poneromorph ants in three areas of native forest with pitfall traps and sardine baits on the ground and vegetation, in two dry and rainy seasons. We collected 46 species of poneromorph ants, which belong to two subfamilies and eleven genera. The species composition, richness and taxonomic diversity did not vary significantly between seasons. There was no significant difference in the frequency of species of functional groups between dry and rainy seasons. There was no significant difference in the average richness and average diversity of functional groups between the dry and rainy seasons. In our study we found no seasonal differences in composition, taxonomic and functional richness and diversity of poneromorph ants in the Amazon, which is useful for future studies that aim at using those ants as bioindicators. In addition, the identification of the species made in the present study has special relevance as it contributes to advance the knowledge of poneromorph ant diversity in the Amazon
Camponotus atriceps
Camponotus atriceps (Smith, 1858) Materials examined. BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: along highway BR-040 • 4 workers, Station 4 (22°13′20″S, 043°07′38″W), C. Bueno coll., 11-II-2012 (CEIOC 72734, 72735, 72736, 72737). • 3 workers, Station 8 (21°57′05″S, 043°18′04″W), C. Bueno coll., 02-XI-2014 (CEIOC 72738, 72739, 72740). Identification. Camponotus atriceps (Fig. 2A, B) was identified through a combination of characters described by Hashmi (1973) and Longino (2002). Body thickly covered by hairs, from head to gaster; in mesosoma, indistinctly marked, without defined lateral and dorsal regions; head sub-square, with occipital region presenting higher density of hairs; clypeus with a well-developed longitudinal median carina; antennal scapes fully covered with hairs; gaster usually with more hairs in dorsal view. There is a great variation in coloration, including bicolored with head dark brown and body yellow, or body entirely dark brown or entirely yellow.Published as part of Silva, Márcio Morais, Esbérard, Carlos Eduardo Lustosa, Mayhé-Nunes, Antônio José & Bueno, Cecília, 2019, Ants in the diet of Collared Anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pilosa, Myrmecophagidae), in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 1145-1151 in Check List 15 (6) on page 1147, DOI: 10.15560/15.6.114
Ants in the diet of Collared Anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pilosa, Myrmecophagidae), in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Collared Anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758), is a small mammal predator of ants. There are few studies describing which species are in fact consumed by them. This study was aimed to investigate the diversity and abundance of local species of ants preyed by the T. tetradactyla. Eight samples of stomach contents collected in the period from 2009 to 2014 were analyzed and identified at the lowest possible taxonomic level. We found 5,906 ants distributed in 16 species. The most abundant samples were number 2 and 4 with almost 2,000 individuals and the highest richness and abundance was Myrmicinae subfamily with eight species and 3,721 individuals. The ant richness found in this research demonstrates that the anteaters are generalists and opportunistic about their diet, not having a preference for a particular species, but rather for those insects that are available in their habitat
Ants in the diet of Collared Anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pilosa, Myrmecophagidae), in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Collared Anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758), is a small mammal predator of ants. There are few studies describing which species are in fact consumed by them. This study was aimed to investigate the diversity and abundance of local species of ants preyed by the T. tetradactyla. Eight samples of stomach contents collected in the period from 2009 to 2014 were analyzed and identified at the lowest possible taxonomic level. We found 5,906 ants distributed in 16 species. The most abundant samples were number 2 and 4 with almost 2,000 individuals and the highest richness and abundance was Myrmicinae subfamily with eight species and 3,721 individuals. The ant richness found in this research demonstrates that the anteaters are generalists and opportunistic about their diet, not having a preference for a particular species, but rather for those insects that are available in their habitat