30 research outputs found

    An update on the mosquito species composition and diversity in western and North Western Uganda

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    Although the west and north western parts of Uganda are historically known homes to a number of mosquito species and arboviruses associated with morbidity and mortality, early studies were highly focal and limited to specific collection methods. We aimed to update mosquito species composition in areas where a febrile illness study had shown evidence of arboviruses circulating. Adult mosquito sampling was done outside and inside houses using light traps baited with solid carbon dioxide and pyrethrum spray respectively. All collected mosquitoes were identified using appropriate morphological identification keys. A total of 22,455 mosquitoes from 89 species, 22 sub species and 11 genera were collected from Arua and Kasese districts. Overall abundance was found to be higher in Kasese (n=13446, 59.9%) than Arua district (n = 9009, 40.1%), though no significant differences were observed across villages in Arua and Kasese districts (Kruskal Wallis, X2 = 2, df = 3, p>0.05). Collection numbers were highest for genus Coquillettidia (n = 7942, 35.4%), followed by Culex (n = 7642, 34.03%), Mansonia (n = 3414, 15.2%), Anopheles (n = 1970, 8.8%) and Aedes (n = 1349, 6.01%). Other species were across 6 genera Eretmopodites (n = 59, 0.26%), Uranoteania (n = 36, 0.16%), Lutzia (n = 26, 0.12%), Mimomyia (n = 13, 0.06%), Aediomyia (n = 3, 0.01%) and Toxorhynchites (n = 1, 0.004%) appeared low in both districts. Species richness was comparatively higher in Kasese than Arua district, however across villages, it was evenly distributed with no significant differences observed, and species diversity was significantly higher in Arua than Kasese (Mann Whitney U test, p<0.05). A number of species identified here have been implied in arbovirus transmission. Moreover, we show the first description of Culex (Culex) litwakae Harbach mosquito in Uganda, a species previously described in the coastal regions of Kenya. The existence of a mosquito species previously not documented in Uganda suggests a likelihood of many invasive species whose potential to transmit viruses to humans and animals remains largely unknown

    Analysis of host responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in a multi-site study of subjects with different TB and HIV infection states in sub-Saharan Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a global health threat with 9 million new cases and 1.4 million deaths per year. In order to develop a protective vaccine, we need to define the antigens expressed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), which are relevant to protective immunity in high-endemic areas. METHODS: We analysed responses to 23 Mtb antigens in a total of 1247 subjects with different HIV and TB status across 5 geographically diverse sites in Africa (South Africa, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda). We used a 7-day whole blood assay followed by IFN-Îł ELISA on the supernatants. Antigens included PPD, ESAT-6 and Ag85B (dominant antigens) together with novel resuscitation-promoting factors (rpf), reactivation proteins, latency (Mtb DosR regulon-encoded) antigens, starvation-induced antigens and secreted antigens. RESULTS: There was variation between sites in responses to the antigens, presumably due to underlying genetic and environmental differences. When results from all sites were combined, HIV- subjects with active TB showed significantly lower responses compared to both TST(-) and TST(+) contacts to latency antigens (Rv0569, Rv1733, Rv1735, Rv1737) and the rpf Rv0867; whilst responses to ESAT-6/CFP-10 fusion protein (EC), PPD, Rv2029, TB10.3, and TB10.4 were significantly higher in TST(+) contacts (LTBI) compared to TB and TST(-) contacts fewer differences were seen in subjects with HIV co-infection, with responses to the mitogen PHA significantly lower in subjects with active TB compared to those with LTBI and no difference with any antigen. CONCLUSIONS: Our multi-site study design for testing novel Mtb antigens revealed promising antigens for future vaccine development. The IFN-Îł ELISA is a cheap and useful tool for screening potential antigenicity in subjects with different ethnic backgrounds and across a spectrum of TB and HIV infection states. Analysis of cytokines other than IFN-Îł is currently on-going to determine correlates of protection, which may be useful for vaccine efficacy trials

    Evaluation of cytokine responses against novel Mtb antigens as diagnostic markers for TB disease.

