An update on the mosquito species composition and diversity in western and North Western Uganda


Although the west and north western parts of Uganda are historically known homes to a number of mosquito species and arboviruses associated with morbidity and mortality, early studies were highly focal and limited to specific collection methods. We aimed to update mosquito species composition in areas where a febrile illness study had shown evidence of arboviruses circulating. Adult mosquito sampling was done outside and inside houses using light traps baited with solid carbon dioxide and pyrethrum spray respectively. All collected mosquitoes were identified using appropriate morphological identification keys. A total of 22,455 mosquitoes from 89 species, 22 sub species and 11 genera were collected from Arua and Kasese districts. Overall abundance was found to be higher in Kasese (n=13446, 59.9%) than Arua district (n = 9009, 40.1%), though no significant differences were observed across villages in Arua and Kasese districts (Kruskal Wallis, X2 = 2, df = 3, p>0.05). Collection numbers were highest for genus Coquillettidia (n = 7942, 35.4%), followed by Culex (n = 7642, 34.03%), Mansonia (n = 3414, 15.2%), Anopheles (n = 1970, 8.8%) and Aedes (n = 1349, 6.01%). Other species were across 6 genera Eretmopodites (n = 59, 0.26%), Uranoteania (n = 36, 0.16%), Lutzia (n = 26, 0.12%), Mimomyia (n = 13, 0.06%), Aediomyia (n = 3, 0.01%) and Toxorhynchites (n = 1, 0.004%) appeared low in both districts. Species richness was comparatively higher in Kasese than Arua district, however across villages, it was evenly distributed with no significant differences observed, and species diversity was significantly higher in Arua than Kasese (Mann Whitney U test, p<0.05). A number of species identified here have been implied in arbovirus transmission. Moreover, we show the first description of Culex (Culex) litwakae Harbach mosquito in Uganda, a species previously described in the coastal regions of Kenya. The existence of a mosquito species previously not documented in Uganda suggests a likelihood of many invasive species whose potential to transmit viruses to humans and animals remains largely unknown

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