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    OBJECTIVE: We investigated the accuracy of host markers detected in Mtb antigen-stimulated whole blood culture supernatant in the diagnosis of TB. METHODS: Prospectively, blood from 322 individuals with presumed TB disease from six African sites was stimulated with four different Mtb antigens (Rv0081, Rv1284, ESAT-6/CFP-10, and Rv2034) in a 24 h whole blood stimulation assay (WBA). The concentrations of 42 host markers in the supernatants were measured using the Luminex multiplex platform. Diagnostic biosignatures were investigated through the use of multivariate analysis techniques. RESULTS: 17% of the participants were HIV infected, 106 had active TB disease and in 216 TB was excluded. Unstimulated concentrations of CRP, SAA, ferritin and IP-10 had better discriminating ability than markers from stimulated samples. Accuracy of marker combinations by general discriminant analysis (GDA) identified a six analyte model with 77% accuracy for TB cases and 84% for non TB cases, with a better performance in HIV uninfected patients. CONCLUSIONS: A biosignature of 6 cytokines obtained after stimulation with four Mtb antigens has moderate potential as a diagnostic tool for pulmonary TB disease individuals and stimulated marker expression had no added value to unstimulated marker performance

    Enhanced Zika virus susceptibility of globally invasive Aedes aegypti populations

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    The drivers and patterns of zoonotic virus emergence in the human population are poorly understood. The mosquito Aedes aegypti is a major arbovirus vector native to Africa that invaded most of the world’s tropical belt over the past four centuries, after the evolution of a “domestic” form that specialized in biting humans and breeding in water storage containers. Here, we show that human specialization and subsequent spread of A. aegypti out of Africa were accompanied by an increase in its intrinsic ability to acquire and transmit the emerging human pathogen Zika virus. Thus, the recent evolution and global expansion of A. aegypti promoted arbovirus emergence not solely through increased vector–host contact but also as a result of enhanced vector susceptibility

    An update on the mosquito species composition and diversity in western and North Western Uganda

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    Although the west and north western parts of Uganda are historically known homes to a number of mosquito species and arboviruses associated with morbidity and mortality, early studies were highly focal and limited to specific collection methods. We aimed to update mosquito species composition in areas where a febrile illness study had shown evidence of arboviruses circulating. Adult mosquito sampling was done outside and inside houses using light traps baited with solid carbon dioxide and pyrethrum spray respectively. All collected mosquitoes were identified using appropriate morphological identification keys. A total of 22,455 mosquitoes from 89 species, 22 sub species and 11 genera were collected from Arua and Kasese districts. Overall abundance was found to be higher in Kasese (n=13446, 59.9%) than Arua district (n = 9009, 40.1%), though no significant differences were observed across villages in Arua and Kasese districts (Kruskal Wallis, X2 = 2, df = 3, p>0.05). Collection numbers were highest for genus Coquillettidia (n = 7942, 35.4%), followed by Culex (n = 7642, 34.03%), Mansonia (n = 3414, 15.2%), Anopheles (n = 1970, 8.8%) and Aedes (n = 1349, 6.01%). Other species were across 6 genera Eretmopodites (n = 59, 0.26%), Uranoteania (n = 36, 0.16%), Lutzia (n = 26, 0.12%), Mimomyia (n = 13, 0.06%), Aediomyia (n = 3, 0.01%) and Toxorhynchites (n = 1, 0.004%) appeared low in both districts. Species richness was comparatively higher in Kasese than Arua district, however across villages, it was evenly distributed with no significant differences observed, and species diversity was significantly higher in Arua than Kasese (Mann Whitney U test, p<0.05). A number of species identified here have been implied in arbovirus transmission. Moreover, we show the first description of Culex (Culex) litwakae Harbach mosquito in Uganda, a species previously described in the coastal regions of Kenya. The existence of a mosquito species previously not documented in Uganda suggests a likelihood of many invasive species whose potential to transmit viruses to humans and animals remains largely unknown

    Mosquito-borne arboviruses in Uganda: history, transmission and burden

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    The article ‘Mosquito-borne arboviruses in Uganda: history, transmission and burden’ which was published in Journal of General Virology in June 2021 has been retracted. This retraction has been issued due to fundamental errors identified by the authors that affected the readability of the published version of the article. A corrected version of the article has been published. The corresponding author agrees to this retraction and apologises for any inconvenience. © 2021 The Author

    Diverse laboratory colonies of Aedes aegypti harbor the same adult midgut bacterial microbiome

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    Abstract Background Host-associated microbes, collectively known as the microbiota, play an important role in the biology of multicellular organisms. In mosquito vectors of human pathogens, the gut bacterial microbiota influences vectorial capacity and has become the subject of intense study. In laboratory studies of vector biology, genetic effects are often inferred from differences between geographically and genetically diverse colonies of mosquitoes that are reared in the same insectary. It is unclear, however, to what extent genetic effects can be confounded by uncontrolled differences in the microbiota composition among mosquito colonies. To address this question, we used 16S metagenomics to compare the midgut bacterial microbiome of six laboratory colonies of Aedes aegypti recently derived from wild populations representing the geographical range and genetic diversity of the species. Results We found that the diversity, abundance, and community structure of the midgut bacterial microbiome was remarkably similar among the six different colonies of Ae. aegypti, regardless of their geographical origin. We also confirmed the relatively low complexity of bacterial communities inhabiting the mosquito midgut. Conclusions Our finding that geographically diverse colonies of Ae. aegypti reared in the same insectary harbor a similar gut bacterial microbiome supports the conclusion that the gut microbiota of adult mosquitoes is environmentally determined regardless of the host genotype. Thus, uncontrolled differences in microbiota composition are unlikely to represent a significant confounding factor in genetic studies of vector biology

    Worldwide survey reveals lower susceptibility of African Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to diverse strains of Zika virus

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    Abstract Zika virus (ZIKV) is a flavivirus mainly transmitted to humans through the bite of infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. First isolated in Uganda in 1947, ZIKV was shown to circulate in enzootic sylvatic cycles in Africa and Asia for at least half a century before the first reported human epidemic occurred in 2007 on the Pacific island of Yap, Micronesia. Subsequently, larger ZIKV outbreaks were recorded in French Polynesia and other South Pacific islands during 2013-2014. In 2015, ZIKV reached Brazil from where it rapidly spread across the Americas and the Caribbean, causing hundreds of thousands of human cases. The factors that have fueled the explosiveness and magnitude of ZIKV emergence in the Pacific and the Americas are poorly understood. Reciprocally, the lack of major human epidemics of ZIKV in regions with seemingly favorable conditions, such as Africa or Asia, remains largely unexplained. To evaluate the potential contribution of vector population diversity to ZIKV epidemiological patterns, we established dose-response curves for eight field-derived Ae. aegypti populations representing the global range of the species, following experimental exposure to six low-passage ZIKV strains spanning the current viral genetic diversity. Our results reveal that African Ae. aegypti are significantly less susceptible than non-African Ae. aegypti across all ZIKV strains tested. We suggest that low susceptibility of vector populations may have contributed to prevent large-scale human transmission of ZIKV in Africa

    Analysis of host responses to secreted, latent and reactivation Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in a multi-site study of subjects with different TB and HIV infection states in sub-Saharan Africa

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    CITATION: Sutherland, J. S. et al. 2013. Analysis of host responses to secreted, latent and reactivation Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in a multi-site study of subjects with different TB and HIV infection states in sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS ONE, 8(9): e74080, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074080.The original publication is available at http://journals.plos.org/plosoneBackground: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a global health threat with 9 million new cases and 1.4 million deaths per year. In order to develop a protective vaccine, we need to define the antigens expressed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), which are relevant to protective immunity in high-endemic areas. Methods: We analysed responses to 23 Mtb antigens in a total of 1247 subjects with different HIV and TB status across 5 geographically diverse sites in Africa (South Africa, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda). We used a 7-day whole blood assay followed by IFN-Îł ELISA on the supernatants. Antigens included PPD, ESAT-6 and Ag85B (dominant antigens) together with novel resuscitation-promoting factors (rpf), reactivation proteins, latency (Mtb DosR regulon-encoded) antigens, starvation-induced antigens and secreted antigens. Results: There was variation between sites in responses to the antigens, presumably due to underlying genetic and environmental differences. When results from all sites were combined, HIV- subjects with active TB showed significantly lower responses compared to both TST- and TST+ contacts to latency antigens (Rv0569, Rv1733, Rv1735, Rv1737) and the rpf Rv0867; whilst responses to ESAT-6/CFP-10 fusion protein (EC), PPD, Rv2029, TB10.3, and TB10.4 were significantly higher in TST+ contacts (LTBI) compared to TB and TST- contacts fewer differences were seen in subjects with HIV co-infection, with responses to the mitogen PHA significantly lower in subjects with active TB compared to those with LTBI and no difference with any antigen. Conclusions: Our multi-site study design for testing novel Mtb antigens revealed promising antigens for future vaccine development. The IFN-Îł ELISA is a cheap and useful tool for screening potential antigenicity in subjects with different ethnic backgrounds and across a spectrum of TB and HIV infection states. Analysis of cytokines other than IFN-Îł is currently on-going to determine correlates of protection, which may be useful for vaccine efficacy trials.http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0074080Publisher's versio